Natalia Friske - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Sister Zhanna Friske 2021



Natalia Friske is the younger sister of the stars of the Pop Group "Brilliant" Zhanna Friske. Natalia's biography does not contain remarkable pages. Having tried your strength in show business, the girl chose the work of the stylist. But in 2018, she decided to take revenge and surprised the public with the duet composition "Two Planets", forcing the listeners to talk about her return to the stage.

Now the girl is preparing to play a major role in the film about the older sister, the shooting of which was announced by her father Vladimir.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Friske was born on April 21, 1986 in Moscow. The difference in the age of the older sister Jeanne was 12 years old, so for Natasha, it always remained an authority and role model.

Parents of girls for a long time wore the name of Kopylov, but after the insane popularity of the eldest daughter, the whole family became Friske. Father Vladimir was an artist, performed in the theater, but over time the scene went to the background, and he began to develop as a businessman.

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Natalia loved the talented sister and tried to imitate her in her whole. But only a girl did not have such stunning vocal data, although he graduated from a music school. Having resigned by the fact that the career of the singer is not for her, Natalia comes to the Moscow Institute at the Faculty of Law. Its main specialization was a civil case, according to which Friske defended the thesis on excellent.

After the institute, the girl was sent to work in the prosecutor's office. There, Natalia managed to work only six months. For a fragile woman who wants to be in the light of sophods, being beloved spectators and enjoy popular, it is difficult to accept the "boring and monotonous" work. Friske clearly understood that criminal jurisprudence is not her.

Personal life

The first marriage of Natalia knows a bit, but for the second one of her campaign under the crown was a discussed event for fans of the Friske family. The girl became the wife of a 26-year-old employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Sergey Wishivkov, smoothly a year after leaving the Brilliant group. The solemn ceremony was held in the manor of Kuskovo.

In the summer of 2015, Zhanna was not. Fans with trepidage experienced her illness and hoped for early recovery. But most of all worried close, including sister. From the moment the singer was raised a terrible diagnosis, and until the last sighing she was near. Natalia tried not to show excitement, be strong, and it helped.

Natasha posted photos in social networks, where they and sister are rehabilitated. The last few weeks of the singer's life, many believed that she was amended, and only their relatives saw how a close man would fool. The death of Zhanna Friske became a tragedy for parents and sisters.

The funeral of the singers took place at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery, not far from the capital. Only relatives of the artist and her close friends were admitted to the farewell ceremony.

Natalia could not move away from shock for a long time, and her parents began their health problems. The only consolation for the family was the native Son of the singer - Plato, especially since there is no one's own children yet. About that pregnant, Natasha found out the day before the death of the sister. After the care of Zhanna because of stress, she lost a child.

Experience and stress put a mark on the Figure of Natalia, the girl scored weight. Only 3 years after the loss of his native man, she decided to do it. Thanks to a balanced nutrition and training with a Friske instructor easily lost 10 kg and almost returned to the previous weight. Today, with growth, 174 cm its weight is 65 kg.

In order to remove the tummy that Natalia calls hereditary, she turned to a plastic surgeon. The result was impressed not only by the girl and her relatives, but also the "Instagram" subscribers: Natalia gladly demonstrated a built-in figure in a picture in a swimsuit.

Fans noted some more changes in the appearance of the girl - she was on the lower back of her tattoo in the form of a flower of iris. This is not the first tattoo on the body Friske. Before that, she had images of shells and lizards on ankle.

Friske does not hide that she resorted to the plastic to adjust the waist. About the procedure of liposuction she told reporters. Later, Microblog's subscribers Natalia learned that she also resorted to rhinoplasty. Friske explained that he suffered difficult breath after the nasal injury, so the operation was needed.

At the end of 2018, Natalia, together with her husband Sergey, decided to open his business on Sri Lanka. Spouses have invested money in a cafe specializing in seafood. The first time the couple lived in a new place, but soon the crack was outlined.

According to Natalia, the feelings cooled, irritability appeared, which led to constant conflicts. In 2019, Friske announced a divorce. Sergey returned to the service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Natalia also had to move to Moscow, closer to the parents. Cafe she rents.


