Olga Pogodina - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, producer, TV series, "Instagram" 2021



Olga Stanislavovna Pogodina is not only a talented actress of cinema, but also a successful producer, and the founder of the studio "Ode-film", shooting films with popular Russian and foreign stars.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born on September 21, 1976 in Moscow. By the sign of the zodiac, she Virgo. From childhood, the girl was distinguished by weak health, because of which she could not regularly attend school. Her education was engaged in Mother Leah Alexandrovna, who worked as an actress before his daughter's birth. She became for Olga the standard of a man who would like to become in adulthood. Future actress spent a lot of time from relatives in the Baltic States, her grandmother was from Riga. Climate change, though not long, but improved Olga's health.

At school, the first time of the future actress was tight. Pusher studied in a disadvantaged class, where she even once took shoes. To bring them back, the girl was not afraid to start a fight with obichpitters who were forced to give a trophy. Since Olga was going to become an actress, she decided to take the last name Mom, continuing acting. Father Stanislav YUrevich was not against the choice of his daughter, and when receiving a passport, Olga Bobovich became Puekodnoy.

The future actress entered the Higher Theater School named after Schukin. This institute chose this institute, as he was not far from the hospital on Arbat, where she spent almost all his childhood. Olga studied at the acting faculty and, walking classes, sometimes visited his children's doctors and brought to them for a long time. Often, studies turned into a nightmare for her, a relationship did not have a relation to the artistic director of the group. Only due to the support of other teachers, she was able to safely end the school in 1997.

After "Pike" Olga was forced to seek the opportunity to earn in any way. A black band came in her life: first the mother got sick, then his father lost his job and was forced to sue due to debts, and the last straw was the death of his beloved grandmother.

Theaters and films

Since 1998, Pogodina became the artist of the Moscow Theater Center "Cherry Garden", where he played Mariana in Tartiuf. Also collaborated with the "Center for Dramaturgia and Directory" theater and took part in the projects "Set-2", "Paulic coating" and "Moscow - Open City".

Get a job in a movie inexperienced actress, which has not yet managed to make a name for yourself, did not have connections and money, it was unrealistic. Pusher did not despair and stubbornly walked on castings in Mosfilm. But everywhere they refused, because there were no free roles. Then the artist made a portfolio with photos and began to storm the Casting Cabinets, who also did not help her.

The only chance she considered the agency, guaranteed the role where it was impossible to settle the actor from the side. And then Olga decided to get to television at any cost. She began to follow the director of the agency, he was remembating her daily schedule, habits and hobbies. Based on these facts, Olga made her a favorable offer.

The director's impressed persistence sent the artist to casting the painting "If a witch's bride," where she was given a major role. Olga was to shoot with Sergey Sleuzkov himself, the only minus was the absence of a fee. But the pose needed roles for the portfolio, because she agreed.

The film "If the Bride Witch" went on screens in 2001 and used incredible success in the audience. The actress began to learn, and the proposals for the filming were thrown onto it as an abundance horns. She starred in the series and full-length films.

In 2001, his hand had suddenly sickly sick. After the survey, it was given a disappointing diagnosis of "enhondrom", tumor. Because of the disease, she abandoned a promising role. Health was more important, and the girl began to expect biopsy results with horror. Fortunately, the tumor turned out to be benign, but the surgery was required to replace the joint, which was successful.

Soon the actress reappeared on the screens. With the participation of Olga, the TV series "Women's Logic", "Protection Line", "Return of Mukhtar", "Taxi driver".

In 2003, in the role of Professor's wife, Puekodina starred in the film "And in the passage they woke up" to the story of Vasily Shukshin.

Poghodnoy filmography was enriched with projects in which the girl was reincarnated in the main characters. This is a melodrama "Female intuition", where Olga appeared in the image of the governess of a naughty girl, and the "five star" detective about the crime in an elite hotel.

In the criminal series "Kill me! Well, please "Olga appeared in the form of biathletes, the Olympic champion, which due to the doping scandal was disqualified. In order to pay off the debts, the heroine of Pusher decides to become a killer. Dmitry Kharatyan and Alexey Kravchenko also starred in the film.

