Gennady Khazanov - biography, personal life, photo, news, monologues, age, concert, wife, speech, "parrot" 2021



Gennady Khazanov is the famous parodist and an unsurpassed master of reprises, which has become recognizable and beloved thanks to the humorous miniatures and the emergence of Yelash. Over time, Gennady Viktorovich mastered the dramatic genre and is now known as the leading role in the performances of the leading metropolitan theaters.

Childhood and youth

Gennady Khazanov was born on December 1, 1945 in Moscow. His mother Iraida Moiseevna Khazanova, a Jew for nationality, was an engineer by profession and actress by calling. In his free time, she went on the scene of the People's Theater at the plant of the plant. Ilyich and invariably broke the stormy ovations of the audience. Little gene waited for her scenes.

Leaving the boy at home was not with whom - Iraida Moiseevna brought up a child alone. Parents broke up even before the birth of the heir. The father of the future star, as it turned out later, was the radio engineer and sound recording Viktor Grigorievich Lukasher.

In the theater at Mom, the little gene really liked. Not from the 1st grade, he himself began to participate in school artistic amateur. I made parodies on classmates and even teachers, managed at the same time to study perfectly. True, starting from the 5th grade, the academic performance of the young parodist is slowly, but steadily crawled down, especially in chemistry and physics.

Dreaming to see the Son on stage, Iraida Moiseevna gave him to the music school named after Konstantin Stanislavsky. The boy diligently played the piano, but, to the chagrin of Mom, the son did not lie to the music of the soul. She sought to a hystage. Khazanov watched on TV at Arkady Rykin, not missing a single speech, and desperately dreamed of becoming like him.

The future artist memorized the monologues of the famous actor, tried to copy intonation. At the age of 14, the Maen's concert for the first time visited and met him personally. A talented teenager so Rastogal Rykin, that he suggested going to all his performances for free.

After the 8th grade of the Khazanov, for the sake of dreams went to work as a mechanic to the plant. So the dream of admission to theatrical has become closer for a year. The fact is that Soviet schools were translated at the same time to the eleventhlete, and in the evening it was still possible to study 10 years. As soon as the cherished certificate, Khazanov, rushed to take exams in all metropolitan theatrical universities.

In Schukinsky school, the actor and director Alexander Shirvindt advised the Talented Applicant to try himself in a pop-up school, but he did not hear Hazans. Having failed the exam, the guy decided to put the cross on the career of the actor and go to engineers like mom. He entered the Misi named after Valerian Kuibyshev.

There, and caught up with his acting calling. Instead of sitting over the drawings, the artist played in KVN. In the end, Khazanov realized that the builder was unlikely to come out of it, but Shirvindt seems to be right. Then he went to the State Circus and Pop Art School.


Having received theatrical education, Khazanov got a job for Leonid Rockov. In his orchestra, Gennady worked an entertainer, until he went to an increase in Moskoncert. Through this organization, all the Soviet pop star was held without exception. Who only did not parody the Khazanov from the scenes "Moskoncert": the golden voice of the Soviet show business Lion Leshchenko, the idol of his childhood Arkady Raykin and even the overseas legend Louis de Funes.

Professional recognition came to Khazanov in 1974. The performer said the monologue of Seeds Altov "Prize" at the All-Union Competition of the Astradi Artists and won him. Immediately after this, the "student of the culinary technical school" was shown on TV, and the Khazanov became famous for the entire Soviet Union.

Khazanov became a star of Soviet reprises. Modern viewer easily finds out this genre in the stand-up comedy from the West. The actors were interested in the creators of "Elash". Satirik appeared in several releases of the humorous magazine: "As I remember ..." ("At Lukomorya Oak Green"), "Tsarevna-Nesmeyana", "record weight." But his hero is especially remembered, the Italian teacher in the room "40 devils and one green flies".

In 1978, the humorist went to the stage of the Moskovsky Theater of the Estrada, accompanied by ballet. The action is called the "Performance" of the little things of life ". In the Hall of Anshlag. Khazanov's monologues "Parrot", "cockroaches", "history teacher", "Americans in the collective farm" and many others knew every Soviet TV viewer, but few people suspected that the most "sharp" moments from the artist concerts increasingly cut censorship.

