Stanislav Kuj - Biography, Personal Life, Career, News, Rector of MIREA RTU 2021



Kuj Stanislav Alekseevich - Russian scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Since 2013, the rector of the MSEA RTU is one of the largest technical Russian universities, which occupies leadership positions in the preparation of highly qualified specialists for high-tech sectors of the economy (telecommunications, information and computer technology, automation, cybernetics, radio engineering and electronics, chemistry and biotechnology).

early years

Born on March 14, 1979 in Moscow, where he now lives. At the end of the school in 1996 he entered the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (Miigaik). Having received a diploma of an engineer in the specialty "Information Systems", continued his studies in graduate school and parallel worked in the Alma Mater engineer, and then the leading programmer.


In 2004 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. In 2004-2009, S.A. Kuj held senior posts in RosinformTechnology, Miigaik and the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation.

Since 2010, he led the Department in the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. In 2012-2013, he worked as director of the Department of Public Service, personnel and mobilization preparation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

In 2012, he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. He is a specialist in the field of automated government systems, multidisciplinary and multifunctional information systems, co-author of the concept of a sectocentric management of complex organizational and technical systems. Participates in Russian and international conferences, published in scientific journals (Hirsch index is 23).

Scientist Stanislav Kuj.

In June 2013, he became a rector of MRTU MEAR. During the 2013th and the next two years, MITHT MV MV was joined to university. Lomonosov, MGUPI, FSBI Russia IT and AP, VNIITE, IPC Minobroteki RF. It seriously stimulated the development of the university, which in 2018 was awarded the name of the mouth of Miera.

Today, the university has a megalaboretory (Samsung Electronics, Generium, Vicon, etc.), educational centers, student CB and the Academy of the world's leading companies (Microsoft, Cisco, EMC, VMware, Huawei, 1C-Bitrix, etc.).

The program "University - Basic Department is a basic enterprise", in which leading high-tech enterprises and the organization of the region are involved in whom, "Nicem them. N.F. Gamaley, and others.

Institute of Thin Chemical Technologies at the mouth of Mirea and FSBI "Nicem them. N.F. Gamaley "in 2019 organized the basic department of immunological chemistry, which he was headed by D.Yu. Logunov, the developer of the world's first vaccine from coronavirus "Satellite V". Here in 2020, a new test system for the diagnosis of COVID-19 based on IFA was developed at the Scientific and Educational Center for Biosynthesis, the allocation and purification of monoclonal antibodies.

To support university scientific groups in 2019 under the direction of S.A. Kuja started the Grant "University" and six grants were allocated, and in 2020 - nine.

Stanislav Kuj.

From 2019, a children's technopark of the mouth of Miera "Altair" operates for high school students, which since 2021 has the status of a federal innovation platform. At its base, "IT School Samsung" is open, joint projects of the university and Mail.Ru Group are being implemented.

In November 2020, at the University, with the participation of the Minister of Education and Science of Russia V.N. Falova and Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus I.V. Karpenko, the Cyberzon Cybezon Ciser Center is open.

In December 2020, Miera's mouthpiece became a platform for the Situation Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, where all information on the indicators in the field of education and science will be accumulated and analyzed. The ceremonial opening ceremony was visited by the Minister of Education and Science of Russia V.N. Falkov and the head of Rosstat P.V. Malkov.

Stanislav Kuj is confident that the development of research activities in the Russian Federation is possible only with the involvement of large-scale investments that must be interested. As a way to solve the problem, he offers in a letter to the Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov to provide for the legislation to the tax deduction for entrepreneurs who are ready to invest in domestic science.

Regularly speaking with initiatives concerning the improvement and development of education in the country, S.A. Kuj, in particular, proposes to take into account the experience of volunteering at all educational steps; Supports the proposal of the Institute for Progressive Education to allow the use of Matkapital to receive postgraduate education and to improve the qualifications of the mother.

Rector of Melsea RTO Stanislav Kuj

He sent a letter to the head of the FNS D. Egorov, in which he expressed the idea to compensate for taxes who pay minor entrepreneurs, providing them with the opportunity to use these funds from 18 years to pay for educational programs.

Also S.A. Kuj considers it necessary to legislation to introduce the concept of "industrial design" and create a recognizable national style of Promdizain. In a letter directed by D. Manturova to the Ministry of Industry, he proposes to increase the number of budget places on the relevant specialization in universities, to create a state support system that will help ensure the cooperation of secondary business and universities in the area of ​​Promdizain.

In addition, he appealed to the head of Rosturism Z. Doguzova with a proposal to develop a federal program "Educational tourism", which will help increase Russia's popularity abroad and attract students. The idea was supported by the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship Vladimir Gutetenov.

Answering the challenges of modernity, S.A. Budge promotes the idea of ​​tight cooperation of online schools and Russian technological universities. Currently, there is a problem of employment of graduates who received online education. This is confirmed by the joint research data of the MSEA MSEA and the Moscow branch of the "Business Russia", according to which the lion's share of small and medium-sized businesses does not trust such potential employees. Real University, which is behind the online platform, will help change the current situation. In addition, the work of educational online platforms should be applied to innovation-oriented education.

Personal life

Stanislav Kuj is married, raises two children.

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