Egor Konchalovsky - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Egor Konchalovsky - Russian director, producer, actor, owner of the advertising agency Prospect Advertising, the creator of the militants "Antikiller", "Escape".

Egor Konchalovsky was born in January 1966 in the capital of Russia. He belongs to the famous Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky dynasty.

Director Egor Konchalovsky

In the veins of Egor Andreevich Konchalovsky flows Russian and Kazakh blood. Mom Producer - Kazakh actress Natalya Arinbasarova, and Father - famous Hollywood and Russian director Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky. Egor became the favorite grandson of Sergei Mikhalkov, the poet and the author of the USSR hymns and the Russian Federation.

Parents divorced when Herra was 3 years old. It is noteworthy that the real name of Egor - Georgy Mikhalkov. Father replaced his own surname on Konchalovsky, when he left the Soviet Union to France, marrying the Frenchwoman. Then the surname of the Son was also changed. And Egor knew himself and became native, replacing George.

Mom married a second time for the artist-director of Nikolai Dvigubsky. With his father, Egor Konchalovsky saw several days a year, when he came to the country. The most vivid memories of childhood was the time spent on Nikolina Mountain, where Yegor adjusted with a cousin Stepan Mikhalkov, his peer. The whole family of Mikhalkov often gathered in the grandfather's house.

When Hirura Konchalovsky turned 10 years old, his father first took the Son with him. A trip to the father's car in Europe left indelible impressions.

Egor Konchalovsky with Father

As soon as Egor received a school certificate, the young man immediately took into the army: in the family it was not accepted to spook the sons from the service. Konchalovsky served in a cavalry shelf at Mosfilm's film studio. And when he returned home, his father took the son abroad. Andrei Konchalovsky paid learning and staying a 21-year-old son in England.

At first, Yegor improved knowledge of English in Oxford, and then for the year he studied at the Kensington Business College in London. Konchalovsky's higher education acquired in Cambridge, having received a master's degree and art historian specialty.

Egor Konchalovsky with grandfather Sergey Mikhalkov

The father dreamed that the Son would live with him in the United States and will eventually become a Hollywood producer. But Egor Konchalovsky came in his own way - after the 8th years spent in England, returned to Russia.


Interest in the film industry appeared in Egor Konchalovsky in America, when the young man came to his father during the holidays. The young man saw how he removes the films "Homer and Eddie", "Tango and Cash" and "Middle Circle". Egor even managed to work together with his father as an assistant director.

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The idea to engage in filming appeared already in Moscow. At first, the novice director stipped his hand on commercials based on the PS TVC organized by him (Partner Studio TVCommercials). The co-owner of the studio of Egor Konchalovsky became Andrei Rassenkov. The studio creates the first advertising for television. Customers of Konchalovsky became foreign brands "Proctor & Gamble", "Mars", "Snikhers", "Bounty", "Daving", "Sony".

When the number of video passed for a hundred, Egor Konchalovsky began to lead the Prospect Advertising advertising agency. It was the beginning of the 1990s. A creative biography of Egor Konchalovsky as a director of full-length films began in 1994. For 10 years, Egor removed several talented paintings, the first of which became the movie "Relator".

In 2002, Egor created an antikiller criminal fighter on the adventures of a former employee of the Throat, who had been imprisoned - Major Korenev on nicknamed Fox (Gosh Kutsenko). A year later, Konchalovsky was pleased with the Russian audience the second part of the blockbuster, in which the main character takes to save Russia from the threat of international terrorism.

Evgeny Mironov and director Egor Konchalovsky on the film timing

In 2005, the next fighter of Egor Konchalovsky appears - "Escape" about the fate of the prosperous cardiac surgeon of Evgenia Vetrova (Yevgeny Mironov), which becomes the only suspect in the murder of his own wife. To find a real criminal, the doctor has to run from prison and start their own investigation.

In the adventure militant of 2007, "Cannedi" speech about the journalist-international Igor Davydov (Marat Basharov), which, according to a political article, hits the zone, from where it is started in the run along with suicide bonuses.

In 2009, Egor Konchalovsky tried himself in a new genre - an adventure animation film, creating a picture "Our Masha and Magic Walnut". In a fabulous country, the heroine meets new friends who threaten the emperor, the leader of the rat troops. At the same time, the film "Roses for Elsa" came out - a criminal series about a 17-year-old girl (Karina Andallo), which falls on a confusing story.

