Valentin Gaft - biography, personal life, cause of death, movies, photos, died, actor



Valentin Josephovich Gaft was an actor of the Soviet and Russian theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR, the Star of the Contemporary Theater. All-Russian love won after filming in Eldar Ryazanov's films. Also, the artist was known as the author of the neck epigram. The poetic lines are most often devoted to friends and colleagues. Valentin Iosifovich was distinguished by ironic attitude towards his talent, always remembering those masters of the Russian theater school with whom he had to work.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born in Moscow in September 1935. Parents Joseph Ruvimovich and Gita Davydovna Gaft, Jews by nationality, were immigrants from Ukraine. Father worked as a prosecutor, Mom was engaged in household. In 1941, Joseph Gaft went to war. The 6-year-old son was forever crashed into memory of the Father's wires to the front. Fortunately, Dad returned from the war alive.

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The dwelling of the Gaft family was located on the metropolitan street Syroskaya Silence. Nearby peacefully neighboring the market, prison and student hostel. Valentin Iosifovich later joked: "The whole world is in miniature." Surprisingly happy childhood years of the future artist passed on this street.

Gaft became interested in the theater early. For the first time, the boy came to the performance in the 4th grade. It was the production of "Special Task", 10-year-old Valentin Gaft was amazed seen. The young spectator at first did not even understand that playing on stage. Later, participating in school amateur, Valentine realized what acting craft is. In high school classes, the young man has already clearly understood who will be in adulthood.

Valentin Josephovych was carefully preparing for the entrance exams in the theater university, but at the same time he strongly doubted his own acting abilities. Helped the guy to overcome the indecision of the famous actor Sergey Stolyarov. Gaph accidentally met the artist strolling in Sokolniki Park. Shares timidity, Valentin Gaft approached his beloved artist and asked to listen to him. Stolyarov was surprised by the request, but did not refuse.

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The Master Tips helped the young man to prepare for the exams and come from the first attempt. True, I did not get into Schukinskoye: I did not pass in the second round. But in the school-studio of MCAT, you took a young man immediately. Parents learned about Valentine's arrival, when he was enrolled in the theater university. To the talent of the young man, they treated skeptically, afterwards Mom Valentina Iosifovich visited only two performances of the Son.

In 1957, Valentin Gaft graduated from school-studio, having received the basics of acting skills on the course of Toporkov. Igor Kvasha, Oleg Tabakov, Mikhail Kozakov and other future Matters of Russian cinema studied with him.


After graduating from the university, Valentin Gaft did not immediately hit the theater. He helped him Dmitry Zhuravlev, a popular Soviet actor and the winner of the Stalinist Prize. The novice artist was taken to Lensovet's theater. But here Gaft lasted only a year. The proposed roles were so insignificant that Valentin Josephovich understood: We must look for a place where he will be able to develop acting skills, and not to lack the scenes.

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And again the young artist helped. This time actor Erast Garin suggested Haftu to try the forces in the Satira Theater. But here the guy did not stay for a long time. In a few years, Valentin Josephovych will return to this scene again to disrupt the ovations of the audience by the stellar role of Graph Almaviv in the play "Mad Day, or the marriage of Figaro." The search for "his" theater continued.

For several years, Valentin Gaft performed on the stage of the theater on a small armor, then worked at Andrei Goncharov's theater at Spartakovskaya.

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The first success and happiness from the work of Valentin Gaft felt in 1964, when he fell into the theater named after Leninsky Komsomol ("Lenk"), who led Anatoly Efros. Here GaFF felt what creativity and inspiration. For the first time, the young actor learned what excitement and joy overwhelm the artist when his game was accompanied by ovations. On this scene, Gaft performed 5 years.

In 1969, Valentin Josephovich moved to the "contemporary" at the invitation of Oleg Efremov. Here Gaph finally felt like he returned to his home. On this scene, the best roles of the artist are played. Here he shone in the performances "from the notes of the Lopatina", "Balalaykin and K", "Hurry to do good" and "Who is afraid of Virginia Wolf?". Cooperation with the director Galina Volchek Theater turned out to be fruitful and long. Valentin Josephovich Gaft was the leading actor of the "contemporary" until the end of his life.

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Valentin Gaft is the owner of prestigious theatrical awards. Over the years of service in Sovrevnik, Valentin Josephovich was awarded award named after I. M. Smoktunovsky (1995), the International Prize named after K. S. Stanislavsky in the nomination "For the contribution of the acting art of Russia" (2007), the National Prize named after A. Mironova "Figaro" (2011), as well as honorary award "Crystal Turandot" in the category "For a long-term and valiant ministry of the theater" (2012).

