Regep Tayyip Erdogan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, President of Turkey 2021



Regep Tayyip Erdogan is the famous political leader of Turkey, who was chosen by the country's president in the first nationwide elections held in 2014. High posts on the political expanses of the country takes back since 1994. At first, he organized the desired "batch of national salvation" and as its leader became the Keepskirt of Istanbul, and in 2003 he took the chair of the Prime Minister and held power in his country over the next 11 years.

His politics at the head of the government, and now states have an ambiguous assessment in the world - some are confident that only thanks to Erdogan Turkey reincarnated from the parliamentary republic to the presidential, while others do not exclude that the Turkish leader intends to turn the country into the Islamic state.

Childhood and youth

Erdogan Regep Tayyip was born on February 26, 1954 in the largest city of Turkey - Istanbul. He spent his childhood and adolescence in the city of Riza, from where his father Ahmet and mother of the tenzile were called. Answering the question of his nationality, Regep loves to repeat the words of his parents - first of all he is a Muslim. Although once in a conversation with Georgian journalists, the president mentioned the adj ajara roots. Later in his homeland, the head of state denied his own words.

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The family of the future of Turkey lived modestly, as the Father worked on low-paid work in the coast guard, and the mother was engaged in raising children. As a result, young Taieta had to work out - he sold buns and lemonade on the unsafe streets of the city, which harden the character of the boy and helped to form clear life positions.

In 1965, graduating from the primary school Piyale Pasa, he entered the Religious Lyceum IMAM Hatip Lisesi, where the teachers noted the special religiosity of Erdogan, which the family brought up in it. In the youth, the Recep became interested in football in secret from his father, who did not approve this sport.

The young man was considered a semi-professional player, and the management of the FENERBACHER football club even intended to conclude a contract with him. At the end of the lyceum and passing additional exams, Tayypu managed to enroll in the Economic University of Marmara, which he successfully graduated in 1981.

Politics The future Turkish leader began in the student period of his biography. In 1975, he organized the youth movement of the desired "party of national salvation" in Bejoglu, after which he received the first increase in the career ladder and headed the branch of the party already in Istanbul.

Along with this, he worked as a manager in a private business, but after the military coup in 1980 he lost its work due to political activities. As a result, in 1982 he went to the army, and upon returning from service again aimed at politics.


From 1983 to 1994, the political activities of the Recep was continuously connected with the activities of the "blessing party", which actively participated in the ruling Islamic coalition. Then the future President of Turkey was able to establish contact with local residents of Istanbul, who in 1994 chose him by the mayor of the city. The post-executive officer Erdogan showed himself worthy - thanks to him in the cultural center of Turkey, problems were solved by the landscaping of the city, the export of garbage, providing people with water and social issues in favor of citizens.

In 1997, the "boss of prosperity", which the politician continued to support, was banned in Turkey, as a result of which Erdogan resigned, and after that he was convicted and imprisoned for the Islamist propaganda for 10 months. True, in prison, the future Turkish leader spent only 4 months and in July 1999 was released early.

After the liberation, Taieip did not change political views and goals. He again created a similar "batch of justice", in which he became chairman. In 2002, the Erdogan party received more places in parliament, which made it possible to form a one-party government on her and conduct reforms in the country regardless of other political organizations.

In March 2003, Regep Erdogan was appointed Turkish Prime Minister, in whose hands at the time the main power of the country was concentrated. Its main achievements on the occupied post-the post is the monetary reform, successful struggle against corruption, the construction of new power plants and social institutions, strengthening democracy in the country.

Erdogan's activities as a government chairman is characterized as a "silent revolution", as the EU then began to focus on the fact that the policy of the new premiere led to the infringement of freedom of speech in Turkey.

The position of Prime Minister Erdogan held up to August 2014, after which he stated his intention to run for the presidency of the country in the first nationwide elections of Turkey, since earlier the head of the Turkish state was elected not to the people, but parliament. He confidently won them and scored almost 52% of the vote, becoming the first national president of the country.

In the first days in the presidential post, Tayyp said that a policy concluded in solving problems of religious and national minorities, as well as resolving acute situations of the Middle East region. At the same time, he promised the new future to the people, which will proceed solely from the principle of social reconciliation.

Turkish President also continued the reformist policy, which is aimed at the modernization of the country's economy, liberalization of the political and public life of citizens. His reforms were aimed at joining the EU, but in 2015 this discussed several decades have acquired a sharp issue of a different direction - Turkish leadership is no longer sure that the country needs the European Union, which Erdogan said personally.

A separate achievement of Taiet was the strengthening of Turkish-Russian relations. In the period from 2002, the trade turnover between Turkey and Russia increased almost 10 times, and 17 agreements in the field of energy, army and transport were concluded between Ankara and Moscow. Also between Russia and Turkey, an agreement on visa-free regime for tourists was concluded.

