Irina Starshenbaum - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress Anna Starshenbaum, Alexander Petrov 2021



Irina Starshenbaum - young Russian actress and TV presenter, start film career which has already borne fruit. The actress is easily climbed the cinematic Olympus, although more recently, and did not dream of nationwide fame. Today Irina acted in projects venerable directors together with the stars of the Russian cinema. It often appears in the films of the future. Actress years later wants to see himself held the mother of three children and the owner of "Oscar".

Childhood and youth

The future artist was born in Moscow and has a famous cousin: her cousin Anna Starshenbaum - known theater and film actress. Birthday Irene - March 30, 1992 - took place in the zodiac sign Aries. Surname girls had a German national roots and was pronounced Shtarkenbaum. Contemporary sound it acquired later.

The girl's parents are not related to the movie, but work in other creative professions - Irina grew up in a family of two generations of hairdressers. After high school, she studied at the Faculty of Communications of the Moscow State University print them. Fedorov, a parallel was engaged in a course of Theatrical Arts in Moscow State University of Psychology and Pedagogy.

Cinematic biography of the actress did not start immediately. After graduating Irina works as a leading entertainment programs on Russian television, and also collaborated with theaters, in particular, with Teatrom.doc.


In feature films Irina Starshenbaum started acting in 2013. The debut of the actress became melodramatic 8-part film directed by Igor Kechaeva "Transfer".

In 2016 came several new works with Irene. In the comedy series "roof of the world" in the role of actress Olga adventurous ladies playing that, Ira on the first day of shooting, the plot was in a coffin at the cemetery Vagankovsky. The actress says that after it had to dive into a wooden box, it's nothing more scary and no one scenario will not be able to put in a blind alley. Not surprised Irina and creators of the series "Olga", when offered the girl to play a character who in one scene appears nude.

In 2016 the military were shooting a blockbuster by Fyodor Bondarchuk's "attraction", which is one of the leading roles went Starshenbaum. The work was conducted in the strictest secrecy, the plot details were not disclosed almost before the premiere date, press only knew that with Irina removed Oleg Menshikov, Rinalia Mukhametov and Alexander Petrov.

Irina Starshenbaum - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress Anna Starshenbaum, Alexander Petrov 2021 20365_1

The bright image in the work of the high level has become a happy ticket to the actress in the world of big cinema. Irina began to consider as a contendent in acting ensembles of high-profile projects.

In 2017, the girl appeared among the performers of the series Alexander Tekalo "Kilimanjar", the military drama "T-34", the sports film "Ice". Star'shenbaum continued to fantastic line, while playing a girlfriend of the main character in the ribbon "Lachab of the debtor".

The main premiere of 2018 in the filmography of the actress was the Drama "Summer" Kirill Serebrennikova about the life and creative path of Viktor Tsoi, which entered the competitive program of the Cannes Festival. Working in the team of an outstanding master made a great impression on Starshenbaum. The girl shared with the reporters, which survived in his life the happiest summer. The film crew spent the time not only on the workplace, but he left for picnics to the Finnish bay, where the fires sounded near the guitar. Thus, the director sought to bring the major roles as close as possible to the feeling of the time that was to be translated on the screen. Teamwork's efforts were justified, for the role of Natalia Naumenko in the film "Summer" Irina was awarded the film "Golden Unicorn" in the category "Best Actress".

Irina Star'shenbaum in the film "Sherlock in Russia"

In 2019, the premiere of the erotic thriller Konstantin Bogomolov "Designs", in which Starshitbaum appeared in the star acting company. Her partners in the frame were Olga Soullov, Daria Moroz, Maria Fomin, Sophia Ernst, Sergey Burunov, Marina Zudina, Alexander Zbruev and others.

Irina worked on the film "Invasion", the continuation of the Fedor Bondarchuk project "Attraction". According to the story of the heroine, Star'Shenbaum after communication with the alien creature itself becomes the object of studying Russian scientists. It is soon found that the girl carries in itself a danger that threatens the death of all mankind. In the television program "Evening Urgant", Irina called Bondarchuk with his "godfather". According to the girl, it was he who opened her the road to cinema.

