Michael Jackson - biography, photos, personal life, songs, cause of death



Michael Jackson is a legendary American musician, the most successful performer of pop music in world history, dancer, actor, songwriter. The world has sold 1 billion copies of Jackson's records, including albums, singles and collections. The musician got 25 times in the Guinness Book of Records and only the Grammy premiums he received 15, and other musical awards are calculated by hundreds.

America's legend Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson became an idol of pop music while life. The singer is nusted by fans the king of this genre, and in 2009 he received the official title of America's legends and music icons.

Childhood and youth

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 in the family of Joseph and Catherine Jackson, in the American town Gary (Indiana). By the sign of the zodiac - Virgo. The boy became a seventh child of nine. Childhood of the future star can not be called happy. Later, Jackson more than once mentioned that his father was a real tyrant, depressing children morally and physically. The singer spoke on some atrocities of the head of the family of the family of the family in 1993.

Family of Michael Jackson

Once, among the night, the Father, putting a terrible mask and making piercing cries, climbed into the window to sleeping Michael. So he wanted to teach children to close the windows before bedtime. After this, the child was tormented by nightmares about how he was kidnapped from their own bedroom. In 2003, Joseph Jackson himself admitted that she truly ordered towards children.

Brutal education played a cruel joke with Michael, on the one hand, having escaped to the iron discipline, which had said positively on his achievements, and on the other hand, kneading the psyche for life.

Michael Jackson in childhood

Nevertheless, it was the father who led Michael on stage: Joseph united five of his siblings to The Jackson's music team 5. Michael was the youngest member of the group, but this did not prevent him from the then to pay attention to him. He possessed a unique manner of performance and unusual choreography.

From 1966 to the 1968th team actively toured in the Midwest, and in 1969 they were signed by a contract with a recording studio Motown Records. It is with this company that the artists released their hits that became popular in subsequent years.

Michael Jackson - biography, photos, personal life, songs, cause of death 20849_4

In 1970, the musical family was able to go to a national level - their first few singles were noted on the highest line of the American Chart Billboard Hot 100. Since 1973, the success of the team began to go to no, and the ensemble had to sign a contract with another company, named The Jacksons. Until 1984, the Group released 6 more albums and drove with them in the country.


Simultaneously with the work in the family team The Jacksons Michael Jackson released four solo albums and several singles that have gained popularity. It is Got to Bethere, and Rockin 'Robin, and a composition with the name Ben, headed by charts in 1972.

Michael Jackson in youth

In 1987, the singer starred along with Diana Ross in the film release of the Broadway production "An amazing wizard from Oz." During the filming, he met Queens Jones. It was this musical director who later became the producer of the most famous stars albums. The first of them was Off The Wall (1979).

The album presented to the world of Michael Jackson as a bright, distinctive young artist and dancer. Then on the top of the charts, Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough and Rock with You would take off on the top of the charts. The album was sold out with a 20 millionth edition.

Then, in November 1982, the album Thriller was released, which went down in history as the world's best-selling album and presented America and everyone else, such immortal singles, like The Girlis Mine, Beat IT, Wanna Be Startin 'Somethin', Human Nature, P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) and Thriller. This album was held at the tops of the charts throughout the record 37 weeks and brought Michael Jackson eight figurines of Grammy Awards.

In 1983, the musician releases the Billie Jean track. Almost immediately, Michael Jackson removes the music video on this composition, which combines dances, special effects, complex plot and star kameo.

The singer is trying to get on MTV, but unsuccessfully. The musical critics of this period recognize that such a rejection of Michael Jackson's creativity, most likely, was associated with racial stereotypes, but MTV employees deny any manifestation of racism. Nevertheless, Billy Gin has become the first clip of the African American artist who has fallen into the hot rotation of the canal.

By the spring of 1983, under pressure from CBS Records, the channel is rented and launches the Billy Jin clip on the air. Then the video on the song Beat IT appears on the screens, and long-term cooperation is established between the musician and the canal.

Frame from the video of Michael Jackson on the song

The clip on the song Thriller got into the "Guinness Book of Records" as the most successful musical video. According to critics, a 13-minute "thriller" is, rather a full-fledged short film than a video series. Before the moment when the song loss is started in the clip, 4 minutes plot passes, in which Jackson has time to reincarnate into the iswolf. Against the background of Michael's song, a voice-over voice voice is heard, characteristic of classic horror films, and the action in the video unfolds along the canons of thrillers, ending with the legendary performer dance surrounded by Zombie.

Similar music videos, who were more like short films, became a unique chip of Jackson. And for other artists, thereby Michael highly raised the bar.

