Denis Dorokhov - biography, personal life, photo, news, wife, "Titstok", "What was next?" 2021.



Denis Dorokhov is a Russian artist, a humorist, a KMN team player "Kamyzyky Krai national team." In addition to participating in the club cheerful and resourceful, gained popularity thanks to the shooting in the television schuch show "Once in Russia". Today, the actor tries to expand the framework of his role and tries to himself in different scenic genres, convincingly reincarnated in dramatic heroes.

Childhood and youth

Dorokhov was born and grew up in Astrakhan, in the family of a serviceman. The original appearance and congenital wit allowed him to mix people in childhood. The creative biography of the artist began not immediately: in the school years, Denis did not go to the scene, limited to the drawing of classmates and jokes in a friendly company.

After graduating from school, and after the Astrakhan Polytechnic College, Dorokhov became a student of the International Law Institute under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and, having received a qualitative legal education, got a job in the Astrakhan branch of Gazprom. But after a while, Denis realized that immersion in economic and legal nuances was not at all what he was waiting for from life in his youth.

A young man quit and settled in the taxi service of a hometown, where he continued to work even some time after a professional debut in KVN. According to the artist, taxi passengers were often recognized in the driver of a popular humorist and were surprised by such combination of occupations.


In 2002, Denis, Denis, was almost accidental. Invitation to visit the rehearsal came from one friend, after which the lawyer-taxi driver turned into an artist of the pop. The first Dorokhov team was called "42th in the list," then the young man became a member of the Astrakhan national team, on the basis of which a new team "Collection of Kamyzian Territory" was formed.

It entered it, besides Dorokhov, Azamat Musagaliyev, Alexander Panekin, Vyacheslav Makarov, Renat Muhambaev and others. After a year later, the team got to the final in the first league of KVN, and in 2012 it was able to reach the semi-final in the Higher League, and at all previous stages the team gained the highest possible points.

Next, the progress of the team increased. The following season "The Kamimykyk Territory" was a silver medalist of the highest League of the Final KVN, and the winner was ahead of the Dorokhov team just 0.2 points, and also won the Moscow Mayor Cup. In 2014, Kamyzyaki, as team members call fans and fans, did not participate in the game, and returned to the club for the next season, unconditionally became champions.

It is curious that during performances, Denis often appears with drawn mustache, although in ordinary life is not vegetation on the face. For the first time, the actor appeared in this form when he depicted in the scene of the mayor of Arkhangelsk, and since this room had a grand success, Dorokhov made artificial mustache with a mandatory part of the stage image.


In 2014, a new humorous show "Once in Russia" started on TV channel TNT. Semen Slepakov and Vyacheslav Dosmukhametov became the authors of the transfer. Along with Dorokhov in "Once in Russia" other stars of the KVN recent years appear - Olga Kartunkova, Musagaliev, Alexander Ptashenchuk and others. On the stage, the project participants play small sketches, which are removed and demonstrated in the form of telecons.

In the same year, the humorist appeared on the 10th season of the "Large Racing" show, where he performed in the Russian national team "Moli with Usami". The players expected hard tests, including fighting with bulls, but the Russian team came out the winner.

In 2016, another project appeared in Denis filmography - the comedy series "Borodach". The plot focused only on the Cartawa of Help Alexander Borodchech, whose role is played by Mikhail Galustyan. A year later, the artist was involved in the 2nd season of the humorous show.

Gradually, the humorist became in demand and as an actor and began to receive roles in full-length films. In 2017, Denis appeared in the Zomboyashik project, in which he starred in an episodic role. In this tape, popular comedy artists and residents "Comedy Club" are involved: Garik Harlamov, Timur Batrutdinov, Garik Martirosyan, Pavel Volya, Vadim Galygin, Andrei Skorokhod, Alexander Rev, and others.

In the same year, the premiere of the Indian film "When Harry met Sedar". Dorokhov was invited to Bollywood to the role of caricature Russian mafiosi. His colleagues in the comedy melodrama became Shah Khan Khan, Anushka Sharm and Bjorn Freiberg.

