Benedict Cumberbatch - biography, photos, movies, personal life, news, Sherlock Holmes, TV series 2021



Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch - the most fashionable British actor of the modern theater and cinema. Spectator popularity, he won thanks to the triumphal role in the series "Sherlock", where he showed his acting award at the highest level.

The path to the glory is full of events and bright roles that allowed Benedict to become the owner of the title of the genius of the film industry, as a magnet causing the views of millions of television viewers. Cumberbatch himself admitted that he was coming out on the stage and stands in front of the camera to cause pride of his parents.

Childhood and youth

The fate of the future star was predetermined from birth. Benedict Cumberbatch was born on July 19, 1976 in the family of famous actors of the English theater of Vanda Ventsham and Timothy Carlton Camberbet. Parents gave the boy impeccable prestigious education at Harrow School, who released Winston Churchill and Jawaharlala Nehru, John Golsuorussi and Richard Kortis.

Before enrolling in a higher education institution, the young man goes to the annual world journey to gain life experience. During this time, Cumberbatch has deeply found the "charms" of people's lives outside of London and even mastered the profession of the teacher, setting up a teacher of English to the Tibetan alpine monastery.

Benedict Cumberbatch in childhood and now

After such strengthening of the Spirit and the comprehensive development of the Person, Benedict Cumberbatch returned home and became a student at the University of Manchester, and at the end he received additional education in the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art.

It is worth noting that the appearance of the actor is also uncomplicated, as well as its multifaceted acting talent. Benedict Cumberbatch, whose growth is 183 cm, has a rather unnatural male appearance. Crispy curls, big almond-shaped eyes, elongated head, disarming smile and royal to become allowed him to reincarnate in any roles and attract attention to others in any crowd.


Active professional activity began in 2001 on the scene of the largest British theaters. At that time, the young man played the role of the first plan in classic plays, for which he was awarded prestigious prizes.

Benedict Cumberbatch on the theater scene

In parallel, the star of the theater tried himself as a film actor, playing several episodic roles in minor short films. Also, the future Sherlock participated in all sorts of telenotes, where he showed himself in all its glory. Ambitious, bright, textured and expressive artist who knows how to unexpectedly reincarnate and build in their roles, covered the wave of success. Cumberbatch became popular not only among the numerous public, but also in the circle of the creators of world film sedel. The directions "clung to" dead grip, wanting to use Benedict in their ribbons.

Cumberbatch did not particularly resist and enjoyed so rapid popularity. The debut in the Big Cinema was the film "Amazing Lightness" of Michael Eppieda, who was called the "breakthrough of the year", the film crew received a prestigious award of London film critics.

The turning and fateful for the actor was 2010, which brought a major role in the series "Sherlock". In that year, Benedict was tried to the role of a doctor in the cult British fantastic series "Doctor Who", but decided that he was not ready for such responsibility to the fans of the half-century franchise, and joined the new experimental project.

At that time, the prospects of the project "Sherlock" was ambiguous. This well-known detective was repeatedly filmmed around the world and was considered cult. Contemporary adaptation, which critics were originally called disrespect for the original.

Benedict Cumberbatch in the series

However, as practice has shown, Benedict Cumberbatch - Sherlock Holmes in the best performance in the entire history of British cinema. He was able to pass the essence of Konan Doyle's character in the image of a Sociopatha genius with impeccable manners. Dr. Watson in this film version played Martin Freimen, for whom the series also became expensive to global fame and Hollywood blockbusters. The Father and Mother Benedict were the role of parents of the detective.

The series "Sherlock" is distinguished by a timing - each series is an independent film, as well as long breaks between the seasons. Because of this, the fans during the third season began to worry for the age of actors, which began to affect everything more, giving them away from the screen characters.

