Olga Yakovlev - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Olga Yakovleva - Soviet actress of theater and cinema, the Muse of theatrical director Anatoly Efros. Talented and inimitable actress Olga Mikhailovna Yakovlev was born in March 1941 in Tambov in a simple Soviet family. Mom girls worked as a teacher in kindergarten, his father worked at the factory. But soon Mikhail Yakovlev was advanced and took the post of commercial director. This position was conjugate with frequent moves. Therefore, Olga Yakovleva has managed to live in the children's and youth years in many cities of the Soviet Union.

Mom Olga also grew in his career plan, became a teacher and, together with the wards, put theatrical performances on the school scene. Mine Love for the theater was transferred to Olga: Daughters liked going to the scene, portraying different heroes. Mom This was coming in time and encouraged the passion for daughter theatrical art.

Actress Olga Yakovleva

In the middle classes of School Olga Yakovleva, it began to attend classes of different theater studios. Which city did not move the family, Olya found a circle or studio, where he continued to engage in her loved business. In the graduation class, the girl knew exactly where to learn. Of course - in the theater university. But Olga understood that for admission you need to prepare well.

Therefore, after graduating from school (at that time, Yakovlev lived in Alma-Athe) Olga entered the local theater studio, which settled in Alma-Ata Tzuy. A few years later, the young actress received a diploma with honors and a proposal to work in the theater. But Olga Yakovleva's goal was different - to conquer Moscow.

Olga Yakovlev in youth

In the capital, a young artist, which was no longer called beginner, arrived in the late 1950s. Olga Yakovleva did without effort into the Schukinsky Theater School, where he fell on the course of Oleg Borisov and Joseph Rapoport. Here the actress grinded skill until 1962. After graduating from Schukinskoye, the girl fell into the body of the theater named after the Lenin Komsomol.


On this scene began the theater biography of Olga Yakovleva. The flourishing of the actress talent takes the beginning since 1964. 2 years after the arrival of young artist in the theater, the director Anatoly Efros came here, who headed the "Lenk", becoming the main director. For the yakovye, as well as most colleagues, Anatoly Vasilyevich was a real deity. Rates a talented actress and master. Efros trusted Olga roles in which special depth and subtle psychologism were required. Heroine Olga Mikhailovna - vane and impulsive. At the same time, it is persistent, with a steel inland rod of characters.

Olga Yakovlev in the play

The performances of Anatoly Efrosa "filmed a movie", "One hundred four pages about love", "just a few words in honor of Mr. De Moliere" and "My poor Marat", in which Olga Yakovleva got the central roles, were forever entered the Golden Foundation Lenkom.

When in 1967 the question arose about the transition of Epros to the theater on a small armor, Olga Yakovleva did not attend a second: the girl immediately went after the master. Here he continued to grow yakovyeva as an actress. In this theater, according to critics, Olga Mikhailovna played the best roles. In the formulation of "three sisters" - Masha, in the "summer and smoke" - Alma, in Napoleon, "Josephine.

The real events in the theater world of the capital were the productions of Epros "Romeo and Juliet", "Othello", "Brothers Karamazov" and "Marriage". In all performances, Olga Yakovlev appeared in high roles.

Olga Yakovlev in the theater

In 1984, Anatoly Efros is prescribed the main director of the theater on Taganka. Olga Yakovleva immediately followed him. Unfortunately, life measured Anatoly Vasilyevich only 5 years. Over the years, the actress has managed to play under the guidance of a talented director only 3 roles: Nastya in the play "On the bottom", Bodi in the "Beautiful Sunday for Picnic" and Selimena in Misanthrope.

After the death of Epros. In 1989, Olga Yakovleva could not work in any theater of Russia. She was seriously worried about the death of the Great Master. With this, the crossing of the artist to France is connected, where Olga lived for several years.

Olga Mikhailovna returned to his homeland in 1991. At the invitation of Andrei Goncharov, the actress entered the service at the Vladimir Mayakovsky Theater. But as a invited actress often appeared on other metropolitan scenes.

Olga Yakovleva on the theater scene

In 2004, Olga Yakovleva moved to the MHT named after A.P.hekhov. Here, the actress appeared in the sensational performances of "Kabala Svyatosh", "Cats-Mouse" and "Spring Fever".


Olga Yakovleva - 100 percent theatrical actress, but there are 30 film collections in her baggage. At the end of the 60s, Yakovleva appeared on the screen in the film "Cloak" film, put on the one-act opera Giacomo Pucchini, and in the Military Drama "Komendant Lauterburg" directed by Pavel Reznikov.