In the 2020th, the show was started showing the series "Sherlock in Russia", in which Irina played with Maxim Matveyev, Vladimir Mishukov, Pavel Maikov.

Personal life

Irina at the beginning of a creative career hid the facts of personal life from the press. But in 2016, rumors about the novel of Starshbaum and actor Alexander Petrova began to spread in the media, the stars of the "policeman from Rublevka". Subsequently, the actors openly declared the press that they were found. The rapidly started relationships were breeding rumors that Irina is pregnant. But in January 2017 she posted a number of photos in a swimsuit in the "Instagram", where a flat belly and a slim figure of a girl are clearly seen.

Despite the bright feelings, the couple decided to wait with the children, because each of them was at the peak of a creative career. A year after the start of the novel, rumors were raised about the ambulance's wedding of actors, and some journalists were already called Alexander Petrova, her husband of Starisbaum. The performers themselves were silent on this.

In mid-2019, the secular chronicle discussed that Alexander and Irina parted. The actors noticed at the Festival "Kinotavr" in the company of Colleagues Stati Miloslavskaya, with whom he was shot in the project "Sagittarius". At a solemn event, the couple held together and looked happy. Reporters guesses were confirmed after the girl arrived with a star to Nizhny Novgorod, where Alexander, within the framework of the "Gorky Fest", represented the monospectacle # to anewly. After the presentation, young people went along with the car. Later, Miloslavskaya and Petrov confirmed the novel.

Irina Star'shenbaum has not officially commented on the final of relations with Petrov. The actress considers himself in love with a person, but at the same time, the relationship is suitable for an adult.

"No need to confuse love for a near person with love for yourself," the girl believes.

Due to the joint holiday on Bali, fans suggested that Irina meets with Philip Nesterenko, a colleague on the film "Summer", director for education. Guy younger than Starshenbaum for 6 years. It is known that young people are friends, there are no closer relations of official confirmation yet.

In Yutyub-show Svetlana Bondarchuk, Irina admitted that he was now in love, but did not call the name of the new chosen one. The actress only noted that only a person from the acting environment can be in life partner in life, such as the principle of Star'shenbaum.

The celebrity loves sweet, although she, like many stars of show business, have to follow their diet, and does not represent his morning without strong coffee. The girl manages to maintain harmfulness and body suspension. With a height of 170 cm, the weight of the Olderbaum does not exceed 53 kg. The star is above the left wrist have a tattoo in the form of points and arrows.

The actress contributes to charity. On the ether of the transfer "In truth", Irina acted as supported by women, AIDS patients. Together with the love of Axenova, Gla, Ksenia Golovina and Anton Sevidov Irina read the poems of modern authors within the framework of the Marathon # contrary to.

Irina Starshenbaum now

Now Irina continues to be filmed. Despite the ambiguous assessment of the public, the "Designs" not only earned high popularity, but also, according to the producer of Irina Sosnovskaya, they reached the global level. Irina took part in the 2nd season of the series, which started in 2020, and in 2021 agreed to shoot in the 3rd part. The director's post this time took Yuri Moroz.

Daria Moroz and Irina Star'shenbaum continued cooperation in the Thriller "Mediator" about a professional negotiator, who not only saves hostages from the hands of terrorists using professional skills, but earns these solid amounts. Andrei Burkovsky performs a major role. Julia Peresilde, Victoria Tolstoganova and Mariana Spivak joined Casta.


  • 2015 - "Moving"
  • 2016 - "Roof of the World"
  • 2016 - "Black Water"
  • 2016 - "Arena"
  • 2016 - "Shakal"
  • 2017 - Kilimanjara
  • 2017 - "Lachab of the debtor"
  • 2017 - "Attraction"
  • 2018 - "Summer"
  • 2018 - "Equestrian Police"
  • 2018 - "T-34"
  • 2019 - "Descriptions"
  • 2020 - "Sherlock in Russia"

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