Rada Poklitar - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Ballet 2021



Rada Poklitaru - Ukrainian choreographer, artistic director of Kiev Modern-ballet Theater, whose name has become known to a wide range of spectators through participation in the TV projects "Dancing with the Stars" (Ukraine), "Everything dance!" (Ukraine) and "Dance!" (Russia). In 2014, participated in the formulation of the opening and closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi.

Childhood and youth

Rada Poklitar was born on March 22, 1972 in Chisinau. The boy appeared in the family of ballet artists, so his further fate and career were predetermined.

Rada fucked in childhood

Childhood Rada spent in his hometown. At a young age, he began to study dance in the studio at the local Poland of Pioneers. Together with the Father and Mother toured according to the countries of the Soviet Union and studied in various institutions: in Moscow she was engaged in the choreographic school, in Odessa - in a ballet school, and in his native Chisinau - in the music school.

In 1986, graduating from school, Rada filed documents to the Perm State Choreographic School, where he was taken without the slightest oscillations. He became a student of the Ballet Artist Department and after 4 years ended education.

Rada fucked in youth

In 1994, the artist entered the Belarusian Academy of Music to the choreographic department. As the director of interviews later admitted, to study at the university, he went only because of the reluctance to serve in the army. This decision predetermined a further creative biography of Rada. Already at the end of the first semester, he was forever fell in love with the classroom. In 1999, he received a diploma of choreographer, art historian and teacher of choreography theory.


In his youth, Rada Pokhlitar was part of the troupe of the National Academic Theater of the Republic of Belarus. There he became the leading ballet artist. In 1996, he made his debut as a choreographer with a miniature point of intersection in the musical accompaniment of the Composer Arkandgelo Corelli. Under his leadership, dance numbers were delivered in the play "Kiss Fairy", which became the graduation work of the artist, and "the world does not end at the door of the house."

In 2001, Rada returned to his homeland in Moldova, where he immediately took a leading post in the National Opera. There, the artist worked for a year, after which he left due to the change of the Minister of Culture.

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In the period from 2002 to 2006, fumbled in the creation of ballet performances for different theatrical troupes and ballet artists speaking on competitions. His talents and merit in choreography do not remain unnoticed, the balletmaster is invited to cooperate the eminent teams and theaters.

Rada also collaborated with foreign figures. He worked with the English director Delan Donnellan. The result of their union was new from the point of view of choreography and setting the version of the legendary play "Romeo and Juliet", which inhibited the public of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia in innovative ideas.

Choreographer Rada Falitar

Horograph enjoyed the greatest popularity in Ukraine, where in 2006 he was offered to create their own theater. The money for the project was allocated by the patron of Vladimir Phillips. To gain the troupe, the All-Ukrainian casting of dancers was organized. Professional ballet artists and lovers, who later were given training. 16 dancers were selected in the team.

"Kiev Modern-ballet" officially opened on October 25, 2006 and immediately pleased the audience by the production of "Carmen. TV "in two actions. The performance enjoyed great success. As the artistic director of the theater, Poklitar scored the team of excellent teachers from Ukrainian artists, which made it possible to increase the troupe to 21 participants.

Rada Falitar

Thanks to professionalism, the focus together with the artists, Anna Ipava and Andrei Zlobin, in a short time it was possible to create an extensive and unique repertoire, which instantly made Kiev Modern-ballet by one of the leading theaters of modern choreography. The best productions of the collective are still considered the Ballets "Nutcracker", "Rain", which entered the famous room "Lullaby", "Bolero". In 2012, started showing the legendary "Swan Lake". The work of the theater team has repeatedly been celebrated by the National Premium "Kiev Pectoral". The theater tour was successfully held in France, Thailand, Moldova, Russia and other countries of the world.

In 2014, Pokhotitaru performed as the lead choreographer opening and closing the Olympic Games in Sochi. He became a director of the segment, which was called "Imperial Russia". The events of the reign of Peter of the first, demonstration of the military marches, the scene from the novel "War and Peace" of Lion Tolstoy, were presented on the stage.

In addition to work in the native theater, Rada became the invited choreographer in the Bolshoi Theater of the capital of Russia, where he put in 2015 "Hamlet", in the Mariinsky Theater, in which he worked on the play "Symphony in three movements". At one time, Pokhlitaru collapsed with theaters of Prague, Belgorod, Minsk, Perm, Chisinau.

The 10th anniversary of the existence of the existence of the theater Rada Poklitar noted the production of "Giselle", which is among the most popular academic ballets in the world. In the play, the choreographer presented the author's version of the plot vision.


The artist is often invited to popular dance projects on television. The first such show with the participation of Rada was the program "Dancing Stars", where the choreographer got in 2011 as a member of the jury of the 4th season of the show.

Rada fucked in the show

A year later, the bright director was invited to the project "Dance everything!" on the channel STB. The choreographer made his debut on the project in the 5th season as a jury member, combining judicial duties with the preparation of rooms for participants. With his colleagues, the judges became no less famous choreographers of Ukraine Tatiana Denisov and Vlad Yama.

Pokhotitaru showed himself to be strict, but fair judge, as well as a professional choreographer: because of the tour, he had a limited amount of time to create numbers, but he managed to prepare the participant in less than 2 hours.

Tatyana Denisova and Rada Poklitar

In 2015, Pokhotitaru again became a member of the jury of the dance competition "Dance!" On the first channel. He was also entrusted to the production of numbers for participants.

Personal life

Choreographer Rada Poklitaru prefers to silence about his personal life. It is known that for some time he was married to a girl named Irina, in no way connected with the world show business. After a spouse, the spouse broke up.

Rada Falite and Natalia Mogilevskaya

In 2011, rumors about the novel of the choreographer and singer Natalia Mogilevsky appeared. Together, the artists occupied the judicial chairs on the project "Dancing with the Stars." The public and reporters spoke about the romantic attachment of two members of the jury. The photo of the kissing couple has repeatedly fell into the media. The director himself refused to comment on this information, saying that such issues with the public did not discuss. Natalia turned out to be more emotionally tuned, saying that love covered her and Rada from the first minutes of dating.

Romantic feelings did not exceed something more. Rada still has no wife and children, he fully belongs to art, as evidenced by his official profile in "Instagram".

Rada Poklitar in 2018

Now only news concerning his creative career appears on the choreographer page. As a rest, the balletmaster prefers traveling around Europe, visits to the pool or walks with the four-legged pet-friendly Oskar, the snow-white West Highland White Terrier.

Rada fucked now

In May 2018, the next loud premiere of the "Kiev Modern-ballet" Theater was held - the play "Sleeping Beauty" Peter Tchaikovsky. For the formulation of the fusion used masks of fantastic animals, which were called octopuses, goatotures, fish-sirens and phoenixes. These are new narrative characters introduced by choreographer. To give the action of greater dynamics, the director reduced the number of numbers and changed a slightly plot of libretto.

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Plans for 2019 there are tourists with the best performances of the theater, as well as holding author's master classes within the framework of dance festivals.


  • 2006 - "Carmen. TV »
  • 2007 - "Veronian Myth: Shakespeare"
  • 2007 - "Bolero"
  • 2007 - "Rain"
  • 2007 - "Nutcracker"
  • 2008 - "Chamber No. 6"
  • 2013 - "Swan Lake"
  • 2014 - "Women in Re Minor"
  • 2016 - "Giselle"
  • 2017 - "Up River"

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