Gary Oldman (Gary Oldman) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Roles 2021



Gary Oldman - Hollywood artist of British origin, whom the public and criticism appreciate for a unique acting dar, allowing you to accomplish the images of villains and positive heroes on the screen. Every role he invariably falls into the "top ten", thereby decorating with its presence projects in which participates.

Childhood and youth

Gary Oldman (Gary Oldman) was born on March 21, 1958. His mother was a housewife, his father worked as a welder. The family lived poorly, so Gary and his two sisters had no toys and other children's joys. The situation worsened when the father threw them, Gary then had 7 years. At first, the father occasionally visited the children, and soon they stopped interested in their lives at all: a man drank, he was not before. Later Gary found out that his father died.

Reality did not tessila the actor, the only joy were classes in the youth theater, which he visited from 14 years. The teenager was given different roles, he coped with them perfectly. But, oddly enough, in that period of life, Oldman did not think about the acting career.

When Gary was 16 years old, he threw school and settled the seller of sports equipment, and in his free time he was engaged in literature and playing guitar. The turning period came in 1975. The young man looked at the "Moon Moon" paintings and "if ...", the acting game made a strong impression on him. Oldman decided to master the fools of skill himself.

In the same year, the guy decided to enter the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, but did not impress the strict examiners. One member of the jury advised the guy to choose another profession. Oldman did not listen to him. He entered the Rose Bruford Theater College and after 4 years he received a bachelor's degree with honors.

In the youth, Oldman gave 9 years theater scene. He served in the London theater, toured according to Europe and South America, repeatedly became a laureate of prestigious theatrical awards.

Personal life

In the privacy of the star was a lot of stormy novels that ended with official marriage. Oldman married 4 times. In 1987, he married Actress Leslie Manville. This union did not last three years. The reason for the rupture was the mind of the turman, in which Gary fell in love.

In 1990, Oldman and Turman were signed, and after 2 years they broke up. During this period, the artist saw a lot, was treated from alcoholism in the clinic. The wife called the star dependence of one of the reasons for their divorce.

Oldman long remained alone. Isabella Rossellini became his chief. Marriage actors did not register, but adopted the boy.

Severatus with the Italian star, Gary married Don Fiorentino. Don is a professional photographer. She gave birth to a spouse two sons. In total, the actor four children. In 2001, the couple broke up. Don Fiorentino stated that the alcohol addiction of the spouse was aggravated by drugs. The artist began to raise his hand on her.

In 2007, Oldman married Jazz Singer Alexander Edenboro. Despite the stormy novel, the Union collapsed after 7 years. Ex-spouses about this comments were not given.

A new chief-writer and art curator Gisel Schmidt - a man led to the crown in 2017. The couple met by interviewing, which the future bride took Gary for his book.

Speech during the meeting went about the hobby of the Oldman creating artistic photo. The artist impressed his interlocutor, Roman soon began between them. The wedding took place in Los Angeles, in the mansion of the actor manager of the Urbani Arc.

The event was attended only relatives and the nearest friends of the newlyweds. Spouses have brought a common page in "Instagram", in which Giselle introduces subscribers with the latest news of creative and family life.


The beginning of the creative biography of Oldman took place in 1982 in the picture "Memory", after which a number of episodic works were followed in British TV shows. Gary played his star role in 5 years in the film "LED and Nancy". His partner in the picture was made by Chloe Webb.

Work brought a few premiums to the artist, including from London's film critics. After such success, the directors from Hollywood paid attention to a promising actor. Soon Gary began to act in cult films.

In 1987, the film "Invorate your ears" came out. It instantly became popular, and offers from famous directors. In the artist filmography, such projects appeared such as "criminal law", "Dracula", "shots in Dallas". Oldman's demand was growing every year. The external parameters of the artist (height 174 cm, weight 72 kg) allowed him to embody various characters on the screen.

Such films involving Gary, as the "allay letter", "Fifth Element", "Immortal Beloved", enjoyed popular among the public and successfully walked at the box office. An interesting project for Oldman was the drama "Leon". This is the first non-English-speaking film in his film engineer. As a film director, the Contractor spoke with the picture "not to swallow", which ultimately brought him several awards and nominations, including 2 BAFTA awards.

For a special contribution to world cinema, Oldman was awarded the prestigious premium at the festival in America in 2001. From this year, a new stage began in his career.

The subsequent roles of Oldman are inherent in diverseness and drama. Even in Harry Potter with Daniel Radcliffe in the lead role, the actor managed to show the inner depth of his hero. A Briton appeared in the trilogy of Christopher Nolan about Batman, where I embodied the image of an unlikely policeman James Gordon.

Gary is mastering various genres to implement their acting talent. This is the horror movie "Unborn", and the postpocalyptic fighter "Book лila", and a detective thriller "spy, come out!". The crime drama "The Most Drunk District in the World" and Thriller "Paranoiya" used very popular with the audience, in which the British performer starred in the main acting.

Colleagues Oldman on Hollywood call him an "actor of all actors", because he has an obvious talent for reincarnations. In each role, the viewer hears a special speech, the audience sympathize with its charming villains, and historical personalities in its performance are obtained realistic. Even playing the role of the second plan, Oldman eclipses the main characters.

In April 2016, a fantastic thriller "Criminal" came to the screens, in which Oldman played Quecer Wells. The film shows an experiment on the transfer of the memory of the specialist in the brain of a dangerous criminal, so that the special services get a chance to enter the leader of the terrorist organization.

In 2017, the premiere of the youth fantastic film "Cosmos between us" took place. Here Gary played the father of the chief hero, a boy grown in a secret laboratory on Mars.

In August 2017, the actor appeared in the role of the main antagonist - the Eastern European dictator Vladislav Golobych in the comedy militant "Killer's bodyguard". Samel L. Jackson and Ryan Reynolds played the main roles in the film.

The main conquest of the year was the role of Winston Churchill in the film Joe Wright "Dark Times", which a year later presented the opportunity to enter the scene of the main international filmmaker "Oscar" for receiving the award.

In the fall of 2019, the "Courier" action was released on the screens, in which the Russian performer Olga Kurilenko was part of the partner Gary.

Gary Oldman now

Now Gary Oldman continues to strive the public with his skill. At the Golden Globe Award Ceremony in 2021, the film "MANK", in which Oldman was declared in the nomination "The Best Actor of the main role - drama" did not take a single award. This upset the entire film crew, because the picture was presented in 12 categories.


  • 1982 - "Memory"
  • 1986 - "LED and Nancy"
  • 1992 - "Dracula"
  • 1994 - "Leon"
  • 1997 - "Fifth Element"
  • 2002 - "Route 60"
  • 2004 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2005 - "Batman: the beginning"
  • 2011 - "Spy, come out!"
  • 2012 - "The most drunken district in the world"
  • 2017 - "Killer's bodyguard"
  • 2018 - "Hunter Killer"
  • 2019 - "Laundry"
  • 2019 - "Courier"
  • 2020 - "MANK"

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