Sofia Yat - biography, personal life, photo, news, songs, "voice. Children », Parents, Nationality 2021



After a saturated children's model career, young Sophia Yad opened a new page of his biography - vocals. The singer was already the winner of a number of regional competitions, but the first serious challenge was to participate in the 8th season of the Music Show of the First Channel Channel. Children".


Sofia Ivanovna Yat was born on August 27, 2007 in Moscow and rose in the Ramenskoye town near Moscow.

Fed - real last name Girls. Sophia has long shy her before it understood that in fact, with a unique last name, she was lucky: she meets from Ukrainians by nationality and comes from male phones (fann) or nifion, formed from folk forms without special design.

Parents of Sofia divorced, raises daughter Mother Vasilina Reshetnyak, managing Moscow restaurant "Andiamo". The singer has an older sister of Polina Minina (born on May 14, 2000) and four cousins ​​and sisters.

To walk and speak Sofia began at 9 months, I knew the letters in 3 years, began to read the letters. At 4, Sofia noted Lara Kuchens, director of the Agency PK Management, and from this the career of the girl in the model sphere began. Peak in demand came at age 5-6 years, shooting took place every day, had to observe the strictest schedule.

In 2011, Fed starred for Puledro clothing catalog and even worked for a week in Turkey's capital Istanbul. In the same year, Sofia first appeared on calendar covers, in the photo in glossy magazines and received the first experience of shooting video advertising. True, only one moment entered the video, where the girls take the jar of jam.

In 5 years, Fed entered the short list "The most beautiful children of the world" according to the portal Gofunnykids. In 2012, the model first made a podium by taking part in the shows of the Milan Fashion Week in Italy and "Defile on the Neva". In addition to photo shoots for catalogs of clothing and magazines, Sofia participated in the video tutorials of gymnastics for children, and also received the first experience of filming for the TV series "Care".

He also worked in voice acting with cartoons, advertising and social rollers. Activity in the model business continued until the middle of the first class, but then it was necessary to abandon many proposals in favor of study.

Sing screensaped already at 10 months: when the song was sounded on the radio, the song Vitas "Opera # 2", the girl was missing the melody exactly through notes. At the age of 6, Sofia entered the theater of the song at the Ramensky Center for Creativity for Children and Youth, where the teacher Nadezhda Ignatiev saw in it vocalist's deposits.

At the age of 7, Sofia wrote his first "song about the clock", but so far the arrangement was made for her, the girl had already grown, and did not record the composition. The first prize of the Grand Prix of the Music Competition, the young singer won in 8 years. Sofia recognized that he was much worried about the outlet on the stage, but to act for her - happiness.

In 2017, the "Little Blues" of Fed became the owner of the 1st place at the 5th Music Music Festival, and in April 2018, Sofia made a live orchestra "Phonograph" on the evening of memory of Andrei Voznesensky.

In November with the song "Voice", Yulia Proskuryakova Zada ​​won the first place in the fifth vocal competition "Golubok", where Irina Sargin was the mentor of the singer. In 2016, Sofia has already been part of the participants in this project, where he performed in the Rostova Polina team. The main prize was a three-week ticket to the Artek camp, where, according to Sofia, she spent some of the most important days of life. Also in 2018, Fed became the winner of the 3rd Festival Jazzart, where he performed the "prayer of the old monk."

Since 2019, Fed has also become taken in musicals. The singer came to the casting "Scarlet sails" the singer accidentally, but was selected for the main role of the associate. According to Sofia, it is a favorite role that she stays on stage every time. The music of Maxim Dunaevsky sounds in the musical, and the partners of the young actress were performers as Sergey Lee, Alexander Kazmin and Georgy Koldun.

Yat performed the capital role in the musical Evgeny Kryolov "Red Cap & Gray Wolf" troupe "Music Heart of the theater", from 2020 also plays in the formulation of Mkhata named after M. Gorky "War through the eyes of children".

"Voice. Children"

From the moment Sofia began to sing, her dream was to participate in the TV show "Voice. Children". In 2020, after two unsuccessful attempts, the singer passed the casting and was already waiting for a special room, from where the participants call on the blind audition. But the places in the teams ended exactly for 1 participant before the phantas. Sofia was preparing to a new casting Sofia with the teacher Ingin Hitarar and performed the song "Tell me, Birds."

The show returned to the ether of the first channel on February 12, 2021, Svetlana Loboda, Vasily Vaculenko (Basta) and Egor Creed, entered the jury. In the first issue of the 8th season, the 13-year-old Sofia Yat performed the song Whitney Houston Run To You ("Run to You"), which was sounded in the movie "Bodyguard" of 1992 and was nominated for the Oscar Prize. In the show "Voice", the song was performed 6 times, including in the climax of the 2nd season she sang Sabina Mustayev.

Previously, Fed said that he would like to get into the team Polina Gagarina or Basta. But turned to Sofia on the most recent seconds of Member of Eurovision - 2009 Svetlana Loboda. The mentor noted that the performer of the song Houston has a big soul and voice data, and still beautiful hair and eyes, and promised that they will prepare many serious songs on the project.

Sofia Fantry Now

Sofia is open, sincere, with a sense of humor and a wide range. The girl is always in the creative experiment, dances a lot, tries in different roles. The participating show "Voice. Children »Constantly raised mood, it's easy to negotiate with her, she likes what she is doing.

Pedagogues celebrate impeccable hearing, good vocal, acting and choreographic data of the young singer. Sofia is able to easily change, depending on the proposed images, feeling the style and clearly understanding the tasks set, which helps in the work model. The profession from the early childhood of Fed is responsible and hardworking.

In 2020, Sofia began publishing his poems, won several contests "Country Sing" and received the right to a duet with the American singer Cooper Philipp, won the karaoke competition "just becoming a star", took part in listening to the "Children's New Wave" and recorded many Caverits, including Rise Like a Phoenix "Eurovision - 2014" winner, Copy of Wurst.

Now the singer is studying on the fours and five, and also engaged in a music school. She has an active profile in the "Instagram" network, which, according to the rules of service, is leading Mother Vasilina.

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