Tatiana fat - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya is a writer, TV presenter of intellectual transfer "School of Zrossy", the author of the novel "Sharie".

Tatiana was born in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) in May 1951. The writer's family is as colorful and unusual as Tatiana. Grandfather on the mother's line is a famous literary translator Mikhail Lozinsky, a poet. Grandfather on his father is the famous writer Alexey Tolstoy, who created an unforgettable "golden key, or the adventure of Pyratino" and "Garina's hyperboloid". Tolstoy's wife, Grandma Tatiana Nikitichna, Poetry Natalia Krandiyevskaya.

Writer Tatyana Thick

He achieved success and father Tatiana Tolstoy, who went not in literary, and on the scientific line and became a professor of physics.

In the house in which the future writer was born, there was always noisy and fun. After all, Tolstoy grew 7 sons and daughters. Later, Tatiana Natalia also became a writer and a Swedish teacher. The philology and history of the Cold War period was carried away and Brother Ivan, whose statements can be heard on Radio "Freedom". Brother Mikhail was devoted to natural sciences, who, in addition to physics, later drew attention to political science.

Fekla, Peter and Tatyana Tolsty - relatives

In childhood, Tatiana was fascinated by reading. After graduating from school, the girl went to the University of Leningrad, choosing a classic philology. Here the lots studied literature and two languages ​​- Latin and Greek.

At the end of the university in 1974, the future writer and TV presenter moved to the capital with her husband, a philologist-classic Andrei Lebedev.

Books and television

In the capital, the writer from St. Petersburg is arranged by the corrector in the editorial office of the publishing house "Science". Here, the literary biography of Tatiana Tolstoy began. The debut of the writer is a critical article by "glue and scissors ...", published in the journal "Questions of Literature" in 1983.

Tatiana fat in youth

As Tatyana Nikitichna, Tatyana Nikitichna shared, take up the feather itself, and not only read and review other people's works, the girl made a banal circumstance. After the operation made on the eye, Tatiana had a month to fly with a bandage. From idleness to pass the time, Tatyana Nikitichna began writing texts. So the first plots of future works of writer Tolstoy were born.

Having removed the bandage, Tatyana Tolstoy immediately undertakes to endure fantasies on paper. So the debut story was born, published in the popular magazine "Aurora" called "on the golden porch sat ...". The story was immediately recognized as the Best Literary Debut of the 1980s. Inspired by success, thick writes two more tens of stories, which were printed from 1984 to 1988 - "Date with a bird", "Sonya", "Clean Sheet", "You Love - Do not love", "Okkerville River", "Mammoth Hunt" and others. These works willingly accepted fashionable "fat" magazines - "New World", "Banner" and "October".

Tatyana Thick

The first collection of stories of St. Petersburg writer received the same name as the first story. Tatiana's talent admirers were able to acquire a book in 1987.

Soon after the collection of a collection, Tatyana Tolstoy was taken to the Union of Writers of the USSR. But the Soviet criticism responded to the works of the new member of the Writers' Union quite cold. The young writer reproached in the "dense" letter, the intelligence and template of works.

Nevertheless, the number of fans of creativity Tatiana Tolstoy grew rapidly. The young author with a sharp mind and the original point of view, not afraid of sharpness and catchy paints, fatter rapidly broke into a modern literary party. The writer will hear the intellectual and even the rebar. The heroes of the works are unexpected characters - eternative old women, disabled children, city crazy and bums. The meshness and consumer psychology of modern society is particularly sharply sharply.

Writer Tatyana Thick

In 1989, Tatyana Tolstoy took to the Russian Pen-Center. And next year, the writer went to the United States, where they proposed to teach Russian literature and a letter in one of the colleges located in Princeton. During this period, the fat cooperates with well-known magazines, among which "The New Yorker" and "TLS".

All 1990s Tatyana Nikitichna regularly visited America, where he read lectures at various universities. Thick for several months lived in the United States and soon noted that under the influence of the environment, the language of emigrants is filled with "undersensants", some urgent hybrids of several languages. In detail, this phenomenon was a witty writer managed to display in the essay "Hope and Support".