The famous "lunar gait" The Kumir Millions first demonstrated on March 25, 1983 on the Motown 25 show: Yesterday, Today, Forever, during the execution of the Billie Jean song. In addition to completely new choreography, Michael brought into live concerts, synchronous dance performance, opening the era of pop speeches, during which performers recreate music clips on stage. Now it seems to the viewer everyday, but then it produced a real Furior, if not a revolution.

In 1984, Pop singer, together with Paul McCartney recorded the Say, Say, Say composition, instantly hit hit.

But not all clips enjoyed success with critics and public. In 1987, a 18-minute video was released on the song Bad, his director became Martin Scorsese. The clip of the clip was $ 2.2 million. Also in the film I took part at that time yet an unknown actor Wesley Snipes. A shortened 4-minute version hit the rotation. Time magazine called the music video on this song "shameful", and all because of the too sexy and causing jackson movements. And here it was meant by his corncy tributary.

Subsequently, in an interview with Opera Winfrey, the musician admitted that these movements were outlocked involuntarily, music required such a relationship.

In 1988, the musician submitted his new work of Smooth Criminal to the audience. Here Jackson performed the movement for the first time, the name of the "anti-gravity slope". The complex element demanded from the musician to lean forward almost to the floor, and then straighten, not bending legs. For this choreographic trick, special boots were developed, which Jackson received US Patent No. 5255452.

In the same year, a film comes to the rental dedicated to another famous choreographic movement of Jackson - "Moonboot". The picture earned $ 67 million at the box office, after a year of the tape released on video tags, 800 thousand copies were sold out.

Michael Jackson at the awards ceremony

In 1990, Michael Jackson received the "Artist of Decade Artist MTV" Video Vanguard Award for achievements in the 1980s, and already in 1991 this award was renamed in honor of the musician. At the end of the same year, a controversial video for the song Black or White was presented. The clip looked at 500 million people, which was a record at that time. The composition called for racial tolerance and abandonment of violence.

People of different nationalities have starred in the video. Also in its creation, Machalya Kalkin, Peggy Lipton and George Wendt took part. But in the full version of the clip was attended by scandalous elements, which the audience regarded as a call for violence. The musician apologized and was forced to edit the video.

In 1991, Actress Elizabeth Taylor called Michael Jackson "The Real King of Pop, Rock and Soul-Music" at the award ceremony of Soul Train Music Award, after which the title of King Pop Music was forever in the musician. In 1992, the book of Michael Jackson Dancing The Dream was published.

Until 1992, the artist released two more albums - Bad and Dangerous. Singles The Way You Make Me Feel, Man In The Mirror, Black or White, Remember The Time, Will You Be there.

Michael Jackson and Madonna

But some attention deserves the composition in the closet. It was originally planned that the song will be recorded in a duet with Madonna. However, at the initial stage of cooperation, everything went wrong. Jackson was the author, and he did not like the idea of ​​the text offered. As a result, a kind of "mysterious girl" was indicated on the record as a performer of the female vocal (Mystery Girl). Later it became known that the princess of Monaco Stefania became her.

In the video, the British supermodel Naomi Campbell spoke as seducer. By the way, for a video version, the female party was overwritten - Naomi sams in the clip.

Michael Jackson and Naomi Campbell

In 1993, the Givein To Me Composition was released, which critics called the most gloomy, ominous and piercing song in a musician career. In this track, Michael Jackson retreated from the genre of pop music, in which the artist was accustomed to see fans, and turned to hard rock and heavy metal.

At the same time, the artist first visited Moscow, having arrived in Russia with a concert. After that, the musician under the impression of the trip promised to release a song about the country, which became a new item in his tour schedule.

In 1996, Michael Jackson again drew attention to the problem of racism and recorded a protest song against racial inequality, American values ​​and ideology They Don't Care About Us. A rumor and scandals have already walked around the bed premiere around him.

In America, the song did not rise in the rankings above 30 lines, but in Europe she headed his charts and received gold certification. The failure in the United States was associated with the incorrect interpretation of the media of some phrases from the composition.

But even the big problems have started with the release of the clip. The first shooting of the video was held in Brazil, but the musician remained dissatisfied with the result. The video was removed, frames were added from prisons, scenes of genocide, bullying and beating. After that, American TV channels refused to show the clip, and the premiere of the roller in the United States in the new version did not pass. The song became a hymn fighter for equality, the words "They Don't Care About Us" chant anti-rackers on rallies and protests.

