Anastasia Vertinskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Anastasia Aleksandrovna Vertinskaya - Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema, in 1988 he received the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR. Popularity came to her immediately after the first paintings of the "Scarlet Sails" and "Amphibian Man". Both films are included in the Gold Collection of Soviet Cinema. After the brilliantly played roles, Anastasia began to be called "unearthly", "aliens" and "Soviet actress with anti-Soviet appearance", and her beauty was compared with the appearance of Grezhe and Vivien Lee.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia was born at the end of the war, December 19, 1944, in Moscow in the family of the legendary poet, actor and singer-chanson Alexander Vertinsky, who a year before the birth of her daughter returned to the Soviet Union from emigration. The mother's mother was Lydia Cirgwawa, an artist and a film actress, known to the viewer for roles in the films of the "Sadko" and "Kingdom of Krivoy Mirrors". Also in the family was brought up by the eldest daughter Marianna Vertinskaya.

Nastya received the best education, which at that time could be offered the capital of Russia. The emphasis was made on musical classes and the study of foreign languages. Also, the father instilled in daughters love for literature and various types of art. He believed that, regardless of the profession, a person should have a wide cultural outlook.

As a child, Anastasia dreamed of being a ballerina, but it was not accepted into a group of classical choreography due to high growth and large bones. Then she decided to become a translator and focus on learning foreign languages. But, hitting at 15 years to the set, finally decided on the choice of the future profession.

A year before admission to the theater university, Anastasia entered the Pushkin Moscow Theater troupe and toured a lot around the country. In 1963, Vertinskaya became a student of the Higher Theater School of the name of Schukin, and she did not pass the exams on the first attempt. Pedagogues allowed her to re-evaluate, as he had already seen her in the cinema and knew what she was capable.

In the late 80s, being world famous, Vertinskaya agreed to the proposal of the leadership of the University of Oxford and for 12 years taught acting skills there. She, together with Alexander Kalyagin, led a similar course in the French studios "Comedi Francsez" and Chekhov school, as well as in the Swiss School of European Cinema.


In 1960, Anastasia Vertinskaya decided for the experiment to undergo listening to the role of Assol in the film with the romantic story of Alexander Green "Scarlet Sails". Only seeing a 15-year-old teenager, the director Alexander Ptushko decided to refuse her, such a kind of schoolgirl with a haircut, dressed in a sports suit, did not correspond to his ideas about the main character of the painting.

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However, having considered professional photos of the applicant, he changed his mind, seeing the expressiveness of the girl and her peculiar alienation from reality. "Scarlet Sails", where the great actor Vasily Lanovova was shot, with whom Vertinskaya subsequently developed friendly relations, became a real discovery for the audience. In the first year, the film was watched by more than 23 million people.

In the same year, the second painting of a beginner actress was published on the screens - "Affibory Man", shot on the fantastic novel by Alexander Belyaeva. This role Velinskaya received thanks to the depth of his eyes, since the main requirement of the director was that the contenders for the role of Guttiere "in the eyes was the sky." Vladimir Korenev and Mikhail Kozakov also starred in the film, and Composer Andrei Petrov created a music makeup.

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Already in the youth Vertinskaya on the set showed itself as a real professional. To recreate the image, she learned to swim well, specially engaged in the instructor. Anastasia refused doubles and herself was in ice water, dived into depth and participated in all complex episodes of the adventure picture. The film received high evaluations of critics, he looked over 65 million viewers.

The actress itself is about the first roles recalls condescendingly, believing that these samples in cinema can be compared with children's photographs: in a comfortable, but ridiculous. In addition, Vertinskaya believes Roman Belyaeva "Hang Fiction".

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The actress's real film considers the role of Ophelia in the film Grigory Kozintseva "Hamlet". It was able to recreate this complex image and at the same time. Anastasia remembers that it was working in the "Gamlet" showed it that acting is not only skill, but also an inner sacrament. Especially warm, it responds about cooperation with Innochenty Smoktunovsky, who played the title character.

The picture brought Vertinsk international fame when she received the first prize at the Venetian film festival. There began to call it "Vivien Lee Soviet Screen". The beauty and slim figure of the performer (Anastasia's height - 172 cm, the weight - 57 kg) attracted the gaze and left the audience indifferent. Subsequently, this role was counted with critics to the most significant actress in the creative biography.

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After Gamlet, she starred in Drama Alexander Zarkha "Anna Karenina" in the role of Kitty Shcherbatskaya and in the Cinepope Sergey Bondarchuk "War and Peace", where she appeared before the audience in the image of Lisa Bolkonskaya. In 1969, the actress appeared in the romantic melodrama "Lovers", where Rodion Nakhapetov became a partner of Anastasia in the scenic platform. In 1970, she fell into the Military Drama "Case with Walnign", in which he played with Mentor on the "contemporary" Oleg Efremov.

