Ksenia Khairova - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photo, Actress, Valentina Daughter Talyzina 2021



Ksenia Khairova - Soviet, and after the collapse of the USSR and the Russian actress of theater and cinema. The audience of the older generation she is familiar as the daughter of Valentina Talyzin, but over the years the artist won his own glory. Ksenia appeared in a variety of films and serials, and its theater biography consists of dozens of performances, in parts of which the actress performed the main roles.

Childhood and youth

Ksenia Leonidovna Kharyova managed to prove to all skeptics, which is a worthy of the work of the creative family: celebrities among her relatives. She was born in a family where both parents are famous in the world of art people. Mother - People's Artist of Russia Valentina Talyzin. Father - famous artist Leonid Nepomnya.

As it often happens in people creative, Ksenia's parents live for a short time together. After the divorce, his father went to Mexico, where he had a new family. And Ksenia Talyzin (such was in the magnitude of the surname of the actress) remained with the mother.

As a child, Ksenia studied at school, where foreign languages ​​were studied in depth. Redean to a specialized educational institution - the idea of ​​a mother. Valentina Illarionovna, as no one who knew the outstanding of the acting profession, did not want the daughter of the fate of the actress. But the genes took the top.

After the end of the special school of Ksenia, the already gathered to enter the prestigious Institute of Foreign Languages, suddenly changed his mind and attributed documents to Gitis. The admonition of the mother did not occur. So in 1986, Talyzin junior began to study in the theater university. She was enrolled on the course of Evgenia Lazarev.


In 1991, having received a diploma, a novice actress was adopted in the Taroupe of the Metropolitan Theater of the Russian Army (Cam). But on this scene, Ksenia, Leonidovna, did not have time to come out, because in the same 1991 he received an offer from the Polish director Janusa Yuzfovich. He just gained artists in his Metro musical. Khairova suddenly passed into the second round. Thille thinking, she left the theater and went to Poland.

In the capital, the girl returned in a year and again settled in the tsactory. Theatrians saw a young artist in the "Soldier and Eve" formulation. At that time, especially close attention was riveted to her, because Ksenia Leonidovna wore the mother name. It turned out to be another incentive to play in full force, every time proving that the scene is not a blazing child of the Great actress Talyzin, but the call of the heart.

Soon theatrical connoisseurs were convinced that they were quite mature and talented actress. The performances "On the Little Place", "a lot of noise from nothing", "Strange Mrs. Savage", in which Ksenia Khairova played very noticeable roles, became evidence of her skill.

For the very artist itself, the most striking event of those years was a meeting with the legendary Peter Shtyyn. Theatrical director decided to put his "Oreste" in Moscow. Ksenia Leonidovna got the role of electric. The statement had a huge success. Together with the "Orestea" actress toured for a long time in Europe.

Nowadays, Kharyova continues to work in the theater of the Russian army. She plays immediately in several performances. Among the most striking roles of the last time - the monastic in the play "Eternally Live" and Anna Falikova in Odnoklassniki.


The cinematic biography of Ksenia Kharyova began immediately after the end of Gityis. She debuted in the painting "Nikolai Vavilov". This is a small role, but the first career step was passed. Participation in the project for Hairova is valuable because she was able to watch the "live" game of such stars of cinema, like Bogdan Mortar and Kostas Smorigigas.

A year later, Ksenia Leonidovna played a major role in the painting "Our American Borish". In the credits of this and previous films, the artist is still as talisin. But after the change of the mother's name to the current, it seems, "fell" by some barrier, which hinders the directors to use the actress in their projects.

Starting from the mid-1990s, Khairova was removed regularly and a lot. Most often, she appeared in popular TV series. "You are my happiness", "Detectives-5", "Airport-2", "Volkov Hour - 2", "Opera - 1. Chronicles of the slaughter department". The everywhere Ksenia Leonidovna played bright and memorable roles. Particularly loved by the audience her heroine in the melodramas "Race for happiness" and "Mother's daughter".

The real popularity hit the actress after entering the screens of the rating series "Institute of Noble Maiden". This project was broadcast for several years and because of popularity was continued for several seasons. The work in the tape was although heavier (the actress was involved in the theater, and on the set), but extremely interesting.

Shooting in the "Institute of Noble Maiden" ended in 2013, but immediately Ksenia was involved in new projects. It is noteworthy that the images created by the artist in films "to death are beautiful", "votes", "proposed circumstances" and "the city of temptations", completely different.

Khairova has repeatedly proved that she is forces a variety of role, the range of which ranges from light comedy to deep psychological and even tragic. In 2014, the fans saw the favorite actress in the series "Cleells" and "Good Hands".

In 2017, the first channel presented a melodramatic mini-series "Choolen". The show became a premiere in Russia, but 2 years before that, the picture was already broadcast on Ukrainian television on the channel "1 + 1". The Kharyov project performed the role of the gynecologist Eleanora.

