Ira Losco (Ira Losco) - biography, personal life, photos, discography, Eurovision 2016 and the latest news 2021



Ira Losko is a Maltese singer, quite popular in his country. She represented Malta on Eurovision in 2002, and in 2016 she was again trusted by this right. Ira was born in a large family in one of the most populated cities of the island - in Slim. Her parents since childhood was launched to children love for art, so the Loin the little girl became interested in musical creativity.

But the piano, which she mastered at a rather good level, was not so greatly attracted Iru as vocals. Back in school, the girl went on stage in a variety of musical competitions and children's events.

Ira Losco (Ira Losco) - biography, personal life, photos, discography, Eurovision 2016 and the latest news 2021 19945_1

And at 16, Ira Losko becomes a vocalist of the semi-professional alternative group "Tiara", with which even recorded a full-length album "Hi-Infidelity". The team officially existed for 5 years, but recently Ira was only listed, engaged in solo career. She recorded its own unofficial collection "Butterfly" and received the first recognition. Moreover, one of the music magazines called the LASC of the most promising young Malta artist. As the time has shown, the author of these words was not mistaken.


In 2000, the singer first takes part in the selection of Eurovision with the songs "Shine" and "Falling In Love", which in the local hit parade reach the sixth and seventh place, respectively. But then another participant was chosen. She also could not pass the next selection, although one of the four songs performed by Ira on Casting, namely "Spellbound", eventually became the second in Maltese charts.

But 2002 became very successful in the career of a beginner singer. The song "Seventh Wonder" won the selection, and Ira Slosko went to Tallinn, where Eurovision-2002 was held. He managed to produce Four Or in Estonia. She ranked second, which for Malta turned out to be a record high in the history of this musical festival. And for Victory, Ira did not have enough only 12 points.

After such success, the singer begins to prepare the material for the first solo album "Someone Else", which, by the way, received recognition far beyond the country, and in parallel records the song "Reaching Higher", which has become the anthem of all small countries in Europe. Then the new plates began to go almost annually, only before the most commercially successful disc "The Fire" was some break. But "The Fire" was named album number 1 by the end of the year.

In January 2016, Ira Losko again decided to participate in the selection of Eurovision. She suggested that the jury of the two compositions "That's Why I Love You" and "Chameleon". And it was the last song that became the best on the outcome of the vote. Therefore, fans will again be able to see this extraordinary performer in the final part of the Eurovision 2016 Festival, which will be held in Mae in Stockholm. True, Ira Losko has already announced that she will be there with a completely different hit - "Walk On Water".

Personal life

Ira is not married to Ira, but about his romantic relationship tries not to spread. Although it shares a lot with fans with other faces of private life. So it lays out a lot of photographs of their sisters, nieces and parents to whom it is incredibly tied.

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Ira Losko officially advocates for the rights of people of unconventional orientation, supporting League LGBT in Malta. It also consists in association of helping homeless people and in an organization seeking to prohibit the use of animals in circus performances. In addition, Ira in Malta is well known as a volunteer. She visited a large number of schools in order to instill students with the concepts of self-esteem and self-affirmation. Her main goal is to ensure that children are not shy to be themselves.


  • 2001 - Hi-Infidelity
  • 2001 - Butterfly.
  • 2004 - Someone ELSE
  • 2005 - Accident Prone
  • 2006 - UNMASKED
  • 2008 - Fortune Teller
  • 2014 - The Fire

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