Naftali Bennet - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Prime Minister of Israel, Yar Lapid 2021



Now the name Naftali Benneta is heard in those who are interested in international politics. In the summer of 2021, the prominent statesman of Israel replaced Binjamina Netanyahu as the country's Prime Minister. The head of the 36th government in a crisis is ready to solve issues affecting the global situation.

Childhood and youth

Biography Naftali Bennett began in the Israeli state in March 1972. The boy was born in the city of Haifa in the large family of American-Jewish immigrants.

Father Jim and Mirna's mother in youth moved to the Middle East from San Francisco. The ancestors of the boy and his only siblings were natives to Poland, Germany, Russia and the Netherlands. In the livelih of the future, the blood of the rabbis of rappaports and the heroes of the Second World War, who became victims of the Holocaust.

Since childhood, parents who professed modern orthodox Judaism were vaccinated by the Junior Generation Representatives respect for religion. However, due to military conflict, they were forced to leave the country. The head of the genus was an employee of the Israel Defense Army. While close were in the United States of America, he fought for the well-being of the sons and his wife.

When the 1973 armed conflict was resolved, the one-year-old naphthali returned to his homeland. But then he had to travel around the world because of his father's work. The boy visited Montreal and New Jersey to pre-school and younger school years, finally settle in Haifa, it turned out only at the age of 10 years.

The formation of Bennett received on the territory of the Middle East and abroad. During his stay in Yehiva, Yavne, a higher religious educational institution, he received the status of the leader of the Religious Zionist organization "Bnei Akiva", rather than commitment to national traditions and the return of historical lands.

In the 1990s, Naftali called for service to the army of Israel's defense. He commanded Rotami in the divisions of Sayyet Matkal and Malagan and acquired experience in intelligence during the first Palestinian intifada, which ended with the signing of a peace agreement in Oslo in mid-1993, as well as the presence of the "Breasta Grev" operation in 1996.

Career and politics

In adult life, Bennett entered the rank of major reserve. In general, participation in armed clashes, periodically shaking Israel, he studied at Jewish University of Jerusalem and became a bachelor of law.

In the late 1990s, the Military moved to the United States of America and settled in the upper East Side to start an entrepreneur's career in the field of programming and information technology. He became a co-founder, and then the general director of Cyota engaged in fighting fraud. Sale of business partners from RSA Security Inc. Made a representative of Jewish nationality by a millionaire, as well as a potential candidate for hitting the Media Holding Forbes.

Leaving the business, Naftali returned to his homeland and became interested in politics. After participating in the July 2006 war, he joined the head of the Israeli opposition to Benjamin Netanyahu and headed the headquarters of the center-seat National Liberal Party "Likud".

In early 2010, Bennett appointed the general director of the Jewish settlements of Judea, Samaria and Gaza, which protested against the construction of housing construction for Palestinians on the West Bank of the Jordan River. A year later, a former entrepreneur, together with Programmer, Israel, founded Movie Israel, whose main objectives were the strengthening of Zionism among supporters of the Centerful political views, expanding the dialogue between religious and secular communities and promoting the state stability initiative.

At the parliamentary elections in 2013, Bennett was headed by the party "Jewish House", which received 12 seats in Knesset, Israeli paralement. Subsequently, the politician received the chair of the Minister of Economy, Minister of Religious, as well as Minister of Diaspora Israel, which made it possible to keep his hand on the pulse and intently follow the situation in a politically unstable country.

In 2015, Naftali were appointed responsible for the scope of education. He initiated the introduction of a new school program to popularize visiting the cultural heritage sites that were in the Middle Eastern region on the border with Palestine. Responsible work made for long to leave the Knesset, besides, politician became a challenged to the post of Minister of Defense of the country.

At the end of 2010, Naftali went out in views with a long-standing companion Binyamin Netanyahu and founded the religious-secular game "New Rights", after the failure in the election in the coalition of Yamina. The Alliance performed for the Jewish identity, the unity of the country and the national sovereignty.

Personal life

About the privacy of the Israeli policy is known to society. Together with the legitimate wife of a gilat running a professional confectioner, Naftali raises and raises four children.

For the sake of the spouse, a woman who adhered to secular traditions has become religious customs. For a family, it is important for the Shabbat to refrain from work and comply with the Jewish Kashrut.

Naftali Bennet Now

In March 2021, at the extraordinary parliamentary elections, the coalition "Yamina" received 7 seats in Knesset. After a couple of months, without the participation of the parliamentary majority, Bennet, which represented the right-wing forces, and Yar Lapid, the leader of the Centrist party "Esh Atid", in the course of negotiations, the issue of the basic principles of the formation of the Israeli government were launched.

In mid-June, the members of the Knesset elected naphtalie the new Israel Prime Minister. Politician, by agreement takes the post until 2023, achieved such a result with minimal votes.

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