Kira Plastinina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News 2021



Kira Plastinina is a Russian clothing designer, known as the youngest fashion designer in the world. The girl began his career, being a high school man. It accomplished the time to manage the empire in the time of lessons that Kiru first successfully managed.

Kira Plastinina

Now the development of business has been engaged in more experienced entrepreneurs, and the girl is preparing to take a new peak.

Childhood and youth

The most young fashion designer of Russia Cyrus Sergeyevna Plastinina was born on June 1, 1992 in the family of Sergey and Tatiana Plastinic. In addition to Kira, two more children rose in the family - Alexander and Antonina.

Kira's parents - people who have consisted. Sergey Platinine - the famous Russian businessman, the shareholder of the giant of the food industry "Wimm-Bill-Dann. Food". Tatiana Plastinina is a linguist for education, co-founder of the Academy of Children's Musical.

Kira Plastic with parents

From early childhood, Kira loved to draw, she sewed clothes with dolls. Dad noticed his daughter's passion and decided to support him. At the age of 14, Kira Plastlin became the owner of his own fashion brand. Every day after school, she drove into the office, worked in the design laboratory, and in the evening he returned home and did lessons.

Kira Plastinina graduated from the University of US

Kira Plastinina graduated from the Anglo-American School in Moscow and the University in the United States, where the business education received and studied the history of the arts.

Career Fashioner

The dream of a daughter becomes a designer of youth clothing implemented her father. The first steps in this direction were made in 2006. Sergey Plastinar gathered the team of professionals, which was engaged in creating a network of stores. In them and began to sell clothes invented by his daughter.

Kira Plastinina brand logo

So a trademark of Kira Plastinina is a personal project Sergey Plastinin. He originally became the general director of the company "KP Style". Then he was replaced by Olga Feldt and Igor Mukhachev. But the development and design of clothing is the personal creativity of Kira.

Kira Plastinina with Father

The style of its brand is a young fashion designer identified as "Art-Glamour-Sportive-Casual". These are bright youth things for teenagers and young people's soul. Kira herself says that he invents only such clothes in which she would like to walk. Almost all the wardrobe of the girl made up her brand's clothes.

Conceived embodied in life rapidly. The creative biography of Kira Plastina started on March 14, 2007. On this day, the first collection of the girl took place. So Kira Plastinina became the most young designer of Russia. On this day, the first monobrand store Kira Plastinina opened in the Moscow shopping center "European", in which teenage girls bought clothes from the designer-Rowers.


Energy and desire to work in Kira beat through the edge, the young fashion designer has time to go everywhere. In the same 2007, the plastinist became the official designer of the project of the first channel "Star Factory-7".

While the project lasted, Kira chose clothing for project participants and herself created stage images for reporting concerts. And the participants of the "Star Factory" attended the studio of the plastinic style, where Kira and stylists-consultants of the brand helped to pick up clothing for the project. In October 2007, "manufacturers" as models participated in the show of Kira Plastinina at Fashion Week in Moscow.

Kira Plastic Sketches

For promotion and promotion of the brand in the fall of 2007, the Moscow store Kira Plastinina visited the American Fashion Model and Actress Paris Hilton. According to some information, the arrival of Hilton and the participation of the stars in the advertising campaign cost a plastic at $ 2 million.

On the development of the brand in Russia, the marketing campaign and the creation of a representative office in China, where in the factories is made by tailoring, the father of Kira Plastinina has invested $ 35 million. Approximately the same amount went to the development of the brand in America, where 12 clothing stores were opened. But the economic crisis of 2008 strongly hit the plastic business, and all American stores had to close (two stores in Los Angeles resumed work in the summer of 2009).

Paris Hilton and Kira Plastic

In January 2008, the next stage began for Kira, the next stage began in conquering vertices of fashion: its international debut was held as a fashion designer at Fashion Week in Rome. The girl was awarded as the most talented young designer.

And on October 27, 2008, Kira participated in one of the most important weeks of the fashion of the world - Milan. She presented to the public a collection of Malibu, designed for the 2009 Summer season of 2009.

Keera Plastina Designer Dresses

A year later, Kira presented the collection of "Dreams of Africa". Soon the girl had the opportunity to open a boutique in the London department store Harrod's, and also provide his clothes to the famous Milan Showerum in Style.

Later, Kira Plastinina entered the High Fashion Association and Pret-A-Porter in Russia and became a permanent participant of fashion week in Moscow. On its shows there are often stars of global scale. In September 2011, the designer's office visited Britney Spears, in March 2012, at the presentation of her collection, supermodel Karly Kloss participated. Kira Plastinina Spring-Summer 2012 advertising was the model of Georgia May Jagger.

At the Spring Collection of Lublu Kira Plastinina S / S 2014

At the beginning of 2011, there were more than 120 stores Kira Plastinina. Now they were posted in Russia, the United States, as well as in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, in the Philippines, in China, Italy and the UK. Clothing Kira Plastinina refers to the average price group, focused on girls 15-25 years. You can buy clothes from a plastic on the catalog on the official website of the brand.