Now, in addition to filming in the popular transfer "Once in Russia", Denis tries himself in other humorous genres. On your own Youtube Channel Dorokhov lay out comedy videos from the life of the creative team of the project. In 2019, the artist posted a review of touring tour in Ufa and Samara. Here the video dedicated to the birthday of Sergei Zhukov appeared.

Denis also participated in the music and poetic formulation of "Geremiece". The meaning of this project is to give actors for which a certain role was entrenched, the ability to reveal yourself in a new light. The play using music and poetry of contemporary authors. They performed the main roles of Anastasia Panin, Vyacheslav Makarov, Kirill Lopatkin, Valery Lanskaya.

Also, Dorokhova has its own page on the "Titstok", where you can watch funny sketches with an artist in the lead role. Some rollers are popular, for example, video with a model Catherine Lisina has become viral.

In April 2020, the artist, together with Nurlan Saburov, Tamby Masayev and Timur Batrutdinov played the game "Self-insulation lessons" on the Azamat Musagaliyev show "Feel our love remotely." In December, Dorokhov and Musagaliyev came to the program "Two per million", where they answered the questions of Paul Will.

Also, the humorist was the guest of the project "What was next?", Which is leading Nurlan Saburov, Alexey Shcherbakov, Masayev, Rustam Saidakhmedov and Ilya Makarov on the Yutiub-Channel Labelcom. The leaders distinguished themselves as incorrect jokes on the subject of Denis's pathology, which is obvious even after 5 cosmetic operations.

Personal life

Dorokhov has a huge number of fans. This does not interfere with the specific appearance of the artist - low growth (approximately 165 cm) and the congenital orthodontic defect, which at the philistine is called "Hare Lip". According to him, the parents hid the truth from him for a long time. They told that the Scar of Denis appeared after a fall from the stairs. According to the humorist, this behavior of relatives only provoked in the future many complexes.

Despite the hopes of the fan, the humorist refers to the type of men, for whom there is only one beloved woman in his personal life. The location of the future wife Elvira Denis has sought long. Young people learned together in a polytechnic college, only at different courses. The young man romantically cared for his chosen: wrote her poems, accompanied to the house, after which due to the lack of money was returned on foot.

Before marriage, young people have met more than 7 years. The artist decided to make an offer to his beloved woman, only when she got a job in Gazprom. After Elvira responded with agreement, the couple on the same day submitted an application to the registry office. Now Denis also does not have the soul in the spouse, as in the first years of their novel. On March 19, 2012, the firstborn family appeared in the family - Son Artem.

In February 2019, children in the family of the humorist became 2 - Artem has a younger brother, which was called Bogdan.

In Moscow, Dorokhov moved not immediately. The first years of Denis spent to entrenched in the capital. The spouse supported the actor in his desire to build a career in show business. Elvira itself does not sit still. She graduated from the school of television, after which she settled in the editorial office of the famous TV channel and is now working on creating its own project on TV.

The artist leads an account in "Instagram". On my own page, a humorist lay out both everyday photos and posters of upcoming performances.

In October 2020, the artist took part in the show "I know myself", according to the rules of which he must tell a shameful fact about himself. According to the humorist, his first adult fantasy became a school teacher: a sixth grader appreciated a beautiful leggy woman who wore a skirt above his knees. The actor admitted that he was peeping under the hem.

Denis Dorokhov now

In January 2021, the audience saw the comic in one of the issues of the 6th season of the humorous transfer "Where is the logic?". Also, the actor, together with Dmitry Shepelev, spoke in a logical battle against the residents of the Show "Improvisation" Dmitry Pozova and Viktor Khchetkov.

In February of the same year, the 2nd season of the show "Improvisation. The teams "leading Anton Shazhun became. Dorokhov and Arseny Popov appeared on the project as judges of the first issue.


  • 2002 - "KVN"
  • 2014 - "Once in Russia"
  • 2016 - "Borodach"
  • 2017 - "When Harry met Sedar"
  • 2018 - "Zomboyel"
  • 2019 - "# Growle-minded"

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