Ketie Topuria - biography, personal life, news, songs, "a'studio", wedding, Leo money, gave birth to 2021



Ketie Topuria is the Russian singer of Georgian origin, since 2005 is the soloist of the group "A-Studio", the performer of numerous songs, overnightly becoming hits. The unique style of singing, a rich voice timbre and the charm of the artist made it the idols of young people.

Childhood and youth

Ketevan (Ketet) Topuria was born under the sign of the Zodiac Virgin on September 9, 1986 in Tbilisi. Parents had technical education and were not connected with the world show business. Andro's father - Georgian by nationality, construction engineer, which was engaged in business, and Mother Natalia, a chemical engineer for education, after the birth of a child became a housewife.

As a child, Keti was an obedient child. Parents brought up a girl in rigor, but at the same time did not refuse their beloved daughter. With her father, she had a trusting relationship, he did not raise his voice to her daughter, even if she was guilty. Mother recorded Keta on numerous mugs: the girl went to music lessons, dancing, in the sports section and taught foreign languages. Singing Topuria began to engage in the council of the teacher of the vocal, which was their neighbor. Parents took daughter to a music school named after Gogi Sudsradze.

The first award was the future singer at the age of 12 at the International Competition "Sea of ​​Friendship". Since then, Ketie Topuria finally decided on the choice of profession, deciding to build a musical career.

After graduating from school in 1998, Keti Topuria went to the music school. Having received a diploma in 2003, the girl entered the Tbilisi State University at the Faculty of Psychology. There she studied 2 years, but the prospects for a musical career and participation in the famous project forced her to leave the university.

In 2010, Keti's father died. His death was accompanied by scandalous details that upset the singer. Andro Topuria, who changed the surname on Sanodsee, was detained on charges of acquiring and storing drugs. At the same time, Keta stated that Dad had problems with drugs, but had long got rid of dependence. Andro died in a colony, according to the official version, from heart failure. Because of Mourning, Topuria suffered a planned wedding.

In 2014, Keti decided to try himself as a designer of women's clothing and created his own brand Ketione. Up to this point in the singer more than once became the author of clothes for himself and friends, they persuaded her to open Showerum in Moscow.

Personal life

Increased interest in Keta Topuria Journalists and fans "A-Studio" began to show since the new soloist joined the popular team. Fans were interested in both biographical details, and physical parameters of beauty with a model appearance. Ketie has something to be proud - with a height of 170 cm it weighs 60 kg.

It seems the only thing that the star was dissatisfied is the nose: he seemed to her too large, so Ketie resorted to rhinoplasty. But the beauty itself claims that the plastic was a forced measure. She went to the operation only because she was twisted the nasal partition that prevented breathing.

Ketie, as a tattoo amateur, has a couple of images on the body, which for her they carry a special meaning. At the right ear, a treble key and notes are depicted, and the right hand decorates a stylish and laconic arrow.

Now the actress looks flawlessly. It enjoys the services of professional cosmetologists and makeup artists to maintain the skin of the face in perfect condition. This can be judged by a rare photo without makeup, which appear on the Keta page in "Instagram".

As for the personal life of the topuria, the paparazzi carefully follows its events since 2005. The girl tried to hide romantic meetings, however, journalists of yellow publications specializing in the hot news representatives of show business were able to "track down" her satellites that have fallen under the category of boyfriends.

In 2010, it became known that Keti Roman with a Moscow businessman Lvi-Geikhman, with whom she met thanks to shared friends.

When this information appeared in the press, the elect of the popular singers stopped hiding and began to accompany her at creative events and secular evenings. In September 2013, lovers registered marriage.

In 2014, the media learned that Topuria was pregnant. In early May she took a maternity leave and moved to America. In June 2015, in the Los Angeles Clinic, Keti gave birth to Daughter Olivia.

In mid-2016, a scandal struck: rumors about allegedly romantic communication of Tiet Topuria with Raper Gufom. They say I spark slipped between a couple on the joint shooting of the clip called "far."

