Samuel L. Jackson - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography, Main roles, Awards 2021



Samuel Leroy Jackson is a Hollywood actor, known thanks to the work with the famous directors and participation in the films of the filmmoven Marvel. Staying the idol of millions, the Contractor does not consider himself a legend, referring to such people, "created something truly outstanding", whereas he, in his opinion, achieved fame with hard work and perseverance.

Childhood and youth

Samuel was born on December 21, 1948 in Washington, USA. The early period of his biography passed in the city of Chattanug, where the boy lived with his mother, grandparents. Father went to Kansas and later died of alcoholism. He saw the Son just a few times and did not participate in the upbringing.

Samuel went well at school, fond of music - played on the pipe in the school orchestra. As a teenager, he decided that he would become a marine biologist, and after the issue filed documents to college in Atlanta. During his studies, the young man became interested in acting and soon decided to change the specialty. He organized an amateur theater Just US, the backbone of the troupe whose dark-skinned students.

Natives did not believe in his acting talent and doubted the correctness of the choice of profession. The situation has changed when Jackson starred in advertising hamburgers. He so appetizer ate fast food that the audience would never have suspected him in insincerity. For shooting, the student got his first money.


In Cinema, Samuel made his debut in the film "together forever", after which several more episodic roles followed. They did not bring the guy of popularity, and in subsequent years he rarely appeared on the screens, playing in the theater. There, the young artist noticed a novice director Spike Lee, who had an impact on his subsequent career.

In his youth, Jackson could play much more roles, but due to problems with drugs and alcohol, this chance lost this chance. After another overdose, the relatives sent him to rehabilitate to the New York clinic. When the artist was discharged, it was whether he helped him again to be on his feet, offering to embody the role of the Gaittor in the film "Tropical fever" on the screen.

The problem was that Samuel's character was registered as a drug addict. The surroundings discouraged the actor from participating, fearing that he would have a relapse on the shooting, but Jackson decided to take a chance and did not lose. Especially for him in the Cannes Festival introduced the nomination "Best Artist of the Male Role of the Second Plan", after which the offers literally appeared on the actor.

In 1993, the audience saw Jackson in the famous film famous director Stephen Spielberg "Park of the Jurassic period". It is noteworthy that initially the scene of the death of his character Ray Arnold was supposed to be shown in all bloody details, but due to the fact that in Hawaii, where the surveys were planned, a hurricane was raised, it had to shorten it.

By the time of the work on the "criminal religion" in the filmography of the artist, about 30 works were already. He was famous for hardworking and was loved by directors. Perhaps that is why Quentin Tarantino prescribed the image of Juls Winnfield character especially for him. This role brought Samuel a nomination for Oscar and the British Film Academy Award, and many found him the game even brighter than the screen embodiment of John Travolta.

Despite the fact that, according to the audience, it was the "criminal fiction" made Jackson star of a world scale, he denies this assumption. According to the actor, much more recognizable, thanks to the film "Strong nut - 3: Retribution" with Bruce Willis in the lead role. After the premiere of Samuel spoke outside the United States.

In the future, the actor starred in many loved public paintings, including the film "Jackie Brown" with Robert De Niro. The next brightly stars became Danny Roman from the negotiator militant, where Jackson was Kevin Spacey. The picture received a nomination for the Prize "Saturn", and the leading leader earned $ 5 million.

At the turn of the centuries, the first film of the franchise "Star Wars" director George Lucasa came out. In it, Jackson played Mace Windows, a member of the Jedi Council. The tape was enthusiastically encountered by the public and brought the creators in the first year of rent $ 1 billion. After that, numerous sequels followed, in which the actor returned to the already known image. Especially for Jackson, a purple light sword was created, which allowed to emphasize the significance of the character.

In the summer of 2000, the actor had a registered star at the "Alley of Glory" in Hollywood. The new century brought him a lot of interesting roles. The performer pleased the admirers in the criminal militant "Three Iks" director Rob Koene, which also starred Wine Diesel, Asia Argento and Marton Chokash. Later, the actor played Ogastes Gibbons in the 2nd and 3rd parts of the franchise.

To work together with Tarantino the star managed to shoot the picture "Kill Bill - 2". In the work that the director himself considers one of the best in his filmography, for Samuel there was a secondary role of the musician Rufus, but he coped brilliantly with her.

The new twist career of the actor was the signing of a contract with Marvel to participate in the films of this film dealer. Interestingly, in a few years before, Jackson agreed to ensure that the Ultimate version of the character Nick Fury was drawn from him. Therefore, the emergence of a celebrity on the screens of comic fans perceived with delight. In the future, the head of the fictional organization Sch. I. T. in his performance regularly flashed in ribbons about Torah, an iron man and other superhero.

In 2010, the premiere of the thriller was "unthinkable", where the star fell to play Agent Eich. Michael Shin, Carrie Ann Moss and Jill Bellose became colleagues on the site. In the rental of the tape, Rated R for the abundance of scenes of violence and obscene vocabulary.

Signable work of Samuel is the film Quentin Tarantino "Dzhango Liberated", the role in which the actor chose himself. The character of the butler Stephen attracted the performer with its inconsistency and distinctive features in comparison with his other characters. Jackson handed his vision of this image on the screen.

