Olga Cape - biography, actress, personal life, news, photos, movies, "instagram" 2021



Olga Cabo - Soviet and Russian actress, deserved artist of Russia. The performer broke into the screens of domestic cinema to participate in high-profile projects that gave her the glory of the sex symbol of the 90s. It did not prevent Olga later to show talent by all possible faces. Today Cabo is famous for literary projects, as well as theatrical and musical creativity.

Childhood and youth

Olga was born in Moscow, but since her parents Igor Yakovlevich and Aida Nikolaevna were often on business trips related to engineering activities, then under 5 years old girl lived at her grandmother in the Urals. But Olya was determined already in Moscow.

In addition to the school program, which includes enhanced English learning, she also studied music, dance, went to the artistic gymnastics section and even in a circle of young cosmonauts. At the age of 12, the girl began to engage in the theater of the young Muscovite at the Palace of Pioneers on the Lenin Mountains, first went on stage in the play and then I realized that I found a future profession for myself. The latest classes she ended in a specialized theater school.

The first university of Olga Cabo was Vgik - the dream of many people wishing to film. She studied the wisdom of acting profession from Sergey Bondarchuk and Irina Skobtseva. Subsequently, the actress received two more education: he graduated from the historical faculty of Moscow State University and the highest directorial courses at the workshop of Alla Surikova and Vladimir Fokina.

Films and theater

In the cinema Olga Kabo his debut was still a schoolgirl. She appeared in the role of the maid in the exciting series about the life of the Great Russian Ballerina "Anna Pavlov", which Galina Belyaev played.

1988 brought actress fame. Immediately 2 films were warmly accepted by the audience - the historic picture of the "Adventures of Quentin Dorvard, the Roman Guard Arrow" and the romantic music comedy "Primorsky Boulevard".

After these successful works, interesting offers appeared. The actress plays in the biographical drama "Sirano de Bergerac", erotic ribbon "Comedy about the Lisser", as well as in the fantastic film "Unclean power".

The beginning of the 90s was marked for Olga Igorevna, the screenings of the novels of the French writer Alexander Duma "Musketeers twenty years later" and "Queen Margo".

It is impossible to bypass the work of the actress in the militant "Crusader", which was nominated for receiving the film "Nika". The fact is that in this picture Cabo decided to fulfill all the dangerous tricks, for which a special training course was held and officially became a member of the Association of Cascaders.

Since childhood, creative, curious and diverse Olga Cabo, of course, could not remain only in one, albeit beloved, profession. In 2006, the actress tried herself as a TV presenter and during the year was the main acting person of the transfer of the "key point" on TVC TV channel.

In 2007, Cape itself became a television show. She was invited to perform in the 1st season of the entertainment project "Ice Age", where the actress, together with professional figure skater, Maxim Marinina went on ice. Olga Igorevna, possessing model parameters (height of 180 cm, weight 63 kg), it looked impurious in the arena, but because of the injury, she had to leave the project ahead of time.

In the 21st century, the actress began to be filmed even more often. From the numerous works of this period of the creative biography of the artist, it is worth highlighting enough free formulation of the legendary operetta "Bat", where Cabo was transformed into Baroness Rosalinda Aisentein, a sort of woman Vamp.

In 2016, Olga Cabo starred in a short film "Potapov's problem", and in 2017 it did not appear on the screens in new projects. But the actress did not take a professional break.

In 2017, Cabo played in the theatrical performance "I was looking for you ...", dedicated to Marina Tsvetaeva. The production was conceived as a dialogue of the daughter of Tsvetaeva, Ariadna Sergeyevna Efron, with his mother, a line from the poem of Ariadna to Mother got into the name of the play. The partner of Olga Igorevna on stage was Nina Shatskaya.

Previously, the actress appeared on the theater scene in the famous productions of Alexey Rybnikov "Juno and Avos" and "Liturgy announced", and in the early 2000s played his favorite theatrical role of Margarita in the play "Master and Margarita" of the Moscow Independent Theater. Voland in that formulation was performed by Viktor Avilov.

