Mikhail Gorva - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Wife, Pavel Mikov 2021



Actor Mikhail Gorheva is in demand in his homeland and in Hollywood, playing the theater scene and has time to help the young generation. The theater gives him more fun, since living communication with the audience is a source of energy and a method of real evaluation of acting labor.

In the cinema, too, you need to take the attention of the look, knock out from the state of rest, "hit the viewer". However, the future, according to Mikhail, for a short-term, concentrated format, and a large director - in the series.

Childhood and youth

On May 19, 1965, in the family of Colonel, the General Staff of the Soviet Army, Vitaly Grief, a son was born. The boy called Mikhail. Father was a hard, disciplined and honest. Son he also saw an officer. After grade 8, the path was lying in the Suvorov school, but fate ordered otherwise.

Gorheva was engaged in boxing. An injury received in the ring put a cross in military service. The guy was lying in the hospital for a long time and there from boredom was carried away by reading. He read wooo, often imagined himself in the place of heroes, gave the will of fantasy. After discharge, the mother bought Mikhail Tickets to the Moscow Theater Miniature (the current "Hermitage").

From that day, the guy fell ill scene, "was infected", as the artist himself joked in an interview. At the age of 14, the burning was completely determined with the profession, even signed up in the studio at the House of Cinema, so that it was easier to enter the theater university. Parents were not against.

After school, Mikhail came immediately in 4 Theater Institute, and everywhere the creative exam was passed. The young man wanted to do so much that he chose, as he believed, the most neotable university, but failed on the writing. Then he was looking for work in the theater. In Mkhate, they offered the position of the illuminator, and the burning agreed.

For 9 months, the young man plunged into the theater's backstage life, learned a lot. He was lucky to visit Oleg Efremov's rehearsals and Anatoly Efros, to watch the work of Evgenia Evstigneev, Innokentia Smoktunovsky and other matres of theater and cinema.

The following year, Mikhail Gorheva became a student of the Studio MCAT. In one course, Nikita Vysotsky, Masha Evstigneeva, Vyacheslav, who was innocent, Jr., Mikhail Efremov. Soon this company became the creative bone of the theater "Contemporanik-2", glorified during the restructuring times.

After the collapse of the USSR, the grief with his family went to America. By moving, pushing the inherent adventurism, but the United States met an actor indifferent: there was no work, there was not enough money. Mikhail had to make money on the waiter, a taxi driver - illegally: Mikhail had no American citizenship. "If I had fallen, we would have awarded 300 prison, probably."

And when I learned the tongue, I got a translator. About the profession did not forget - assisted the Avant-garde Leontiev at the school of Oleg Tabakov, an open Russian master for the overall admirers of the Stanislavsky system.

Theater and films

In the Theater "Contemporanik-2", Gorheva went to the scene from 1987 to 1989, in his repertoire there were performances "Piggy" and "Shadow". Then he went to the Moscow Academic Theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky and played in the "Lizard", "Lessons of Music" and others until 1991.

In parallel, Mikhail Gornie began to film. Little roles in the pictures "Step" (1988), "Grand" (1989) and the others did not bring fame. The actor starred in the "music lessons" (1990), TV series "Alaska, sir!" (1992), adventure comedy "Auction" (1993) and disappeared from screens. The Russian viewer saw him again in the melodraman "President and his woman." It was already after the return of the burning from America.

Mikhail organized the Theater "Theater Event Factory", where it was realized not only as an actor, but also as a director. The first statement of "On Mice and People" on John Steinbeck became the most striking theater event of the late 90s.

In 1999, Mikhail played in one of the series "Kamenskaya" detective. The "Sun House", "Bachelovaki", "Gangster Petersburg", "Antikiller-2" and dozens of other films and serials followed. Again and again he had to reincarnate in the villains. Horheva refers to this philosophical: if you are invited, then "images of the villains are good."

In 2009, a youth adventure fighter "on the game" came out. In the film about the gamers that were used as hired killers, Mikhail played with Sergey Burunov.

Since 2010, the Gallery of Mikhail's images was replenished with the head of the geological exploration expedition in the TV series "Efrosigna", the promoter of the main character in the sports drama "Fight with shadow - 3", police colonel, investigating theft of jewels in a detective "diamond hunters".