Michael Jackson, Ronald and Nancy Reagan

From 1993 to 2003, the light saw three more records. In 1995, a double album History: Past, Present and Future, Book I, which connected 15 new songs and the drive of the most popular hits.

The first single double album, which was originally planned as part of the trilogy, was the composition of the Scream, which Michael Jackson recorded together with his sister Janet Jackson. Michael also fulfilled a promise previously: in 1996, the musician presented a song about Moscow Stranger in Moscow, which entered the new album.

It turns out that he wrote this ballad about loneliness while still in Russia, in his Moscow hotel room. The Earth Song ecological song was released in the same album. The video clip on the "Song of the Earth" was filmed on four continents. In this composition, the musician reveals environmental protection problems and unpunished poaching.

In 1996, Michael Jackson came to Moscow again with a concert. He performed at the Dynamo stadium, and after met with composer Igor Kholty and Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov.

Michael Jackson and Yuri Luzhkov

In 2001, the album in vincible was presented, and in 2003 a collection of Number Ones songs appeared. A long break in the recording of new albums provoked a jackson conflict and a recording label. Sony did not want to continue to finance the protracted process.

In 2004, the singer released a collection of Michael Jackson songs: The Ultimate Collection, consisting of 5 disks. He entered the recognized hits of the musician and the unnecessary compositions in the entire 30-year-old creative biography of Michael Jackson.

King Rock Music Michael Jackson

In 2009, the king of pop music intended to release a new disk, but, unfortunately, did not have time to do this. Also in the summer of this year, the musician was planning a concert tour of This Is IT Tour. Initially, it was about ten concerts, but the demand for tickets turned out to be so high that the organizers have provided an additional 40 speeches.

In addition to music and dances, Meril to Michael Jackson and Cinema. For his life, he managed to play more than 20 films. The musician made his debut in cinema in 20 years, it was a fantastic tape "Visa" Sydney Lumet. Then starred in short films, for example, "Captain IO" Francis Ford Coppola.

Michael Jackson in the film

Also, the pop king played in the films "People in Black 2", "Moonwalk", "Ghosts". His last work was the role in the painting "That's all", the film was removed in 2009.


With the advent of popularity, the singer had considerable cash, the decent part of which he immediately began to spend on changing his appearance. From the mid-80s, the appearance of Michael Jackson began to change dramatically: the skin every year became very lighter, the shape of the nose, lips, chin and cheekbone changed. Soon, in the artist, it became impossible to know that a dark-skinned boy with a wide nose and full lips he was in childhood.

Plastic operations Michael Jackson (before and after)

It was rumored that the pop king tried to get rid of appearance characteristic of African Americans and become white. Journalists assumed that so on the musician influenced Racism in relation to Michael at the beginning of a career: studios and TV channels did not want to cooperate with the Black Singer.

Jackson himself refuted rumors about a special change of skin color, explaining the fact of its clarifying impaired pigmentation. According to the musician, the stresses became a catalyst for the progressive genetic disease of vitiligo. The evidence of Michael's words served as a photo with uneven pigmentation.

On the speeches of the skin with a missing pigment, the musician lunned a dark makeup, but soon he had to go to a bright shade, as dark sites became less and less. Also, the disease made the singer take care of the sun, wearing closed clothes and hide under an umbrella, hide the face under hat and dark glasses.

Michael Jackson confirmed only 3 plastic surgery

The situation with the plastic face Artist called the need for strong head burns, which were obtained during filming in advertising Pepsi. The singer officially confirmed only three plastic surgery, before and after which the appearance of Jackson could have changed so dramatically: two plates of the nose and the operation that created a smell on the chin of the artist. The remaining changes in appearance Michael Jackson explained to age and the transition to the vegetarian diet.

According to doctors, the musician suffered an operation that made the lips of thinner, the forehead - above that changed the shape of the cheeks and age. In early 2000, Michael Jackson began to appear in a medical mask. Rumors crawled that the singer's nose is destroyed, and allegedly he transferred an urgent operation to restore it. Moreover, he soon appeared in public with a plaster. But the musician denied information about surgery, explaining the preservation of allergies.

Later, the plastic surgeon Arnold Klein admitted to journalists that he conducted a re-operation on the nose of Jackson to bring the singer to breathe.


The life of Michael Jackson caused no less stiring interest, rather than his work. Each step of the starry artist was illuminated in the media. And the scandals in the life of the pop king were quite a few.

In 2002, Michael Jackson made his newly born her son on the balcony of the hotel room in Berlin and throwing a child through the railing, began to wave them before fans. Everything happened at a height of four floors, and the danger was obvious. After the photo of the Careful Father was placed the whole world, Jackson made a speech in which he recognized his behavior of a terrible mistake.