In 2017, the "Contemporary" Theater began the preparation of the performance "While there is space", the author and the executor of the leading role of which Valentin Gaft became. Galina Volchek called the production of a "confession of a man who knew the truth." Due to artist's illness, it was necessary to temporarily interrupt work.


Cinematic biography of Valentina Gaft developed gradually. Success came not immediately. Until the end of the 60s, the actor was offered inexpressive roles, episodes. The debut took place in 1956 in the painting "Murder on Dante Street". Here Gaft flashed in a tiny episode. Apparently, the appearance of the artist did not fit into the image of the Soviet Kinogere. For a long time he was called on the role of various villains and negative characters.

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Everything has changed in the 70s. Valentina Iosifovich began to offer the first bright roles. In the picture "Night on April 14," he played Stewart, and in 1975 - Lopatin in the television play "From the notes of the Lopatin".

Success, huge and unconditional, came to Valentina Hafta after cooperation with the legendary director Eldar Ryazanov. Moreover, Gafta was called one of the favorite artists of Ryazanov, who regularly invited to play their own film retainers - films included in the Golden Foundation of Domestic Cinema. Accordingly, all the actors who played in these paintings became the stars of the first magnitude.

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In 1979, a comedy Ryazanov "Garage" was released on the screens. In this film, Gaft played the Chairman of the Garage-Construction Cooperative Sidorkin, whose phrases soon become aphorisms. Next year, Ryazanovsky Waterville "On the poor Gusar will silence the word", where Valentin Josephovych plays Colonel Pokrovsky.

In 1987, a wonderful melodrama comedy "Forgotten melody for the flute" appears, where Gaft brilliantly depicted Odinov's official. In the early 90s, the audience saw Valentina Iosifovich by the president of the homeless intellectuals in the tape-parable "Heaven Promised". And in the late 90s, the actor played the general in the tragicomedy Ryazanov "Old Klyachi".

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Not only the creations of the Great Eldar Ryazanov glorified Valentine Gafta. He has other well-memorable viewers of wonderful roles. He played Brasset Lacey in the Comedy Titov "Hello, I am your aunt!". Many generations of domestic spectators and today are glad to watch the wonderful New Year's film "Wizards", where Gaft appeared in the form of Apollo Mitrofanovich Sataneev.

Another new year fairy tale - Sirota Kazanskaya Vladimir Mashkova, where Valentin Iosifovich is one of the touching "Pap" Nastya, a well-deserved magician. A tragic role went to the actor in the ribbon of Peter Todorovsky "Ancor, still Ancor!", Where he played Colonel Vinogradov. Interesting image Valentin Josephovich recreated in the film "Thieves in the law", where he appeared as a godfather. Also in his filmography, the films "Visit Ladies", "Terrorist", "Night Fun", where the artist played the main characters.

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In 2000, the actor starred more and more often in TV shows or television films. In 2005, Valentin Gaft got into the main acting staff of the television film Vladimir Bortko "Master and Margarita", where Joseph Caifa was played by the Jewish priest. This is already the second job of the artist in the screening of the name of the novel Mikhail Bulgakov. In 1994, Gaft played Voland in the drama Yuri Kara, the music to which Alfred Shnitke wrote. Showing Films did not take place on time for a number of reasons, the film was released on DVD only in 2011.

At this time, the acting piggy bank of the artist was replenished with works in the paintings "Burnt by the Sun - 2: the upcoming", "Leningrad", "Tree-3".

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And also Valentine Gaft is known for talented and sharp epigram. So, one day the actor devoted to the line Armen Gigarchhanyu:

"Much less on the land of Armenians than films where Dzhigarkhanyan played"

Since the end of the 80s, the actor has released several collections of poems of their own essay - "verse and epigram", "I will gradually know", "garden forgotten memories", "Shadows on the water", "Red Lanterns".

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In 2016, the premiere of the comedy Anna Matison "Milky Way" was held, in which Valentin Gaft fulfilled the role of the second plan. The main characters - married couple Andrew and hope - Sergey Bezrukov and Marina Alexandrova played. The major role of Valentin Gaft received in Kirill Safonova "Fourth" in the short ribbon. His partner in the working platform was Polina Kutepov.

In 2016, Valentin Gaft received the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" from the hands of President of the Russian Federation V. Putin. The photo of the awards ceremony fell on the pages of news publications.

Personal life

Already in his youth, Valentine was distinguished by pleasure, although he was shy and unsure of himself a guy. Playing on the site before the MSU's hostel in football, the future artist dreamed of seeing the first love in one of the windows of the building - the girl named Dina Vasilenok. In her presence, the guy was transformed and was ready for feats. The first feeling remained Platonic, afterwards the girl devoted her life to science, defended his doctoral dissertation.

