Lesya Ryabtseva - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Lesya Ryabtseva - "Queen of the Scandals" of Russian journalism, which rapidly broke into the media space of the country, hitting the assistant to the editor-in-chief of the Echo Moskvy radio station, Alexey Venedikov. Attitude towards a journalist, both in society and among colleagues ambiguous - some consider the young language to be a professional of a journalistic business, while others, on the contrary, are called the Ryabtsev, and Khame, who has won the interest of the public only thanks to personal connections and the ability to adapt to any situation.

Ryabtseva Olesya Alexandrovna was born on July 28, 1991 in Volgograd in the family of businessmen. Since childhood, she lived in comfort and love - parents could afford to provide all the necessary child, ranging from books and toys, ending with travel and fashionable clothing.

Lesya Ryabtsev

At the five-year-old age, Olesya moved to Moscow. There, Lesya went to the first class of a private school, but because of hulagal behavior and tense relations with teachers was translated into a state educational institution. According to the journalist, in his youth, Lesya was very different from the peers, since it was not "interested in chups and short skirts, but he fond of reading books and was a successful student."

High School Ryabtseva graduated from a nearly round excellent: in the Forest Certificate there were only two "four" - according to algebra and geometry. At the end of the school, the girl wanted to enter MEPI, as the girl was especially interested in mathematical logarithms and hyperbolas, but after changed and decided to receive a philological generalization education. Thus, Ryabtseva became a student of the Journalistic Faculty of the Russian State Humanitarian University. True, the diploma of the journalist Forest never managed to get - the thesis became for her a boring case, which Ryabtseva never brought to the end.


The journalistic career of Lesia Ryabtseva began in his student years on the site of the publication "Big City", dedicated to the life of Moscow. At the end of the second year of the university, the future journalist came to an internship to Alexey Venediktov, the chief editor of Echo Moscow. It was he who became the man who saw the necessary vendor of a professional journalist in the trainee in the trainee, so immediately made a girl with his assistant and elevated a pedestal of liberal journalism, providing her resources and a platform for conducting his own blog.

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Lesia Blog Ryabtseva's "Edge of the Ear", on the expanses of which she shares with readers with their impressions from working meetings with the political elite of the country and all sorts of parties, which visits together with Wennediktov, is rather scandalous. All the heroes of this heading in vain expressed claims to the Commander "Echo Moscow" on the unacceptable statements of a young journalist.

The sharp language of the forest, its straightness and a sharp relationship with colleagues became the main "chip" of the journalist. Because of her blogging in 2015, his founder and the first editor-in-chief "Echo Moscow" Sergey Korzun, who accepted an insult to Ryabtseva, was quenched from the publication. Also, the radio station lost the famous leading program "sensitive" Mitya Aleshkovsky, whom Lesya simply did not allow the ether. This attracted the attention to a scandalous young journalist, which before the last defended the vennediktov, but she did not appreciate such patronage and decided to leave the "echo of Moscow", since already "rearranged this edition."

"Queen scandals"

On December 5, 2015, Lesya Ryabtseva stated that he leaves "Echo Moscow," but reserves several projects that will behave independently, without the Venediktov team. She stated that he wanted to engage in the development of his own media and invited former colleagues to cooperate. The scandalous care of the journalist from the radio station was completed by the fact that she took part in the project "New Russian sensations" of the NTV television channel, in which he told about his role on the "Echo of Moscow", announced the reason for his care, and also expressed the opinion of the Russian opposition and colleagues on the workshop In its characteristic manner.

Lesya Ryabtsev

Lesya Ryabtseva - "Queen of Scandals". That is how it was called in the program. The girl expressed her opinion about Alexei Navalny, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Ksenia Sobchak and even about the President of the country Vladimir Putin. Moreover, about oppositionists and former colleagues spoke in a straight offensive form, and the existing leadership of Russia called the true workaholics, which she respects and supports.

On December 14, the Glavred "Echo of Moscow" brought public apologies to his employees for acute statements to their protege to their address. As it turned out, he knew about the preparation and filming of this program, and even contributed to the participation of a scandalous journalist in this project.

Lesya Ryabtseva on the radio

Lesia biography abounds by speculation, gossip and scandals. Since the arrival of Ryabtseva on the "Echo of Moscow" and its rapid career growth, the broad masses of the public loudly began to express the reasons for such luck. The service romance of Lesia Ryabtseva and Alexey Venediktov did not discuss only the lazy. But the chief of the radio station, and the journalist itself, with the directness inherent, repeatedly stated that they were associated with exclusively working relations.