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In 2005, Pogodina starred in the film "Echelon", where her acquaintance with producer and teacher Vgika Vladilen Arsenyev took place. Then Olga seriously caught fire for the idea to create his studio and independently shoot movies. Without the opportunity to get the necessary education, she studied the textbooks and made a business plan.

When everything was almost ready, the artist decided to enlist the support of the famous teacher, who happily agreed to give advice and help the novice producer. For the project, an investor was required, and Pogodifina went on a journey through banks. But all financial structures denied her.

When Olga was practically desperate in the incarnation of his dream, a friend advised the actress to talk to a former classmate, who turned out to be a banker and agreed to help the artist.

Together with Alexey Pimanov, the actress created the studio "Oda film" and in 2007 began to shoot her first film called "Hate". The melodramatic series tells about the difficult relationships of people in the Primorsky city, found his audience, which allowed the new product to prepare other paintings.

At the same time, the actress plays in the popular project "in the tango rhythm", where, together with Russian beauty, the Uruguayan star Natalia Oreiro starred. Soon the shooting was followed in the drama "Mix God" and the melodrama "My Prechistenka".

In 2007, the "three days in Odessa" melodrama came to the screens, where Olga played the role of Sheremetheva Lida. When shooting a picture, she independently performed almost all the tricks, including running under bullets. According to the artist, the best cascaders shot, and she had to run between the shots. The girl jumped from the car to the car, dipped into ice water, which admired even cascaders with experience.

Later, the repertoire of the actress was replenished with roles in the comedy melodrama "Man in my head", the mystical horror movie "The limit of desires", lyrical comedy "Night of Lonely Filin". In the film "118 seconds, before ... and after" Olga tried out the shape of the runway athletes.

In 2008, Pueododina appeared as leading at the 21st ceremony of awarding the film "Nika".

The honorary title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" for merit in the field of art Olga received in 2009.

In 2011, Pogodifina played the role of Major Militia, who fell for bars, in the detective series "Reflection".

In 2016, the actress played a major role in the biographical melodrama "Margarita Nazarova". Andrei Chernyshov became the partner of the Puesday in the shooting platform. During the filming, Olga, Olga, without Dubler, performed the circus trick "The head of the trainer in the mouth of the tiger", for which he fell into the book of Records of Russia. For the role of Margarita Pogodina received the Golden Eagle Prize for the best female role.

In May 2016, the actress appeared on the cover of the magazine "Caravan Stories". Olga told about his latest projects and starred in a photo session with "big cats" to illustrate the interview. The actress said that for the first time became interested in the theme of the training of tigers during communication with the brothers. At the suggestion of the trainers, Olga went into a cage to their pet nicknamed Martin. Tiger as a sign of greetings easily bit the knee of the artist. But even the emission of adrenaline at that moment did not reduce the desire to poster and further continue communication with predators.

In September, Olga appeared in the release of the TV show "Alone with everyone" with Yulia, Little. In an interview, the artist explained that Extreme loves in life, but if necessary for the film, then you need to go and do. She also noted that he has good, interesting friends, but not to shine. On the question of the leading about the number of happy years in life, Olga replied that they were 9 at the moment - this is the time that Pusher is engaged in producing.

And in November, the actress invited Tatyana Ustinov to participate in the program "My Hero". From 3 months, according to Olga, she began a struggle for life. It all started with the BCG vaccination, which brought the girl to the open form of tuberculosis. Podododina noted that a series of diseases accompanied her up to 15 years. About the conflict with the artistic director of his course of the actress, I chose not to spread, but with great gratitude, I responded about the teacher from the theater school Vladimir Petrovich Petrozov, who saved many students who were later celebrities. Under his leadership, Olga and her close friend of Vasily Sedoya put a pair performance with which young people were released from the school.

Later, the actress began work on the series of production "Pimanov film" about the head of the guard of the leader "Vlasik. Stalin's shadow ", whose premiere took place in 2017. The film reveals the biography of the head of the guard of Joseph Stalin. A simple peasant guy presented the opportunity to be a support of the leader of the peoples and occupy this place for 20 years. In the life of Nicholas Vlasik, friendship, and love, and broken dreams were. The main roles were performed by Konstantin Milovanov, Levan Mshilailaz, Julia Melnikova, Vladislav Vetrov, Daniel Svivakovsky.