In VIP-Tusovka and social networks, they spoke loud about the fact that the spouse changes her husband, but it hides it thoroughly. Ketie and Gufu had to publicly refute rumors, while Topuria stated that, despite the gossip, she did not divorce with Lvom, and with Rapra, she had only friendly relations.

However, after some time it turned out that the star was split in the star. Topuria confirmed the fact of parting with her husband. The singer admitted that he had not been living with Gehman for a long time, but at the same time they were trying to preserve friendly relations for the sake of her daughter. In 2017, there were reports of the official divorce of spouses.

In the fall of 2018, Kiet Topuria and Alexey Dolmatov officially confirmed rumors about the novel. They introduced children from previous marriages - Son Sam and daughter Olivia. The intriguing photos appeared on the singer page in "Instagram", on which she appeared in a frame with a carriage for newborn twins.

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Subscribers suggested that the actress on the early period of pregnancy. Guf himself, experiencing previous problems with drugs, said to journalists that began a new life, opened his own brand clothing store and met the love of life.

Both musicians did not hide feelings to each other, regularly posted in the "Instagram" joint photos from rest, including those where Ketie was in a swimsuit, and Alexey - in beach shorts. On the birthday of the beloved Topuria published a picture with Guf, signing it by an unequivocal phrase.

In the autumn of 2018, the Internet "blew" the news that Ketie broke up with Guf. All considered that the reason for this was the treason of Rapper with a young girl named Jan, who after the night with Alexei began to walk on television programs and talk about communication with the artist. According to the girl, he promised to part with Keti, gave her gifts and complained about the singer. Dolmatov also argued that there was a fleeting connection, for which he paid, but Yana simply began to blackmail him.

For a long time, Topuria did not comment on this situation and only a year later, in an interview, he said that he had stopped the relationship with the rapper not because of the treason, but because they had too different lifestyles and the environment. All this time, Guf tried to return the relationship, dedicated the lover song and posts in "Instagram". But they did not see them, because they brought the former boyfriend blacklist in social networks.

And in the summer of 2019, rumors about the new singer's novel began to spread, this time its chosen was the diplomat led money, the relationship with which Ketie was tied up in 2018. According to information from the network, he used to also acted as part of the Arbat Minsk team even recorded a couple of tracks that became real hits. However, later due to disagreements with other participants in the team left. Then the man did business and today is a successful entrepreneur.

The relationship with Lvom Keta did not comment on, but periodically in her "instagram" appeared photos with a man accompanied by smiles in the form of hearts or inscriptions I Love You.

In the 2020th, rumors appeared about the ambulance wedding. This information was truthful: in September, Keti admitted that he was engaged to lion and prepare for the long-awaited solemn event. And some time later confirmed the species of fans about the pregnancy of the singer: it turned out that the topuria was really waiting for the child. The actress has demonstrated the changed figure showed in the Evening Urgant program. And at the end of November of the same year it became known that the couple played the official wedding.

In January 2021 Keti and Lion became parents: Topuria gave birth to a son. The boy gave the name Adam.


Ketie Topuria began a musical career as a Georgian singer. During the solo activity, the artist recorded two albums and took off a couple of clips. Her talents were highly appreciated in their homeland, but outside Georgia, the girl was not famous. Nevertheless, a few of her songs, sung in Georgian, became hits.

At that time, Topuria collaborated with the musical producer NATO Dumbadze, she advised the girl to try to become a member of the popular Kazakh-Russian project "A-Studio", who at that time left Vocalist Polina Griffis.

In 2005, Ketet moved to Moscow, where, after successfully audition, she was officially enrolled in the famous team. The group was almost as many years old as an artist, and other participants turned out to be over it for more than 20 years, but Tiet Topuria managed to organically fit into the team. So the Moscow head of the musical biography of the singer began.

In the same 2005, the first album "Flying" came out with the new member of the group. Since then, it has been involved in the life of the project, takes off in the clips, tours around the cities and gives concerts. According to vocalists, she wanted to sing in the team and happy, which works with such musicians.