But he was in his life and the scandal more seriously, rather than an irresponsible attitude towards her son. The musician was accused of multiple juvenile. Perhaps this is exactly the end of the cross on his musical career and health.

Back in 1993, the singer was incriminated to the actions of a sexual nature in relation to the 13-year-old Jordan Chandler, who was friends with the musician and often spent his time on his ranch of Neverland. As the boy's father stated, Michael Jackson forced his son to touch his genitals.

Michael Jackson and Jordan Chandler

Police conducted an investigation, during which even demanded the musician to demonstrate their genitals for comparison with the testimony of a teenager. But before the court, the case did not come, the parties concluded a settlement agreement. Then the situation was allowed to pay the chandler family $ 22 million.

Ten years later, in 2003, Michael was presented the same charge. This time with the claims were made by the native 13-year-old regulars in Neverland Gavin Arvizo. Parents argued that the boy, along with other children, slept in the same room with Jackson, who was alcohol, and then suck them.

Rancho Michael Jackson

The singer himself rejected the charges, arguing that the Arvizo family simply extorts money. The court lasted four months and caused a massive excitement in the media. 2200 publishers and TV channels accredited correspondents to cover the details of the scandalous case. In 2005, the jury was made an exclusive decision for the lack of evidence.

Despite the victory in the court, the services of lawyers devastated the bank accounts of the pop king, and the proceedings itself strongly undermined the health of the idol of millions. Michael Jackson was forced to take strong antidepressants. After the death of the singer, Jordan Chandler admitted that he forced his father for sake the artist for the money for money, who then committed suicide.

Personal life

In 1994, Michael Jackson was again surprised by the whole world, secretly tied himself to marriage with Liza-Maria Presley, Elvis Presley's daughter.

Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley

The event became a sensation in which some seen the calculation on the salvation of the reputation of the singer, the other - touching merging of the two most famous families in the world. Be that as it may, the marriage existed only a year and a half.

Michael Jackson and Debbie Row

In November 1996, after breaking relations with the first wife, Jackson registered the marriage with Debbie Row, who had once worked as a nurse. From this woman, the singer remained two children. The son of Prince Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. was born in 1997, and a year later, the spouse presented the Paris-Michael Catherine Jackson's daughter. The Union of Michael Jackson and Debbie Row existed until 1999.

Michael Jackson's children with singer Janet Jackson

In 2002, the third child of the artist - Prince Michael II was born from the surrogate mother.

In 2012, the network has information that Michael Jackson had a novel with Singer Whitney Houston. This was announced by David Gest, American producer and a common friend Whitney and Michael. According to him, the woman was truly in love with Jackson and wanted to marry him. But he was too modest to make her proposal.

It is known that the only daughter of Michael became an actress. She starred in the series "Star" and the full-length film "Dangerous Business". His son Prince Michael Joseph Jackson Junior works on television, though behind the scenes. He is producer and director. The youngest son is still studying at school. Fans believe that it is most of all the rest of the Father. He has a dark skin, black long hair, brown eyes. Many hope that it is he who will follow the footsteps of his father and will become a musician.


Michael Jackson's biographers claim that long before death the musician experienced physical indisposition, suffered from lack of weight and depended on painkillers. Their words confirm the doctors to which the musician addressed medicines. Jackson's surgeon Arnold Klein confirmed that the pop musician was abused by prescription means, but at the same time noted that Michael was in good physical and psychological condition, danced for the doctor's patients and did not look dying.

Doctor Arnold Klein

On the morning of June 25, 2009, the singer was in the house rented in the west house. Personal doctor of artist Konrad Murray made him an injection of propofol and left. Two hours later, he found Michael Jackson on the bed with wide open eyes and his mouth and tried to reanimate him, but attempts turned out to be unsuccessful. At 12:21, ambulance officers were caused.

Doctors arrived in less than 4 minutes and discovered the damaged body of the pop king. Doctors, without losing hope, continued resuscitation actions for several hours, but to return to the life of the idol millions did not succeed. The death of the pop star came at 14:26 local time, the cause of death was recognized as an overdose of drugs.

Michael Jackson died from overdose of drugs

The media talked about the suicide of celebrities, about the deliberate murder of the hands of ill-wishers and about the tragic negligence of the doctor. The investigation confirmed the last option. Later, Jackson's doctor was deprived of a medical practice licenses and were found guilty of unintentional murder, for which he went to prison for 4 years.