In the spring of 2017, Olga received the title of "People's Artist of the Russian Federation."

In July 2018, Pogodina became a guest of the program "The Fate of Man" with Boris Korchevnikov. In an interview, she told about his childhood, study, love and friendship.

Podododina starred in the Military Drama "Unstable", the premiere of which took place on October 25, 2018. The second name of the film dedicated to the feat of the Russian soldiers is "Tankers". The main characters, cheerful biased guys, managed to give the battle against the enemy and destroy 16 tanks and other armored vehicles.

The main roles were involved: Andrei Chernyshov, Vladimir Epifantsev, Oleg Fomin, Sergey Gorobchenko, Vasily Sedoy, Nikolay Dobrynin. The actress, in addition to the producer duties, was shone in the main female image.

In 2019, Pogodin was reincarnated in the El Ferrari exploded poetess in the television series "Legend Ferrari". And again the main role and success is a high assessment of viewers, despite discontent of some reviewers on historical inaccuracy.

In January 2020, the actress and producer in the interview with Dov.ru announced that she was conflict and emotional man. Olga called himself a tough and fair, and "flattering spoils life to the root," noted Pogodin.

Personal life

For the first time Olga fell in love with 20 years. The history of the relationship ended tragically - Alexander's beloved girl died in a car accident.

On the shooting of the television series "Quiet Omuta" Olga met the actor Mikhail Majakov. Young people attributed a romance for 8 years. The press and fans considered them a beautiful pair of Russian cinema and married. Herself Poshodina refuted these rumors in an interview, stating that the artist composed the "wild lies", and noted that after this incident did not communicate with him, although the stars from the institute did not know.

In 2007, Olga Quiet and secretly married to anyone who is not a famous businessman named Igor. In that period, she preferred to hide a personal life, so I learned about the status of a married woman with a lot later. Marriage with Igor existed for several years, after which the pair was submitted for divorce. There were no general children. The program "The Fate of Man" is pushing very warmly spoke of the first husband, admiring his mental qualities.

Alexey Pimanov Actress was met with a journalist and producer of Alexey Pimanov Actress on the set of "For three days in Odessa". Then friendship began between the artists, which several years turned into a romantic relationship.

In December 2012, Poshoden starred in a photo shoot for the PIN-UP project "Caravan Stories". In the same month, Olga starred for "caravan stories" in the image of Duenia. In April 2013, the actress appeared in the magazine in a vintage photo shoot.

In 2014, Pogodin and Pimanov secretly played a wedding. The press learned about her only a few months later from family friends. In addition to living together, the spouses also worked on common creative projects.

In 2015, the actress told reporters that he did not believe cosmetologists and nutritionists. She is confident that such specialists act for their own benefit, and not for someone else's health. Olga shared with the press, which loves to eat and does not share fashionable in diet. With increasing 174 cm, the actress weighs 55 kg, the parameters of its figure (90-60-90) correspond to the model, which is an excellent recommendation for the position of the actress about the power.

Star loves to swim. For her, the best removal of tension is in a swimsuit, in its pool. The only thing Olga has posted is the irregularity of classes.

Some fans are confident that she made plastic - changed the shape of the nose. Proof of this is the photo of the actresses in youth and now.

Pusher is not fond of communication in social networks, so in "Instagram", its photos are found only in the accounts of fans.

Olga Pogodina Now

The actress is full of plans, ideas and ideas that keeps secret. She believes: Mountains can be collapsed in the creation with her husband.


  • 2000 - "Quiet Omuts"
  • 2002 - "If the bride is a witch"
  • 2003 - "Return of Mukhtar"
  • 2005 - "Women's Intuition 2"
  • 2007 - "paths"
  • 2007 - "Three days in Odessa"
  • 2007 - "My Prechistenka"
  • 2009 - "Man in my head"
  • 2011 - "Reflection"
  • 2012 - "Babi Riot or War in Novoselkovo"
  • 2016 - "Margarita Nazarova"
  • 2018 - "Unstable"
  • 2019 - "Legend Ferrari"

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