Kira Plastinina and Georgia May Jagger

At the end of 2015, rumors arose that the fairy tale about the very young designer in the world went to its completion. The company created for a teenage daughter wealthy dad, on the verge of ruin and bankruptcy. In 2016, it was confirmed by these disappointing rumors.

The general director of Kira Plastinina Style Company Igor Mukhachev said that bankruptcy is now the only way out for the company, because all its accounts are under arrest, and the total debt reached 500 million rubles. Also Mukhachev admitted that Sergey Planine spent 5 billion rubles for the promotion of the brand. However, after 10 years, the company on the ears in debt and claims.

Plastic coat coat

As Kira Plastinina itself responded to this news, unknown. Now the girl lives in America. After the end of the business school, she seems to have other hobbies. In any case, on its page in "Instagram", she ceased to post photos of sketches of new dresses and coats, and later closed access to random users altogether.

After the official announcement of the general director about the inevitable bankruptcy, the shops of the company Kira Plastlin in Kazakhstan closed. But the metropolitan stores, which remained 8, continued to work.

Personal life

Personal life of Kira Plastina is considerable interest for journalists. Paparazzi followed the girl relentlessly all the time while she lived in Moscow.

At one time there were rumors that Kira Plastlin met with a graduate of the project "Factory Star-7" Vlad Sokolovsky. A couple more than once rested together, but young people denied similar information, referring to friendship, which lasts from childhood. After the wedding of Sokolovsky with Rita Dakota, the rumors stopped having founded.

Kira Plastinina and Vlad Sokolovsky

In fact, still being a student of the Anglo-American school, Cyrus began to be friends with the Trem Vallett. After 3 years, young people began to meet. As the designer itself was told, the young man supported her in all endeavors, which served her support in different moments of life. The novel has developed for 8 years, and in January 2017 relations crowned with a luxurious wedding. The celebration took place in the Mexican hotel and celebrated 3 days.

Kira Plastinina and Trey Vallett

The first wedding day of the newlyweds celebrated a noisy party by the fire on the coast. At this evening, Kira was dressed in a gentle pink dyeing dress and a long loop.

On the second day, the wedding continued with a banquet in the garden. The organizers arranged for guests a noisy masquerade in a Mexican style with national songs and dances. For beauty and dive into the local flavor, friends of the couple were distributed Sombrero, poncho and even overhead mustache.

Wedding Kira Plastinina

And on the third day, a 24-year-old bride to the altar led his father. After the solemn ceremony, Kira Plastinin in a snow-white dress returned to the bridegroom.

Kira Trey Vallett's husband headed the Financial Department of the International Online Atelier Tinker Tailor, but in the summer of 2015 the store closed due to lack of funding. Nevertheless, young spouses seem to be too worried about shaking business. They do not refuse themselves in luxurious life - resting on the picturesque beaches of warm Sardinia, ride snowboard in Yellowstone, perform wine tours in California.

Kira Plastic with her husband

Recently, Kira Plastinina lives in America. In the elite area of ​​Texas she has a comfortable residence. Young Business Lady Day is scheduled for a minute. The girl rises in the early morning clock and the first thing goes for a walk with his favorite dogs.

Three four-legged pets inhabit the house of Kira - Papillon Adel, English Bulldog Pippa and the Pat of Breeded Breed. After returning home, she browsing mail, responding to the most urgent letters. Next follows training. The girl is interested in Pilates, who helps keep the body in a tone. For breakfast, she prefers to use a cup of green tea. Such morning provides Kiru charge of cheerfulness for the whole day.

Dogs Kira Plastinina

It seems that over the past decade, an externally girl has not changed. She did not change the color of the hair and hairstyle, did not make plastic operations, but the style of clothing was still transformed. To replace the bright youthful dresses and shoes with rhinestones, more "calm" and feminine dresses on the figure and elegant shoes came.

Kira Plastinina now

In 2018, the company began rebranding, but without the participation of Kira itself. Now trademark shops are open under the new Logo "Kira Plastinina and I". The medium price category for young people is still sold in them.

Kira Plastinina with Father

As it became known, the "resuscitation" of the business was engaged in Aunt Plastic Olga Ufimkin, on which Sergey Platinine issued brands-clones. Such a maneuver allowed a businessman to leave the payment of losses, the value of which is estimated at $ 100 million, and realize the remaining clothes of the last collections of the daughter's "Kira Plastinina Mary's" and "The Hot Kira Plastinina".

Kira itself is not going to stop there. She teaches a business school at the American University, where he lectures on fashionable business. According to the designer, she is full of ideas that plan to implement in the near future.

Kira Plastinina in 2018

In any case, the plastic does not miss the opportunity to participate in the creation of original wardrobe items. So, for the celebration of Halloween, which is widespread in the United States, the girl independently made for himself and her husband trolls suits. Images turned out to be blond and fabulous.

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