Olga Yakovlev - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021 19761_6

In 1970, started the show of the next TV link "Boris Godunov. Scenes from the tragedy "- First work Anatoly Efros on television. Such a genre was consonant with an era and caused positive responses from the viewers, so it was decided to continue creating television versions of performances. They included further work of the artist in the telepostasovs "Marat, Lika, Leonidik", "just a few words in honor of Mr. De Moliere", "Pages of the journal of Pechorina". All-Russian love for the Moscow Theater Actress came after showing the Tanya film film on the play by Alexey Arbuzov.

The first filmmaker Olga Yakovleva became the role of Agnes Shabina in the drama "For all in response" about the meeting of school graduates of 1941, thirty years old. The main characters in the film also played German Zhuravlev, Alexander Lazarev-senior, Vera Vasilyeva. In 1976, Olga Yakovleva played in the adventure thriller "Funny Gold", the "Word for Protection" melodrama, the Drama "Deviation - Zero".

Olga Yakovlev - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021 19761_7

The 80-90 years of the actress practically did not appear on the television screens, with the exception of TV except "Dacha Life" and "Month in the village". In 2004, a session of the Family Saga "Four Loves" started, where Olga Yakovleva reincarnated to the main heroine Lvovna love. Then followed the work in the criminal film "Fee for Love", Military Drama "Mayak", Melodrame "House on the Embankment". In the "Heavy Sand Mother Series" Olga Yakovleva played the owner of the Swiss clinic.

In the project of 2010, the "orange juice" actress reincarnated into the grandmother of the main character Darya (Ingeborg Dapkunayte). According to the plot of the film, the girl works the nurse of a wealthy, but sick American Stephen (Andrei Panin) and forced to perform his whim.

Olga Yakovlev - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021 19761_8

In 2011, the actress pleased the fans with the next appearance in the adaptation of the Drama "Boris Godunov", but this time - its filmmakers of the work of the director Vladimir Mirzoyeva. In the film, where the main roles got Maxim Sukhanov and Andrei Merzlikin, Olga Yakovleva reincarnated in Heroine Ruse. No less interesting work actresses turned out to be the role of Olga Kozlova in the series "Stored fate" about residents of the nursing servants of the scene. The acting ensemble of the film also included Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Anatoly Ravikovich, Vladimir Ilyin.

Olga Yakovleva and Anatoly Efros

In 2003, Olga Mikhailovna released a book of memoirs called "If I knew ...", in which he told about dramatic events in theaters, where he served, about the favorite master of Anatolia Efros and the tragic days of his biography. The book contains not only literary text, but also a lot of photos from the archive of the Foundation of Cinema and the personal archive of Yakovleva.

Personal life

Olga Mikhailovna is a faithful and permanent person. If someone is destined to become a cumier and decrease respect from the actresses, then this is forever. So the main director and mentor in the theater life of Olga was Anatoly Efros. But the personal life of Olga Yakovleva forever contacted together with a single man - the famous Soviet football player Igor Net.

Olga Yakovleva and Igor Netto

Together, the spouses lived 69 years. A happy life ended with the death of an athlete in 1999. Unfortunately, spouses had no children. But this couple carried love and respect in many decades.

Olga Yakovleva now

After a seven-year break, Olga Yakovleva took an invitation from TV presenter and director Alexander Gordon to participate in the filming of the Uncle Sasha's film comedy. The film describes the last work of the famous director, who chooses his own cottage. Guests of the country house are becoming spoiled by the public of popular artists, eccentric neighbors and random passers-by.

Olga Yakovleva on the filming of the film

To the main roles, except for Olga Yakovleva, the director invited stars of modernity - Anna Slah, Agnia Kuznetsov, Nikita Efremova, Sergey Pustopalis, as well as Pianist Boris Berezovsky. Now the film is at the stage of the shooting process, the prime minister is expected in 2018.


  • 1970 - "Boris Godunov. Scenes from the tragedy "
  • 1971 - "Marat, Lika, Leonidik"
  • 1972 - "For everything in response"
  • 1974 - Tanya
  • 1975 - "Pages of the magazine of Pechorin"
  • 1976 - "Mad Gold"
  • 1977 - "Deviation - Zero"
  • 1983 - "Month in the village"
  • 2001 - "Napoleon I"
  • 2004 - "Kabala Svyatosh"
  • 2004 - "Four loves"
  • 2006 - "Lighthouse"
  • 2006 - "Fee for love"
  • 2007 - "House on the Embankment"
  • 2008 - "Heavy Sand"
  • 2011 - "Boris Godunov"

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