Roman Tretyakov - biography, personal life, photo, news, "house-2", Olga Buzova, "Instagram", now 2021



Roman Tretyakov - Captain of KVN teams "Virtual Students" and "Quiet Don", Participant of the TV project "TNT" "House 2", became famous for communication with Olga Buzova, Showman, radio and TV host.

Childhood and youth

One of the brightest participants of the scandalous show Roman Tretyakov was born in Taganrog in the summer of 1980. His sign of the zodiac - twins. Soon after the birth of the son, the head of the family passed by his wife and a small rime in the town of Aramil near Yekaterinburg. The next 10 years, the family has changed the place of residence five times, moving from one garrison to another. Permanent moving and the need to part with just acquired friends forever beat away from the boy a desire to follow the pope footsteps.

The dream of Roman Tretyakova was simple: to become famous. Make so that everyone recognizes and at the meeting asked for an autograph. The way to achieve the goal was also simple: it is necessary to "get into the TV." But it turned out more difficult with this. Therefore, the guy decided that the TV at first can be replaced by radio, which also allowed to achieve the desired goal.

After graduating from a secondary school, Roman Tretyakov went to enter the Taganrog Radio Engineering University. The choice was made exclusively due to the presence in the name of the University of the Word "Radio". The learning process immediately appeared to the novel boring. A kind of diversity in gray weekdays contributed to the university team KVN. Here, the Tretyakov could well get roaring, as he possessed creativity and an excellent sense of humor. The young man invented new jokes, wrote scenarios and appeared on stage as an artist.

In 2002, the dream of the novel came true. Taganrog KVNers "got into TV." But, as it turned out, the dream came true half. The guy, as before, was not recognized on the street, and no one occupied an autograph queue.

"House 2"

Roman's hands did not collect. Therefore, hearing the casting for those who want to participate in the new show "House-2. Build your love, "the young man immediately went to the local Palace of Culture. The guy was ready on a lot, but only required to take the number and loudly name his own name and phone. He was 100% sure that he would take it. Little height (164 cm) and dissimilar to Brad Pitt this confidence did not at all. Roma knew that damn charming and charisma could eclipse even the notorious star Hollywood. The calculation turned out to be correct: the guy took. Thus began the creative biography of Roman Tretyakov on the project, which gathered amazing people in order to "build love".

The young man fell into the right place at the right time. Tretyakov jokes caused laughter. Creativity, talent of mass-core and the artistry of a young man immediately noticed. The guy became the star of the project and the soul of the company. True, the project participants sometimes called the "evil dwarf". Some artist provocations seemed not so harmless. Tretyakov became the initiator of scandals with other project participants. The audience was distinguished by the Roman's fights with Sergey Palch, Stepan Menshchik, Andrei Chuev.

At the beginning of the project, the novel took "build love" with charming Elena Berkova. Couple even played a comic wedding. Relationships developed until Lenu was asked to leave the project. The reason was the scandal due to the emerging pornographic past girl.

Find and build a new love Tretyakov managed not immediately. The feeling occurred by chance. Once the novel suggested the young member of Olga Buzova to think and jump into the mud. Relationships of different characters, growth and temperament of young people developed slowly. Roman and Olga often argued and quarreled. Nevertheless, the couple received the highest ratings on the show.

Tretyakov and Buzova wrote a book about relationships. "Roman with Buzova" advertised by the TV channel turned into a bestseller. The guys decided to continue their cooperation and immediately issued the second book, calling the work "Roman with Buzova. Love on-line. " And this work about the history of love of two participants of the telestroy, also found a review in the hearts of the project fans.

Closer to the summer of 2007, the relationship of young people would deteriorate completely. Olga put the strength to save the union, but unsuccessfully. The couple broke up. At the end of August, the Tretyakov left the show. Staying the novel on the project was long - 1202 days. The cause of the care is the man called "family circumstances".