Benedict Cumberbatch in filmmaking

Later, the existing duet of Freamen and Cumberbatch starred in the "Hobbit" on the book of Tolkien. Usually, the directors are trying not to use the actors from the tandem popularity, so as not to cause comparisons and allusions, but in the "Hobbit", this rule softened, since Benedict had to play a dragon partially drawn using computer graphics.

Colleagues on the set and critics of cinema believe that Benedict Cumberbatch is an encyclopedia of acting skills, which can be a unique learning base for beginner actors. Oskarone colleagues of the artist repeatedly in a positive context were expressed about his unique talent, calling him "anxiously talented English star."

In addition to the film actor awards, according to the popular cinematic magazine, Empire Cumberbatch became the "sexy celebrity of 2013", and in 2014 in the magazine Time entered the "100 most influential people in the world" rating.

In 2014, Benedict played a major role in the film "The game of imitation", where his partner for shooting was Keira Knightley. The biography of Alan Turing's biography is very important for the UK, since the government and the laws of the country of that time are guilty of the death of a scientist.

In 2015, the creative activity of the actor noted Elizabeth II. The queen complained to Cumberbetchu the title of Commander Order of the British Empire.

Benedict Cumberbatch and Queen Elizabeth II

In the same year, the actor played Hamlet. The importance of this event was not only that Benedict played one of the most important roles of world theatrical art, but also that the recording of the setup was later shown in cinemas around the world.

In 2017, it was released, as scenariors stated, the final season of Sherlock. He had record little views, the fans did not like that from the verified detective series with complex cases and independent series "Sherlock" turned into a family drama with many logical errors and pseudoromantic moments.

The main feature of Benedict is that the actor is not afraid to play absolutely similar to him externally, both historical and characters of the established franchise, looks so organically that the audience forget about the portrait resemblance. So, Cumberbatch appeared in the image of Van Gogh, the low and round-blooded Alan of Tyurring, which possesses rough features of the face of Julian Assange.

Despite this, critics have repeatedly accused the artist in the same way. And the depressive artist, and the mathematician gay, and a hacker-wrestler with the system - all of them - the same type: a removed genius, not understanding ordinary people and not aspressing with them to converge, all the same actor glory Sherlock.

Separate films refute these accusations. For example, in the picture "Stewart: Past Life", Cumberbatch was reincarnated in a modest writer, assistant to the main character, and the role of the rebellion and the historical person went to Hardy.

Perhaps the most strange role of the actor is the otter. For the first time the similarity of Benedict with this predator noticed bloggers, and later on Shame Norton's show, the lead asked him to portray a mammal. And Cumberbatch depicted an exterior, focusing on the photo with these predators, which made the release of the release of truly viral.

In May 2018, Cumberbet's dream came true - the actor received the role of Patrick Melrowza in the screening of Romans Edward Saint-Oba. Benedict, as noted by critics, "got into a steep arms of Arthaus, heroin and self-destruction." About the desire to play in the film Artist, without hoping for success, wrote the creators on the Reddit forum.

Having received an invitation, re-read 2 recent books, late for a meeting with the producers, but nervous, it turned out to be in vain - no other on the main role and did not consider anyone.

Camberbatchu's suicide, psychologists who rid from dependence and now advising patients clinics were helped to be accomplished into the image of the drug addict. "But the most interesting was to get to the point that it is behind this restless appetite, this passion that drugs causes. What are drug addicts try to replace them? " - said the actor. In the role of Mother Patrick, Jennifer Jason Lee starred, in the role of Spouse - Anna Madeli.

In Los Angeles, in the same year, Sequel was presented about the Marvel Superhero "Avengers: War of Infinity" with the record participation of Hollywood stars. In addition to Cumberbet, Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Hemsworth, Tom Holland and Josh Brolin and Tens of actors, whose names automatically provide rolling profits are involved in a fantastic militant. Benedict Director entrusted to play the defender of the Earth Stephen Strange.

