Nadezhda Savchenko - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Nadezhda Savchenko - a well-known world as a "VIP clinic" of the Russian prison Ukrainian flyer, who later took the post of People's Deputy of Ukraine. The image of "Amazon in the jungle" of modern Ukraine received ambiguous characteristics. One Savchenko seems to be Jeanne D`ark, who became the hostage of aggravated Ukrainian-Russian relations. Others see in the flyer of the "man in a skirt", for which the war is better than love, and death is better than life.

Savchenko was born Nadezhda Viktorovna on May 11, 1981 in the capital of Ukraine in the family of an engineer of agricultural machinery. Parents worked in collective farm and hard work earned a living. The future pilot became the first, but the late child - Mom gave birth to a girl in 43 years old. Two years later, the Junior daughter of Vera was born in the family of Savchenko, which became an architect and leads a typical lifestyle for a girl, unlike sister.

Politician Nadezhda Savchenko

Since childhood, the "nationalistic" character was present in Savchenko. The girl studied in the only one in the area of ​​residence of the Ukrainian school, since flatly refused to go to the Russian-language. Behind the school desk and with peers communicated only in the Ukrainian language, although I knew perfectly and understood Russian. The school did not distinguish with special merit and misconduct, although there was a very boyish stubborn character.

After school, Savchenko entered the All-Ukrainian College of Style and the Visage, where he received the profession of fashion designer. Then he entered the Kiev National University on Zhurfak. But at that moment realized that this was not her direction, and firmly decided to become a pilot, and combat aircraft. Then Savchenko threw the university and went to the army under the contract, where they took the girl first with a radio line, and then transferred to paratroopers.

Nadezhda Savchenko in childhood

In 2004, the hope of his own will fell into peacekeeping contingent from Ukraine in Iraq. There, for two years, served as the shooter that became the first "combat baptism" of hope. Upon returning to Motherland, Savchenko tried to enroll in Kharkov University of the air forces, from where the girl was deducted twice for the uniformity. In 2009, the student still managed to get a degree of navigator and become the first and only pilot in Ukraine.

At the end of the university, Savchenko fell into a special car army aircraft in the Lviv region, where the girl in practice was trained to control the front-line bombard Su-24, after which the hope mastered the Mi-24 helicopter. During the service, the flyer made 45 parachute jumps and spent 170 hours in the sky.

Participation in the conflict in the Donbas

After five years of service in the Ukrainian army, Nadezhda Savchenko broke out several times a volunteer-peaceman in Africa, but did not miss the authorities of the country. In 2014, the dream to participate in the present armed conflict came true in his homeland - in the southeast of the country, the Ukrainian authorities introduced an antiterrorist operation against the residents of Donbass, which in the referendum expressed dissatisfaction with the new power that appeared in Ukraine after the state version.

Nadezhda Savchenko

Then the hope allegedly wrote a report on the dismissal from the rows of the Armed Forces and went to the Volunteer to the Aidar battalion, the subordinate Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Among the Idarovtsev, the pilot received the "bullet" call sign. Regarding the duties in the "Idar" there are few reliable facts - the Russian side claims that Savchenko was a metering and participated in the organization of the murder of people, Savchenko assures that he was engaged in teaching colleagues.

During this period, the biography of Nadezhda Savchenko acquired an unexpected turn. The girl captured to the fighters of the militia forces of the self-proclaimed LUNC under Lugansk during the special operation to eliminate the "Idar", where did it come from. From that moment on, the real "adventures" of Savchenko began, of which it is difficult to determine the exact facts.


In the big policy, Nadezhda Savchenko fell after he was taken into custody in Russia for illegal crossing of the border. In July 2014, the pilot was charged with a complicity in organizing the killing of two Russian journalists near Lugansk.

Nadezhda Savchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko

This arrest was for Savchenko "the key" to the glory - the leader of the Batkivshchyna party, Yulia Tymoshenko, was the initiator of the deputy career of the pilot, which on the party of the party without the presence of hope was accepted into their own ranks and made "No. 1" in the election list.

In December 2014, while in Russia an active investigation of Savchenko was conducted, and the pilot herself was arrested in the SIZO, it was included in the list of permanent Ukrainian delegation in PACE.

Court and exemption

The investigation of the criminal case against Hope Savchenko lasted for almost two years and only on March 22, 2016, the court sentenced the Ukrainian pilot by the 22nd colony of the general regime for the murder of VGTRK journalists near Lugansk. The world response to the sentence of Savchenko was in the style of the general relationship of the West to Russia - the European leaders of the court decision was called "political" and demanded immediately to free the pilot.

