Anastasia Tsvetaeva - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Anastasia Tsvetaeva is a Russian actress engaged in directed, design of clothes and decorations, as well as made an extra career in journalism.

Anastasia Tsvetaeva was born in Moscow, but in childhood he often moved along with his parents and lived in different allied republics. For example, Nastya spent some time in the Ukrainian city Belgorod-Dniester, as well as in the Uzbek capital Tashkent. Interestingly, in the family of Nastya walks the legend that they are distant relatives of the famous poetess Marina Tsvetaeva.

Actress Anastasia Tsvetaeva

When the Tsveyev returned to Moscow, Anastasia has already walked into senior classes. At that moment, the girl was just interested in reporting and writing, after lessons with pleasure I visited the school of a young journalist at Moscow State University. But in the last months of school life, the girl was fascinated by the theater, so she filed documents to the universities of acting.

In the first year, Tsvetaeva did not convince the examination committee, but with the second attempt became a student workshop Vladimir Andreev in Gitis. During his studies, the film engineer began, but the dream of theatrical stage was realized much later. The debut on the stage occurred only in 2013, but not at home, but in the Israeli Theater "Gesher". Anastasia entered the cast of the play "Vassas", and the text of their own replicas actress reads in Hebrew.

Anastasia Tsvetaeva

In addition, the woman was realized as a clothing designer, releasing the Nastya Tsvetaeva's own line, which specializes in evening dresses for pregnant women. Did not forget the girl and about child interest in journalism. Tsvetaeva writes articles and essays for popular glossy magazines "L'Officier", "Elle", "Sex and The City" and "Parade". Successes in writing led to the fact that in 2007 Internet portal Mainpeople proposed Anastasia to be the editor-in-chief, and after him, the Children's print magazine appointed Tsveyev to the same position.


Anastasia Tsvetaeva was lucky that literally in the first courses, the girl was invited to act in the cinema, and the first role of the young actress was a provocative role of a prostitute in the youth comedy melodrama "Let's make love."

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Therefore, by the end of the university, she had a significant portfolio, consisting of a number of popular films: Extreme Comedy "Do not even think", the criminal television series "Next 3", an ironic detective "Evlampia Romanova. The investigation leads an amateur. "

In 2004, the actress also appeared in the continuation of the comedy "don't even think", which gathered enough positive feedback and cash receipts for shooting Sikvel, "do not even think 2: the shadow of independence." In addition, in the same year, the actress appeared in the second season of the comedy-detective series "Evlampia Romanova. The investigation leads an amateur. "

The attention of the fans of the fans also attracted the picture of the "Steel Guys", in which the actress starred in a frank scene and appeared in the frame absolutely naked.

But the fame and popularity of actress brought not a feature film, but a musical video clip of Roma Beast "Everything that concerns you." After that, the girl was called in the adventure comedy "call me Jeann", which became the starting point in the development of the kinocarier of Anastasia.

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Another important work is a Tsvetaeva - youth picture "Young and happy." The film is significant because the pregnancy of the character of Nastya became a prophetic: the actress either soon gave birth to a child. After that, the girl strictly revised his images and began to agree only on dramatic and more mature roles.

From subsequent work, it is necessary to allocate the "Family History" detective, the romantic history of "melodus of love" and the sports drama "Bitch for Champion". By the way, for the first time, Anastasia refused the image of the blonde and repainted on a brown.

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Nevertheless, the actress found time and desire to give their own voice of the children's cartoon heroine. Anastasia Tsvetaeva voiced the Fauna Fauna (or Favna) in the cartoon pictures of "Fairy", "Fairy: Magic Salvation", "Fairy: Mystery of the Winter Forest" and "Fairies: Pirate Island". Also, the actress played a secondary role in the romantic fantastic picture "New Year's tariff.

In 2014, Tsvetaeva made his debut as a director. The actress was removed the short tape "Jerusalem Syndrome", which was so successful that the audience was represented within the framework of the Cannes Festival. The film entered the program CANNES SHORT FILM CORNER FESTIVAL. Anastasia acted as a producer and director of the painting, and also played a major role in the short film.

Personal life

The first time Anastasia Tsvevaeva married at the age of 16, and her beloved was over her for 14 years older. But the girl experienced a huge feeling for him, so with his head plunged into this passion. This marriage lasted for about five years, which just fell on their studies in Gitis.

Anastasia Tsvetaeva and Nadav Olgan

The next man who managed to conquer the heart of the girl, became the director of the film "Do not even think" Oleg Goncharov. They did not register the relationship, but they lived in actual marriage for several years. Oleg became the father of the first child Anastasia, the son of Kuzma Goncharov.

With the current spouse, an Israeli businessman by Olgan, the actress met during the rest in Turkey. Their romance developed so rapidly that in a few days young people began to live together. They signed in November 2010, and the official marriage ceremony took place in Prague, as the husband and wife belong to different religions, and in Israel such relationships are very problematic.

Wedding Anastasia Tsvetaeva and Nadava Olgan

Separately, it was not advertised, but judging by the fact, as anastasia called his own brand of jewelry, the actress took the surname of her husband after the wedding.

Interestingly, Anastasia and Nadab, a wedding journey, which in love spent in Thailand was to a marriage ceremony in the Czech Republic and celebrating with guests in Moscow. Two years after the marriage of Tsvetaeva and Olgan became parents: a small daughter Esther appeared on the world. The difference in two children actresses amounted to seven years.

Anastasia Tsvetaeva and her husband and children

Today, the actress lives into two countries, by most of the time spending in Tel Aviv, where it is engaged in the creation of author's female decorations under the brand "Nastia Olgan". And Anastasia comes to Russia mainly at work and to hold relatives and friends.

As Anastasia decoration designer, Anastasia came to a new level, when he opened the Nastya Olgan's online brand name. On the site actress, you can order copyright rings, pendants, earrings, red threads Kabbalah and even textile decorations.

Anastasia Tsvetaeva now

Since 2014, in the cinematic biography of Anastasia Tsvetaeva, a lull has come. But this does not mean that the girl ceased to be a creative person. Established forces and Time Anastasia sent to the maintenance and promotion of their own name blog on the Platform "Instagram".

Actress Anastasia Tsvetaeva

Moreover, as blogger Anastasia also managed to be implemented and achieving impressive success. In 2017, the girl received the "Man of the Year" Award, awarded the 9th Channel of Israel in the Nomination "Internet Person." Such a reward shows that Anastasia is officially recognized as the best Russian-speaking blogger working in Israel.


  • 2002 - "Don't even think!"
  • 2003 - "Evlampia Romanova. The investigation leads a dilettant "
  • 2005 - "Call me Jeann"
  • 2005 - "Young and happy"
  • 2008 - "Testament of the Night"
  • 2008 - "From prison and from Sumy"
  • 2009 - "Victory Wind. Clear day"
  • 2010 - "Bitch for Champion"
  • 2010 - "Family Story"
  • 2011 - "Melody of Love"
  • 2014 - "Jerusalem Syndrome"

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