In Drama on the play, Maxim Gorky "premature man", an articalized by the director Abram Room, Anastasia appeared in the form of an incorrect wife of the workaholic of Bogomolov (Igor Kvasha). In 1971, the actress filmography was replenished with the main role in the film "Shadow" on the work of Evgenia Schwarz, where Oleg Dal became partner of Vertinskaya.

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Anastasia Vertinskaya highlights the role of Mona in the popular television film "Unnamed Star". The peculiarity of this picture for it is not only that it has a lyrical, and comedy, and the dramatic beginning, but also that the director did not impose the images of the characters, but allowed them to play heroes like the artists feel and see . As a result, the cast was so passionate about the work that finished the film in just one month.

In 1994, Vertinskaya played the mystical role of Margarita in the film Yuri Kara Master and Margarita. The challengers on this image were also the famous Irina Alferov, Anna Samokhin, Vera Sotnikova and Elena Majorova. The choice of director fell on Anastasia because of its unusual look, internal nobility and congenital aristocracy.

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And again the actress worked without doubles, even in the scene of the flight on a broom, which was removed by a deep night, and Vertinskaya was tied to a helicopter and steaming high enough above the ground. Interestingly, because of the disagreements of the director and producers, the picture came to the rental only after 17 years. The last work in the cinema for Anastasia Vertinskaya was the role of Atamishi from the musical Alexander Abdulov "Bremen Musicians & Co", created on Gennady Gladkov's music.

In 1991, Anastasia Vertinskaya opened the Russian actor assistance fund, the funds of which sent support for poor or patients with artists. He did not leave the head of the Foundation and young beginners, directors and screenwriters in need of financial support. In the 90s, she appeared on television, which tried on the role of the leading gear "Other shores" and "Golden section".

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In the XXI century, the Great Actress stopped being filmed into the cinema and go to the scene. The main cause of Anastasia calls the lack of interesting proposals, and not at all personal reluctance and inability to play on. The only significant work of this period was the role of Eliza in the play "Imago" based on the "Pygmalion" of Bernard Shaw for Anastasia Alexandrovna.

The main business of life for himself, the actress considers the restoration and preservation of the heritage of the father of Alexander Vertinsky. In addition to the phonetic restoration of few records, which remained after chanson, Vertinskaya also released the book of his memoirs.

Personal life

In 1966, Anastasia Vertinskaya married his classmate Nikita Mikhalkov, who later became the world famous film director. At the time of the wedding, Son Stepan was already 6 months old. After 3 years, due to the desire of each of the spouses, devote the life of a career, and not to focus on personal life, young people broke up.

In 1976, Anastasia re-marry Alexander Gradsky's famous singer. Officially, the marriage existed for 4 years, although young in 1978 broke up. Moreover, the actress itself does not consider that he was married to Grad, putting it in one row with other men with whom she had novels - Oleg Efremov, Boris Eifman and Pavel Slobodkin. According to the press, the fleeting attitude of the artist was formed with Mikhail Kozakov on the scenic platform of the "Unnamed Star".

In an interview, Vertinskaya refutes the statement that she had four ingenious husbands. The artist claims that it was married once - for Mikhalkov. Marriage for himself Verieta considers utopia, and the main men in his life calls the Father and Son.

In the mid-2000s, Vertinskaya decided on a facelift. As many specialists noticed, the actress after the plastic began to look younger, which is visible in the photos of Anastasia, but has lost its own individuality.

Celebrity has no personal pages in social networks, including in "Instagram". Like many artists of the Soviet generation, Anastasia Alexandrovna prefers live communication.

Anastasia Vertinskaya now

Now Anastasia Vertinskaya is devoted to the family. The actress communicates with the grandchildren who call it Nana, since the word "grandmother" she does not favor. In the family of Stepan Mikhalkov, four children - the daughter of Alexander Mikhalkov and the sons of Vasily, Peter and Luka, and the eldest Sasha has already presented the Grandma of Fedor's Grandma.

At one time, Vertinskaya was fascinated by national cuisines, even accounted for an exclusive menu for a network of restaurants of the son, where he smokes chefs.

In 2018, it was about the fact that Fyodor Bondarchuk is going to remove the remake of the film "Affibory Man". In the new version of the film, the love story will be changed, as well as the main characters, and St. Petersburg selected St. Petersburg began the beginning of the 20th century.

Celebrity does not appear at secular parties and rarely gives interviews. In 2019, she talked with the reporters of the publication "homemade". In conversation, the artist told about his childhood and about parents.


  • 1961 - "Scarlet Sails"
  • 1961 - "Amphibian Man"
  • 1964 - "Hamlet"
  • 1967 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 1968 - "War and Peace"
  • 1970 - "Case with long-standing"
  • 1971 - "Shadow"
  • 1978 - "Unnamed Star"
  • 1980 - "Heavy"
  • 1988 - "Storm"
  • 1989 - Tartuf
  • 1994 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 2000 - "Bremen Musicians & Co"

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