Dmitry Pevtsov - biography, personal life, photos, news, films, death son, actor, Olga Drozdova 2021



Dmitry Pevtsov is the famous theater and movie actor, singer and teacher. The artist was born under a happy star: all his undertakings are completed with success, famous directors call him a versatile actor, which is subject to heroic and characteristic roles. And the fans know the performer also as a wonderful singer.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry was born in Moscow in a sports family. Anatoly Ivanovich's father was a well-deserved coach of the USSR in pentathlon, mother Naemi Semenovna worked as a sports doctor, in parallel professionally engaged in visibility.

Naemi Robert became the first president of the National Healing Riding and Wheelchair of Russia, was a specialist in hippotherapy. By nationality, Dmitry half the Jew, although he never commented on this question. In addition to him, parents raised the eldest Son Sergey, who later moved to the United States.

As a child, Dima was engaged in a lot of sports (karate and judo) and dreamed of becoming captain of long-range sailing. As singers recalls, for the first time he sat on the horse at the age of 3. In addition, he managed to try himself in figure skating, skiing and swimming. Singers, still being small, loved the risk and rolled more than once on the edits of the cargo wagons.

In the youth of singers did not want to be an actor at all. Dmitry hoped to continue the family dynasty of athletes and entered the Faculty of Faculty of Faculty of Education at the Pedagogical University. But the graduate plans were not given to come true, in a month he began to work the milling worker at the factory.

Later, the sports genes of parents still gave themselves to know. Since 2001, Dmitry Pevtsov has seriously carried away by racing sports and began to participate in Volkswagen Polo autocussion competitions as part of the Sport Garage team, in the RTCC Racing Championship in the automotive ring races as part of the Rus-Lan team.

The acting profession of Pevtsov led an accident. His close buddy persuaded the young man for the company to apply for the guitis. Singers agreed to support the comrades, but he failed on the exam, but Dima was credited to the 1st course.


After the end of Hitis, young singers on the distribution entered the service in the acting troupe of the famous theater on Taganka. In this team, the artist was engaged in the formulation of the "Fedra" of the scandalous director of Roman Viktyuk (in this performance, the actor fulfilled several roles at once). And also brilliantly revealed the character of the broken thief of the Vaska ash in the play "At the bottom", assigned by Anatoly Epros, along the plays of Maxim Gorky.

1991, when the Soviet Union broke up, marked for a young actor by changing the theater. Pevtsov was invited to work at the Lenk Theater, where he serves to this day.

Among the roles that the performer played, first of all, you can note the dream of any actor - Hamlet. The performance on the Immortal Plays of William Shakespeare called Gleb Panfilov. The artist also performed the role of Trepleva in the Chekhov "Seagull" and Rezanov in the Scandalous Rock Opera "Juno and Avos."

Dmitry Singers due to spectacular external data and well-supplied vocals became in demand among the directories of musicals. He appeared in the Musical Metro, later - in the production of "ISI's witches."

The artist is involved in performances where not only acting skills demonstrates, but also physical training. So, in the formulation of the "crazy day, or the marriage of Figaro," where the singers play the main character for decades, he sits on the twine as in his youth.

For a long time, the artist was part of the Artist Theater "Lenk", but after 30 years of service was dismissed without explaining the reasons. The singers himself did not comment on the event, but Lyudmila Torgin, which considers such an attitude to the scene star offensive.

In addition to working in Lenkomoy, the actor is fascinated by the promotion of personal projects - the studio "Pevtsya-theater" and the musical team "Singers-Orchestra". Together with the wards of theatrical studio, the artist released the performances of the "Concert of the Sea" and "Momash Courage". And with the musicians of the orchestra, he prepared a presentation of the album "Ballada of Vysotsky", which included popular songs: "Koni pick-up", "lyrical", "He did not return from the battle." And others.


The creative biography of Dmitry Pevtsov began in the cinema began in 1986. He got an episodic role of Jim in the last film Tatiana Lozinova, a detective "End of Light with a subsequent symposium." This picture was shown on television only once and did not bring popularity.

After 4 years, singers played two star roles. Svetelkova Svetkov Character In an Islety militant "For nicknamed a beast" made him famous among the Russian public, and the psychologically difficult role of Jacob Somov in the Drama "Mother" Gleb Panfilov brought the Pevtsov Prize of the European Felix Filk Academy in the nomination "For the best male role of the second plan."