During the living speeches, Gennady Viktorovich ignored the wishes of officials and more and more often improvised. All the fact that in 1984, Khazanov was "excide" from concert activity. But the popularity of the artist by that time grew so much that he was invited to closed evenings, which were not on any poster.

Satiri's speeches read new miniatures and prohibited monologues. Nevertheless, the restructuring took his own, Khazanov again appeared on the screen with the "Master of Petukhov", "marriage announcements". In 1990, a humorist in the program "Around the laughter" presented a parody of Leonid Brezhnev called "Hercules".

In 1978, Gennady Viktorovich created his own theater "Mono". The artist was in him the supervisor and the only actor. The theater declared her formulation of "Masnic tragedies", whose script written by the famous satirik Mikhail Gorodsky, and Roman Viktyuk spoke by the director.

Hazanov's dream to become a real actor came true in 1992, when the director Sergey Yursky invited him to MCAT. Gennady went on stage in the play "Players". The artist managed to convince the audience in dramatic talent, despite the non-standard appearance (height - 164 cm with weight 78-80 kg) and bright comedy transshipment. At the same time, he did not leave his main miniature genre and presented a new monologue "Report of the Militia General" at the anniversary concert of theatrical team.

In 1997, Gennady Khazanov became the head of the Moskovsky Theater of the Estrada and works in this position to this day. The artist continued to go to the scene with solo performances, but began to do it more and less. In 1999, he presented the Program "Concert at the factory", which collected the full halls of humor lovers.

Later in the repertoire of the Khazanov-actor, the main roles in the entrepreneurs "Death on the Tennis Corte", "dinner with a fool" appeared. Together with the Inna Churiki Star, the miniatures played in the play "Mixed feelings".

In 2018, he entered the acting ensemble of the Theater of the Theater named after Evgeny Vakhtangov "Fake Note", which was put by Riemanas Turnas. And in the "Lenkom", the showing of the "American slides" was started, in which Anna Bolsomova became a partner of the humorist. Interestingly, the main male role was written by the playwright Ericssu Assu for Alain Delon. Earlier, Satirik has already appeared on the stage of the Theater Mark Zakharov in the "city of millionaires". Until Gennady Viktorovich was performed by Nikolai Karachentsov and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

In the fall of 2020, preparation began for the celebration of the anniversary of the artist. In honor of the 75th anniversary of Gennady Khazanov on the channel "Culture" released the program "Life line". In an interview, the performer explained for what reason left the stage and switched to the theater. According to Matra, he aggravated "conflict with a partner" - the public who wanted to see his idol only in the amplua of humorist.


His first role in the cinema Gennady Khazanov played back in 1976. It was the film Yevgeny Ginzburg "Magic Lantern" - a musical parody of foreign film cats, in which all the stars of Soviet cinema were filmed: Lyudmila Gurchenko, Natalia Krachkovskaya, Love Polishchuk, Nikolai Karachentsov and others. Gennady Khazanov got the role of Commissioner Zhuva.

In 1992, the actor filmography was replenished with the main role in the film Nicholas Delivered the "Little Giant Sex Giant". In the 2000s, the artist embodied the image of Joseph Stalin twice on the movie screen, and in the series "Juna" transformed into his idiot Arkady Rykin. Later he played his comrade Sachow in the remake of the famous comedy "Caucasian Captive!".


On television, the artist appeared not only in the programs dedicated to humor. At one time, a large resonance in society caused his participation in the Talk show Vladimir Solovyov "To the barrier!", In which Vladimir Zhirinovsky became his opponent. The artist managed so masterfully the story of the dialogue, that a politician, characterized by verbal and emotionality, was discouraged.

Thanks to the bright way and the ability to build the Khazan dialogue at one time, was the applicant for the role of TV host "Big Spore" on the first channel, but then Dmitry Nagiyeva was approved for this place. In 2011, Khazanov launched the entertainment transmission of "Repetitions passed", which received the character of homemade gatherings. During each release, the humorist demonstrated his guests the rooms that had previously made up his concert repertoire, while simply recalling funny cases from their biography.

In the same year, the "Family Sentence" program was published on the TV-3 channel. Later, the artist repeatedly became a member of the judicial composition of the television show "One to one!", "Repeat!", "Exactly", "Theater of the stage", "KVN".

