Robert Kocharyan - biography, personal life, photo, news, ex-president of Armenia, Interview with Poznera 2021



Robert Kocharian is one of the few natives of the Soviet Union, who managed to pass the way from an ordinary fitting to the head of an independent state. He was elected head of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and twice - by the President of Armenia. Azerbaijan's native was criminalized due to overclocking mass protests. In the spring of 2021, after removing accusations, the politician declared the decision to engage in party activities and return to active work.

Childhood and youth

Robert Sedrakovich Kocharian biography began in August 1954. Future politician was born in the family of representatives of Armenian nationality, living in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in the city of Stepanakert.

The Father, whose name was Sedrak Sarkisovich, was a rather famous person. An agronomist scientist with a degree of candidate of agricultural sciences followed the development of the industry in the region, called the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region, combining the execution of these duties with the post of First Deputy Executive Committee for the Office of Autonomy and other Response Posts.

The mother Emma Arsenovna Ohanyan worked in the field of animal husbandry. In his youth, she graduated from a specialized university in Yerevan with a specialty veterinarian.

In an interview with journalists, Kocharyan said that his childhood was ordinary: she tried to receive good grades, helped his parents, spent time with friends. Robert graduated from secondary secondary school in the early 1970s.

According to the Council of the Senior, the young man became a student of the Moscow Energy Institute. Before the call to the ranks of the Soviet Army, he worked on a stepanakert electrical plant with a mechanic assembly workshop. After demobilization, the future politician entered Yerevan Polytech.

Career and politics

After receiving a red diploma in the specialty of electrical engineering, Kocharyan worked as an engineer at one of the Azerbaijani enterprises. He participated in the activities of Komsomol organizations until the mid-1980s.

Leadership skills that manifested at a young age were helped to take the post of head of the party cell. Over time, he became the leader of the movement, which struggled for the inclusion of Nagorno-Karabakh in the composition of the Republic of Armenia. The solution to this issue led to an interground conflict.

At the end of 1988, civil collisions began, Azerbaijanis massively leaving Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia, and Armenians - Azerbaijan. In the midst of hostilities that gave the development and prosperity of the region, political and economic problems was then engaged at the little-known Robert Kocharyan.

When, with the participation of peacekeepers from Russia and the Organization for Safety and Cooperation in Europe, the situation around Stepanakert became a stable, former locksmith elected the head of an unrecognized NKR. Having taken steps that answered the interests of the political leader of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan, a graduate of the Polytechnic University received the post of Prime Minister of the country.

In 1998, after the head of state resigned, Robert Sedrakovich began to fulfill the duties of the president. After official elections, he became a full chapter. In 2003, the term of execution of powers was extended to the next five-year period, and the descendant of Sedrack Kocharyan remained to lead the country.

The President adhered to the course of introducing European values ​​and sought to create a state model for the sample of progressively developed powers. He emphasized the importance of friendly relations with Russia and the need for its military support, in parallel with joint exercises with NATO armies.

Members of opposition parties have repeatedly accused the second president of Armenia in corruption and money laundering. According to rumors, the state of Kocharian reached $ 5 billion. At rallies Grant Bagratyan and other ill-wishers stated that the ex-president is among the richest people of post-union space and that he put the business higher than the state affairs.

The native of Stepanakert categorically rejected accusations, arguing that people who disassemble in the economy should understand the absurdity of the attacks. In the country with an annual budget of $ 2.5 billion in some hands, so much money can be accumulated.

In 2008, when the presidential chair had to give in Serge Sargsyan, a revolution began in Armenia. Subsequently, Kocharyan was accused of organizing a conspiracy and an attempt to overthrow the constitutional system and planted for 2 months in prison.

After the appeal, the court found it possible to free the former head of the state from under the arrest. However, citizens who have broken a number of press conferences and political enemies have achieved that Kocharyan again concluded in custody. In addition to the official pension, he did not leave anything.

In the period from 2019 to 2020, after making the collaborations of Robert Sedrakovich, they were released, they concluded again. The leaders of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic of Bako Sahakyan and Arkady Gukasyan acted as guarantors.

Personal life

The personal life of the Armenian policy during the past years remained for the scenes. It was known that Bella Levonna Kocharian's legitimate wife is engaged in charity, enters the national public organizations and manages the branch of the Gifted Children Foundation, established by the conductor Vladimir Spivakov.

A married couple brought up two sons and daughter. The eldest child, named after Grandfather Sedrak, became an employee of one of the commercial banks, Junior Levon and Gayane graduated from Yerevan State University.

Robert Kocharian now

In the spring of 2021, the Armenian authorities ceased to be a criminal case against Robert Kocharyan. Now a famous politician is officially free man.

In an interview submitted in the program Vladimir Posner, the former head of state stated that his misadventures became the consequence of the personal revenge of the oppositionist Nikola Pashinyan. In the media and the thematic accounts of Twitter, information was leaked that the native of Stepanakert, who decided to return to active activities, initiated a trial to compensate for moral damage.

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