Peter Buslov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Peter Viktorovich Buslov - director, screenwriter and artist. The popularity of Boslov's directorial projects were acquired: the film "Boomer", "Vysotsky. Thank you for living, "" Motherland ".

Peter Buslov was born in the summer of 1976 in Khabarovsk. There were no actors or people of another type of art in the family of Buslov. Perhaps, only a mother, who taught Russian and literature for foreigners in the local Polytechnic Institute had a wonderful world.

Director Peter Buslov

When Peter Buslov turned 14 years old, the family moved from Khabarovsk to Vladivostok. Since the city lies on the seashore and is a port, then many boys, including Peter, dreamed of navigating and distant wanderings. Neither the director, or about the acting career Buslov did not think. The boy did not attend theatrical circles and did not participate in amateur.

At 17, graduating from school, Peter Buslov refused to be a sailor. The young man pulled into the capital. In Moscow, the guy two years later looked at the surrounding life, trying to intuitively feel his place. The idea to try himself on the stage came unexpectedly. Peter decided to enroll in the theater university. A little adjustment made a friend, who turned out to be a director who advised Buslov "kill two hares." That is, go to the directorial faculty, where you can get both the acting, and the director's profession.

Peter and Konstantin Buslov

Peter listened to the Council and entered VGIK, where he first studied in the workshop of the famous Karen Shahnazarov, and then completed education under the leadership of Vadim Abdrashitov.

The director was the elder brother Peter - Konstantin Buslov. The director shot in 2011 a criminal comedy "Bablo", and after three years - the adventure melodrama "Aventurers". In addition to the director's career, Konstantin is engaged in producing. The elder brother Peter Buslova oversaw the creation of the second film "Boomer", Malualmanak "Short circuit" and a thriller "Envelope".


The bright creative biography of Peter Buslov began on the 2nd course of Vgika. Debut turned out to be a course film made with the operator Daniel Gurevich. The picture was named "Heavy work of old Moir".

Peter Buslov on the set

Next year, Buslov debuted as an actor. Ilya Khotinenko entrusted a young man in the picture "Umnajak, or Odyssey 1989." Unfortunately, the film did not appear in the box office, but the famous producer Sergei Chlyanz looked tape and immediately realized that in front of him a talented young man with a "unmonimed" perception of peace and non-standard thinking. Chelyanz suggested Buslov to remove the picture "Boomer". The 27-year-old director became interested in the proposed scenario and took the embodiment.

The "boomer" went out on the screens in 2003 and became, in fact, the debut of a young director, because it was the first full-length picture. Success turned out to be stunning. The picture immediately turned into a cult and was shrinkled by a lot of awards, among whom were the triumph premium, the Silver Pegasus prize (KF "Moscow Pegasus") and the Jury's special service for the best debut (Vyborg, CF "Window to Europe").

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The uncomplicated plot of the friendship of four guys, over each of which periodically hangs danger, justified the cost of shooting. And the melody for the phone of the main character, the author of which was Sergey Shnurov, presented $ 1 million to the musician. The main characters of the drama Sergey Gorobchenko, Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Andrei Merzlikin and Maxim Konovalov immediately became stars. Peter Buslov himself played the painting episode.

Surprisingly, the "boomer" is the thesis of the novice director. At the same time, success turned out to be such that the masted directors could envy. Due to the lack of experience, the director was difficult to shoot a concept film, and the director did not always felt the rhythm of the picture, making the scenes tightened. But Peter well understood that she removes - he lived with such guys side by side in his hometown.

Peter Buslov

One of the first viewers of the new film was Sergey Bodrov-Jr.. He was impressed by the work of colleagues, and part of the film crew Sergey invited in his own project "Svyaznoy", which turned out to be fatal. Shooting took place in the North Caucasus. When the glacier glory occurs in the Carmadon Gorge, many members of the Bumemer campaign were killed, which went there with a vigorous junior. The death of colleagues made a severe impression on Peter Buslov, so the Kinolent "Boomer. The film is the second "director dedicated to the memory of the dead.

After the release of the "boomer", Peter Buslov's career was rapidly height. Producer Sergey Chlyanz offered a talented director to take up the new project - the thriller "Antibum". The picture was also successful, but it turned out to be incommensurable with the glory of the "boomer".

In 2004, Buslov played the first major role in the comedy-adventure film Ilya Khotinenko "Call me Genn!". The image of a fabulous Gina turned out to be fame. The comedy demonstrated that the talent of Peter Buslov was multifaceted.

Next year, Buslov again took up the director's work. He removed the Sicvel "Bumeman". But this time Peter Viktorovich also wrote the script of a new project.

In 2006, the loud and scandalous project of the TV channel "TNT" and Peter Buslov - the series "Our Russia", performers in which Mikhail Galustyan and Sergey Svetlakov became performers in which Mikhail Galustyan became. Original sketches accounted for the audience to taste, and some scenes, for example, about Gene and Vovan, touring Tagils in Turkey, Sergei Belyakov, TV viewer from Taganrog or Mount Ravzane and Jamshut, spawned many quotes.

Acting and the director's work alternated further. As director Peter Buslov participated in the movie "Short Circuit" of the Series of Urgent Repair. And in the series "Studio 17", created by order "TNT", played himself. As for the work of Peter Buslov as a scenario, then, in addition to the success of the "boumen", you can safely add a humorous Sitka "Studio 17".

Another loud success of the director Buslova - the picture "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive". The biographical tape of five tragic days from the life of Bard and the poet Vladimir Vysotsky turned out to be the event of 2011. I argued about the film, I liked one picture, the others scolded it, but I looked at the drama, and there was no indifferent left. Star "Bouquet" from actors starring in the picture was great. On one set, Sergey Bezrukov, Oksana Akinshina, Maxim Leonidov, Sergey Shakurov, Andrei Panin, Ivan Urgant and other cinema stars were gathered.

In 2015, the director of the director was replenished with the drama "Motherland". Shooting took place on Indian Goa. The main character - Eva (Lyubov Aksenova), which the father dropped behind the whims in the near airport. The girl falls on Goa, where meets compatriots who are passionate about the ideas that Eva never thought about.

Personal life

This side of the actor's life, the scenario and the director is completely closed from curious views and ears. The personal life of Peter Buslov is not discussed anywhere, because the director says nothing on this topic and does not comment on rumors.

Peter Buslov with his wife

It is known that Evgenia Evgienko, an artist in costumes become his wife Buslov. Two children are brought up in the family. Course rarely appears in secular events and parties, so family-run photos of Buslov can not be found in the open access.

Peter Buslov Now

In 2017, the director completed the work on the series "Close" about the criminal authority, which the big family awaits at home every evening, and the film "Drawn by Progress" about Hero Andrei (Timofey Tribunets), surviving after falling from the 18th floor of Bentley Continental.

Director Peter Buslov

Peter Buslov continues to cooperate with the authors of the TV channel "TNT". Now, together with the screenwriter, Semyon Slepakov, the director works on the comedy "under house arrest." In the film, whose premiere is expected in 2018, it will be about the mayor of the provincial town. The defeated official, being in imprisonment under house arrest, is trying to return himself an unmailing honor. Pavel Derevko is invited to the main role. The film is created in the series format.


  • 2003 - "Boomer"
  • 2004 - "Antibum"
  • 2005 - "Call me Jeann"
  • 2006 - "Boomer. Film second "
  • 2006 - "Our Russia"
  • 2009 - "Short circuit"
  • 2011 - "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive"
  • 2013 - "Studio 17"
  • 2015 - "Motherland"
  • 2015 - "Four Seasons"
  • 2017 - "Close"

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