Later, Tretyakov wrote a book called "Love for money. P .... The novel with Buzova, "where he frankly told that he left the project not independently, but with the help of the leadership. Allestly did not like the creators of the project that the participant has laid out some video.

After the project

Tretyakov's adaptation for life outside the project was severe and even led to a protracted depression. Popularity was held, and there was no work. It was not possible to get on television. In the mid-2000s, the artist received only an episodic role in the rating Sitkom "Happy Together", where appeared in Kameo.

Later, the Roman Tretyakov began earning a bread by what it turns out: the weddings arranged, corporate parties and parties, the scenarios for which invented and wrote himself.

2013 brought the artist to cooperation with the TV channel "Pepper". But the relationship did not work out. The leadership, according to the novel, took advantage of his idea, leaving the showman beyond. After that, the Tretyakov chose a new direction for himself - Standap.

In 2015, the novel again distinguished himself in New Amplua. Showman was invited to work on musical accompaniment of the series of Kazakh cinematographers "Zhibek". This is a project about a young girl who moves to Astana for the sake of study.

Then Roman came at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. For Tretyakov, this is the second higher education. Documents he filed in two universities, the second was VGIK (Faculty of Directors). But after the artist saw the educational building and lists of famous graduates and students, he finally decided: "Only Moscow State University! Just journals! "

At the university, the showman first made an improvisational monologue from the face of an ancient Greek speaker and felt interest in the speech genru of the standa. In 2016, the Roman Tretyakov began the second ascent to Olympus Glory. The artist appeared on the StandUp festival, which was held in Moscow, with his own humorous monologue and impressed the editors of the show. He fell among the 80 best participants with whom they began to shoot a television comedy show "Open Microphone". Soon the project moved to the TV screens.

Since 2017, the Transmission of Standap on TNT took a solid niche in the program of the TV channel. The jury of the television version of the project included pioneers of the genre in Russia - Ruslan White, Yulia Akhmedov, Glory Commissarenko, Timur Karginov. The topics of the speeches of Roman Tretyakov became the teleproekt "House 2", relations with Olga Buzova, as well as study in Moscow State University.

In 2019, the Standap-comic appeared in the episodic role in the COMMENT OUT show, where he met with Buzovka 12 years after parting. In October, the novel was the guest of Tok show Lera Kudryavtseva "Secret by Million", where he told about the sincerity of the feelings to Olga. On the issue of the TV host about the attitude to the work of the former friend, Tretyakov replied that he had heard a few songs of the artist, but did not save them for personal listening.

Personal life

A year after leaving the project, the novel married. It happened in August 2008. The showman's wife became the model Svetlana Sokolova, with which the young man met on the plane. In early 2009, the young people had a firstborn Nikita, but even the Son could not bore a shameful marriage. By 2011, the family life of Roman Tretyakov and Svetlana Sokolova ended, and the pair was submitted.

According to the former wife, the showman in the family life was Tiran, which was aggravated by his unfulfilled in creative terms. For the sake of the baby, parents retained friendly relationships, but everyone lives their lives.

In 2018, a photo of a novel with an unknown girl appeared in "Instagram". Fans spoke about new romantic relationships. The TV presenter himself assured that a dark-haired beauty in the picture is only his fan.

Roman Tretyakov Now

At the end of the 2020, the director of the channel "TNT" Roman Petrenko announced the closure of the Dom-2 project. And on December 30, the final release of the transfer came. Roman Tretyakov said that he was experiencing mixed feelings: on the one hand sadness, since the project had a huge audience and for many people the closure of the project will become an unpleasant phenomenon, and on the other hand, relief. According to the TV presenter, he is glad that there are young people who do not know about "House-2".

The director of the channel plans to give the released on the air to give the booths. In an interview with Tretyakov, it was mentioned that it was not averse to returning to the TV channel as a comedian.

He is now traveling in Russia with solo numbers. From the page in "Instagram", the artist announces concerts, and also places a photo from trips around the world.


2003 - "House-2. Build your love "

2016 - "Open Microphone"

2017 - "Standap on TNT"

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