Lyubov Kazarnovskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, "awaken, man!", "Yutyub", about vaccination, husband 2021



Lyubov Kazarnovskaya - star of the global opera scene, the owner of the unique voice timbre and incredible charisma. In 2002, the International Biographical Center (IBC, Cambridge, GB) was entered into the rating of the most prominent musicians of the 20th century.

Childhood and youth

Lyubov Yuryevna Kazarnovskaya was born on July 18, 1956, the zodiac sign - cancer, in the intelligent Moscow family, far from music. Mom Lydia Aleksandrovna - Philologist, Lecturer, Russian Language and Literature, Father Yuri Ignatievich - General Reserve, worked on military-diplomatic work, by military history books.

Natalia's older sister - Philologist, French grammar specialist, reads lectures in Sorbonne. According to Nationality, Kazarnovskaya - Russian. As the singer later told, she inherited a combat character from his father. The general often took the daughter to the military sights, and the girl in binoculars watched the movement of tanks, shooting.

At an early age, purposeful Lyuba, like mom and sister, was also preparing to become a philologist, a student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. But love for music and singing won. After school, the girl submitted documents to the Gnesin Institute, at the Faculty of Actors of the Music Theater. In 1982, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya graduated from the Moscow State Conservatory, and in 1985, graduate school in the Associate Professor Elena Shumilova.

Student years in Gnesinka gave a lot of love of Kazarnovskaya as actress. In his youth, a meeting with the hope of Matveyevaya Malyshevaya-Vinogradova, a teacher-vocalist, concertmester Fedor Shalyapin, a student of Konstantin Stanislavsky, a student of Konstantin Stanislavsky, was happening for the singer.


Creative biography of Kazarnovskaya began in student years. From 1981 to 1986, she was the soloist of the Music Academic Theater named after K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. The singer made his debut in the role of Tatiana in the "Eugene Onegin" Tchaikovsky. The following 3 years Love is the soloist of the State Academic Theater named after S. M. Kirov.

Family of Kazarnovskaya brought the All-Union competition of vocalists named after Mikhail Glinka: she received the second prize. New titles and posts were poured on the singer, like a horns of abundance, one after another. At first, Kazarnovskaya became the laureate of all-union and international competitions, then the Laureate of the Leninsky Komsomol Prize, Chairman of the Commission on Cultural and Humanitarian Cooperation of the Municipal Education of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Music Education Society, Doctor of Music Sciences, Professor. And the love of Yuryevna is the founder of the Love of Kazarnovskaya Foundation to support the opera art of Russia.

Music critics say that the actress has an operatic voice with an interesting, unusual timbre. In some parties, the singer is the only and unique one. Her favorite composers - Giuseppe Verdi, Giakomo Puccini, Peter Tchaikovsky and Sergey Rachmaninov.

Soon, the repertoire of the singer was expanded by the main parties in Iolanta operations P. Tchaikovsky, "May night" N. Rimsky-Korsakov, "PAYTS" R. Leonkallo, "Bohemia" D. Pucchini. At the invitation of Evgenia Svetlanova, she sang in performances of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater.

The world recognition of the Opera Priaudonna brought a victory at the contest of young artists by UNESCO in Bratislava in 1984. In the same year, for the execution of Aria, Leonora from the Opera "Power of Fate" Giuseppe Verdi Kazarnovskaya was awarded the 3rd Prize and Honorary Diploma of the Competition Miriaham Hellin in Helsinki. And in 1986, Lyubov Yuryevna became the winner of the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

In the same 1986, the singer received an invitation to the Mariinsky Theater and 3 years was his soloist. During this time, she performed all the main sopranovy parties, which were in the repertoire.

The first foreign triumph of Prima took place in 1988 on the scene of the London Covent Garden Theater in Tatiana's party in Evgenia Onegin.

Next year, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya received an invitation from the conductor - "Maestro Mira" Herbert von Karaian to perform at the Music Festival in Salzburg. It was not right at the rehearsal. And "Requiem" Verdi love performed already in memory of the background Karaian. Success was generally accepted, he appreciated the whole musical world. And now the first scenes of the world were at the legs of the Russian opera diva.

This is a brilliant performance and laid the beginning of a dizzying career. Soon the love of Kazarnovskaya sang on the San Francisco Opera, Metropoliten Opera, San Francisco Opera, Wiener Staatsoper, Teatro Colon, Houner Grand Opera, as well as on the stage of the Mariinsky and Great Theaters of Russia.