The actor played a character on nicknamed Nikatik in the screening of Fantastic novels Vadim Panova "The Secret City".

Knowledge of the English language was useful in the project Stephen Spielberg Spying Bridge, where the Russian partner was the World Star Tom Hanks. Angela Merkel watched the creative tandem at the site. Michael in Hollywood struck the fact that everyone, up to the last illuminator, feels involved in creating something grandiose. And also that Spielberg had no cliché that Russian is a fool or villain. Soviet intelligence officers are represented by worthy rivals of American heroes.

In the TV series "Investigator Tikhonov" based on the works of George and Arkady Weiners appeared in the form of a conservatory professor.

To create the drama "Magic above all" the creators pushed Saga about Harry Potter. He took off the picture of the student of Janika Fierheiyev Katya Krasner.

In the film, Izorevoy got the role of the Supreme Correder, his partners were members of the Ptterian fan club. The result of the labor of young filmmakers is presented at the Comic-Con festival in San Diego.

In 2018, Boris Korchevnikov invited the burning to the studio to transfer the "Fate of Man". The actor spoke about double betrayal, named daughter and roles in Bondian.

At the same time, the grief starred in the social drama "Unpassed." The tape is based on real events - the tragedy of the man who lost their family as a result of the car accident. In the lead role, the engineer Vitaly Kaloeeva, appeared Dmitry Nagiyev.

In the Foreign Filmography Mikhail - Comedy Patrick Hughes "Killer's bodyguard", in which he spoke on Screen lawyer Gary Oldman, a fighter "Hunter Killer" with Gerard Butler and Yuri Kolfolnikov. With British cinematographers, the Russian actor collaborated in the project "Law of Murphy", with Chinese - in the "Otwe's partners".

With Holly Berry and Pierce Rushannaya Gornie starred in Bondian, the anniversary film about James Bond "Melci, but not now," which came out in 2002. In the work of the case, he fell into the will: the director approved Viktor Sukhukov for the role of Russian scientist, but he refused when the filming time was shifted. The producers declared a casting in which the grief took part. The picture had a stunning success, the grief received a good fee. Now, while the fighter is shown on the screens, the performer of the role of the Creator of the satellite receives a percentage of rental.

"Dad, Sdokhni" - so unexpectedly called a film with the participation of Mikhail Grief, who was published in April 2019. The project budget is 65 million rubles, of which 25 million were allocated by the Ministry of Culture of Russia. The black comedy has already received the main prize in the competition of game movies of the Festival "Window to Europe".

The actor is involved in the detective TV series "Presumption of Nevinosta" about the lucky lawyer, which the police investigators are trying to discredit. Nikita Panfilov also appeared in the film, Olga Budina, Roman Mayakin.

Mikhail became the main character in the screening of the stories of Anton Chekhov called "Path to the island of the platform". Cinema, according to producers, turned out to be atmospheric, the viewer who had time to miss the classics, because the creators carefully reacted to the stylistics and the overall spirit of the works.

The production project Alexandra Tsekalo "Mermaid" is the Russian version of the Israeli TV series BetoOLot. In a detective, Mikhail is removed along with Peter Fedorov, Darya Moroz and the named daughter Anna Tsukanova-Cott. In the center of the plot - the investigation into the murder of a woman who was supposed to disappear 17 years ago.

In 2019, in the third part of the story about the Russian Empress "Catherine. An impostor ", whose role was performed by Marina Aleksandrov, Gorheva tried out the image of Her Majesty's courtyard adviser. Pavel Tabakov plays in the film of the heir to the throne, Vladimir Yaglych - Favorite Catherine II, Prince Potemkin.

The Hollywood Reporter edition of The Hollywood Reporter refers to the film, making the trilogy in the list of recommended to view.

In the same year, Mikhail became a guest of the "My Hero" program with Tatiana Ustinova. He spoke about the years of study, which for life tied him with the best friend Mikhail Olegovich Efremov. The presenter drew attention to the grateful position of the actor in relation to everything, to which the Horie replied that it was a permanent work on himself. In the conclusion of the transfer, the artist wished the audience to think less and more feel.

