Archie Renault - biography, personal life, photo, news, growth, English actor, movies, "instagram" 2021



Archie Renault - Young English actor. The exotic appearance of the British, combining brutality with the eastern notes, allowed him to earn money as a model in his youth, and then attract the producers in the tape of the fantasy genre.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born on November 22, 1997 in the suburban area of ​​London Toluuuorta, in which the first executive of Sherlock Holmes on television began in the first decade of the 20th century on television - Alan Wheatley and the future owner of Oscar for the best scenario - Muriel Boxing. In addition to Archie James Bila (this is the real name of the ascending star), his parents gave life to another son and two daughters. The dark skin of the artist is explained by the presence of Indian roots on the mother line.

Archie's first love calls football. However, the priorities of the adolescent changed when in the school formulation adapted for children, the version of the British musical "Rocky Horror show" he was entrusted with one of the central roles - Daniela Stokechar. Archie began to attend the theater studio, open with the assistance of the Hungary Embassy in 2008 at Richard Challoner School, in which he studied.

After graduating from the educational institution, the young man tried to get an "earthly" profession and went to study at the installation engineer of air conditioners. Soon Archie realized that the technical specialty was not his path and threw the university. The guy began to take the lessons of acting skills, and earned her life first as a handyman at the construction site, and then as a model. The native of Toluhuorta advertised men's clothing sold in Topman networks, Moss Bros, and the designer finds of Mosira Nazhar, and also starred for the magazine for British gay and Gay Times bisexuals, now the name of the title is up to two letters GT.


In 2017-2018, Renault starred in several low-budget short films, and in 2018 he received an episodic role in the TV series "Hanna", posed on the basis of a Joe Wright-Wright-Wright, Hannah. Perfect weapon. " In 2019, Archie reincarnated in Leo Maja - the son of the main character of the mini-series "Gold Field" ("By calculating"), played by Julia Ormond. The image of a young lover Mrs. May, with whom the 60-year-old lady felt herself with a young girl, in the tape created Ben Barnes.

Archie Renault - biography, personal life, photo, news, growth, English actor, movies,

The next meeting of Archie and Ben took place on the set of the series "Shadow and Bone". Barnes in the tape, filmed by Li Bardgo's novels, played the Communion of Grisha's army, and Renault - Mala Oettsev, traid and friend of childhood, the main heroine of Alina Starkova, in which Jesse May Lee reincarnated.

As in the Archie veins, the blood of Jesse Mai flows blood not only by the British, but also representatives of Asian nationalities: a young actress - Chinese woman on his father. The key heroes in the tape were also played by Freddie Carter and Amita Suman.

Renault loves his character from "Shadow and Bones."

"Mal is not endowed with superpowers, but he is kind and selfless," says the actor about the hero who made him famous.

Personal life

In June 2020, Archi in Instagram-Account reported that his friend Annie is waiting for a child. After 4 months, the actor was born daughter. In general, Renault does not advertise the details of personal life and prefers to lay out on the page in the "Instagram" photo from the filming. Archie growth 185 cm.

Archie Reno Now

In April 2021, the film-anti-nightopia of Nila Burger "Generation Voyager" ("Travelers") was released, in which Archi fulfilled the role of Alex. The picture could well become the episode of the series "Black Mirror", in which, by the way, one of the actors of the "travelers" was shot by Finn Whitehead. Other key images in antiutopia, which critics were dubbed "The Lord of the XXI Century Muh" created Colin Farrell, Tai Sheridan, Lily Rose Depp, as well as Isaac Hempsted-Wright, famous thanks to the role of the role in the game of the Thrones. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the tape premiere has moved for 4.5 months.

Archie Renault and his girl Annie

Even more long than the "travelers", it turned out to be the road to the audience the superhero film of the horror "Morbiius", in which Renault reincarnated in Bobby. As of the spring of 2021, the date of the premiere of the tape was transferred four times. Also in 2021, Archi continued to work on the Troller of Fai Gilbert "Zero".


  • 2018 - "Feline"
  • 2019 - "Hannah"
  • 2019 - "Calculated"
  • 2020 - "Water Space"
  • 2021 - "Generation Voyager"
  • 2021 - "Shadow and Bone"
  • 2022 - "Morbiow"

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