The screen embodiment of comic's heroes is not visible to the end. In 2019, the release of the Avengers took place. Final, "in which the British got the previous character. Benedict somehow said that at one time it was not for nothing, after a long hesitation, preferred "Marvel" produced on Broadway. Although after each film on the body scars adds.

At the Cinema Con festival Benedict Cumberbatch and Kate Blanchett announced a film with familiar millions of the plot - about the boy, brought up by wolves. Studio Warner Bros. She planned to make a film called "Jungle Book: Start." However, Netflix, which acquired the rights to distribution, renamed the picture in Mowgli. The voice of the British will speak tiger eater Sherch.

Personal life

Personal life of Cumberbet, on its own confession, develops old-fashioned. The movie star for 12 years, since the time of study at the university, met with a colleague Olivia Pule. After parting the pair in 2011, the man had short novels with the Russian mannequin Catherine Elizarova and the Anna Jones designer, with whom it was impossible to create a serious relationship.

Benedict Cumberbatch with Olivia Poole

Popularity and demand for cinema and theater led to the fact that Benedict, like many of his heroes, was "married" at work. And the yellow press cut the rumors about the unconventional celebrity orientation, when an artist was mentioned in an interview with the LGBT edition of OUT, which was experimented with same-sex connections in his youth. At Cumberbet, at that time there was no wife, nor children, but he stated that it would not be against to make a family.

At the end of 2013, Benedict began a stormy novel with Sophie Hunter. The actors appeared in the same film in 2009, but then did not see each other related soul. Sophie studied French in Oxford University, then theatrical art at the School of Jacques Lekkka, recorded the album The Isis Project, which sang under his own accompaniment on the piano.

Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter

The fact that Cumberbatch and Hunter are planning to become a husband and wife, according to the old British tradition, Tabloid The Times, published an ad in the wedding section. Lovers got married February 14, 2015 in the Church of Peter and Paul, located on the island of White in England. In June, the acting four was born a son, which Christopher Carlton called.

Family secrets Celebrity protects no worse than Sherlock reveals crimes. Separate photos of Benedict's children - the one more task. On the birth of the son of Hal in March 2017, the public found out only in a month. Also accidentally, according to the changed Figure Sophie, the media had calculated that Cumberbatch in 2018 will become a father in the 3rd time.

Benedict Cumberbatch with his wife waiting for the kid

Lovers of genealogical research found in the archives of proof of the kinnedict Cumberbet's kinship with the author of the Romanov, whose screening made the British star. Allegedly at the actor and writer a common ancestor, with blue blood - John Gentsky, son of the king of England Edward III. How reasonably this statement, the sources were not reported, however, they remembered that in Benedict filmography there is a picture telling about the life of the Royal Court. This is the drama "Even one of the kind of Bolin" with Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson in high roles.

The same Eduard III, more precisely, his grandson John Beaufort, connects Cumberbet's blood bonds with Alan Turing.

The social networks Benedict Cumberbatch considers the destroyers of the individual, because it does not intend to raise accounts in "Instagram" or "Twitter". What is published there now is a reflection of audience love.

Benedict Cumberbatch now

In the form of Colonel Stewart Coach Benedict appeared in the film "Mauritan", the premiere of which took place in 2021. Critics noted that in the picture the real events were embellished.

Stephen Stréndju Cumberbatch returned in the picture "Spiderman: No way home", third on a spider man.


  • 2002 - "silent witness"
  • 2003 - "Kill King"
  • 2004 - "Khing"
  • 2006 - "Amazing Grace"
  • 2007 - "Atonement"
  • 2009 - "Origin"
  • 2010-2017 - "Sherlock"
  • 2011 - "Combat Horse"
  • 2013 - "Starterk: Retribution"
  • 2014 - "game in imitation"
  • 2015 - "Black Mass"
  • 2016 - "Dr. Strung"
  • 2017 - "Thor: Ragnarök"
  • 2018 - Patrick Melrose
  • 2020 - "1917"
  • 2021 - "Spiderman: No way home"

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