Dmitry Dibrov - biography, personal life, photos, news, wife, age, "Who wants to become a millionaire" 2021



Dmitry Dibrov is a journalist, musician and actor. This showman is a phenomenon of Russian television, which can be successfully done as "chip-accounting" news and programs for aesthetes.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Alexandrovich Dibrov was born on November 14, 1959 in Rostov-on-Don in the intelligent Soviet family. For questions about nationality, he openly replies that there were Don Cossacks in his family, and the aunt was married to Armenian, although there are no leading Armenian roots. Dibrov does not relate to any particular nationality. Father Alexander Afanasyevich held an honorary post of dean of Rostov State University, and Tatiana Valentinovna's mother was responsible for the economy and raising children.

When the boy was 4 years old, the father left the family. Soon, the mother married again, and the upbringing of Little Dima became the responsibility of the stepfather of Nikolai Ivanovich. The elder brother Vladimir, who worked as a correspondent on one of the local channels, was a huge impact on the worldview and further life of the TV master. Dibrov admired them and sought to be like a brother, this explains the further choice of the journalistic profession.

After graduating from school, the future TV host submitted documents to the Rostov State University, at the Faculty of Philology, where he taught his native father. Diploma Dibrov received in 1981.


From the very beginning of the labor biography, Dmitry understood that if he wants to achieve fame and success, you should go to the capital, where there were more opportunities and space for action. Career Dibrova developed very rapidly: in his youth he changed one edition to another, moving into increasingly well-known and weighty print editions like the Moscow Komsomol Center and the information agency of Russia TASS.

In 1987, the journalist had already worked on television, where he was headed by programs for young people and made plots for musical themes for the "Look" project.

TV project

In 1988, Dmitry's debut was held as a wealthy and co-author of the program. Together with a colleague and friend Andrei Stolyarov, the artist came up with a comedy project, which represented a selection of funny stories in the news format. The transfer "Installation" was popular with the audience. On December 27, 1993, the last series of the show was published.

In 2001, Dmitry appointed the head of the night ether, and he headed the program "Night shift" on ORT. Later she was renamed "apology." By 2003, the TV presenter was completely disappointed in the show, as it turned into praise and advertising the guests of the program, which was not satisfied with Dibrova. Ratings also left much to be desired, and the showman left the project and the channel.

In 2003, the TV host founded the Kuranta radio station, the main feature of which was an extensive range of styles - from the classics of rock to popular hits of the 60s. Dmitry himself occupied the position of chief editor, his duties included the creation of an image and a unique radio station style. A year later, the radio was closed, since the new owners were removed to change the concept and repertoire of the station.

For some time, Dibrov worked on the TV channel "Russia", where he led the transfer of "clever", "I am ready for everything!". But they were not as successful as previous projects, and one after another ceased to exist. In 2006, the journalist left the canal and disappeared from television for 2 years.

On the TVC channel, belonging to the Moscow government, the journalist for 7 years led the transfer "temporarily accessible". The studio invited the stars of sport, politicians, show business, theater. Topical topics were discussed, often unrelated to the guest profession. The program in 2014 was awarded "Teffi", the TV host itself became a Teleacademician in 2001.

The project "XX century with Dmitry Dibrov" was available to the audience the "Retro" channel owned by the company "Stream". The interlocutors of the lead that was talking about what the past century was remembered, which would like to leave it forever, and what to save and convey to the future descendants.

The journalist managed to get to the religious canal "Savior", where in the tandem with the poetess Olesya Nikolaeva acquainted the audience with the basics of Orthodox culture.

From August 2016 to June 2019 at the "Star", Dmitry led the "secret folder". The program conceived as a project based on documentary evidence, and not on speculation and unconfirmed publications in the media. It is known that the archives are far from always welcoming the doors in front of journalists, and the Russian Ministry of Defense supervised the transmission.

Dibrov took part in the show of the first channel "The main role", where, together with 11 media personnel, played scenes from popular films. Assessing a reincarnation, Dmitry Astrakhan, Elena Yakovleva and Alexander Mikhailov, was assigned to Dmitry Astrakhan. The winner of the project was Askold Sword.


In 1998, Dibrova had a real breakthrough in career growth. He came up with and created the Anthropology program, which was broadcast on the TVEExpo channel at night in the live broadcast. In many ways, the show turned out to be innovative.

TV viewer or radio listener, since the program in parallel sounded on the "Silver Rain" wave, could call or dial a message through a pager directly to the studio. People spoke out of the sore, without fear of censorship, and we managed to support an informative conversation with any person. Dmitry created a real exemplary talk show.

After the year broadcasting, the program moved to NTV channel, which a considerable degree was pleased with the showman. According to him, it is always more convenient to work on private television, especially since NTV was not chanting popularity and incredible rating, allowing a current show not to change the format.

"Who want to be a millionaire?"

In 1999, Dibrov became a wealthy program "Oh, lucky!" On NTV, who brought him all-Russian glory and popularity. To a large extent, the image of Dmitry, Charisma and acting the audience and Azart of the public affected the success of the project. The program has become so popular that in 2000 received the "Teffi" award.

In 2001, after changing the leadership of the channel, the Dibrov left the program and the TV channel.

Since February 2001, this is a show, but already called "Who wants to become a millionaire?" is broadcast by the first channel. In 2008, Dibrov returned to the "first button", where he became the leading program. With the advent of Dmitry, her ratings again crawled up.