At the end of 2020, within the framework of the 75-year-old anniversary of the humorist on the first channel, the solemn date by showing the documentary tape "I will not be silent", in the filming of which relatives and friends Gennady Viktorovich took part, including Leonid Yakubovich, Boris Grachevsky, Leonid Yarmolnik, Maxim Galkin and other artists.

President Vladimir Putin joined congratulations to congratulations. The head of state noted that the secret of creative success and in demand among the public concludes in the bright artistic temperament Gennady Viktorovich, an excellent sense of humor and inexhaustible optimism. And the love of the public to Khazanov, according to Vladimir Vladimirovich, consists of respect for the artist to the audience, the ability to generously give talent.

Personal life

The artist admits that in his youth skillfully used his talent of the humorist, thanks to whom he was fascinated by some girls. Although the relationship between them was usually friendly. So it was before the meeting with the Zlata Iosifovna, who determined his fate. With the future spouse, the humorist met in 1969 in the Teatral Studio of Moscow State University "Our House", where the girl was the director's assistant Mark Rosovsky.

The Mother of Elbaom Malts was against her marriage with an actor. She raised her daughter alone. Father, a prominent party leader, repressed in 1937. But, despite the disapproval of the Mother of the Bride, on December 25, 1970, the lovers got married. After a couple of years, the Khazanov family was already waiting for the heir. He was going to call Arkady, in honor of Kumir Gennady Viktorovich - Arkady Rykin. And the daughter of Alice was born. She graduated from the Moscow Choreographic School and became the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater.

After the injury, Alice left the scene and went into teaching. Now she is a mother of two children, daughters of mines and eva, as well as the famous theater actress. In 1987, Gennady Viktorovich and his wife almost left the daughter of orphan. After the tour in the US, they set off the plane, departing from Washington to Moscow. Passengers fastened the belts, the liner drove on the runway, but suddenly returned back. It turned out, he was faulty so much that, soared, he would never have sat down. Fortunately, the crew was noticed on time.

In the 90s, the Khazanov family received Israeli citizenship. They bought a two-story house near Tel Aviv and come there to relax. The southern edges more like Zlata Josephovna, whereas Gennady Viktorovich preferred to spend time in Jurmala, where Khazanov also has a mansion. The artist is pleased with his personal life, his family idyll lasts dozens of years. Spouses are not alien to secular life, so a photo of a happy couple decorate many domestic tabloids.

In early 2020, it became known that Gennady Viktorovich, together with the singer, Lvy Leshchenko and other artists participated in the shooting of the program "Hi, Andrei!" Andrei Malakhova. Soon after, Lev Valeryanovich fell into the hospital with COVID-19 and spent several days in resuscitation. The stars in contact with the performer were in the risk zone. But Hazanov refused to take a test for Coronavirus, noting that it was not afraid to get infected.

In the middle of 2020, Gennady Viktorovich was hospitalized due to heart problems. The information came to the network and caused an alarm from the fans. The head of the Estrada Theater assured journalists in the fact that his state of his health is stable. But the rumors have multiplied, even messages about the death of Maestro appeared. Later it became known that Satir was held a scheduled survey in the National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgeons. A. N. Bakuleva.

Gennady Khazanov now

In 2021, the artist continued to be the focus of the press, became a guest of various programs. So, in early May, the fans saw Gennady Viktorovich in the transfer of Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man". On the air, Khazanov shared with the public with touching stories from his own youth, spoke about meeting his chief teacher, Arkady Raykin, about the connection of the family with Nikolai Tsiskaridze, about the fun weekdays of work at the factory.


  • 1976 - "Magic Lantern"
  • 1992 - "Little Giant Gigant of Great Sex"
  • 2000 - "Quiet Omuts"
  • 2004-2006 - "My beautiful nanny"
  • 2007 - "The Adventures of the soldier Ivan Chongkin"
  • 2009 - "ordered to destroy! Operation: "Chinese Casket"
  • 2011 - "Olympic Village"
  • 2011 - "Furtseva"
  • 2014 - "Caucasian Captive!"
  • 2015 - "Juna"


  • 2000 - "Gennady Khazanov. Lived - I was "
  • 2005 - "Hazanov vs. NTV"
  • 2011 - "Family Sentence"
  • 2013 - "one in one"
  • 2013 - "Repeat!"
  • 2014 - "Extremely"
  • 2014 - "Theater of the Estrada"

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