Also, the journalist thundered on the ether of the "Special Opinion" program. Then she stated that the population of Russia is 8 million people, which caused a storm of mockery by the users of social networks and mastty bloggers. Everyone was surprised how the Humanitarian could be mistaken so impressively. From this scandalous history, Ryabtsheva came out with proudly raised head, and not recognizing his mistake.

In October 2015, the former assistant of the Glavred "Echo of Moscow" again blew up the media space of the country. The "Naked" Film Film Session Ryabtseva shocked by frankness and caused a storm of indignation in the blogosphere, which was not at all embarrassed by a journalist. The photo of Ryabtseva did and posted a famous metropolitan photographer Anton Martynov on the network. Many have regarded such a behavior as a self-level, and the goodwisters of the girl decided that in this way she decided to show the society that for a tough blonde in glasses and Snowden in a skirt, as they began to call it after the sensational exposure of oppositionists, hid a graceful girl with a beautiful figure.

Personal life

The personal life of Lesia Ryabtseva since its arrival at the "Echo of Moscow" was always the subject of public discussion. But with the girl managed to hide his personal space from prying eyes and never to light up in public places with his boyfriend.

According to the journalist, the forest is extremely happy in his personal life with his young man who takes the "queen scandals" as it is. Ryabtseva does not disclose the name of the groom, but there is a version that Lesya subsequently confirmed that her beloved is a public figure and writer Eduard Bagirov. Also in an interview, the girl stated that she had never had a serious relationship, only temporary love. How these two contradictory statements are combined, Lesya does not comment.

Lesya Ryabtseva and Eduard Bagirov

Lesya Ryabtseva - Vegetarian. The girl does not drink, does not smoke and does not matter in gambling. Also, Lesya confesses the direction of Hinduism - Gaudio-Vaisnavisism, the girl even has a spiritual teacher, a preacher from the states.

In the daily life of Lesya Ryabtseva still remains a media person. The girl is conducting popular accounts in Twitter and Instagram. Lesya Ryabtseva publishes ambiguous photos: Building faces, shows unshaven arms, makes funny selfie and exhibits five photos of the same location. In the posts and tweets of the journalist, he allows themselves sharp and categorical statements about Russian feminism, American conspiracies, pornography, art and other eternal or momentary topics, which corresponds to the status of the forest as the main scandalist.

Lesya Ryabtseva now

On March 31, 2016, an announcement of a new radio transmission appeared, the subject of which was announced a discussion of culture, and the radio host - Lesya Ryabtsev. On April 14, 2016, the promised transfer of the "Markoborets" was released on the airline of the Komsomolskaya Pravda. The talk show took place in the format of meeting with guests, one way or another related to current cultural events. Yuri Grymov, Sergey Shargunov, Dmitry Ento, Nikas Safronov, Dmitry Ento, Andrei Makarevich, Dmitry Gudkov, Anton Krasovsky, Maxim Kononenko, Andrei Krasovsky, Maxim Kononenko and others are visited in the Markobort Studio.

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In the summer of 2016, Lesya Ryabtseva appeared on a political scene. On August 16, the TV presenter received the position of head of the candidate's election headquarters to deputies to the State Duma from the Growth Party and the Commander of Esquire magazine Ksenia Sokolova, and the headquarters of the Forest appointed personally to Sokolov.

In 2017, Lesya Ryabtseva became a member of the Show "Bachelor", and according to the recognition of the show fans, Lesya is the brightest star of the project.

Lesya's leaving colleagues admitted that it combines pleasant with useful: as a representative of Ryabtsev's press on his own experience, he learns how a realistic show work, and as a fragile girl, calling himself a radio host, struggles with the complexes and comes out of the comfort zone. At the same time, the girl is open to the gifts of fate and new relationship

Lesya Ryabtseva and Ilya Mlinnikov

Bachelor in the fifth season, in which Lesya appeared, became Ilya Mlinnikov, the actor of the series "Interns". In the first meeting with Ilya Ryabtseva, he said that he hates actors, but this categorical phrase did not pushed the bachelor, and on the contrary, the interest of Mlinnikov to the girl was rooted. Lesya Ryabtseva more than once swore with other contestant girls. The journalist answered questions about the causes of such actions, the journalist hates mercantility, bhavalia and spraying, and therefore cannot be silent in such cases. In an interview dedicated to the TV show, Lesya also called competitors by Bescultural, and also admitted that he did not consider them to be even.

During filming, Lesya Ryabtsev greatly damaged her leg and fell into the hospital. Ilya Mlinnikov helped the girl in the first minutes after the injury, and then visited the hospital that brought together the participants.

The journalist reached the final of the show, but lost to Madine Tamo and Catherine Nikulina.


  • 2011-2015 - "Echo of Moscow"
  • 2015 - "New Russian Sensations"
  • 2016 - "Markoborets"
  • 2017 - "Bachelor"

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