Tom Cruise - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Growth, Filmography, Nicole Kidman, Wife 2021



Tom Cruise - film actor, director, screenwriter and producer. It is called one of the most vivid representatives of the American cinema, the personification of the "Dream factory". The artist refers to the category of stars who made themselves. International success and high feerarars did not affect the character of the artist: the celebrity still brings each role to perfection, as you got used to career from the first days.

Childhood and youth

Thomas Cruise Mapoter IV was born on July 3, 1962 in Syracuse (New York, USA). The family became the third child of four children and the only boy. Near the sister of Ann, Marian and Cass. Toma Father - Electric Engineer, and Mother - Teacher-Defectologist. Both were born in the United States, descendants of the British, Germans and Irish. Parents divorced when the son turned 12 years old.

As a child, the crude was diagnosed with "Geniyev's disease" - dyslexia that interfered with study. Later, uncertainty was gained due to the growth below the average (170 cm). In order to grow for several centimeters, the young man was engaged in sports and achieved success in the fight. Tom planned to become a professional athlete, but prevented knee injury.

The dream of acting appeared at Cruz at the age of 16, when he first went on stage in the formulation of the musical "Guys and Dolls". Prior to that, Toma was ripe other plans - the guide was received and the year was held in the spiritual seminary, but threw his studies and went to New York to build a star career.


In 1980, Thomas moved to New York and the first thing that did, she reduced the name. A year after arriving at the "Big Apple", the novice film guilt was noticed and invited to play Billy in the ribbon "Infinite Love". Gruz received the first major role in 1983 in a blockbuster "Risky Business". The film collected $ 65 million at the box office, and Tom received a fee of $ 75 thousand.

Tychny fans still keep a copy of the Poster Melodrama "Cocktail", from which the young Kumir languor looks at the fans in the form of a bartender. The performer responsibly approached the work, he studied the art of mixing drinks from professionals.

One of the best roles of cruise is a businessman Charlie Babbitt in the painting "Rain Man". Critics, including a journalist BBC Nick Hildich, admired the game of Tom, which raised the level of the project, having robbed the plot from excessive sentimentality.

Another bright work that brought millions of new fans, is the image of a lonely and mysterious Lestat de Lionkura in the famous film "Interview with Vampire". Despite the delight of the fans, the nomination of fantasy drama on prestigious film chambers and victories in them, Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt received "Golden Malina" for the worst duet.

Apogee Career Tom is considered a detective thriller "Mission Impossible", the 1st part of which served as the beginning of the long-playing series. The picture is also known for the fact that, in addition to the execution of the major role of Agent, Itan Khanta, the artist first tried himself as a producer.

After 4 years, the "Mission is impossible - 2" came to the big screen. The film received not only the audience, but also financial success, in a set of $ 550 million. In many respects, this happened due to the spectacular performance of the tricks: Cruz, using only one insurance cable, easily jumped from the rocks on the rock, and then at all hang on one hand . Subsequently, Tom appeared in all the following parts of the franchise.

The project played a decisive role in the creative star biography. Perhaps therefore Cruz did everything in him to become indispensable for producers. So, during the filming of the part of the "Mission Impossible: Protocol Phantom", which took place in Dubai, the actor climbed on the top of the skyscraper "Burj-Khalifa", from where it came from the insurer on the wall of the building. Later, it was not possible to curb the flying plane at all: 6 minutes the artist was in the air, clinging to the protrusion on the transport worker, removing for the part of the Rogue Tribe.

In the film "Magnolia" Cruz appeared in the second plan, which did not prevent him from drawing the attention of critics and public. And the picture itself is interested in viewers for a number of reasons. Among them - the scene with the rain of frogs, who became interested in kindsmen. The creators had to explain that none of the amphibians did not suffer, and rubber and devoured on the computer on the computer on the computer were filled with the sky.

In 2001, Cruz starred in the fantastic melodraman "Vanilla Sky", for which he received the Saturn Prize for the best male role. In the film, the partners of Tom became Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz. As musical accompaniment, the project used compositions of popular music teams, including Radiohead, U2 and Monkees.