In the 90s did not forget Tatiana and the Motherland, where in the Moscow News "weekly, the writer provided his own heading called" his bell tower ". In the magazine "Capital" the fat was held by the editor. The articles of the writer also appeared in the Russian Telegraph edition. Abroad, Tatyana Tatolt began to create translations of own works, thanks to which he acquired world literary glory. In 1998, together with the sister, Natalia Tolstoy released the book "Sisters".

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In Russia, where the writer finally returned in 1999, Tatyana Tatol returned to journalistic and teaching activities.

In 2000, the first novel Tatiana Tolstoy appeared, called "Shay". The work was encouraged ambiguously, but acquired many fans. The book was discussed about Russia who survived a nuclear explosion, after which the intellectual abilities of the population declined sharply. Primitive instincts were replaced by a man of morality and morality norm. In the novel created without a single positive character, each line skels sarcasm. The context of the novel brought the "Triumph" award and soon turned into a bestseller. The plot was repeatedly becoming the basis for scenic productions, including for radio actacle.

And next year, three more books were tasty: collections of the story "Day", "Night" and "Two", the circulation of which amounted to 200 thousand copies. In the same year, the writer was awarded the XIV Award of the Moscow International Book Fair in the "Prose" category.

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Since 2002, Tatyana Nikitichna thick appeared on the screen. First, in the transfer of the "main instinct", and then in the "School of Crossing". The last talk show she led along with Avdota Smirnova. The transfer was beloved for many intellectuals and brought the leading award "Teffi". Later, the fat appeared in another show called "Minute Glory".

In the early 2000s, Tatiana Tolstoy's bibliography is replenished with the works of "Raisin", "Circle", "White Walls", "Women's Day", "not going", "River". In 2010, Tolstaya, together with the niece Olga Prokhorova, publishes the first book for the children, which was called "the most alphabet of Pinocchio." There is a connection with the most famous work of Grandfather Tatiana Nikitichna "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino".

In 2010, the writer is awarded a number of international premiums. Two years later, the radio station "Echo of Moscow" and the magazine "Spark" puts the name of the writer in the list of "one hundred most influential women of Russia". In 2014, after the issuance of the Major Fire, "Invisible Virgo", "Light Worlds" Tatiana Tatstaya becomes a laureate of the Literary Prize of Belkina. A year later, the writer pleased fans with the collections of the "felt age" and "girl in bloom."

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Another talent of Tatiana Tolstoy - cooking. Over the shoulders of the writer's large baggage recipes for making dishes of European and Russian cuisine. Description of the preparation of pies, salads, cakes The writer places on his own page in Facebook and blog LJ. Descriptions of Tatiana's recipes accompanies colorful photos that increase view accounts by users of networks.

Personal life

As a clever and intelligent man, Tatyana Nikitichna does not discuss private life and does not expose details on universal consideration. It is known that Tatiana's personal life is the sons of Artemy Lebedev and Alexey Lebedev, who were born from marriage with Andrey Lebedev, the descendant of the famous military man.

Tatyana Tatstaya and Andrei Lebedev with sons

Artemy is a talented designer who has its own studio where Lebedev carries out artistic guidelines.

The younger son of Tatiana Tolstoy - Alexey - the photographer, lives in America and is engaged in computer graphics and architecture.

Tatyana Tolstaya now

Now the writer free time pays a blogging, as well as creative meetings with fans. In 2017, Tatiana Tatya visited Riga, where he talked to readers in the format of a creative evening, after which he gave an interview to the portal dedicated to the news of culture.


  • 1987 - "On the Golden Porch sat ..."
  • 1997 - "Love - do not love"
  • 1998 - "Sisters"
  • 2001 - "Share"
  • 2002 - "Raisin"
  • 2003 - "Circle"
  • 2006 - "Women's Day"
  • 2007 - "Day. Personal
  • 2007 - "Night"
  • 2007 - "River"
  • 2011 - "That is the most alphabet of Pinocchio"
  • 2014 - "Light Worlds"
  • 2015 - "Girl in bloom"
  • 2015 - "Felt Age"

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