The 2010 was remembered by film entrepreneurs to the screens of the unusual project of Egor Konchalovsky, called "Moscow, I love you!". This is a picture consisting of several divorce novels, combined with a general meaning and title. Each novel lasts 5 minutes and removed by different directors, the most famous of which is Alla Surikova, Ivan Okhlobystin and Vera Storozhev.

In the same 2010, Egor Konchalovsky took a film under the working title "Real Colonel". The film was released in 2011 and was called "Return to" A ". The shooting took place in Kazakhstan, who directed by the second birthplace. This is a military drama dedicated to the Afghan theme. Konchalovsky involved in the filming of Kazakh actors and the Russian stars of the Denis Nikiforov screen, Gosh Kutsenko, Ivan Lykova and Andrei Shibarshina.

In 2011, Egor Andreevich once again gave tribute to the second homeland, removing the project called "My Heart - Astana". This film by structure resembles a picture "Moscow, I love you!" - also consists of scattered novel. This is the third project of Egor Konchalovsky as a producer. The first two - documentary "I was a Soviet writer" and "Mustang". The third filmalmans, "Baku, I love you!", Appeared in 2015.

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In 2016, a melodrama "Husband with home delivery" directed by Ekaterina Dvigubskaya, the producer of which was also becoming Egor Konchalovsky. The protagonist of the film Alexander Konev (Maxim Drozd) offers criminals who forget in the car with a bag with stolen money. Alexander is delayed on suspicion of complicity in a crime and plant under house arrest at the place of registration. Alexander is forced to settle with the first family - the former wife of Katya (Ekaterina Solomatina) and daughter. Producer Yegor Andreevich himself appeared in the frame in the role of Domousenik.

Personal life

The famous director admits that he took over from his father some features that not everyone can like. Egor Andreevich does not like to listen to someone else's opinion, comes only as it considers it correct and does not like to enter into someone's position. Egor hates compromises, and in family life adheres to the Asian model of relationships. Therefore, close people must put up with his difficult character.

Egor Konchalovsky and Love Tolkalina with her daughter

The personal life of Egor Konchalovsky was associated with the actress of love with Tolkalina. There were many rumors and gossip about the relationship. Not once in the tabloids and yellow media, the same news was repeated about the final divorce of the couple. But time passed, and the pair was seen again together, and Egor, and love radiated happiness. Konchalovsky and Tolkalan lived in a civil marriage and raised the daughter of Masha, which was born in 2001.

In January 2017, it became known about the separation of spouses. Konchalovsky with his wife dreamed lovely, deciding on through life to go each in their own way. A few months after parting with his wife, Egor Konchalovsky reported on new relationships: in the show Lera Kudryavtsevaya "Secret by Million" directed by the new chief of the 32-year-old Maria Leonova, a lawyer of the music canal.

The girl was known for a long time with his sister, Ekaterina Dvigubskaya, after which it took to defend the interests of Egor Konchalovsky in court. After the won, Konchalovsky began to care for Maria, finally breaking the relationship with the love of Tolkalina.

In April 2017, it became known that Egor Konchalovsky became his father for the second time. The beloved director Maria presented the Konchalovsky Son, which Timur was called. The 51-year-old father personally confirmed this information by emphasizing that he glad the birth of the heir. The director noted that the birth of children at each age is perceived in a new way. Egor posted in his own account in "Instagram" a photo with a baby than surprised fans. But soon Konchalovsky removed pictures and video from open access for unknown reasons. Now Egor, together with Maria and Timur settled in the mansion outside the city, where his mother lives for a long time.

Egor Konchalovsky now

In December 2017, Egor Konchalovsky became the hero of the transfer of Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man", where he told about the reasons for the change of name Andrei Konchalovsky, about relations with stepfather Nikolai Dvigubsky, as well as the novels before marriage with the love of Tolkalina and after.


  • 1999 - "Relator"
  • 2002 - "Antikiller"
  • 2003 - "Antikiller 2: Antiterror"
  • 2005 - "Escape"
  • 2007 - "Canned"
  • 2009 - "Roses for Elsa"
  • 2009 - "Our Masha and Magic Walnut"
  • 2009 - "Moscow, I love you!"
  • 2011 - "Return to" A "
  • 2012 - "My heart - Astana"
  • 2015 - "Baku, I love you!"
  • 2016 - "Husband with home delivery"

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