Music and films

Dmitry was fond of acting art in the school dramaate and did not leave him while studying on Philfak. A future showman with friends with success played in the student theater of conventions and made parodies, for example, Dibrov performed in the image of Louis de Funes. The guys were university stars, went to festivals, appeared on television, played in the University team KVN.

Another Dibrov organized a student musical ensemble and performed in a rural club. Money for musical hobbies Students earned in construction stages.

Dmitry mastered the banjo independently and after moving to Moscow played in the "Corn" group.

In 2001, together with the Anthropology group, the journalist published the first and only record called "Rum and Pepsi-Cola", which included 13 songs in the rock and blues-rock genre.

In one interview, the TV presenter shared that he found a new passion: "Such a guitar that even has no Russian name. In English, it is called Lap Steel Guitar. She stands on three legs, she has 8 strings and a large distance between the frets. It turns out some kind of space sound. By the way, on this guitar Gilmore from the Pink Floyd group played all his grandiiles. "

In films, the artist appears in Kameo, playing himself.

Personal life

Screen Star Life Life is a permanent source of information for media. Few of public persons are so open and in detail talks about numerous marriages.

The first wife Dibrova was the girl named Elmira. In 1985, they had a son of Denis. Dmitry worked a lot to keep a family, and a young wife, without preserving the constant absence of a spouse, gone.

The next selected name was Olga, which was much younger than her husband. The journalist in love made the girl an offer, but this marriage broke up 6 years later. In this union, he had a daughter of Lada, who, together with his mother moved to France, where he lives to this day.

After parting with Olga Dibrov often appeared in public accompanied by attractive ladies. The press immediately spoke about the novel of the TV presenter with Alexandra Marcvo, known for his work on the youth magazine "Hammer". The couple soon broke up, Alexander married, and Dmitry found a new companion.

With the actress Darya Charuss TV presenter lived for about 6 years. During the relationship, she managed to finish Gityis, learn in England, France and Australia. Evil languages ​​spoke that the girl was married only for the sake of obtaining prestigious education and promotion in the acting industry. According to Dibrova, Daria was a faithful girlfriend, but also this union collapsed. Charsha subsequently wrote music to the militant Ilya Naisuller "Hardcore" and married the creator of the film.

In 2008, the journalist once played a wedding - with a resident of Rostov-on-Don Alexander Shevchenko, who conquered the heart of Dmitry, and Beauty. The girl (by rumors, the granddaughter of Dibrova's stepfather) was the younger spouse for 26 years, which ultimately became the cause of the divorce. Sasha built big plans for the future and did not want to be just the wife of the television star.

Dibrov did not suffer from solitude. A month later, he announced the upcoming wedding with a police award. With a young model, Dmitry met at the beauty contest, the BEAUTY OF THE BODY then was 17, and the TV presenter is 30 years old. A jury member made a young beauty proposal, but the fields were afraid of relations with the celebrity and refused. After a year and a half, the man met again with a countryman. This time she agreed to become a policeman Dibama.

The wedding took place on March 28, 2009. In 2010, the first son Alexander was born in the family, after 3 years - Fedor, and in May 2015, the third dibrov-junior - Ilya appeared. Dmitry's wife for the third pregnancy scored 23 kg, but after six months it was already looking for the same beauty.

A large father dreams of a daughter, already the name chose - Elizabeth. About the children and the famous wife Polina tells in "Instagram". The account of the chapter of the family is more severe and discreet, the photo mostly captured working moments, friends and colleagues.

In January 2019, the showman first became grandfather - his only daughter Lada gave birth to a girl who called Mia.

At the age of 60, the artist suffered a stroke - in February 2020 at a secular event in the Moscow Cinema Cinema Dmitry Alexandrovich lost consciousness. But health problems did not make it refuse to work - in April, the presenter returned to the show.

After the micrification of Dibrov changed the hairstyle, refused to alcohol and even lost 10 kg of weight (height - 170 cm). On the cheek at the showman appeared a bump, which spawned suspicion of the cancer tumor. Also, the audience was suspected of a rapid leading plastic in the use of plastics - rumors appeared about the suspender of the face, operations on centuries and change the shape of the chin. Dibrov explained change in the appearance of the mezotherapy rate.

At the end of the summer, Dmitry Alexandrovich Dmitry Alexandrovich Dmitry Alexandrovich assured the leading in his male consistency to Talk Show.

Dmitry Dibrov now

Now Dibrov continues to behave "Who wants to become a millionaire?" On the first channel. As players for the transfer are invited both ordinary people and famous people. The release of the program on April 10, 2021 was devoted to the Day of Cosmonautics and the 60th anniversary of the first flight of a person in space, so astronauts became the guests of transfer.

Then the Book of Dibrova was published under the name "Slave Lamp", which the writer spoke on the transfer of "Evening Urgant". This is a collection of Novel about the television studio "Ostankino", which narrate about the crowded television life.


  • "Sight"
  • "Mounting
  • "Anthropology"
  • "Oh, lucky!"
  • "Night shift"
  • "Apology"
  • "Who want to be a millionaire?"
  • "Dibrov-Party"
  • "Brutal Games"
  • "Fat Games"
  • "My address is Rostov-on-Don"
  • "Secret folder"
  • "Basics of Orthodox Culture"
  • "XX century with Dmitry Dibrov"


  • 2002 - "Provincial"
  • 2003 - "Motalka Games"
  • 2011 - "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva"
  • 2013 - "Faster than rabbits"
  • 2017 - "Policeman from ruble in Beskidnikovo"
  • 2018 - "President's Vacation"


  • 2001 - Rum and Pepsi Cola


  • 2021 - "Slave Lamp"

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