The creative biography of Lyubee Yuryevna includes more than dozens of roles in the operations of Russian, Italian and German composers. The singer is actively concert. Romances enjoy her special love.

Often, Prima presents pleasant surprises to its fans: sometimes she sings together with pop stars. With Nikolai Baskov, the artist performed a duet from the musical Andrew Lloydo Webber "Ghost Opera" (The Fantom of the Opera) and Ave Maria, with Vitas - composition " Moluba "and Bésame Mucho, and in a duet with Philip Kirkorov - the song Time to Say Goodbye on his show dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the outlet of the scene.

By the beginning of the XXI century, Kazarnovskaya is rightfully becoming one of the most subtle interpreters of Russian music, especially romances, after the legendary Russian mezzo-soprano Irina Arkhipova. And she is the first singer, who has made an entry on the CD of all 103 Romances Peter Tchaikovsky. In 2014, Kazarnovskaya released the album of Romance "Gypsy Love".

The favorite musical work of the singer - "Carmen", especially the famous "Haberner" ("Love, like Ptashchi, wings"). According to Lyubov Yuryevna, this Opera seems to be written for her and about her. Now in the plans of Kazarnovskaya - sing with a large scene "Copper" by composer Luigi Cherubini.

In 2018, Lyubov Yuryevna became a guest of the International Music Festival in Malta. Together with the Quartet of "Harmony", she performed famous arias from the operas and operetta, as well as songs from the repertoire of the group "Beatles" and Frank Sinatra.

In the early 2020, Lyubov Yuryevna performed on the stage of the Russian Song Theater with the Dolce Vita Charitable Concert. The singer plans are to continue working with young musicians, as well as participation in the formulation of the Volkovsky Theater "Pushkinian. Love and cards. "


Lyubov Kazarnovskaya has repeatedly emphasized that he considers himself a singing actress, so there was no alien to the appearance on the movie screen. The Soviet music picture "Spanish hour" was the first work in the filmography of the singer on the music of Maurice Ravel, where Kozarnovskaya got the main role of the watchmaker's wife. Another film of the year was the screening of the operetta of Johann Strauss "Gypsy Baron", where love shone again in the foreground.

The next time the actress appeared on the screen after 17 years in the Russian drama "Anna", which appeared in close to himself the image of the opera diva. The film was warmly accepted by film critics. In a similar role, love appeared in a detective thriller "Dark Instinct". She played paired with Alexander Domogarov.

In the spring of 2013, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya turned out to be one of the four mentors of the 1st season of the show "One to one!". And in March 2014, the opera singer was invited to become a member of the jury of the new popular TV project - the showing show "exactly in-point", which was broadcast on the first channel. She had warm relations with other members of the jury by Gennady Khazanov, Mikhail Boyarsky and Leonid Yarmolnik. Lyubov Yuryevna claims that even in case of disagreement, they managed to preserve benevolence and friendship, because by the shoulders of everyone a long creative biography.

In May 2015, the singer became a member of the jury from Russia on the Eurovision Song Contest. At the same time, the love of Kazarnovskaya was headed by the Board of Trustees of the Academy of Festive Culture.

And in December 2016, Lyubov Yuryevna and the TV host show "Overview" Alexander Oleshko visited Ivan Urgant on his program "Evening Urgant", where they shared New Year's plans and opened the secrets of the final issue of the project in which they were involved. In the transfer of "alone with everyone", Kazarnovskaya told that the stage and television for her - rest from the opera scene and a way to get new interesting acquaintances.

In 2016, the opera singer, whose name is known all over the world, noted the anniversary at the St. Petersburg scene. She gave fans the brilliant program "Love changes everything" on the stage of the Greater Concert Hall "Oktyabrsky", where he was accompanied by the Harmony ensemble.

In October 2020, the singer took part in the ceremony of awarding the winners of the international competition "Salute Talents". She also became the initiator and author of the new project "Moscow gatherings with the love of Kazarnovskaya." In his framework, the singer invites famous guests from the world of art for an interesting conversation in the "live" format, with the active participation of the public.

Personal life

In September 1989, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya met with the future spouse Robert Ratsikom, a representative of the Croatian genus of aristocrats. Robert - Impresario from Vienna, arrived in Moscow for listening to young singers, among whom was his future wife. Then the man was looking for performers to participate in the Salzburg Festival. In Austria, mutual sympathies of future spouses turned into a stronger feeling. The novel ended the wedding.

Couple together for many years. Personal life of love of Kazarnovskaya and Robert Ratzika is an example for imitation and the subject of good envy. Later, her husband even changed its work to avoid curvators and for the sake of family well-being.

