Igor Yurtayev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Igor Valerevich Yurtayev is a young Russian film actor, the star of the serials "Cadet", "Closed School", Military Film "Babes".

Igor was born February 18, 1989 in Moscow. The boy grew up an observation and impressionable child. As a child, he loved to look at railway trains, Romance Road Manila Igor. When Yurtayev became seven years old, the boy received the railway as a gift for the new year. The actor still keeps her as a memory of childhood.

Actor Igor Yurtayev

Yurtayev was fond of music and dreamed of singing on stage. As a child, the boy said that he would definitely be famous, and people looking at him would smile and rejoice. So it turned out.

Parents gave the Son to the music school, which he graduated with a gold medal. In this school, Igor Yurtayev was engaged in the class of piano and accordion. And in parallel with the usual school and music, the music was played in the music turntage. In 1996, the boy accepted the soloist to the children's choir V. Popov, where he was engaged in 2002. Igor loves music and chooses a genre depending on the mood. According to Yurtayev, it attracts classical, and romantic, and electronic music.

Another passion of Yurtayev is foreign languages. From an early age, the boy was well granted English, and in the school years, Yurtayev became interested in the study of French and Italian. Now the actor owns three foreign languages ​​perfectly. The thrust for languages ​​helped Igor more than once. In the school years, the young man became a specialty Youth news agency "UNPRESS" and remained until 2007.

Igor Yurtayev

Surprisingly, neither at school nor at the Institute of Igor Yurtyev was not nickname. Classmates and fellow students appealed to the young man only by name.

Igor Yurtayev graduated from a school with a silver medal and entered the journalism MGIMO. Student years coincided with a flourishing of acting career.


For the first time in the movie Igor starred in 2004. The young man made his debut in the role of an applicant in the Motheric film "Cadets". The series was discussed about cadets of the airborne cadet corps, which during their studies acquire friendship and unity inside the team. The main characters of the film were Alexander Golovin, Aristarkh Venez, Alexey Merzlov.

Actor Igor Yurtayev

Two years later, the actor lit in the first season of the series "Cadet", fulfilling the role of an orphanage on his nickname. The film was again devoted to the topic of adolescents, according to his own will refused from free life for the service of the Motherland. This time the cadets of the Suvorov School were the focus. In addition to those famous for the previous film of acting names, Boris Korchevnikov, Ivan Dobronravov, Arthur Zais and other young artists participated in the picture.

Igor so fascinated the creative process that Yurtayev seriously thought about the profession of actor cinema. The artist visited the castings and soon received several roles of the second plan. One of them was a role in the sensational picture of the "bastards". Despite the criticism of the storyline of the film, who talked about the fictional detachment of 14-year-old adolescents who were trained to destroy the German military base in the early years of the Great Patriotic War, the picture received a high auditorium. The fate of orphans who made their own contribution to the victory of the Soviet people over fascism, caused a response in the hearts of the viewers.

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Igor Yurtayev was lucky enough to shoot with Andrei Krasko and Andrei Panin. The picture was the third in the filmography of the artist, where Igor appeared on the screen, along with an uptreten star of Russian cinema - Alexander Golovna. The talent of a young promising actor was appreciated. Yurtayev received a presidential premium.

35th, after the Kinebut, Yurtayev starred in the TV series "Adult Life Polina Saturotina" about the work of yesterday's graduate of the Polyna Polyna State University (Lyubov Tikhomirova) at the school teacher of biology. Igor appeared in front of the audience in the image of a high school student on the nicknamed "Italian". In the same year, the artist's filmography was replenished with a project "his own team" about the school basketball section.

In 2010, the artist was lucky to participate in the copyright of the international scale. Igor Yurtayev starred in Dram Andrei Zvyagintseva "Elena", which was shown at the Cannes Film Festival. Nadezhda Markina, Andrei Smirnov, Elena Lyadov, were partners in the workplace of Igor.

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2011 was a swivel in the creative biography of the actor - Igor approved on one of the main roles in the TV series "Closed School". The artist played the novel Pavlenko. The project received positive reviews of the audience, and Igor realized what was the popularity. The young man had fans, journalists took interviews and invited to participate in a talk show and other television projects.

Igor Yurtayev continues to film, however, repeat the success of the "closed school" yet. A year after the mystical series, Igor lit up in the family drama "Mistress of My Fate". In 2013, the artist played a college student in the comedy "Features of the National Minibus".

Igor Yurtayev on the shooting of the series

Igor Yurtayev received an episodic role in the 2014 Academy of 2014 detective. The series was discussed about the specialtom of the investigation of crimes, for cooperation with which a specialist of the laboratory of tissue regeneration laboratory is invited. In 2015, Igor tried the image of the Deputy Director of the Model Agency in the Melodrama "Painted" about the work of stewards and flight attendants.

Personal life

A young actor does not say about his personal life, therefore, therefore, there are so many rumors and speculations around it. Journalists attributed to Yurtayev Roman with a colleague Tanya Kosmacheva, who also starred in the TV series "Closed School". The information flashed that the girl even is waiting for a child from Igor: afterwards the actors denied these specles. Yes, and the fact of Roman Yurtayev never confirmed, but did not refute. They were often seen together, the artists were meaningfully looked at each other.

Tatyana Kosmacheva and Igor Yurtayev

During the filming of the "closed school", a young man had another novel with an actress, the executor of the role of Evgenia Savelyeva - Anastasia Akatova. In the series, the girl appears in the image of a negative character, and in the plot it kills her hero Igor - Roman, while Eugene threatens with a violence Elizabeth (Anna Andrzrenko). Intense relationships in the series did not prevent the emergence of warm feelings in life. But then there were no these relationships, the girl also did not become his wife Yurtyev.

Igor is an open and positive person in life. The artist is benevolent to fans, with pleasure communicating with fans and responds to questions of interest.

Igor Yurtayev and Anastasia Akatova

The hobby from the actor has never been, even in childhood. Igor spends free time in the circle of like-minded people and friends, loves to jump with a parachute, swim with scuba, try extreme entertainment. During the filming of the "closed school", Igor tried to fly on the aircraft and admitted that it was at first there was a little scary, but funny. The pleasure of the flight Igor Yurtayev, according to his own admission, received when he hit the head of the glass walls a couple of times.

The actor says about himself that he is an adventurer, besides easy to rise. Yurtayev loves to commit an unexpected flight to Kiev or Paris, if there is a mood. In "Instagram", Igor Yurtayev leads his own account, where he lays out a photo from travel.

Igor Yurtayev now

In 2016, the artist appeared on the screen in a detective melodrama "Letters from the Past". In the film, we were talking about the young girl Marus Drilling (Antonina Divine), which goes in search of a native father.

Igor Yurtayev

In addition to the acting profession, Igor does not forget to give time to sports training. Now the forces of the young artist checks on the project "Race of Heroes", which in 2015 launched Ksenia Shoigu. Competitions on running obstacles are held in different regions of Russia.


  • 2004 - "Cadets"
  • 2006 - "Babes"
  • 2006 - "Cadet"
  • 2007 - "own team"
  • 2008 - "Adult Life Polina Saturday"
  • 2011-2012 - "Closed School"
  • 2012 - "Mistress of my destiny"
  • 2015 - "Academy"
  • 2016 - "Letters from the Past"

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