Kurt Cobain - biography, photo, personal life, songs, cause of death



Kurt Cobain - American singer, songwriter, musician and artist. Became a cumome of millions thanks to participation in the Nirvana rock group.

Kurt Donald Kobain was born in February 1967 in Aberdeen, not far from Seattle.

Parents of the future celebrity - Donald Lyland Cobain, who worked as a mechanic at maintenance station, and Wendy Elizabeth Cobain (Freanderberg), which one time was an educator, and then - a waitress in the bar. In addition to the mother and father of the boy, other relatives took up. 3 years after the appearance of Kurt, Kimberly girl was born in the Kobainyan family.

The interest of music from Kurt manifested itself at 2nd. As a child, the boy liked the BEATLES and The Monkees groups. Cobain often visited the rehearsal of his uncle and aunt, which appealed as part of the country ensemble. When the future soloist "Nirvana" turned 7 years old, Aunt Marie Earl presented a children's shock installation as a gift. Later Kurt became interested in the work of AC / DC teams, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Joy Division, Black Sabbath, Aerosmith and Kiss.

At the 8th age, Kurta Kobein had to survive the divorce of the parents, which was not the best way to reflect on the psyche and further behavior. From these, Kurt became closed, aggressive and cynical. At one time, Cobain lived with his mother, but then moved to his father in Montsano. During this period, she committed himself with his native uncle, whom the musician loved very much. Father married Jenny Westby. Kurt did not get laid with a new father's passion, so he moved away from him. In adolescence, the future rock executive alternately lived in relatives.

At the age of 14, Cobain studied the guitar game, and his first mentor was Warren Mason, a musician from The Beachcombers. After graduating from school, the guy wandered for some time to friends. Then he still got a job, and in 1986 he was sent to prison for illegal penetration into someone else's territory and drinking alcohol.


In 1985, Kurt Cobain founded the FECAL MATTER music group. The collective has 7 compositions, but not having not released a single disk, the group broke up, but this experience influenced the creative biography of the musician in the future. Then Kurt's friend, musician Cryst Novoselich, offered to create a rock band. In addition to Novoselitsa and Kobein, the team of Chad Cenning appeared in the team.

The musicians could not find a suitable name for their team - the group was called Skid Row, Ted Ed Fred, Bliss and Pen Cap Chew. As a result, they stopped at Nirvana. In 1988, the Single of the Group called Love Buzz / Big Cheese was released, and the next year the musicians released the first Bleach album. Songs who performed Kurt Cobein as part of Nirvana became a certain junction of punk and pop styles.

Worldwide popularity came to the team in 1991 after the release of the album Nevermind. The Smells Like Teen Spirit composition, hacked on the peaks of the charts for a long time, has become a real high generation. After the release of this composition, the albums of the musician diverged by millions of circulations. Even the legendary Guns N 'Roses team remained out competition.

Each concert of the musician collected thousands of loyal fans. Cobain experienced discomfort from such popularity. The musician annoyed that he became idols of wide masses. Nevertheless, media representatives called the NIRVANA group "flagship generation x".

The musician sought to be identified with the direction of independent rock, so the next album in Utero, published in 1993, the American rock performer made deliberately gloomy. The album did not become popular as the previous one, but took the leading places in the charts. The most successful stained songs about a girl, You know You're, All Apologies, Rape Me, In Bloom, Lithium, Heart-Shaped Box and Come as You Are. Clips on these compositions have become popular worldwide.

Fans of the musician liked the Caver version on the song And I Love Her, which the BEATLES group performed. In an interview, Kurt has repeatedly noted that in childhood he loved to listen to the composition of the popular team from the UK.

Personal life

Kurt Cobain met with the future spouse in 1990 at a concert in one of Portland clubs, where both performed as part of their groups. Courtney Love herself argued that Kurt has seen in 1989 at the Nirvana concert and instantly showed interest to him, but the musician ignored the girl.

Later, the performer explained his behavior to the desire to be longer than a bachelor. Roman began between Kurt and Courtney, and in early 1992, the girl learned about his pregnancy. Already in February of the same year, the couple played a wedding.

The marriage ceremony took place on the Hawaiian beach of Waikika. Courtney Love was in a dress that once belonged to Francis Farmer (newlyweds admired this actress), and Kurt Cobain, be lazy to wear a suit, appeared on a celebration in pajamas. On August 18, 1992, the pair had a daughter - Francis Bin Cobain.


The problems with health at Kurt Kobein were observed since childhood. The Contractor was delivered several diagnoses, including manic-depressive psychosis, as a result of which he was forced to take psychostimulants. In his youth, Kurt was addicted to drugs, and this passion was turned into a full-fledged sustainable dependence. It was also influenced by the fact that alcoholics and mentally unhealthy were attended among their relatives - uncle of the musician from the father of the Father committed suicide.

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After experiments with different narcotic drugs, Kurt Cobain moved to heroin. In 1993, a man suffered a heavy overdose by this drug. A couple of weeks to death, friends persuaded Kurt to undergo a course of rehabilitation, from where the artist escaped the next day.

The body of the musician was discovered on April 8, 1994 in his house. Electrician Gary Smith, who arrived to the cobbeins to set the alarm, first saw the dead Kurt. After several calls, Smith's door went to the garage and rose to the greenhouse, where a man saw a man without signs of life through the glass door. First, Smith suggested that someone sleeps, but then noticed blood and gun.

Given the incidents with overdose, the police compiled a formal protocol, according to which the musician introduced himself an excessive dose of heroin and made a shot in his head from the gun. Near the body was also detected a suicide note pointing to suicide. The cause of death is that suicide is called. Fans are still confident that Kurt Kobaine's death adjusted, and the assumption of police officers about the fact that the idol of millions was shot by mistakenly.

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The deceased idol and today does not give rest to fans. After the death of the musician, the director presented a large number of pictures about his life and work. Particularly spectators celebrated the film "Kurt and Courtney", published in 1997. In this film, the authors tried to talk about the causes of the death of celebrities.

In the future, a picture "For the last 48 hours of Kurt Kobaine" appeared, and in 2015 the documentary film "Cobain: Damn Installation" came out on the screens. The last tape turned out to be plausible, since the participants of the Nirvana group and Kurt's relatives who belong to unpublished materials, presented access for the creators of the picture.

Thousands of fans expressed a desire to get to the funeral of the idol. On April 10, 1994, a Public Panhid for Cobain took place. The singer's body is cremated, and the dust was divided into three parts.

In 2013, the media appeared in the media that the house in which the "Nirvana" leader grew up for sale. The mother of the legendary musician announced this decision.

After death, Kurt Kobein's diary acquired a special popularity, which contains letters and diary records of the musician from 1980 until 1994.


Quotes and thinking of the American artist became the same legendary as his songs."When I realized that I would not find a person like me, I just stopped making friendship with people." "I never craved nor glory or something like that. So it turned out. "" All drugs are an empty spending time. They destroy your memory, self-esteem, everything related to pride. "" It is better to be a sullen dreamer than a brainless party "." Let me be hated for what I am, what I love for what I am not. "


Studio albums:

  • Bleach.
  • Nevermind.
  • In utero.

Concert albums:

  • MTV Unplugged in New York
  • From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah
  • Live At Reading

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