The dreams of spouses about children came true in 1993: the pair had a son Andrei, for whom the singer was ready to sacrifice the career. The fact is that childbirth could lead to a change in voice, and therefore the finish of the career. The singer also realized that, deciding to give birth, a lot of contracts would be terminated. The appearance of the baby did not affect the voice: already after 3 months, the artist shone on stage.

Soon the family grief (mother's care from life) still poured the health of the singers. Kazarnovskaya began asthma attacks against the background of experiences, she stopped singing. After a small break, the spouse found her a herb, which healed the illness. Artist began classes with a concertmaster, after which he returned to the form.

The personal life of Lyubov Yuryevna is full and harmonious today, because the singer has a strong and friendly family, where everyone loves and respect each other. Andrei Robertovich Ratsik went in the footsteps of his parents and graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in the class of violin. He dreams of becoming a symphony conductor.

The singer manages to maintain a magnificent physical form. With a height of 168 cm, its weight does not exceed 57 kg. His secret artist calls self-discipline. For many years, Lyubov Yuryevna regularly visits the gym and adheres to Maya Plisetsk diet, which consisted less for weight loss.

Fans suspected that the cause of a boyhood is not only a healthy lifestyle, but also plastic, but there is no confirmation. After the birth of the son, Kazarnovskaya gained overweight, but soon she once again managed to return a slender figure, losing weight by 15 kg.

After the death of Mom in the early 1990s, his father led to the apartment in which he lived with his wife 46 years old, another woman. It seems that the relationship with the stepmother's love of Yurievna and her sisters were not charged immediately.

In 2012, the scandal hit, the details of which the fans of the singers learned from the transfer of Andrei Malakhov "Let them say". Stepmother, with the help of his father, wrote Love Yuryevna and her son from the apartment, what a woman learned later when the trial approached the final. Agenda to court came Kazarnovskaya at the place of registration, but no one informed the singer about them.

Due to the failure of the plaintiff, the court sessions were held without it. Steph Zoya Gurga won the court and received housing at his disposal. Lyubov Kazarnovskaya refused to fight for an apartment, deciding that she needs strength for creativity, and not for exhausting trials and proceedings. Later, the singer shared with fans of the details of the family quarrel on the set of a provocative show "Secret by Million".

And in 2021, being the heroine of the "Fate of Man" project, the artist reported that he had found the strength to forgive her father. Shortly before the death, he called his daughter, asking her to understand: he was "taken prisoner" by the testament. Kazarnovskaya managed to renimate this page of his life. And the only thing that regrets now is connected with her native sister, who died of lung cancer. Natalia has not forgiven love of her reconciliation with his father.

On behalf of Kazarnovskaya there is an official website. Fans are happy to place photos of their favorite on their pages in "Instagram", and even more often - rollers with the execution of the singer of musical works.

In 2018, Kazarnovskaya's love became the Guest of the transfer of Yuri Nikolaev "honestly", where he frankly told about relationships with relatives. The singer shared his experiences about the privacy of the Son. Now the young man meets the girl, but it does not go to the wedding yet. According to the artist, she is ready to become a good mother-in-law, but the role of grandmother treats distrust.

The singer owns real estate in Italy, Austria and Moscow, but most of all loves to relax in a modest country house in the village of Vyatka Yaroslavl region. In an interview, it admits that nature in this place affects it healing: only in Vyatka it can relax the soul, feel peace and peace.

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya now

In the summer of 2021, Valdis Pelsh was released. In the painting "Russian North-Roads of discoveries", Kazarnovskaya, together with his colleagues, went on a trip to the northern regions of the country to show the sights of the nature and life of these places with the eyes of local residents.

Special attention was paid to Vyatskoye village in the Yaroslavl region. The artist, settled there, agreed with the local entrepreneur restoring at home that the restoration of abandoned villages should be the national idea of ​​the state.

The name of love of Yurievna appeared in news reports not only due to the premiere of the film, but also in connection with the statements about vaccination that caused a large outrage from the public. The artist on his Youtyub-Channel put out the video "awaken, a man!". Do not take care of expressions, she called on the audience to think about universal digitalization and go on the "Way of the Creator", that is, to abandon the vaccine from coronavirus infection.


  • "Masquerade Ball" Giuseppe Verdi
  • "Traviata" Giuseppe Verdi
  • "Power of Fate" Giuseppe Verdi
  • "Salome" Richard Strauss
  • Evgeny Onegin Peter Tchaikovsky
  • "Tosca" Gacomo Puccini

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