The actor often and successfully starred in popular Russian TV shows, among which the "Queen of Margo", "Countess de Monsoro" and the legendary "gangster Petersburg". From the full-length films, the actor played in Turkish Gambita - the bright film by the same name of Boris Akunin. Brave Gusar Zurov in his performance looked brilliantly, and his replica "Eclae Belvyu, Madam" became a nominal.

In 2007, Dmitry Pevtsov was presented to the Order of Honor, and in 2013 he was awarded the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree.

In 2012, the public saw the idol in the Motheric project "Heart of Angel". Melodrama revealed in front of the spectators of the Peripetia in the lives of central heroes. Ekaterina Spitz, Tatiana Dogileva and other wonderful actresses became partners. Interestingly, the project of the artist and son of Daniel Pevtsov participated in the project. Outwardly, a very similar to the Father, a guy needed to play his character in youth.

Later, the actor took part in the shooting of the 1st, and in the year and 2nd seasons of the post-apocalyptic telenovella "ship", which is the adaptation of the famous Spanish TV series "Ark". Singers - the leading star of the series. His character is the captain of the ship Viktor Gromov. While working on the project, the artist made friends with the Botatrian of the Parial Sailboat and received a whistle as a gift from him. This sea accessory actor used in the shooting of the following series.

The acting environment brought not only joy, but also sadness - when the artist lost close, relatives in the spirit of people, colleagues on the creative workshop. In 2017, the artist Dmitry Maryanov passed away. Having come for the funeral of the artist, Pevtsov noted that the acting profession "very Babskaya, real men in it is not enough," but "Dmitry was a real guy."

In 2019, the military comedy directed by Sergey Sarkisov "to Paris" was released on the screens. In the picture, which replenished the filmography, Singers played a major role, showing the audience in the form of the commander of the tank battalion of Major Alexander Voronin.

Despite the fact that the tape received the main prize of the UK FILM Festival British Film Festival, as well as the prize of the president of the festival "Veche", the audience adopted the project negatively. In particular, the public expressed dissatisfaction with the Actor's consent to participate in this film. Many admitted that they were disappointed in the "acting" artist.

Continuing to embody the heroic images on the screen, Dmitry Anatolyevich took an invitation from the creators of the film "I give landing", which was filmed on Baikal. In the film, the artist had to perform several complex tricks, one of which is the battle with the elements during the storm. Singers, despite the proposals of the director of the help of cascaders, independently played this complex scene.

In the fall of 2020, the fans saw Pevtsov in the new series "Abrikol", in which he played the role of Billiardist German. From the first minutes, the public plunged into a series of mysterious circumstances, to disclose which Captain Zoya Nicodeimova was convicted performed by Evgenia Dmitriev.


The actor became the desired guest of not only film projects, but also of various gears. In the early 2000s, Dmitry Pevtsov took part in the 2nd season of the "Last Hero" project as a lead. Realistic show was filmed in Malaysia, the winner received a prize - 3 million rubles.

Love for music, good vocals and surname (how the artist jokes) led to the thoughts about their own music project. In 2004, the actor released a collection of songs of his performance, and in 2009, a couple with a singer, he took 2nd place at the Music Competition "Two Stars".

Since 2010, the performer began to give concerts with the program "Singers, singers one," where I went to the scene or myself, or with the support of the Kartush group Andrei Vertuzaeva. For several years, the number of artist speeches in Russia and the CIS countries exceeded hundreds.

In 2015, he became a member of the first issue of the circus show "Without insurance", but left the project. The artist himself had enough sports training for risky speeches (with an increase in 185 cm Weight of Pevtsov, thanks to regular training, does not exceed 80 kg), but the performer unpleasantly surprised the non-professionalism of the show organizers. The singers indicated that there was no physician on the site and constant confusion reigned.

In 2016, the artist starred in a new roller for MTS advertising. The video clip was devoted to the review of the company's new mobile application. Repeatedly, the actor became the hero of popular gears, such as "my hero" Tatyana Ustinova, "Evening Urgant", "Life Life".

In May 2018, the actor became a member of the Music Project "Three Chord". His competitors in the competition of urban songs were Irina Apecsimova, Igor Sarukhanov, Eva Polna and others. Dmitry Pevtsov presented at the court of spectators and the jury songs "Little Ballerina" Alexander Vertinsky, "On the snow, flying from the sky", "Gop Stop" Alexander Rosenbauma and others.