In the fall of 2015, Erdogan visited Moscow, where, together with Vladimir Putin and Head of Palestine, Makhmud Abbas became a guest of the opening ceremony of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque after her reconstruction. The events were also attended by the heads of the Russian regions - Ramzan Kadyrov, Rustam Minnikhanov, Yunus-Beck Yevkurov, Ramazan Abdulatipov, as well as the mayor of the capital Sergey Sobyanin.

At the celebration, Erdogan drew attention to the need for national and religious tolerance, which, in his opinion, is lacking in the countries of modern Europe. To the citizens of the European Union, the President addressed the quotes of Lion Tolstoy:

"It seems only to people that they are concerned about themselves alive, and that they are alive with one love."

Already in November 2015, relations between Russia and Turkey sharply aggravated due to the SU-24 of the Russian bombarder on the border with Syria. As a result, the Russian leadership did not rule out the cessation of relations with Ankara, as it was considered the perfect actions by a planned provocation with US submission.

The alienation was followed in the field of economic and political cooperation of countries. To restore relations, Moscow demanded from Turkey to fulfill three conditions: official recognition of guilt, punishment of participants in the action, payment of compensation to relatives of the deceased and affected military. The leader of Turkey has been fully fulfilled only the first condition.

Over time, the relationship between the two states returned to the previous direction. Now in Turkey, joint economic and energy projects are being implemented, one of which is the construction of a transit gas pipeline.

In 2016, the country was awaited by another shock - an attempt was made by the state coup with the Military Block of Turkey. Organizer Erdogan called the leader of Islamists Fethullah Gülen. The environment of the president quickly responded to a danger, resting in the resort Marmaris The state leader promptly arrived in Istanbul.

Two weeks needed to suppress the uprising, 26 thousand people were arrested. After the coup, Erdogan made an initiative of the return of the death penalty, the anger of the European Union brought: a visa-free regime with EU countries was canceled.

Personal life

Taiet Erdogan's personal life is not so saturated as his political career. Turkey President is married to Emine Gulbarant, which since 1978 supports his spouse on his difficult path to power. Like most of the first ladies of world countries, Erdogan's wife is engaged in charity, for which he was awarded the honorary prizes.

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In the family of the Turkish leader, four children are brought up - the sons of Nedzmeddin Bilal and Ahmet Bukrak, as well as two daughters - Esra and Sumiey. It is known that Erdogan's sons work in the field of oil business and own at least 10 oil courts. The president's daughters went in the footsteps of the mother - they are engaged in charity and protect women's rights in their own country.

The Erdogan family lives in the new Presidential Palace of Ak-Saray, built on the outskirts of Ankara. According to Western sources, the structure includes 1000 rooms, which makes it large in size than the Russian Kremlin and the American White House.

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Erdogan and today surprises citizens of the country with a tightened figure. Thanks to the excellent physical preparation, which he received at a young age, now its weight with an increase of 183 cm does not exceed 97 kg. In personal photos, the leader of the nation looks spectacular. The President of Turkey tries to keep up with the times: it is registered in the social networks "Instagram" and "Twitter".

Recep is trying to follow health, but his condition periodically causes anxiety from doctors. At the end of 2017, being in the morning service in the mosque named after Mimara Sinana, the president fainted than frightened praying. For several minutes, the head of state was unconscious due to increased blood sugar. Having come to himself, he asked others not worried.

Regep Tayyip Erdogan now

In March 2019, it became known that the American leader Donald Trump admitted to Jerusalem the capital of Israel, with which the Muslim world did not agree. This step from the United States could not not respond Tayyip Erdogan. The President stated that in this case the Christian shrine was the Cathedral of the Holy Sofia, which was in the territory of Istanbul, he will be forced to give the status of a mosque.

Also, the Turkish leader is concerned about the withdrawal of American troops from the territory of Syria than soon the terrorist group will take advantage of, and the Syrian-Turkish border will be threatened. For the sake of discussion of the prospects that the region expects, Recep visited the meeting with Vladimir Putin in Moscow.


  • 2006 - Medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan"
  • 2012 - Order of the Golden Eagle
  • 2011 - Order "Danaker"
  • 2014 - Order Heydar Aliyev
  • 2014 - Honorary Professor IMO Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan
  • 2015 - State Flag Order
  • 2015 - Large Cross of Orden Leopold I
  • 2017 - the chain of the Great Mubarak Orden
  • 2017 - Large Ribbon of the Republic of the Republic
  • 2018 - Big Cross Orden Lion
  • 2018 - Big Cross of the National Order of Mali

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