In the melodrama there are two opposite look at life: the pessimism of the writer in the creative crisis, confident that there is no happiness in life, and the optimism of a happy woman with a strong family. At the same time, such a faith in happiness in the picture is tested for strength, and the viewers are watching how difficult it is to maintain an optimistic look at life when it collapses.

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The same year presented fans and a new picture with the participation of Ksenia Leonidovna. The actress played the role of the Galeristic Faith of Mayakina in the Criminal film "Sufler", the film release of the identical detective novel of the authorship of Anna Malysheva. The heroine of Hairova organizes a closed venice where the landscape of the famous siseli is sold. At this event, mysterious incidents begin: the restorers make an attempt, the visitor dies when an explosion of the car, and partners are found on the canvase that cannot be present there.

In 2019, the series "Daily" came out with the participation of Hairova on the screens. Ksenia Leonidovna played a doctor Galina. Mikhail Porechenkov and Catherine Olkina were performed by the main roles in the detective.

Personal life

The actress was married repeatedly. Static beauty (height 170 cm, weight 52 kg) has always caused genuine interest among representatives of the opposite sex. But it so happened that official marriages were unhappy. In the youth of Ksenia, Leonidovna married a graduate of Mati Eldar Umancheev.

In an interview, Khairova noted that it was a marriage in strong and mutual love. But Eldar decided to change the place of residence, changing Russia in the United States. Ksenia Leonidovna, who has a career in increasing, did not want to leave his homeland and go to the unknown. This was the cause of separation. There were no common children in the first union of the actress.

The second marriage, about which Kharyov does not like to remember, also ended with divorce. But unlike the first spouse, with which she supported friendly relations, a gap with a second husband, an actor by profession, was very painful.

According to the celebrity, she "thrown out" of this person from life, despite the 6-month-old pregnancy. Her daughter's father left the family to the stripper, and Nastya never seen the parent. The girl is the last name of the famous grandmother - Talyzin. At an early age she was playing ballet and planned to build a career of the dancer. But due to injury, dreams could not be realized, and today it is a successful actress.

From the third husband, Alexander Khairov Ksenia left the last name, but the joint life did not work again. The spouse was jealous to his wife to work and every time she went on tour, the scandal was raging in the house. Throw a profession for calm in the family actress did not, deciding to divorce her husband.

Soon Ksenia Khairov again decided to arrange a personal life. It is known that a young man named by a young man named by a civil husband of Yuri. Acquaintance with him occurred during the filming of the "Institute of Noble Maiden". The first time the relationship was harmoniously, but later the spouse began to show jealousy towards the profession of chosen: Yuri himself possessed a magnificent voice, but did not manage to build a singer's career. Until official marriage, this union also did not live.

Under the name Kharyova, an account is carried out in "Instagram". Periodically, Ksenia appears on television. So, in 2018, together with his mother, she visited the Studio Star Studios, where the problem of fathers and children was discussed.

In 2019, the close girlfriend Ksenia Leonidovna Elena Tsyvin died in unclear circumstances. In the media, rumors about problems with alcohol at the widow Evgeny Evstigneev were seeping, about the fact that a woman was often drunk, but the daughter of Talyzin denied these specles. After the death of the girlfriend, Kharyov visited the Transmission Studio "Let them say", where this topic was discussed.

At one time there were rumors that Ksenia Leonidovna had complex relationships with her mother. Relatives allegedly do not communicate, do not congratulate each other with birthdays. But on the TV show "Secret by a million" actresses denied these species. Valentina Illarionna does not hide that it has a complex volitional character. Khairova confirmed this and noted that in their family there are a missing, but mother and daughter appreciate, respect and love each other.

In 2021, the actress again visited the program "In fact." The initiator of the transfer was the former friend Marina Efimov, who accused Hairov in connection with his son Alexander. It became known that he had already made a proposal of his hand and heart to a woman, which is 2 times older. And even though the compromise between opponents on the show was not reached, the young fan of celebrity demonstrated the sincerity of his feelings and intentions.

The personal life of the artist can not be called cloudless. Father Hairova suffers from Alzheimer's disease. NEUCH began to develop for a long time, and today Leonid Ignorable almost ceased to communicate with others.

Ksenia Khairova now

Having preferred theatrical layouts, Ksenia Leonidovna continues to appear on the screens. So, on April 16, 2021, the show was started on NTV, the show was started, where the actress played the mysterious role of Valentina Uvarov. Her alarm was a colleague Andrei Stoyanov.


  • 2004 - "Opera-1. Chronicles of a slaughter department "
  • 2005 - "You are my happiness"
  • 2006 - "Detectives-5"
  • 2006 - "Airport-2"
  • 2006-2007 - "Race for happiness"
  • 2007 - "Mother's Daughters"
  • 2010 - "Voices"
  • 2010-2013 - "Institute of Noble Maiden"
  • 2013 - "Cleells"
  • 2014 - "Good Hands"
  • 2015 - "Choosing"
  • 2015 - "Divorce"
  • 2017 - "Anna Malysheva's detectives. Film 2: Suffler "
  • 2019 - "Gadalka"
  • 2021 - "Capacan for Monster"

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