On June 25, a number of musicians recorded the composition of Better On The Other Side in memory of Michael Jackson. The song was performed by The Game, Diddy, Chris Brown, Dj Khalil, Mario Wineens, Polow Da Don, Usher and Boyz II Men.

On July 7, 2009, a farewell ceremony began in Los Angeles, which began with family service in the Freedom Hall in the Forest-Lown Memorial Park, followed by the Farewell to the Light Farewell to the Publis. The news of Michael Jackson's death broke network records and overloaded traffic search sites by forming Internet-plugs.

The funeral of Michael Jackson is shrouded in secret. The location of the body was kept secret. There were rumors in the Internet that Pop Star was buried on 8 or August 9, then the media reported that the funeral was held at the end of August. Soon the news was published in the network that the ceremony will be held only in September. In the end, Michael found peace on September 3 at the Forest Lown Cemetery in the suburb of Los Angeles.

Mogil Michael Jackson

These secrecy around the burial gave rise to a rumor that Michael Jackson was alive and simulated his own death and funeral to finish the life of the star under the sight of cameras and calmly live away from fuss, media and paparazzi. Adherents of this theory lead hundreds of evidence.

Fans confuse the situation with the funeral itself. Jackson was buried in a closed coffin, transferred the dates of the funeral several times, transported to the crypt. The Forest Lown Cemetery is in the documents as a place of temporary burial, and where the body of the singer is now unknown.

Funeral Michael Jackson

Reliable details established by the consequence were also not published, the police did not give integral comments on the investigation. Cameras from the jackson house disappeared. In the opening report admitted inaccuracies. An interesting fact that the musician family refused to do a DNA test.

Also, the fans noted that the messages about the death of the singer had already come out a couple of times during his life, but Michael refuted them. Events After the death of the musician, they also look mysteriously: Jackson's personal belongings bought an anonymous collector at a closed auction, and the finance of the late artist is managed by the Unknown friend of Michael. In addition, fans assure that more than once saw a beloved singer in England, Mexico, Bahrain and other countries.

Some believe that death was Jackson beneficial. It's no secret that in recent years pop idol has been to Mels. His debts were calculated by millions of dollars. Just to correct your deplorable financial situation, he agreed to 50 farewell tour concerts.

Already at that time, it was sold tickets worth about $ 85 million dollars. The amount is colossal, just doctors believe that there is a suicide for a singer to spend such a large-scale event for a singer, since he has not been distinguished by iron health.

The news of Michael Jackson's death provoked an unprecedented demand for his albums. Thriller became the leader of the iTunes rating. Sales of discs increased 721 times, as a result of which the pop king headed the ranking of the richest died stars.

One way or another, after the death of the artist, his musical biography did not end. Sony concluded a contract with the Jackson family to release 10 of his albums. They will include incorrepted songs, as well as reprinting old plates of King Pop Music. True, fans and musical critics have ambiguously perceived this idea.

In 2010, Michael Jackson's first posthumous album was released, and called Michael. The records of the record received contradictory, but the fans recognized that the album was even better than they expected. Together with the disk, a number of singles and clips were released on the song entered into an album.

A year later, I saw the light remix album Immortal, which includes 15 recognized hits of the musician. Some of his compositions became soundtracks of the "Circus du Soleil" Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour. The show consisted of familiar acrobatic numbers and dances in the style of Michael Jackson. The choreographers worked on the show program, who collaborated with a singer during life.

In May 2014, the second full post-mortem album of King Xscape pop music containing 8 compositions was presented. On May 18, the Billboard ceremony even took place a "living" performance of a musician. The scene appeared a holographic image of Jackson, created using the Ghost Pepper technology, which "performed" Slave to the Rhythm song.

Name Star Michael Jackson on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Michael Jackson has a popular "instagram" now. By the way, the page is verified. But still, rather, this page will be considered a fan, since the singer died before creating a social network. It is known that the major American advertising agency leads his "instagram", which was hired by Michael Jackson's heritage company.


  • 1972 - GOT TO BE THERE
  • 1972 -Ben.
  • 1973 - Music & Me
  • 1975 - Forever, Michael
  • 1979 -OFF The Wall
  • 1982 - Thriller.
  • 1987 - Bad.
  • 1991 -dangerous.
  • 1995 - History: Past, Present and Future, Book I
  • 2001 - Invincible.
  • 2010 - Michael.
  • 2011 - Immortal
  • 2014 - Xscape.


  • 1978 - "Visa"
  • 1983 - "Thriller"
  • 1988 - "Moonboot"
  • 1988 - "Little criminal"
  • 2002 - "People in Black 2"
  • 2009 - "That's all"

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