In the Neonwall Thriller "Partner", the artist fell to portray the hired killer of Vincent. Work on the picture was accompanied by permutations in the caste and film crew. So, Vincent was initially to play Russell Crowe, and after 3 weeks after the start of the shooting, the operator left due to the conflict with the director and produce Michael Mann.

Each project in which Cruise is removed is a great resonance in the creative environment. The fighter "War of the Worlds" can be attributed here Stephen Spielberg, and the military thriller "Operation" Valkyrie ". Tom fell on the tape after sawing the photo of his hero - Colonel Claus. Stauffenberg, a real historical character, a spooner of the Wehrmacht. The actor was surprised by the external similarity with the prototype, which inspired the performer.

Despite the presence in the repertoire of the actor of diverse roles, the main role of the hero is the main role for Cruise. The voluntary winner Tom appeared in the comedy militant "Knight of the Day". After the premiere, the film initially upset the creators and participants, since the first days of rental were failed, but for several months, global cash receipses exceeded the mark of $ 260 million.

The next major role was killed and in the 2012 thriller "Jack Reacher". The picture is a shielding of the novel of the English writer Lee Childa. The work of the "shot" immediately gained the status of bestseller, so soon after the release of the book Paramount Pictures acquired the rights to create the film.

In the fantastic militant "the face of the future", the hero of Tom had to fight the army of alien invaders. Although the plot is difficult to call the original, the film has received a laudatory reviews of the audience and critics. The Rotten Tomatoes website was 91% on the Rotten Tomatoes Aggregator.

Another time to save the world from the invasion of aliens, the Contractor had to be in the Antiutopia "Oblivion", in which Cruz played a major role. Help him in the difficult case of Heroine Olga Kurilenko. Blockbuster warmly met in Russia. Cruise and Kurilenko visited the premiere in Moscow and appeared on the Ether of the Evening Urgant show.

In the tape "Made in America" ​​Tom portrayed the famous pilot-smuggler Barry force. The picture was successful, but he was overshadowed by a tragic event. When the work was in full swing, the plane with the participants of the film crew got into a plane crash. Shortly before the deadly pilot Cascadener Alan Purvin said in social networks that he was glad to expand the horizons and cooperate with Tom Cruise.

In addition to successful projects, in the artist filmography there are faults. So, for the role of a soldier Nick Morton in the adventure militant "Mummy" Toms again awarded the antipremia of "Golden Raspberry", and on Rotten Tomatoes, positive reviews amounted to 16%. But at the cash collecting, which amounted to $ 409 million, this did not affect.

Scientology and beliefs

In 1990, Tom Cruz joined the Church of Scientology, which was founded by the Ronald Hubbard's religious philosopher. The idea of ​​the immortality of a person and the possibility of spiritual rebirth fell into the basis of the religion. According to the actor, Scientology helped him get rid of many problems that have suffered from children's years. Such aahs like dyslexia remained in the past.

Cruz became an open follower of the teachings and began to actively promote it in European countries, even though Scientology did not receive proper recognition. Nevertheless, thanks to the artist earned the program "Cleansing", based on the basic postulates of teachings. The project was created for participants in the elimination of the consequences of the terrorist act on September 11, 2001. The efforts of the star were awarded award - the medal of freedom, which was presented to the head of the Church of Scientology David Mitskevich.

In 2016, there was information that the Hollywood actor decided to move to the UK to be closer to the church. The celebrity bought the estate that previously belonged to the founder of religious flow. Because of the work, the Cruz lives more often in the USA, where he has several properties.

In his belief, Tom drew the adoptive children of Isabella and Connor, who today are considered the same Yary Adherents of Scientology, as well as the adoptive father. With the only native daughter at the cruise, it is impossible to see: the girl visits the Catholic Church, and the close communication with the adepts of other religions in Scientology is prohibited.

The actor for many things looks unconventional. For example, Tom called the psychiatry "Nazi science". Once he even entered into a hot spore with Brooke Shields, who took the drugs from postpartum depression, but later Kroz had to apologize to a colleague.

Personal life

The world community has always been interested in the personal life of the popular Hollywood actor. Cruz was married three times. In his youth, the artist was combined with the bonds of marriage with Mimi Rogers. Former spouse for 6 years older than Toma. Thanks to Miim, the performer and became a follower of the Church of Scientology. The marriage was considered exemplary, but as a result, the couple was divided alleged due to the fact that Cruz refused to move to Los Angeles.