Valentin Gaft was married three times. In his youth, the actor met the mannequin and artist Elena Isorgin. She was present at the first unsuccessful speech of Valentina Iosifovich in the Satire Theater. After a short novel, the young decided to get married. We lived in the room from Elena.

According to the artist, his spouse was not indifferent to animals. In a small room, besides a couple and mom's spouse, an abandoned kittens, dogs and even pigeons with broken paws. The relationship was dried when beautiful loved the other. The rival of Gafta was kinened Dal Orlov.

After the divorce Valentine, he burned for a long time. From a short connection with the artist Elena Nikitina, his son Vadim was born. The artist learned about the existence of a child only when the boy was 3 years old.

Elena did not require anything from the actor, and subsequently immigrated to Brazil, where her sister was previously settled. Valentina Josefovich has only a photo of the son. Vadim also became an actor, fond of poetry. Tight communication with the Father began only in 2014, when Elena and Vadim arrived in Moscow.

The second wife of Gafta was the girl named Inna Eliseeva. She was from a secured family, drove the car. The spouse gave Valentin Josefovich the only daughter Olga. The girl attended a ballet studio, but dreamed of acting career.

On the entrance exams in the theater she could not fully open, they did not take it. So asked her father: he understood that he would later be more difficult for her to part with a dream. The disorder in relations with the young man finally knocked out Olga from the gauge. In 2002, the girl ended the life of suicide.

After the second marriage, the artist did not decrease for a long time for a long time. In his life, bright, but short-term novels happened. Actor at the same time lived with the girl Alla, who played the cello in the state register under the direction of Evgenia Svetlana. Relationships did not work out due to the pathological jealousy of the beloved.

With the advent of Olga, the wonderful life life and the well-being of Valentine Gafta have improved. For the first time, a man met with the future spouse at the shooting of the Ryazan comedy "Garage". Olga faced the mastera of epigram, but he did not dare to meet her: the actress was happy in marriage. The novel began much later, in 1996. By this time, Olga was already divorced, so Valentin Iosifovich decided to actively act. Ostrumov replied to him.

Under the influence of the spouse, Gaft took Orthodox baptism. Children of his wife - Olga and Mikhail Levitini - Valentin Josephovich accepted as relatives. As the actor clarified in an interview, everything was held on his spouse's shoulders in the house - thanks to her, the artist could be engaged exclusively by creativity, without touching life.

The actor was known for a solid political position. Valentin Gaft has repeatedly spoke in a positive key of Vladimir Putin, expressing confidence in the actions of the president in foreign and domestic politics. In 2015, Gaftu was attributed to the epigram about the Russian authorities, where the state figures were called "Jump" on the Body of Russia. Later, Valentin Iosifovich was denied the authorship of the poem and once again expressed support for the Kremlin's policy.

The state of health of the artist caused concerns from his relatives and physicians long before death. In 2011, the Gaft suffered a heart attack, after 3 years he was a complicated operation. In 2017, after a careless fall, Valentina Iosifovich needed medical care again. The situation complicates the development of the actor of a neurological disease - Parkinson's disease. But the artist himself did not fall in spirit, continued to create as they strengthen.

In the last years of life, the performer devoted most of the time to rest in a family circle. Together with his wife, he loved to visit Jurmala. Valentin Josephovych and about creativity. Twice a month, he went to the scene of the "Contemporary" in the formulation "While there is space."

The artist was often appeared in studios of various talk shows. In 2018, he became a guest program "Hello, Andrei!", "Let them talk." In May 2019, he appeared on the ether of the "Fate of Man" already in a wheelchair. The actor came to us the program to support his colleague and girlfriend Svetlana Nevolyaev.


Valentin Gaft died on December 12, 2020 in Moscow. The last year of life, the artist was rehabilitated after stroke. Valentina Josefovich is planned to bury on December 15, 2020, Vroekhrovsky cemetery, told the journalists to his spouse.


  • 1956 - "Murder on Dante Street"
  • 1973 - "Seventeen Moments of Spring"
  • 1975 - "Hello, I'm your aunt!"
  • 1979 - "Garage"
  • 1980 - "Clear the word about the poor hussar.
  • 1982 - "Wizard"
  • 1986 - "On the main street with the orchestra"
  • 1987 - "Forgotten Melody for Flute"
  • 1988 - "Thieves in law"
  • 1989 - "Lady Visit"
  • 1991 - "Heaven Promised"
  • 1992 - "Anchor, more Ancor!"
  • 1997 - "Sirota Kazan"
  • 2005 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 2013 - "Christmas Trees 3"
  • 2015 - "Scounded"
  • 2016 - "Fourth"

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