In September 2019, the premiere of the melodrama "Strong weak woman", in which Kabo played one of the noticeable roles. On the screen Olga Igorevna appeared in the image of a female prosecutor. In the film, Alexander Vlasova, Sergey Porudov, Dmitry Voskin, were also starred.

On the theater scene, the artist presented his author's literary performance "raging Snow Spring." The premiere of the production was held in the framework of the International Film Festival "Hero and Time".

Personal life

In the personal life of the actress there were two marriages, two children will grow up today. Before you get married for the first time, Olga Cabo in youth for more than four years met with Edward Vasilishin, who became a businessman. In 1998, Tatyana's daughter was born in 1998. At 9 years old, the girl performed a major role in the children's fairy tale "Thumbelling", for which he received several filmmakers.

The Union of Olga Igorevna and Eduard lasted for 7 years, after which the spouses broke up. 5 years later she met a new beloved, they turned out to be an entrepreneur Nikolai Razgulaev. In 2012, their son Victor was born.

Boy - late child. This fact does not confuse the actress, which claims that late childbirth is only painting a woman. But immediately after the birth of the son, journalists put forward the theory that Victor was born with Down syndrome. The information turned out to be false.

In 4.5 years, Victor has already given an interview to journalists. By this time, the boy began learning English with a tutor, he was interested in mobile games and equestrian sports. In 2019, Olga Cabo's son became a student of an elite closed school.

In 2020, it became known that Olga's marriage and Nicholas broke up. The reasons for divorce the couple preferred not to comment. However, due to the court processes that followed the parting, to hide the details of what was happening.

As it turned out, the former spouse actresses joined the bankruptcy procedure for another year before relations with his wife gave a crack. According to legal norms, all jointly acquired property should have led to the repayment of the multi-million dollar debts of the businessman. As a result, the apartment that was acquired by Cabo on its own funds, as well as by using a mortgage loan, was under threat of trading.

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The actress attracted a lawyer for representation in court. The decision of the first instance was not on the side of the property owner. However, in appeal, the demand of the plaintiff was satisfied.

It is known that the former spouses are now in good relationship, continuing to co-educate the Son. But the child's alimony on the child is not yet able to pay.

Actress's interest is not only for creativity. In the late 90s, Cabo, together with the actor, Vladimir Glovina, passed the selection for preparing for the flight to the Mir station, but because of the first pregnancy was forced to refuse to implement this idea.

Today, the actress tastes strength as an online star. Olga Igorevna leads an account in "Instagram", where posts photos from events, trips and filming, and also shares with the subscribers together with the son.

Olga Cabo now

In mid-April 2021 in the Moscow Theater. M. N. Yermolova represented the performance "in the mountains for you" (as part of the tour of the Chechen drama theater. Hangashi Nuradilov). The main role in the formulation of the director Hava Akhmadova performed Cabo. Before the premiere of Olga Igorevna gave several interviews in which he shared his story in this project.

The artist told about meeting Ahmadovoy - they immediately "pulled" to each other, and there were thoughts to do something together. And soon the director called and suggested to play a role in a new performance.

For the actress, it was the first project about the war (the history of heroes starts in 1943), although she since childhood dreamed of it. Interestingly, among all those involved in the production, "foreign people" was not only Olga Igorevna. People who worked on the performance even spoke in different languages ​​and tried to overcome the linguistic and the cultural barrier during the whole time.


  • 1988 - "Primorsky Boulevard"
  • 1989 - "Comedy about Licatics"
  • 1989 - "Sirano de Bergerac"
  • 1992 - "Musketeers twenty years later"
  • 1995 - "Crusader"
  • 1996 - "Queen Margo"
  • 2004 - "You, Real"
  • 2005 - "Bat"
  • 2007 - "Nostalgia for the future"
  • 2008 - "I want a child"
  • 2010 - "Blue Merin"
  • 2010 - "House of a big river"
  • 2016 - "The Secret of the Snow Queen"
  • 2019 - "Strong weak woman"

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