In the 1990s on the set of "Thunder days", Tom met the future second wife Nicole Kidman. Lovers got married in the same year, after Christmas holidays. Kidman's family - Cruz was considered strong, the actors lived in marriage for 11 years and adopted two children - daughter Isabella and son of Connor.

In 1999, Tom and Nicole were filmed together in the Thinley Kubrick's thriller "with widely open eyes." Kidman and Cruz played a family check, which could not deal with their problems. After 2 years, the most beautiful pair of Hollywood filed for divorce. The official cause of parting was the employment of spouses. At the divorce, Kidman sued $ 10 million from the former husband. Favoric children remained under the guardianship.

In 2001, Toma was tied a novel with actress Penelope Cruz, when they worked together on the film "Vanilla Sky". In legal marriage, lovers did not entered and parted after three years of relationship.

A year later, Tom met the Third Wife, also actress Katie Holmes. A beautiful novel discussed and covered all the tabloids. Cruz made a beloved sentence of hands and hearts in Paris six months after the birth of the daughter of Suri and gave Katie a luxury ring with a diamond.

On the engagement of the couple officially announced at the Oprah Winfrey show. During the ether, the artist did not hold back emotions: Cruise jumped on the couch for a long time, then hugged the TV presenter, fell on his knee to the whale. Later, this episode fell into the plot of the comedy "very scary movie - 4". Wedding played in 2006 in Italy.

Star Chet lived in marriage for 6 years, and in August 2012, Holmes and Cruz officially issued a divorce. Tom was not going to throw a daughter, he loves the children very much and had long dreamed of a big family, but the reason appears to be infreed to them. According to rumors, the apple of discord was the religion of cruise and looks for life.

Subsequently, the media has not been attributed to this new novels. In 2015, there was information that Emily Thomas became the elected cruise, his personal assistant. Soon it turned out that the girl had the groom. Later, rumors had rumors about relationships with nippers on the films Rebecca Ferguson and Haley Etwel.

During the film, Tom repeatedly changed the image. After the first appearances on the screen, his wardrobe was sent by bright shirts, but, starring in the "interview with a vampire", the actor began to show interest in stylish jackets. And with the participation in the "mission", the artist was addicted to black leather jackets.

Highlights of celebrities were also subject to change. At the beginning of the creative path, Cruz allowed himself experiments with a length and even with the color of the hair, but from the beginning of the 2000s, mostly appeared on the screen with a short haircut. To work in the "last samurai" Tom Cruz reflected the beard.

Tom Cruise now

Now Tom does not reduce its activity and is in excellent form - the weight of the star is held within 70 kg. To shoot the continuation of the next part of the popular franchise, Cruz led negotiations with NASA and Space X about the flight into space. By the way, the premiere of the painting "Mission Impossible - 7" was expected in 2021, but because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it had to be transferred to May 2022. Earlier it was announced that for the sake of the project, the actor worked on the jumps from the aircraft.

For November 2021, the start of the showing of the film "Top Gan: MEVERIC" was announced with the participation of Tom Cruise. The tape is a continuation of the melodramatic militant "the best shooter", which came out on the screens in 1986. The actor starred in the same image of Pith Mitchell's pilot, only 34 years later. According to the established tradition, Cruz independently performed all the tricks in the film.

In the interruptions between the tight schedule of filming, Tom does not forget about the civil position. In May 2021, a racial scandal broke out around the Golden Globe Prize. A number of Hollywood artists began to boycott the event in various ways. Cruise returned all 3 HFPA awards (Hollywood Foreign Press Association). The reason was the fact that there was not a single dark-skinned journalist in the awards jury. The premium suffered losses and promised the public to correct the situation.


1981 - "Infinite Love"

1988 - "Rain Man"

1994 - "Interview with Vampire"

1996 - "Mission impossible"

1996 - "Jerry Maguyer"

1999 - "With widespread eyes"

2001 - "Vanilla Sky"

2003 - "Last Samurai"

2005 - "War of the Worlds"

2012 - "Rock for century"

2014 - "Future Future"

2017 - "Mummy"

2018 - "Mission impossible: consequences"

2021 - "Top Gan: MEVERIC"

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