Alexander Pushnyova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Galileo 2021



Alexander Pushnyova - Musician-multi-processist, singer, humorist, showman and actor. At the same time became famous as the author of funny and sharp songs and trowes, as a TV presenter of entertainment and educational shows with scientific experiments and intellectual games.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born in Novosibirsk in the spring of 1975. There is no information about the relatives of the Father and Mother's line in the network of information, and therefore it is difficult to say exactly what nationality is a musician.

Parents neither to the stage, nor to creative professions had a relationship. Father Boris Mikhailovich was engaged in cybernetics, and Nina Dmitrievna's mother worked as an economist. But the Son, they still began to teach to music as a child - they gave to a music school, where Sasha was held for 5 years in the class of piano.

After graduating from high school, Alexander did not follow the path of music, but he entered the prestigious Novosibirsk State University at the Faculty of Physics. The diploma was able to receive a higher education, although he spent much more time at the KVN student team. For speeches, the guy wrote funny songs, helped with a scenario, and later he himself began to go to the scene.

In 1997, the fur ride together with the KVN NGU team to Moscow, where on the ether of the qualifying round of the highest league presents a parody of the spectators to the Singer Sting. This number instantly makes Alexander famous. After graduating from the university, the young man goes to the KVN team "Siberian Sibiryaki", and then plays for "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt". Then its promotion on television begins as a lead.

Personal life

Few people know that Alexander suffers a weak form of daltonism: the color of the musician distinguishes, but periodically surrounding items for him fade.

The fur arranged a personal life in his youth, the wedding took place in August 1998. The chief of the musician was the girl named Tatiana. The TV presenter's wife is working as a designer, and also leads a blog dedicated to needlework. Recently, Tatyana Pushnya is stiguously manufactured by the manufacture of postcards, albums and other gifts in scrapbooking technique.

In 2004, the family of Dmitry appeared in the family, and in 2009 Tatyana gave birth to the son of the younger brother, which was called Mikhail. In 2016, he pleased with his appearance a boy named Andrei. For a long time they lived in Dolgoprudnnaya and only in 2015, together with children moved to Moscow.

Details about projects in which the fur is involved, it covers on a verified page in "Instagram". Although most of the artist's photo are devoted to his work, periodically he publishes family pictures. Among these are photos of parents who are captured at a young age. Musician's followers did not miss the opportunity to notice that he is more like his father.

TV projects and films

In 2004, Tatiana Lazareva and Mikhail Chaz invited the "good jokes" to the TV program to the TV program. The contest "APOZK" became extremely popular, although the show itself had not the highest ratings.

After the closure of "good jokes", Alexander began to maintain the scientific and educational program "Galileo" on the CTC channel. A total of over thousands of issues were filmed. Moreover, the first programs were made on the Munich Studio, and then the shooting was postponed to Moscow. This show was very in demand in the audience and collected a big audience. Frees conducted various physical and chemical experiments before camera lenses. And it must be said that these spectacular experiments were not always safe. For example, during the experience of "Termit", Alexander strongly burned his hand.

In 2007, a man created a new program "Who smarter than a fifth grader?", United and entertaining, and cognitive components. In this program, the guests answered questions from elementary school. After the closing of the project TV presenter, together with Mikhail Shaz and Tatiana Lazareva, made the improvisational show "The Song of the Day", which was told, or rather the latest world news under the accompaniment of guitars on the motive of famous hits of past years.

In the years when "Comedy Club" was just beginning to gain popularity, the fur was also one of the permanent residents of a humorous show. All his scenes passed with a guitar in his hands, as a rule, he sang songs, funnyly beating them.

In 2009, the filmography of the Faped was replenished with the series "Give youth! Digests, "he played Kameo. Alexander appeared only in a short episode that the audience was remembered for a long time. After all, he had to be removed in some shorts.

In addition, for his career of the TV host, a man appeared in such programs as "Always prepare!", "Creative class". Then, on the channel "Match TV", he led the show "Mad Sport", in which he found out who "cooler" - ballerina or gymnasts, football players or hockey players and so on.

In 2014, the fur invited to the transmission "who wants to become a millionaire." He answered the questions of the lead, together with Julia Gusman. They chose a non-aggravated amount of 200 thousand rubles, but could not carry her home. Men mistakenly answered the ninth question - what color is the skin of the tiger. " Participants took advantage of the "Call to Friend" tip, Edgard Spared by phone assured the comrades that the skin of the tiger is pink. But the correct answer turned out to be different.

In January 2018, the release of the transfer "NTV apartment at Margulisa" was dedicated to Alexander Four. Eugene told how she met a musician, remembering that their first meeting occurred at KVN, Sasha played the drums and read poems.

In May 2019, Alexander appeared in the program "Live Great!", Leaving on the first channel. The release was devoted to burns. On the ether, the fur told how he got a burn on the shooting, and the doctors told how to provide first help with such skin damage.


