Maria Sekina - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Maria Sekina - Russian film actress and model, famous to the TV viewers for the Sitkoma daughter, "Cupper Inspector" and the Cream Comedy.

The girl was born and grew up in Rostov-on-Don. At birth received the name Maria Rafailovna Iofis. The family of Mary was not creative, the parents were thrown to the exact sciences: the father taught Mathematics, and Mom worked as an engineer. Nine years after the birth of Masha, the younger sister appeared.

Actress Maria Sekina

Sekyen grew by a quiet homemade girl, preferred to communicate with peers, and spent more time in her room for reading books. Up to 16 years old Mary was embarrassing the society of boys, as he considered himself too thin and completely uninteresting for them. Compensated for children's complexes Future actress excellent studies.

After school, Sekkina entered the local institution of the national economy, where he received a specialty economist. In 1998, in the last year of the university, Maria sent her photographs to the model of the model agency "Image-elite" and, to surprise, took the first place. Then the girl on other such castings and festivals achieved the titles of "Lady-Sharm" and "Rostov Beauty". Thus, Maria was able to attract attention to himself that served as the main factor in the invitation to the capital for showing at the Moscow Fashion Week.

Maria Sekina

The highest achievement of sequin in the career model was cooperation with the Modus Vivendis Agency.

Career model and mannequins developed rapidly - Podiums of France, Germany, South Korea and Japan, Maria's sequin one after another. Then the erotic photo shoots were followed for the Russian version of Playboy magazine. Rostov beauty was published four times with a girl of the month, and in 2000 she became a girl of the year.

In the hometown of Maria became a real heroine. The model concluded a contract with the local sewing enterprise "Alice", after which in all the trading complexes where the production of the factory was sold, a photo of a sequin in human growth appeared. Four years advertising shields were concerned next to the shop windows, which made Mary recognizable face in a small homeland.

Maria Sekina in the theater

From the model agency Maria stepped into the cinema. Moreover, the girl herself never thought about the profession of the actress, everything came out by chance: they saw, invited, it turned out. But long sequin did not allow himself to call himself an artist, since she did not think that he had enough knowledge in this area. To fill this annoying gap, Maria entered the Boris Schukin theater School, which graduated in 2011.


Often, the director are looking for the type of artists not only in the acting agencies, but also among the models. This is exactly what happened to Maria Sekina, which was invited to play a young musician in the Thriller "Loneliness of Blood".

Maria Sekina - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021 19751_4

The first experience was so liked by the girl that Maria decided to continue to play the movies. Episodic roles were sprinkled in TV shows and films - "Cavalers of the Sea Star", "Personal Number", "Infidelity". The artist was gained experience in front of the camera. In 2005, SEKNA appeared in the melodrama "Doomed to become a star", where the Svetlana Berezkina's TV journalist appeared in the image.

Maria was also starred in the joint Russian-Argentine project "In the Rhythm Tango", where Andrei Smolyakov and the Argentine Star of Natalia Oreiro, and the Argentine Star of Natalia Oreiro became partners in the working platform. The plot of the film was unfolded around a love quadrilateral, in which, in addition to the South American pair of beloved, the Russian football player and his beauty-girlfriend fell (Valery Nikolaev and Olga Pogodin).

Maria Sekina in the TV series "Daddy's Daughters"

The actress began to grow fame after a detective "all inclusive" and militants "Anger Day" and "Antidur". In 2008, the drama "My husband is a genius" on the fate of the Soviet scientist Lion Landau (Daniel Svivakovsky), retold from the face of the wife of the bark (Ksenia Gromova), was published with Mary Sekina. In the film, Maria reincarnated in Gera, sweetheart physics. In the same status, the other heroine of Vera Sudakov appeared, which Polina Kutepov was performed.

But the real popularity of SEKOVA brought the role of Oksana Fedotova, touching and at the same time glamorous spouse of the oligarch in the comedy Sitkom "Daddy's daughter". In this series, the actress played five years in a row, and in parallel appeared in other TV projects.

Maria Sekina - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021 19751_6

In the late 2000s, the actress filmography was replenished with the works in the Youth TV series "Univer", the "marriage of the will" melodrama, the Cheesecake thriller.

Together with Oleg Taktarov, Maria played in the Criminal film "Keeper", in a duet with Catherine Kopanova showed the modern version of Cinderella in a melodraumatic comedy "Cream", with Mikhail Galustin worked on family fantasy "To, Karoson!". Also in the Arsenal actresses, the main roles in the criminal militant "Inspector Cooper", the romantic comedy "House in the Heart" and the humorous film "Everyone can kings", in which Maria starred together with the comic Maxim Galkin.

Maria Sekina - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021 19751_7

In 2011, SEKINA was awarded the role in the adaptation of the popular Soviet comedy Eldar Ryazanov - "Service Novel. Nowadays". In front of the audience, Maria appeared by the head of the company-competitor, which threatens the company Kalugina (Svetlana Khodchenkova).

Personal life

Maria Sekina married 20 years. The marriage turned out to be difficult, the spouses did not become each other in real close people. Even the birth of the son of Mikhail did not affect the relationship, and after seven years the actress divorced her husband, although young stopped to live together even earlier. In the mid-2000th, the actress has improved: Maria has found a soul mate and happy with the second spouse so far. The chief name Maria Sekina hides from curious. The actress was mentioned in one interview that she would re-become a mom.

Maria Sekina and Son

As in childhood, Maria remains a house. Any incendiary party actress prefers a quiet comfort and peace of their own home. The actress did not start a personal page in "Instagram" or other social networks. But on behalf of Mary Sekina there is a group in Vkontakte.

In 2010, SEKKINA participated in the fifth season of the show "Dancing with the Stars", since it has long wanted to learn to dance beautifully. The partner of the artist was a professional in ballroom dancing Andrei Karpov. Maria watched all previous seasons and was sure that he would learn to the classical movements on the dance floor easily, and the stories about the difficulties were showing, to raise the rating of artists. When first stepped onto the parquet, I understood how wrong was the right and that choreography is a real hard work.

Maria Sekina now

Maria Sekina lived in the parents for two years, who have already moved to Germany for 20 years. Assessing the quality of life in Europe, the artist decided to return to Russia. Maria realized that Moscow for her became his hometown. Son Mary Secking Mikhail is studying in the UK on an economist.

Actress Maria Sekina

Now in the creative biography of the actress there was a break, followed by Maria, a new fruitful period will begin. The artist is in brilliant physical form, which confirms the 40th place in the ranking of the "sexy women of Russia" according to the readers of the magazine Maxim.

In 2018, the premiere of the mystical thriller "Keeper" is expected, in the filming of which cinematographers from Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan are involved. The plot of the film lay down the Fabul about the struggle of the Angels of Light and Darkness. In addition to Russian actresses Svetlana Khodchenkova, Mary sequin and Ravzhany Kurkova, the Uzbek actor Farhad Makhmudov and Italian Marco Audgello also play in the film.


  • 2002 - "Loneliness of blood"
  • 2004 - "Personal Number"
  • 2006 - "In the rhythm tango"
  • 2007-2010 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2007 - "Antidur"
  • 2007 - "Day of Anger"
  • 2008 - "My husband is a genius"
  • 2009 - "Cream"
  • 2009 - "Marriage on the will"
  • 2011 - "Cooper Inspector"
  • 2011 - "Service Roman. Nowadays"
  • 2012 - "I will be near"
  • 2013 - "The longest day"
  • 2014 - "Mixed feelings"
  • 2015 - "Everyone can kings"

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