Margulan Sesesebayev - biography, personal life, photo, news, condition, "Kaizen Planning", books, Kazakh billionaire 2021



Margulan Sesesembaev is a businessman and coach, in the past one of the Kazakh billionaires. Now, on his Youtyub-Channel, a man teaches others to succeed with the help of an effective methodology based on Asian spiritual practitioners.

Childhood and youth

Margulan Kalievich Sesesembayev was born on November 2, 1966 in the city of Zhezkazgan, the USSR. Rosary with Brother Yerlan, studied in the Amangeldin, Sary-Kengir and Aktasian secondary schools, took an active position everywhere and found a common language with peers. Father Gali Zhienbayevich belonged to the ancient nationality of Nimanov, participated in the Great Patriotic War, then became a specialist in agriculture, nomaded from one collective farm to another.

In the youth, Margulan 2 years worked as a shepan, engaged in beekeeping. Externally graduated from Kazakhstan State University named after S. M. Kirov, where he studied the judicial-prosecutorial and investigative activity, having received a red diploma for 2 years earlier than classmates. In his free time, worked with translations from English.


At the beginning of his biography of Businessman, Sesesebayev created the company "Seyar Commerce", which exported Kazakhstan wheat and rice to the countries of the near abroad, bought the poultry farms.

In 2009, in Kazakhstan, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, several criminal cases were briefed at Semarembaev and partners on charges of fraud, major embezzlement and criminal conspiracy, arrest was imposed on property. It was alleged that the entrepreneur brought huge amounts to Panaman offshores from the knowledge of influential persons, in the case even "pop up" the name of the daughter of Nursultan Nazarbayeva Darigi. Margulan left his homeland, spent several years in the UK, and Her Majesty High Judicial Court of England admitted him innocent. The Kazakhstani admitted that he had ceased to be a billionaire, since the state took the business, in particular nationalized the "Alliance Bank" founded by it.

In 2015, a man created an association "I am answering!", Which carried out legal control over the enterprises and their products. The results of the investigations were hung on various sites.

In April 2018, Margulan held a master class "Kaizen Planning as a basis of a happy life," where the principles of art achieve success developed in 1986 by the Japanese Masaaka Imai. The founder called his concept "Constant Improvement", the essence was gradual change in life. It was necessary to start with a small one, spending on new activities at least 5 minutes a day, gradually increasing the costs of time and strength. To make this technique affordable, Kazakhstan has created an educational platform in the network, where the video tutorials posted, began writing a book.

In September 2020, Semarembayev entered the National Reform Committee of Ukraine Mikhail Saakashvili to supervise the international activities of the office of simple solutions and results. They met on the online forum, where Kazakhstan spoke with a macroeconomic review. Within the framework of the project, Margulan was followed how laws were taken in the Verkhovna Rada, the presidential administration and the Cabinet of Ministers were observed.

Personal life

As it should be Muslim, Margulalan does not advertise a personal life and rarely publishes photos of the family. But it is known that Semarembayev married 25 years. Saule's wife gave a man three daughters - Zeri and twins dandwood and Almir.

In April 2020, a businessman had a conflict with a partner Mukhtar Tayyzhan. Semarembayev said that he was bankrupt and lived two years on its content. Tyjhan in response wished the opponent "Merry Persium" in the courts.

On November 16, 2020, Margulalan gave an interview to Alesa Batzman, where he stated that the problems of Ukraine in the political system granked, and not in the staff of the presidents. Peter Poroshenko was called a dishonest managerial, but it came honest Vladimir Zelensky, and the people are unhappy again. Because the president has no authority to carry out radical reforms due to a strong opposition of Parliament.

Margulan Sesesebayev now

In March 2021, the millionaire announced on his page in "Instagram", which removes the powers of the partner Saakashvili, completely goes into the online business, concentrating on social and cultural, educational and environmental projects. In an interview with Dmitry Gordon, Semarembayev said that large Ukrainian businessmen, unlike the poor and novice entrepreneurs, did not want to conduct reforms.

On April 23, 2021, within the framework of the Educational Platform, Margulan opened the direction of "Travel". He planned to commit an expedition on the Altyn Emel reserve, Tian-Shan, Altai lakes and other places.

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