Alexander Druz - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "What? Where? When?" 2021.



If the correct answers to the tricky questions were not the basis of the intellectual show, but by the way of earning, Alexander would be friends in peculiar lists of the rich worked in this way. For the ability to find a way out of hopeless situations, he was awarded the "diamond owl" and six "crystal owls", the main prizes of the game "What? Where? When?". Druz is one of the first "immortal" club players and the first owner of the title of Master.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born on May 10, 1955 in Leningrad in a Jewish family. Father served on a submarine, later taught, mother - nurse. Parents granted her son's love for books - he reread everything in the house, starting with the huge encyclopedia and ending with artwork. But it did not bother the boy to fight, play football, break the bans and walk to swim in the ponds.

In school, the other studied well, although there was no excellent student. The first award won at 9 years at the evening of entertaining issues. Then he graduated from the technical school and with honors - the Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, managed to work in the field of construction.

A steep turn in life happened when the thought came to his head to send a request for participation in the television program who loved since childhood.


In 1981, at the invitation of Vladimir Voroshilov, the other fell into the pavilion "What? Where? When?". He turned out to be a gambling player and appeared in almost all issues, becoming a record holder in the number of games conducted and wins survived. Alexander belongs to the anti-advertest: he is the first member of the club, whom the colleagues expelled for the prompt.

Friends were excluded for similar provinces more than once, but the exile lasted for a long time, and it was safely returned.

In 1991, Alexander Abramovich retrained to teachers - was engaged in preparing children to club games "What? Where? When? ", School and interregional tournaments spent. For merit in the field of education received a medal "In memory of the three hundredth anniversary of St. Petersburg".

In the television biography of the Friend there is another page - the program "Brain Ring". The first year of participation ended for him to victory and presentation of the Golden Brain. He also received the Cup in 1991, 1994 and 2000.

Victory in the intellectual show "Own game" brought Alexander the main prize - a car. There was no funds for the payment of tax on the tax of the winnings, so the document took the money equivalent and bought "Lada". From 35 played games, he won on 22 and became the owner of two maximum winnings for one game in the transfer history.

The famous intellectual periodically stands for the team "Nikita Mobile Tathe" in the sports analog of "What? Where? When?" and "Brane Ring". Now there is also a cognitive program "Hour of Truth" on the channel "365 days TV".


Alexander Abramovich was the head of the program of the St. Petersburg TV company "Golden Taurus", which delivered content for the channels "Culture" and Ren-TV, headed the Gaming Program Division on the "100 TV" channel. Smecky was considered a pioneer on Russian television in terms of round-the-clock online broadcasting on the Internet.

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In 2007, the other founded Stroy-Azhio, which was engaged in wholesale trade of construction materials. Another, Trans-Azhio, specialized in freight transportation. Later, the owner sold the business, since the time for his development was not enough, the crisis in this area was affected.

Personal life

Alexander's personal life has arranged once and forever in his youth. Wife Elena he knew from school. The girl was friends with him from the rudeness - the other tasks did it for her. Got married when they studied at the institute.

In the family, the daughter of Inna and Marina rose. Both graduated from the University of Economics and Finance, they know three foreign languages, live in America, but at home they only speak Russian. Inna - candidate of science. Girls Parents have read books from 3 months old, developing intelligence and thirst for knowledge. As a result, they went at the footsteps of the Father - played in "What? Where? When? "Received" Crystal Sov ".

Spouse by profession psychologist. This miniature (compared to its 178 cm growth) a woman endowed with wisdom and patience, Alexander considers the main winner in fate. The first photo in the "Instagram" of the connoisseur - together with Elena.

Druz - Grandfather of four granddaughters, Alice, Alina, Roni and Ensley. In addition to the head of the family, in the house there was another master - a cat breed of Scottish Fold Master Skimlisch monses, who was visible in honor of Sean Konnery in honor of Sean.

Favorite activities Alexander at leisure - reading. He himself wrote a children's book about the adventures of the cat and the girls "Ena, Thomas and others" and the guide to St. Petersburg.

Alexander Druz now

Legend "What? Where? When?" Does not refuse herself to participate in other intellectual projects. In 2018, such became the show "Who wants to become a millionaire?". In the studio to Dmitry Dibrov, Alexander came to Master Viktor Siddeva. The program in the final of which experts lost, safely won on the air, and in February 2019 the scandal broke out.

The chief editor of the "Millionaire" Ilya Ber accused his friends in an attempt to bribe. Allegedly he suggested share a part of the winnings in exchange for answers to some questions. Ilya went to the transaction, recorded a conversation on the recorder, but at the last moment he replaced the 15th questions from the 10th to the 15th. That is why Alexander and Victor received only a non-aggravated amount.

Druz presented the situation on the other side. Ber, with events, he himself turned with a similar offer, and he just wanted to play and see what it would come of it. And he knew the answer to the last question, based on past experience, and, having discussed the situation with Side, decided to "lose."

The first channel for the time of the proceedings removed both from participation in teleigners. The editor complained of the International Association of Clubs "What? Where? When?" And asked for an assessment of "dishonest actions" Alexander.

There were rumors on this soil that the friend is leaving for America. However, it turned out that we are talking only about the presentation of the book. Later, whether the name and awareness of the intellectual, whether they apologized to them play a role, but passions were silent. Alexander returned to the club, albeit with the ban to play until the end of the season. The Association also retained the post of vice president, however, excluded from the Ethics Commission.

TV project

  • "What? Where? When?"
  • Sports version "What? Where? When?"
  • "Branin Ring"
  • "My own game"
  • "Who want to be a millionaire?"
  • "Hour of Truth"

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