Later, the actor and director met on the site of the "disgusting eight". According to Jackson, he had a warm relationship with colleagues on the site. They continued to correspond even after the completion of the filming.

A year before the premiere, the artist appeared in the adventure film "Big Game", which was removed by the forces of Finnish, German and English cinematographers. The actor could not refuse the project, as he was intended for the role of President of the United States.

In addition to the show of the "disgusting eight", the 2015th was marked by Matthew's comedic militant outlet "Kingsman: Secret Service". The actor introduced a significant contribution to the creation of the image of the eccentric billionaire Richmond Valentine, having endowed it with manners and whispered. Although the hero is an antagonist, the celebrity does not consider him a negative. Samuel sees the idealist in Richmond, who is too fascinated by his ideas.

Another character, to the creation of which Jackson put the hand, became Darius Kincaid in the comedy "Killer's bodyguard". At the initiative of the actor on the body, the mercenary appeared tattoos in the form of a crow - one for each person killed by him. In addition to Samuel, Ryan Reynolds and Salma Hayek are involved in the film. Later they were united to work on the continuation of the "Killer's Bodyguard" tape ".

Shortly before the exit of the "Killer's bodyguard", the fans saw Samuel in the adventure film "House of Strange Children Miss Serin", based on the RenSoma RenSoma Raggza "House of Strange Children". The actor appeared on the screen in the image of the villain of Mr. Barron.

In 2019, 19 years after the participation in the filming of the film "Invulnerable" director M. Knight Syamalan, the artist appeared in the main role of Sikvel this project - "Glass". While working on the 1st part, the actor consulted with people suffering from imperfect osteogenesis: this diagnosis was made by his hero.

In the same year, Jackson played Agent Nick Fury, starring in the superhero militant "Captain Marvel". This time the audience got the opportunity to learn more about the past character. The company star was Breek Larson, with which he worked back on the set of the film "Kong: Skull Island".

Despite the coronavirus pandemic in the 2020th, fans were able to enjoy several on-screen work of the actor, in particular the banker's drama based on the biographies of Bernard Garrett's business partners and Joe Morris.

Fighting racism

In different years, Jackson came across racial discrimination. According to the memories of the actor, in childhood, the grandfather taught him not to raise his eyes in the presence of representatives of the White race, as it was directly considered a sign of arrogance with them. Later, in memory of this, Samuel called his own film studio "Naked" (Uppity).

Social injustice has turned it in an ardent counsel of the rights of the black population. At 20, Jackson, together with like-minded people, went to the demonstration after the murder of Martin Luther King. Later he participated in the seizure of the Board of Trustees of his college, demanding reforms in management and curriculum. This incident led to removal from study for 2 years.

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After that, Samuel was a social worker for some time, but continued to defend his ideas. He got close to the participants of the Black Power movement, which planned armed attacks. However, after the FBI officers interviewed his mother, the family decided to send Samuel to Los Angeles.

Already being the actor, Jackson was tested by the ceased population. For example, a group of dark-skinned, which participated in the filming of the "criminal heal", caused anxiety from passersby on the street.

In subsequent years, the actor continued to support the fight against racism. A significant step towards overcoming Samuel discrimination considered Barack Obama for the presidency of the United States. The actor himself participated in his election campaign.

Social activity

Jackson regularly allocates money in support of education. He also collaborates with a Prizeo online platform, participating in funds for the fight against Alzheimer's disease. Such activities are meaningful for the actor, as his family members themselves suffered from this ailment. The performer is experiencing for his memory and tries to train it, solving crosswords.

With the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in the 2020th, the actor joined the campaign "Your Actions to Saving Lives". He called people to wear masks and hand over a blood plasma to help sick. As part of the show Jimmy Kimmel Live Samuel read the Satirian Book of Stay The F * CK At Home.

Personal life

In a personal life, the performer was a monochombus. With the future wife, the actress of Latza Richardson, he met in college. In 1980, lovers registered relations, and 2 years after the wedding, they had a daughter Zoe. Now it works by the producer on the sports channel.

The photo of the artist's family is not so often seen on the page of his instagram account. Jackson uses the platform to share news and its views. Some of his publications are quite witty. So, in 2020, he posted a video in which he called for election voting to overthrow from the post of the US President Donald Trump, and said the phrase "F * CK You" in 15 languages.

Samuel L. Jackson now

Now the celebrity continues to please the audience projects with their participation. In 2021, he added to the list of horror film "Saw: Spiral", where the role of Marcus played. But more significant for fans was the news about the release of the series about Nika Fury, which was called the "Secret Invasion".


  • 1981 - "Ragtime"
  • 1991 - "Tropical fever"
  • 1993 - "Jurassic Park"
  • 1994 - "Criminal Chivo"
  • 1997 - "Jackie Brown"
  • 1999 - "Star Wars. Hidden threat"
  • 2000 - "Shaft"
  • 2004 - "Kill Bill - 2"
  • 2008 - "Avenger"
  • 2012 - "Dzhango liberated"
  • 2015 - "Durvening Eight"
  • 2017 - "Killer's bodyguard"
  • 2019 - "Glass"
  • 2019 - "Captain Marvel"
  • 2019 - "Avengers: Final"
  • 2019 - "Spiderman: away from home"
  • 2019 - "Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise"
  • 2021 - "Saw: Spiral"
  • 2021 - "Killer's Bodyguard"

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