The professional music biography of Alexander Pushnynaya began in Novosibirsk, when he created the Rock group "Bear". She existed for 3 years, but he managed to celebrate several songs of their own authorship, for example, "wwwalenks" and "Lenin sent everyone to May Day."

After the fur began to play in KVN, the musician career moved into the background. Only in 2004, Alexander began to lay out the compositions on his website again, and resumed concert activities and later - in 2010. It was then that the speech was held together with the group "Dzhanki Brothers", and in such a composition the musician tours over the cities of Russia and Ukraine so far.

Also, the artists performed at the Rock Festival "Involvement" and in the TV shows "Paired Run", where their songs alternated with verses Leonid Kaganov. On Youtube Channel Alexander Pushnya lays out musical videos on their songs, as well as sightseeing rollers about guitars from different manufacturers.

It should also be noted that the fur as a composer and the singer recorded songs for television games "Thank God, you came!" And the "wall on the wall", the TV show "Big Difference" and "South Butovo", the Skket Show "Unreal History" and "6 frames". In many films, Soundtracks written by Alexander are sounded, this is "Once in the police", "random relationships", "superheroes", "traffic lights", "writing", "simple truths" and many others. In some of them, the fur appeared as an actor.

Alexander presented his voice to several characters of animated films. The TV host made an actor of visible in the cartoons "Monsters on vacation" and "Monsters on vacation - 2", "cloudy, precipitate in the form of meatballs" and his sequel, and then in the Franco-Belgian animation project "Ernest and Celestine: the adventures of the mouse and bear.

In 2012, in the show "The big difference" the fur made together with Jeanne Friske, literally on the stage, by creating a cover on her composition "La La La". This song artists fulfilled together, than very pleased the viewers of the transfer.

In 2013, the fur posted on his Yutiub-Channel a clip to the song "Smile and Masha", or rather on its processed version.

On April 17, 2016, a trailer appeared on the official canal on Youtube. It was signed by more than 100 thousand people, and separate video collected up to 11 million views.

Alexander creates funny cavities and alterations on popular songs, for example, once quail "Green-eyed taxi" in German in the style of Rammstein rock band. Therefore, fur and not against his songs also created cavities. The musician even writes the training videos in which it shows how to play the most popular compositions. In 2016 and 2017, he added to the video instruction channel with songs "Why am I an idiot?" and "gray-yellow spring".

In March 2017, the presenter posted on the Youtube channel Caver on the song "Transfer me through the Maidan" Sergey and Tatyana Nikitin on a 8-string guitar. In the video, the musician also tells the history of the release of such guitars. The video is positioned as a musical experiment, not carrying political meaning and not dealing with Ukrainian events.

And in May, a man appeared in the special release of the musical transmission "behind the scene". Alexander told about new songs that plans to record not in the studio, but at the cottage, and about the ball of Balunov, in the filming of which he participates with his son.

In the same year, the fur invited to lead the heading on the Radio "Lighthouse" "Physics and Lyrics." Mitrofanova Margarita became the co-host artist. Then, for a while, the podcast disappeared from the ethers, but in September 2019 he began to broadcast.

Full-format album "As a rule - without rules!" Appeared in the discography of the fur in 2017. After some time, he presented a Caver on the composition "Everything is going according to plan" Group "Civil Defense" and one more in German, on a song from the cartoon "Bremen Musicians".

Over time, the creativity of the fur has become more popular among rock lovers, and therefore in 2018 he decided to spend three concerts - in May they passed in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in April in Yekaterinburg.

Alexander Pushnya now

Furs and now continues to please their subscribers with new cars. In March 2020, he presented a popular hit "Grass at home" in his own interpretation, posing a video on "Yutube". And a month later, there were Caverits on the tracks "Beautiful far" and "White Night" tracks.

At the end of April, the musician-multi-instrumentalist rewritten the song of the Rock Group "Agata Christie" "as in war", confessing that the work of the Gleb brothers and Vadim Selfov is an important part of his life. In the video, he used the same techniques as the musicians, sang sitting on a stool, from time to time disappearing from the frame, and again appeared in the following.


  • 2008 - "Pushny.Ru"
  • 2012 - "Al-Bom! folk songs »
  • 2015 - "Note"
  • 2017 - "As a rule - without rules!"


  • "Good jokes"
  • "Thank God, you came!"
  • "Galileo"
  • "Who is smarter than a fifth grader?"
  • "Song of the day"
  • "Creative class"
  • "Always prepare!"
  • "Comedy club"
  • "Physics and lyrics"
  • "Big debate"


  • 2001 - "Eighteenth instant Spring"
  • 2002 - "Writing"
  • 2010 - "Happy together"
  • 2010 - "South Butovo"

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