Nadezhda Savchenko in court

Own so-called Woli's power In this case, Nadezhda Viktorovna reinforced already "fashionable" among prisoners of an indefinite hunger strike, demanding release from prison. For the state of the health of the pilot watched the whole world, without ceasing to put ultimatum and demands.

On 25 May 2016, Russian Chapter Vladimir Putin still signed a decree on the pardon of Savchenko, and on the same day the girl was sent to Ukraine. Upon returning to his homeland, after a few days, hope began to work in BP, where literally in the first week managed to distinguish very rapid behavior and actions.

Nadezhda Savchenko in Rada

Press conference and performances by the deputy Savchenko in Rada are saturated with obscene vocabulary and loud accusations of the work of parliamentarians. Journalists of the NEWSONE website even created a 20-second video clip called "complex political events with simple words", in which they presented the capacious speeches of Savchenko's hopes about the political situation in Ukraine. Nevertheless, the pilot promises to get rid of his own "uneducation", learn to talk and be cultural.

In 2016, Savchenko declared that he was creating his own fund and begins an independent political career. At the end of the year, Nadezhda initiated the opening of the Opposition Party "Rune", but soon came out from there because of ideological disagreements with other participants.

Nadezhda Savchenko in Rada

At the same time, the flyer independently met with the leaders of the DPR and LNR Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Potnitsky, who discussed the issues of the sharing of prisoners of war. This act outdated the Ukrainian government, since the leaders of the self-proclaimed republics were recognized as militants. The security service was conducted, after which Savchenko was excluded from the Ukrainian delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and from the Batkivshchyna party. But the deputy did not refuse his own opinion that "even with militants you need to be able to negotiate."

Personal life

The personal life of Savchenko far does not correspond to the image of a romantic warrior woman. According to the statements of hope, the girl loves "only Ukraine" and never dreamed of becoming a wife and mother, so a young man never had next to the pilot. Savchenko believes that some are born to give life, while others - to give out, in fact, and chose the upward political star of Ukraine.

Politician Nadezhda Savchenko

Due to the ascetic lifestyle, Savchenko ranked to representatives of non-traditional orientation. These assumptions, Nadezhda replied that it was waiting for a real strong man capable of actions, including on the "salvation of Ukraine", but so far there were no such.

Having passed a very "thorny path" to fame, the woman still intends to "defend" the country from the "aggressor" and even ready to become president of Ukraine, if the people want. At the same time, Savchenko plans are not present maternity, which will not allow to fulfill the innermost dream, which consists in real battle.

Peter Poroshenko and Nadezhda Savchenko

In 2015, the Ukrainian chapter assigned Savchenko the title of "Hero of Ukraine", as the last two years this woman for many is a symbol of the country's victory in the current situation in the Donbas. In 2016, after returning hope to their homeland from Russian prison, Poroshenko personally handed the pilot "Golden Star Hero of Ukraine".

Nadezhda is not alien and ordinary human joy. A large resonance in society called a video, on which Savchenko was captured by the Dolce Gabbana Dolcce, dancing under the top track at the celebration of the anniversary of the Ukrainian TV presenter Dmitry Gordon in the Premier Palat Hotel. Video and photos from the event collected many views.

Nadezhda Savchenko now

In early 2017, Nadezhda Savchenko refused to powered by deputy inviolability. After that, the girl went to Donetsk with the humanitarian aid to prisoners of war from ATO. In the spring, he led the political party "NEPP", which became known as the "Public Hope Savchenko's Public Platform". In the summer of 2017, Nadezhda Savchenko officially declared his readiness to become a presidential candidate at the 2019 elections.

Nadezhda Savchenko oversees the exchange of prisoners of war within the framework of the Minsk arrangements - "all on all".

In 2018, Nadezhda Savchenko continued to shock the electorate and colleagues with straightforward statements. In early January, he threatened the officials who came to power with bloody methods, ambulance. Without a celebration of justice in Ukraine, the development of the country Nadezhda Savchenko does not expect.

In March 2018, Savchenko fell into opal in his homeland. On March 23, the woman was arrested by the court until May 20, after the charges of the preparation of the Gospers and the terrorist attack in the building of the Parliament of Ukraine. According to the legislation, Savchenko faces the period from five years to life imprisonment.

Immediately after the arrest, Nadezhda Savchenko declared a hunger strike.

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