Personal life

While studying at Hitis, Dmitry Anatolyevich lived in a civil marriage with the fellow club Larisa Blazhko, who in 1990 gave birth to the son of Daniel. After a short time, the lovers broke up, and Blazhko immigrated to Canada. The couple retained friendly relations, singers took a living participation in the fate of the Son of Daniel, helping him at the beginning of the acting career.

In 1991, during the filming of "Walking along Eshapho", the actor has a novel with a partner on the set, the actress of the theater "Contemporary" Olga Drozdova. After 3 years, young people legalized the relationship. Since then, the personal life of the artist is firmly connected only with Olga.

In 2002, all media appeared the news that the actors divorced. These rumors turned out to be a lie, which were denied family friends, and the actors "Lenkom". But the foundations suspect that Pevtsov in the family did not okay, journalists still found. The couple quarreled noisy, do not hesitate to do it in humans and right on the set.

While working on the series "Stop on demand - 2" husband and wife did not come together and demanded separate dressings. The entire film crew tried to river spouses. However, noisy scandals of artists never led to the discount, and even more so for the divorce.

The couple for a long time there were no joint children, but in 2007 the Son was born, which was called Elisha Pevtsov. Today he is studying at the Moscow Presidential School, participates in military-patriotic fees. Favorite items of youth - mathematics, but interested in music.

In 2012, tragedy occurred: Daniel singers died. As a result of an accident, a young man fell out of the window of the third floor, all the efforts of doctors were in vain, and the young man died in intensive care. The accident occurred with a young man at a meeting with classmates, which gave rise to a lot of rumors about the cause of the death of the Celebrity Son.

Evil languages ​​argued that Daniel fell out of the window not by chance, but due to alcohol abuse or prohibited drugs. But friends and colleagues of the young actor violently refuted these rumors - according to them, Daniel was a positive guy and had no bad habits.

Due to the waves, slanders and rumors Dmitry Pevtsov decided to hide the funeral of the Son from prying eyes. The guards were not allowed to the ceremony of journalists and promised to break the cameras to insistent press representatives. Only friends and family deceased gathered at the Trocerovsk cemetery.

The admirers of the creativity of Pevtsov-younger were able to get there only after the ceremony. Fans of a young actor still take care of his grave and regularly bring fresh flowers. The performer himself was hardly worried about the death of his son and confessed in an interview that the belief was helped to return to his life.

The actor illuminates its life in detail on the page in "Instagram". Here is a place for joint photos with relatives and colleagues, funny posts and announcements of upcoming performances or concerts with the participation of Pevtsov.

At the end of August 2020, the artist was hospitalized in the hospital the village of Communard with suspicion of Coronavirus. Fortunately, the diagnosis was not confirmed, but the doctors stated the inflammation of the lungs. Passing the treatment, the Contractor turned with gratitude to the doctors of this center. Health has not affected his creative career.

Dmitry Pevtsov Now

Now the artist not only goes to the famous scene "Lenkom", but also participates in the speeches of students of the Institute of Contemporary Art. So, in February 2021, he played the hero of astrova in the graduation performance of the wards of his wife Olga Drozdovaya "Nicepe".

In addition, Dmitry Anatolyevich registered as an independent candidate for State Duma deputies. In the North-Eastern Administrative District, he led active activities aimed at familiarizing voters with its election program. According to the artist, he is important support for not parties, but people.

According to Dmitry Pevtsov, he planned to promote the abolition of pension reform, to work on the adjustment of the law on culture, to promote the discovery and further development of centers of children's and youth creativity. The actor acted with the support of the hero of Russia Colonel Evgeny Konoplelkin.


  • 1990 - "On the nickname" Beast "
  • 1996 - "Queen Margo"
  • 1997 - "Countess de Monsoro"
  • 1998 - "Contract with death"
  • 2000 - "Gangster Petersburg. Film 2 »
  • 2005 - "Turkish Gambit"
  • 2005 - "Zhmurki"
  • 2005 - "death of the empire"
  • 2007 - "Election Day"
  • 2011 - "Boris Godunov"
  • 2013 - "Einstein. Theory of Love "
  • 2014 - "Ship"
  • 2017 - "On Love"
  • 2018 - "Dr. Richter. Continuation"
  • 2018 - "Where the sea flows"
  • 2018 - "To Paris ..."
  • 2019 - "Abrikol"


  • 2000 - "Last Hero"
  • 2009 - "Two Stars"
  • 2010 - "Singers a lot, singers one"
  • 2015 - "without insurance"


  • 2004 - "Moon Road"

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