Valery Todorovsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Valery Todorovsky is a Russian film director, a producer who loudly declared himself in the late 90s kinolenty "Country Deaf".

Director, Producer and Writer Valery Todorovsky

Today he is a director of popular projects "Styles", "Thaw", "Big". His works are not just fascinatingly told stories, each of them opens the door to a certain era or the world of human relationships.

Childhood and youth

Valery Todorovsky - Native Odessa. He was born in this southern city on May 8, 1962 in the family, then the famous film director, and in the future the classics of the Soviet and Russian film industry Peter Efimovich Todorovsky and the producer of the World of Grigorievna.

Valery Todorovsky with parents in childhood

Father from an early age took his son to the shooting platform. In the pavilions of Odessa Film Studio, Varera liked everything: how to securely fix the scenery, where to install the cameras to suspend the sofa.

He also liked that his dad was so respected and influential: in the pavilion, artists are unquestioning only him. It is not surprising that in the end, the Todorovsky junior decided to become "the same as dad." But when the father found out about it, he warned that the son was not necessary to count on his help, it would be necessary to achieve it alone.

Valery Todorovsky with his father in youth

So it turned out. Valery confidently, though nefral, went to the target target. The first attempt to go to VGIK to the Faculty of Directory failed. But the young man was not upset and went to study at the scenario department of the theater university, on the course of a talented teacher and the scenario of Cera Paramonic.


The creative biography of Todorovsky began in 1986. This year he made his debut in the Scriptwriter's Ipostasis: in collaboration with the Latvian counterpart Andris Kolbergs wrote a script for the tape "Double". Valery worked and with the director Dmitry Meshiev: to his paintings "Gambrinus" and "Over Dark Water" wrote original scenarios, which brought fame to the author.

In the perestroika 90s, when commercial studios began to appear, Todorovsky together with two like-minded people and friends created the TTL Production Center (Todorovsky, Tolstunov, Livnev). The debut producer work of Odessa was the picture "Kix". The director of the film was Sergey Livnev.

In 1990 came the first film Todorovski "Hearse". It was his directorial debut. In the next picture, called "Love," starring Yevgeny Mironov, Dmitry Marjanov. They portrayed on the screen two friends whose lives are made up differently. Lovelace Vadim (Marjanov) marries the granddaughter of General and modest Sasha (Mironov) is forced to part with his beloved, that goes with his parents to Israel. After this began to talk about a little-known film debut bright young actor Mironov.

Valeri Todorovski on the set

Not only this star "lit" Todorovski: with his light hand got a lucky ticket to the cinema Chulpan Khamatova, Dina Korzun, Maxim Sukhanov, who played in the drama "Country of the Deaf". And in 1994 in the movie "Moscow Nights" director reinvented the viewer Ingeborg Dapkunayte, called her to act as an actress living in London. The film from which the genre can not determine the best critics of the country, has brought its creators a number of national awards, including the award "Golden Aries" and "Nick".

Producing work Todorovski deserves special attention. The track record of Valery Petrovich including a number of masterpieces - series "Kamenskaya" and "Women in a game without rules" Yuri Moroz, "Brigade" Alexei Sidorov, the film adaptation of Dostoyevsky's "The Idiot" novel Vladimir Bortko, "Piranha" Andrew Kavun, "Poddubny" Gleb Orlov and others.

Valeri Todorovski

From 1995 to 1999 Todorovski - board member of the film studio. Gorky. During this period he re-conquered the VGIK. This time, he tried to enter the Advanced Directing Courses. And again, it has failed. But Valery did not lose heart: once he decided to become a director, then so be it. Since then, he started making his own films.

Todorovski once admitted that, besides working screenwriter, director, producer, he likes to be engaged in the installation.

So Valery again remounted series "Queen Margot", making it the way he liked by the audience. Also I worked on the film Dmitry Meshieva "Women's Property", where in the main roles played by Elena and Konstantin Safonov Habensky.

Valeri Todorovski on the presentation of the film

Since May 2000, Valeri Todorovski becomes the producer of film production of TV channel "Russia". Since August 2003, he took the Advisor to the General Director of the TV channel kinoteleproektam.

In 2005, Todorovski, together with Leonid Lebedev and Vadim Goryaninovym founded his own production company "Red Arrow". Among the best studio films appear 'Dandies "," Swing "and" Oxygen ".