For the first time, Natalia reached the big scene in 2007. On October 4, a girl debuted at the Ice Palace of Sports at the Khodynskaya field at the MTV Russian Music Awards'2007 Music Award Ceremony, when the "Brilliant" group first made all its soloists, starting from the first day of the base of the team.

On the same day, Zhanna received not the first reward for himself. Natalia thoroughly learned the words, learned the dances, showing himself on stage with dignity, after which he gave the press interview. The next day, the younger Friske went with a sister on tour to feel all the charms so beautiful, but at the same time complex and exhaustive stars work.

After such a debut, the producers of the group "Brilliant" considered the right to take to the team Natalia Friske, where she could replace the eldest sister.

In addition to vocal data, the girl approached the external parameters: with its height, 172 cm weight at that time did not exceed 55 kg. Producers considered that its potential is only revealed and the future celebrity matures. The girl itself participated several times in the castings and successfully passed them.

In the group, Natalia came after the care of the spectacular Anna Semenovich. Most of all, the girl began his friends with a partner on stage - Nadi handle. In the face of Hope Natalia found a close girlfriend, which could listen, give advice and help dispel.

The younger Friske lasted in the group only 3 months: the exhausting touring schedule negatively affected her health. Natalia chose a quiet specialty. Despite the presence of legal education, sister Zhanna got a stylist to the beauty salon. According to the girl, she found herself in this profession.

In the winter of 2018, the premiere of the song "Two Planets", which the Friske was performed in Duet and the ex-soloist of the Turbomod group Alexander Popov. Fans of the musician with delight adopted a new composition, and Natalia shoved compliments. The track was released on the track.

Her return to the show business was called triumphal. Alexander himself did not expect such a resonance, because the track was recorded at the home studio. After the publication of the joint photo of the singer and sisters, Zhanna Friske spoke about changes in the personal life of the girl, but Natalia refuted these statements.

In addition to the broadcast of the clip on Hit, the artists performed at a charity concert dedicated to the memory of the senior sister Natalia "Zhanna Friske - I am near!", Which took place in October 2018. In addition to relatives, Angelica Agurbash, Natalia Gulkin, Ed Shulzhevsky and others rose to the scene. The public was discouraged by the lack of close friends and colleagues Zhanna - Olga Orlova and Anna Semenovich.

Vladimir Friske officially announced the beginning of the filming of the first feature film about his eldest daughter, which will begin in 2019. According to the father of the singer, Natalia Friske will fulfill the major role. The writer of Gennady Kurkin took the script, and the interest of the project was already shown by "Russia-1", the first channel and NTV.

Natalia Friske now

Now Natalia continues to build his artistic career. At the end of December 2019, she spoke in a couple with Alexander Popov at the Charitable Concert of Evelyn Blonds "Love Syndrome". The musicians performed several songs, including the new hit "White cherry", which was delighted with the hall.

The audience noted that Friske is increasingly becoming similar to her sister not only outwardly, but also voice. Not all representatives of show business are positively assessed by what she copies Zhanna. Today, Natasha is really not distinguished from star relative. The similarity is added by Afrogotri, which decorated the head of the performer.

Joseph Prigogin criticized the Mainer of the singer, calling her business model "primitive", to which Friske answered the producer by an angry post in "Instagram". I did not appreciate the efforts of the artist and blogger Lena Miro, suspected in the behavior of Natalia, unhealthy motives.

In 2020, Natalia Friske on the TV show "Stars came together" spoke on an interview with Dmitry Shepelev Ksenia Sobchak. Sister Zhanna reported that the TV host was preparing for the death of the singer. He issued a general power of attorney to the property of the Civil Wife, periodically filmed large sums from Joan's accounts.

In turn, Dmitry accuses the FRESK family in the disappearance of all the money collected by the charity foundation for the treatment of artist. He also stated the threats of physical violence from Vladimir Kopylov.

Family Frank makes efforts so that the memory of Jeanne does not fade. Natalia, together with Mom, follows the order in the apartment of the sister, in which all things have been prurite from the moment of death. The relatives of the star are often in Zhanna's house.

Here are the favorite Things of Friske, her teddy rabbit, with whom the performer passed chemotherapy. In one of the January posts of 2020 in Storsith and the official group in Vkontakte, Natalia held a small excursion for the sister's apartment for subscribers.

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