In 2020, the Comedies "Alice" and "Dead Souls" came out, the criminal detective "whirl", Katran melodrama and "unforgettable", drama "Translation from German". The premiere of the youth thriller "Spays Boys", about which the audience responded as a picture is not for the faint of heart.

In 2020, the burning appeared as Oleg Sokolov in the film "Invitation to Ball. The victims of Russian Napoleon "about the Association of St. Petersburg State University, who killed and dismembering the graduate school, with which they had a love relationship. The ribbon is based on real events (the scientist was detained in 2019 with the scaled parts of the female body in the bag), and went out in the documentary series "Inributed killers."

The main role of Mikhail Vitalyevich in the Comedy "Tailor", the premiere of which took place in January 2021. The company Aktera was Violetta Nezludov and Dmitry Belotserkovsky.

Personal life

With the first wife, Anna Margolis Mikhail lived 14 years old, during which time children were born - Dasha and Dmitry. The son tried to go in the footsteps of his father, entered Gitis to Sergey Golomazov, starred in the films "Babes", "Ranetki", "Daddy's daughters" and "Cadet". But in the future chose a different way in life - graduated from the Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting.

Daria's daughter made his father twice grandfather, giving grandchildren Alexander and Roman.

Horheva calls the former wife of the "combat girlfriend", a lot of tests fell to the share of a couple in his youth, which they were worthy, but still broke up. The actor was careful, he had no time for his family.

During the marriage process, which Mikhail was seriously worried, he met Anna Tsukanova-Cot on the set of the TV series "Circus". The girl then was 11 years old, and the young actress morally supported the grief. Since then, the artist considers a young colleague daughter, "and with Mita (the son of the grief) they are like brother and sister."

Later, the burning relationship with Maria Suffa (Sliddar), graduate of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. But here in the personal life, the artist survived a double blow - a close friend Pavel Mikov (the bee from the "Brigade") led his civil wife.

Another single page in the biography associated with the woman, Mikhail did not tell. Reported only that the chosen one sent him into a heavy soulful knockout. The actor lived, without revealing his heart to anyone, while in 2010 he did not get acquainted with the decorator artist Olesya Markelova. In 2012, the pair was born daughter Sophia.

Now Mikhail Vitalevich increasingly understands that he is a happy man. His life "was always multicolored", as he confessed to the burning in an interview.

The growth of the actor 182 cm, weight ranges from 77-85 kg.

Photo of the famous Father occasionally published in "Instagram" Dmitry Grief. Mikhail himself is not fond of social networks.

Mikhail Gorva Now

The actor is involved in melodrame from the 4th series "Alice against Rules" - stories about the girl from a secured family who chose the profession of the investigator. In the film, Angelina Poplavskaya, Vladimir Guskov, Evgenia Yarushnikov and others.

The main role went to the burning in the militant "to get out of the group". Anna Churina, Victoria Tolstoganova, Zoya Mansurov and Evgeni Kuntsevich became his partners around the court.

I participated in the filming of the drama "Criminal Doctor". In the "compromising" thriller from Zheroma Salla (France) and the picture "Bodybuilder" from Andrei Grachev from Mikhail's main roles.

The actor is also involved in theatrical productions.


  • 1999 - "Kamenskaya"
  • 2000 - "Stop on demand"
  • 2002 - "Umci, but not now"
  • 2005 - "Mirror Wars. Reflection first "
  • 2006 - "Gangster Petersburg"
  • 2007 - "Fight with shadow 2"
  • 2009 - "Jurles"
  • 2010 - "Sakura jam"
  • 2011 - "Fight with Shadow 3: Last Round"
  • 2012 - "Legal"
  • 2013 - "Doctor Death"
  • 2014 - "Meteorite"
  • 2015 - "Spy Bridge"
  • 2016 - "Catherine. Takeoff"
  • 2017 - "Killer's bodyguard"
  • 2018 - "Disposable"
  • 2018 - "Hunter Killer" (Hunter Killer ")
  • 2019 - "Dad, Sdokhni"
  • 2019 - "Catherine. Impostors "
  • 2019 - "Hunter"
  • 2019 - "Rock and Roll"
  • 2020 - "Whirlpool"
  • 2020 - "Katran"
  • 2020 - "Unforgettable"
  • 2020 - "Translation from German"
  • 2020 - "Spays Boys"

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