Alexander Filin - biography, personal life, photos, performances, participation in the project "Voice. Children" and the latest news 2021



Young participant of the 3rd season of the vocal competition "Voice. Children "Alexander Filin is familiar with creative professions not at all. After all, he was born in the family of the art leader of the Bolshoi Theater of Sergei Filin and Ballerina Mary Spread.

Alexander Filin

Despite the genetics, the choreographic deposits in the boy did not turn out, so the parents did not insist on the dance of the future of Sasha, and allowed him to do what he was lying his soul - music. From 7 years old, Filin Jr. began to train vocals in the famous Moscow children's studio "Fidgets".

Together with the team, the young performer performed at many international festivals. He took 2nd place at the ART Festival "Doyran" in Macedonia, was a member of the "Week of Russian Culture" in Spain and the Golden Sparks Festival in Bulgaria, and in his native Moscow became the winner of the Golden Notic Competition.

Alexander Filin in the team

Also in the fall of 2015, the small artist was named "Mr. Fidget". This fairly prestigious title is awarded annually to the most talented boy of the ensemble. A similar title for Miss-Fidget girls in 2015 went to another contestant "Voice. Children »Masha noble.


In 2016, 10-year-old Alexander Filin debuts in the 3rd season of the vocal show "Voice. Children ", whose shooting started back in October last year. Before blind auditions, Sasha was very worried, but before the scene, he, in his own expression, "gathered his nerves in his fist and threw into the garbage tank."

Alexander Filin in the show

Filin Jr. performed the rhythmic composition "Love Runs Out" from the repertoire of the American pop group "One Republic" and struck all members of the jury of the project. And Pelagia, and Leonid Agutin were in a good impressed by the manner of singing and the rhythm of the voice of young dating. Also Agutin noticed later that Alexander has a scene and appearance for the scene, great burning eyes look especially effectively.

But in his team Sasha Filina took the third judge - Dima Bilan, who, by the way, is one of Alexander's favorite musicians, along with Michael Jackson and the Queen group.

Interestingly, the boy wanted to participate in the second season of the show "Voice. Children, "but then he later filed a request, and by that time, as a preliminary casting passed, all participants were already selected.

Personal life

Alexander Filin grows and raised in a full-fledged family. In addition to famous parents, he has his own brother Sergey, who sings like an elder brother, and also learn to dance following the Father's example. Consolidate Brother Daniel from the first marriage of his father with Ballerina Inna Petrova, a student of the Higher School of Economics, retains a very warm relationship with the family of Alexander and also supports him in all endeavors.

Alexander Filin with parents and brother

In his free time, Sasha loves to play football, both with the guys in the courtyard and on the computer with dad and brother.

In the family family there is own talisman - an image of a colorful night bird, in honor of which they wear their surname. The house has a lot of statuettes, pictures and crafts in the form of Filin. And on the first performance in the project "Voice. Children "He along with the Father put on T-shirts, on which a bird-filin singing microphone is drawn. But this little singer seemed little, so he made an additional teddy talisman on stage, the same "family" species.

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