Valeri Todorovski on the set of the series

In the same 2005, Valery became the cozerrusor of the series "Master and Margarita" Yuri Kara. The tape immediately became a megapopular, having dispelled a gloomy myth about the impossibility of the emptying of the most mysterious work of Bulgakov.

One of the latest most successful works in the filmography of Todorovsky as a director became the TV series "Thaw", which was first shown in December 2013. The heroes of the 12-serial tape are Soviet cinematographers who lived in the 60s when Father Valeria was started - Peter Todorovsky.

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The series instantly became popular and received many awards, including a special prize of the Council of the Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts "Nika" for 2013.

In 2016, the director began shooting a film called "Big". This is a tape of ballet, about the life of the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater and about 2 balleriny girls and their fate from 10 to 25 years.

Valery Todorovsky

The main roles were performed by famous actors - Alice Freundlich, Valentina Telichkina and Alexander Domogarov, and the images of the students were recreated on the screen of Margarita Simonov and Anna Isaev.

Personal life

As Valery is recognized, there is a "only movie only" in his life. The director avoids noisy secular parties, does not like to travel away from home. He claims that he has no hobbies or other hobbies, except for cinema.

Valery Todorovsky with the first wife of Natalia Tokareva and Son

Todorovsky family and personal life are closed for prying eyes. The director does not speak on this topic almost nothing. It is only known that Valery is married for the second time. With the first wife of Natalia Tokareva, the daughter of the writer Victoria Tokareva, he lived 20 years. From this marriage there are two children - the son of Peter and the daughter of Catherine. Todorovsky was considered an exemplary family man, so the news that the producer decided to divorce and goes to the young actress Evgenia Bric, shocked many.

In the current spouse, Valery fell in love with the casting of one of his serials. Later, Eugene starred in the tape of her husband "Styles".

Valery Todorovsky and Evgenia Bric

In 2009, Valeria Todorovsky and Evgenia Bric were born daughter Zoya. Mom with a girl spends a lot of time in the USA. Zoya is studying in Los Angeles. Visit to school she combines with classes in a music school and a dance studio, and the girl tried herself as a TV presenter and even started to act. So far, this episodic roles, but, according to Evgenia, for the accumulated fees by the age of 16, Zoya will be able to afford a car. BRIC regularly places photos and video with daughter in "Instagram".

Valery Todorovsky with his wife and daughter

In an interview with Evgeny, he mentioned that they and her husband were ready for the emergence of the second child and even invented the name for the boy and the girls, but until the tight shooting hinder the implementation of these plans.

Valery Todorovsky now

In 2018, Valery Petrovich began work on the project "Odessa". In addition to Moscow, shooting took place in the southern region of Russia - the cities of Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don and Sochi. The genre of the picture is defined as tragicomedy. The film narrates about quarantine introduced in the city due to the distribution of cholera.

Valery Todorovsky on filming

In the center of the plot - the history of the Jewish family of Davydov. To work, Todorovsky used a 35-millimeter film, which will give a painting greater reliability, as events occur in the early 70s. Irina Rosanova, Evgeny Tsyganov, Leonid Yarmolnik, Ksenia Rappoport and Yevgeny BRIC will appear. Now all the basic works on the creation of the film are completed. The premiere is planned for 2019.

In addition to the director's work, in 2018, Valery performed the producer of two paintings. First of all, this is the psychological drama "Particle of the Universe", in which Victoria Isakov played, Alexey Makarov and Sergey Pustopalis. The second picture was the detective series "Garden Ring" with the participation of Maryron and Anatolia White.

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In the autumn, Todorovsky was among the organizers of the contest of short films "A4" with a prize fund of 1 million rubles. Under the terms of the competition, all participants were asked to write a brief bright story in the genre of drama, comedy, fiction or sports cinema and to shoot her on a smartphone or camera. The jury appreciated primarily the originality of the idea, and not the technical capabilities of the director.


  • 1990 - "Catafalk"
  • 1991 - "Love"
  • 1994 - "Moscow Region Evenings"
  • 1998 - "Country of Deaf"
  • 2002 - "Lover"
  • 2004 - "My Consolidated Brother Frankenstein"
  • 2007 - "Things"
  • 2008 - "Stirsters"
  • 2013 - "Thaw"
  • 2017 - "Big"
  • 2018 - "Odessa"

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