Roland Gusev - biography, news, photos, personal life, football player, CSKA coach, midfielder, "Instagram" 2021



Shining in the early 2000s as part of CSKA, Rolan Gusev accepted the wrong decision on the continuation of the career in Ukraine, about which, according to his own words, strongly regretted. After completing the career, the football player disappeared for a long time, but in 2019 he returned from Europe to Russia to now open a new coaching chapter for himself.

Childhood and youth

Roland Alexandrovich Gusev was born in the capital of Turkmenistan Ashgabat on September 17, 1977. The nationality of the football player is mixed, but the boy rose without his father and on the passport is recorded, like a mother, Russian. Alla Alexandrovna worked as a teacher at the Institute.

The sister of Rolan Elina became the world champion and the winner of the Olympic Games on the handball. Roland's name was in honor of the actor of Rolan Bykov, and the nickname of the athlete was a goose, although the army fans were still the name of the footballer Pegasus - in honor of the team symbol.

In his youth, Roland was a restless child, went 7.5 months, and played football with senior guys at 5 years old. At school once jumped out of the first floor window and went for lunch. However, all the pants of the teacher's boy closed their eyes - he sang well and performed at school events.

The Roland family moved to Moscow, when the boy was 9 years old, and since then he never returned to Turkmenistan.


In the capital of Russia, Gusev entered Dynamo football school, in 1987-1994 he played for a youth team. Debutoving in 1996, by the 1999, the football player became the player of the foundation. Total for the White Blue Roland held 127 games, scoring 22 goals.

From 1998 to 1999, Gusev played 10 matches for the Russian Olympic team, becoming 5 goals by the author. For the main team, the athlete debuted on May 31, 2000 in a friendly fight with the national team of Slovakia.

Waying to the team all games in the qualifying tournament for the 2002 World Cup, the Roland tournament itself did not hit. The footballer expressed the view that the coach Oleg Romantsev jealously reacted to the fact that the midfielder did not want to continue his career in Spartak, but preferred competitors.

In 2002, following the coach, Valery Gazzayev Gusev moved to CSKA. In the debut season with the Roland team, despite the fact that he played on the position of midfielder, scored 15 goals and became the best scorer of the championship.

In 2003, according to the "Sport-Express" rating, Gusev was recognized as the best football player of the country, and in his role the best became 4 years in a row, from 2002 to 2005. In 2002, Rolan won the Silver Horseshosh sports premium, and in 2003 she had "overdoned" her to "golden". In 2006, Gusev was awarded the Order "Friendship".

With red-blue, the footballer achieved the greatest success in the biography: three times became the champion of Russia (2003, 2005 and 2006), won 3 of the Russian Cup (2002, 2005 and 2006), 2 Super Cup (2004, 2006th) and the first European trophy - UEFA Cup 2005. Total for CSKA Gusev held 143 games, scoring 33 goals.

In the selection of the European Championship of 2004, Rolan Gusev was remembered by Pas Vadim Evseev, who helped Russia to defeat Wales. In Portugal, Gusev appeared on the field in two games. After 2005, it was not called to the team midfielder, having completed performances in it with 31 matches and 1 goal scored in 2003 in a fight with Romania.

In 2007, Rolan Gusev, together with the football players, Dmitry Boykin and Ruslan Nigmatullin starred in the video of Alexei Vorobyeva "Russians scored."

By 2008, the footballer lost a place in the main composition of the army, Gazzaev considered Gusev "spent material". Interest in the midfielder showed Ukrainian Dnipro. Having entered into a 3-year contract, Gusev in Dnepropetrovsk held only 14 matches and did not scored a single goal, after which he went for rent in the Kiev "Arsenal", with a salary of $ 80 thousand. Becoming the highest paid football player.

After recovering from the injuries received in 2009, the athlete returned to the field and in the winter of 2010 signed a new one-year contract with the capital club. For Arsenal, the midfielder played 48 games, scoring 3 goals.

After graduating from the 2011 season, the club management decided not to extend the contract with the Gusev, who, not finding a new team, put a point in a football player's career. After that, the athlete graduated from the highest school of coaches, received a coaching license category A.

For several years, Roland Gusev with his family spent in Spain, where His sister Elina lived. In an interview with the Russian press, a former footballer emphasized that he was ready to come to Russia and consider options from any clubs.

In 2019, Rolan Gusev began a coach career, helping to work with the youth composition of the army. In January 2020, the athlete was appointed head coach of Youth CSKA 2007 born.

Personal life

Rolan Gusev is married twice, brings up five children: Anfisa (born on January 28, 1999), Sons of Milan (born in 2003), Stephen (2015) and Adrian (2017), as well as daughter Arina (2019 G. P).

On October 28, 1997, the Footballer met the future first wife inna Guseva. The meeting took place on the Escalator of the Business Center "Gallery Actor", and it was love at first glance. The spouse assumed responsibility for the family, and she had to forget about plans associated with entering the architectural institute.

The favorite of the football player became the eldest daughter of Anfis, who in his childhood was very similar to the Father, who dreamed about the girl. But during the move to Ukraine, the daughter was left under the supervision of the grandmother, the girl was engaged in vocals and could not miss classes.

After the divorce of the second wife athlete, Irina Tether became (born February 27, 1983). In this marriage, Rolan appeared three children. With his wife, Gusev met in Kiev, where in 2005 Irina graduated from the Geographical Faculty of KNU T. G. Shevchenko.

In 2007, Roland and singer Larisa Dolina performed the godfather's daughter of the football player Evgenia Aldonin and the singer of Julia's Singer, Vera Aldonina in 2019.

Rolan Gusev regularly shares the personnel of his personal life in his account in "Instagram". Often the photo "Goose", as an affordable in the family, is called the children athlete, and in the profile of his wife Irina appear.

Rolan Gusev now

In August 2020, the athlete visited the Yutiub-Channel "Comment. Shaw, "where he told about life in Spain and remembered the bikes from CSKA 2000s. In December, he became a guest of the official talk show of the Russian national team "Our Guys".

In November 2020, Rolan Gusev left the structure of the Football Club CSKA and was appointed mentor of the Junior team of Russia to 14 years. In February 2021, the Gusev team started with comrade games with national teams of Northern Macedonia and Turkey.


  • 1997, 2007 - Bronze medalist of the championship of Russia
  • 2002, 2004 - Silver winner of the Russian Championship
  • 2002 - Best Bombarder Premier League (15 goals)
  • 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008 - Winner of the Russian Cup
  • 2002-2005 - the best right midfielder according to Sport-Express
  • 2003 - the best football player of Russia according to Sport-Express
  • 2003, 2005, 2006 - Champion of Russia
  • 2004, 2006 - Winner of the Super Cup of Russia
  • 2005 - Winner of the UEFA Cup

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