In 2006, the "A-Studio" team was waiting for a real tragedy. In early August, the guitarist and composer Baglan Savdakasov, which is in the group for the last 17 years, died in a car accident. It happened during the day in the center of Moscow. Without coping with control, the musician on the SUV at high speed crashed into the KAMAZ standing at the crossroads. A man along with his companion died still before the arrival of physicians.

Despite this, the team continued to work, and its success was noticeable for everyone. Artists often began to invite to concerts and different festive events, where they performed with hits. In 2006, they appeared on the "Song of the Year" with the track "I still love". In 2008, the team recorded the "Angel" track and soon presented a clip on him, which eventually became the main track of the year.

In the fall of 2013, the group was invited to speak at the "Neolbid Spray", the broadcast of which was held in early 2014. If only rock collectives that are executable on the New Year's Eve participated in the New Year holiday, this time the organizers decided to change the rules and, except for the A-Studio, were invited by Stas Mikhailov, Sergey Trofimova, Stas Pieju, Hope Kadyshev and others. Ketie performed the famous track of Yuri Shatunov "White Roses".

In the same year, the celebrity recorded Caper of Barbara Streisand of 1980 Woman in Love. The singer fulfilled her in Russian, in a modified form, the name sounded like "if I am in love."

In 2017, "A-Studio" fans received a nice gift from the beloved group and soloists: the video for a new song "Only with you" is recorded in Norway, and it is based on the romantic history of two lovers who work on the Arctic station. The authors of music for the new hit were Igor Steepy and Baigali Serkubaev.

In the same year, the musicians of the A-Studio group celebrated the 30th anniversary, in connection with this event, Ivan Urgant invited artists to the studio, where in his humorous manner peculiar to him, this event was discussed.

In 2017, Ketie Topuria, together with the Azerbaijani singer, recorded a duet drive "Sorry, My Love." Hit from the album "If you're nearby" was recognized as the best in the category "Best Duet" at the presentation of the "MUZ-TV" premium.

In the same year, at the music festival "New Wave" Keta, together with the musicians of the A-Studio group, presented the song "Atlantis" from the repertoire of Philip Kirkorov at his creative evening.

At the beginning of 2019, "A-Studio" together with the group The Jigits created Travel video to the song Leonid Agutin "Goodbye". Her musicians prepared specifically for the "new wave" to congratulate the artist with the anniversary. Part of the plot demonstrates the life of the guys during the tour, and the other is recorded from their performances on the scene.

In the same year, "A-Studio" received an invitation to the International Music Festival "Heat 2019", where more speeches of Keti discussed her outfit. The white lace dress of the artist decorated feathers on the nipper and sleeves, the topuria was put on it only beige bodys. At the same time it was noted that, since the actress is always in shape, she is even such frank outfits to her face.

And in the autumn of Regina Todorenko invited Keti on an interview to his Youtyub show, where the artist told about relations with Guf, about his daughter, about travels. Touch the conversation and creativity of topure. She talked about the most terrible corporate party, at which she had to be present, and about concerts for oligarchs. And a couple of months before, the Masha will ask Masha Melnikov in the program "Masha".

Ketie Topuria now

Ketet and now continues to delight fans with new songs and concerts. True, at the time the tour life of the topuria had to suspend. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, spreading at the beginning of 2020, and declared quarantine, it is forced to be insulated.

However, just sitting at home in the imprisonment of Keti could not. Having his own brand of clothing, it has replenished it with a new accessory - protective masks with a branded logo. The singer explained that medical protective masks are now impossible to buy in pharmacies, so they created their own - stylish and comfortable.

Meanwhile, the Mask's music show was broadcast on the NTV channel, where participants hidden under bright costumes sing songs of different musicians, and jury members are guessing who is hiding under the mask. The project fans were convinced that it was Keti who acts on behalf of a character who goes on the scene in a wolf costume. True, it turned out only at the end of the program: it turned out that Karina Cox was performed in the image of the tooth predator, the former soloist of the cream team.


  • 2005 - "Fly"
  • 2007 - "905"
  • 2007 - "XX"
  • 2007 - "Total"
  • 2010 - "Waves"
  • 2017 - "Sorry, my love"

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