Abdulraş Sadulaev - biography, photos, personal life, news, freestyle wrestling 2021



Abdulrashad Sadulaev is a young Russian wrestler wrestler, by 20 years he has already managed to win the title of world and European champion, repeatedly to win in domestic competitions and become the main hope of the Olympic team in his sport.

Abdulrajd was born in the Dagestan village of Tsurib, where his early childhood passed. According to the nationality of Abdulraş - Avaret. In addition to the future champion, another sister Patimat and Brothers Zumrad and Anwar were brought up in the family. The boy from the first years of his lifestyle showed an outstanding character, and to direct the child's energy to the right direction, it was decided to record it in the sports section. When Sadulaev turned 10 years old, the older brother Zuzrad took him to his familiar coach Magomed Magomedov in the Wolne struggle section.

Wrestler Abdulhid Sadulaev

The boy quickly found himself in this discipline. After three years, he wins the championship of the district among schoolchildren of all ages and even gets the first award - 300 rubles. Remuneration Abdulrasted gave his mother and at that time realized that a free struggle could be not just a favorite entertainment for him, but a professional providing his life.

The teenager paid training all his time. He wanted to achieve the same vertices in sports, which he showed his idiot-countryman Makhach Murtazaliyev. In sparring and tournaments, Sadulaev showed himself a purposeful and uncompromising athlete. For its strength and will to win after one junior tournament, a valid nickname "Russian Tank" was glued.

Abdulrachd Sadulaev

By the way, by this time Abdulraş Sadulaev has already trained in the best sports section of the Republic of Dagestan, in the Makhachkala sports school named after Hamid Hamidova, where his coach was Shamil Omarov. On the road to training, the guy had to spend two hours a day, but these difficulties did not embarrass the young man who saw his non-stop and rather fast progress.


In 2012, Abdulrahd Sadulaev loudly declared itself by winning all the youthful competitions both on the inner and international arena, including the world championship. Since 2013, the athlete tries himself in an adult category, although age allowed him to speak among young people. His first adult achievements are bronze awards at Ali Aliyev Memorial in Caspian and at the Golden Grand Prix tournament in Baku.

Wrestler Abdulhid Sadulaev

In 2014, Dagestan national team coaches, perhaps, the advantage includes a young fighter to the upcoming large tournament. And Abdulrajd with interest took advantage of the chance. In the Grand Prix, "Ivan Yarygin" he produces a real Four Or, defeating all the main favorites of the tournament alternately. Two months later, Sadulaev becomes European champion in Finland, also having fights with the most strong fighters of the continent.

At the end of 2016, 12 gold medals with prestigious competitions were already 12 gold medals in the piggy bank. Many fights Dagestan shakes early. Thanks to the achievements of Abdulraşin in June 2015, it was named the best Russian athlete according to the Golden Pedestal project, having gained more than half of the votes.

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In the summer of 2015, after Abdulraş Sadulaev was recognized as the country's best athlete, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group of Companies "Amount" Ziyavudin Magomedov, a businessman and member of the Council of the Council of Olympians Foundation of Russia, presented the Mercedes-Benz Geländewagen car.

Sadulaev, the only one of the liberated wrestling team, was released from the selection at the 2016 Olympics, which was held in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro. The coaching headquarters included a young athlete in advance to the team under the first number. Russian wrestler at the 2016 Olympics won gold. After the loud victory, the champion received a congratulatory telegram from Vladimir Putin, and later took part in the ceremony of awarding the Olympic champions, which took place in the Kremlin.

Abduraxhad Sadulaev on OI in Rio

And relatives and friends dubbed the athlete with a new nickname "Tank-T86" by the title of the weight category in which the fighter competed. Now the weight parameters of Abdul ash changed: with 178 cm height, he spent in the category up to 92 kg.

Personal life

While Abdulrachd Sadulaev was preparing to the main event in the sports career, the Olympic Games, he did not think about his personal life. A tight schedule of training of Russian championships and international tournaments did not allow Sadulaev to build any serious relationship.

Abdulrahd Sadulaev with his wife

In his free time, a young man prefers to drive balls in billiards or play computer games on the Prefix "PlayStation". Also, the guy loves to see the matches of team sports. A wrestler attract football and basketball.

After the return of an athlete from Rio Relatives Abdulhade and he himself began to search for the bride. Sadulaev in an interview mentioned that he wanted a big family, and his mother dreams of grandchildren. And a decent girl was soon found. At the beginning of 2017, the wedding of Abdulhade and Zaire took place. Athlete's wife at that time was just 21, she studies in his native Dagestan at the university. The celebration took place in one of the best restaurants of Makhachkala. For the movement of newlyweds around the city, white limousine was hired.

Abdulrachd Sadulaev now

After receiving the gold medal in Rio Sadulaev, he continued a victorious procession. In 2017, at the Russian Fighter Championship, he again turned out to be at the highest step of the pedestal. But at the World Championships in the fight, which took place in Paris, the Russians had to give the title of champion in the weight category up to 97 kg american Kyle Snider. This fight was the first defeat of Avars in his sports biography. In general medal standings, the Russian national team also showed not the best result. The team took only the 14th place due to the lack of gold.

Abdulrashad Sadulaev (in Krasnoy) at the Ivan Yarygin tournament

In 2018, Abdulraş Sadulaev had already shown himself at the Ivan Yarygin tournament, which was held in Krasnoyarsk, and at the European Championships. Both competitions brought the gold athlete. In Krasnoyarsk, the Champion of the Peace Snider, which Abdulraxd lost last year arrived. Fans expected to see a spectacular brawl, and Sadulaev himself expect a revenge, but the athletes were in different weight categories.

The Last Sadulaev competition took place in the weight category up to 92 kg. The tournament took place in Caspian in the Sports Palace named after Ali Aliyev. The second place went to the fighter from Azerbaijan Sharif Sharifova.

Now, in addition to the sports career, Abdulrachda took up politics. The athlete received the post of Assistant Deputy State Duma FS RF. On the personal accounts of a wrestler in "Instagram" and "VC", photos from public shares, in which Abdulraks is involved. In 2018, he visited the Dagestan Humanitarian Institute, the North Caucasus Institute (branch) VGU (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia). I criticized the new law on the voluntary study of the native language.


  • 2012, 2013 - Gold medal at the world championship among cadets
  • 2014, 2018 - Gold Medal at the European Championships
  • 2014, 2015, 2017 - Silver Medal at the World Championships
  • 2014, 2015, 2017 - Gold Medal at the Russian Fighter Championship
  • 2014, 2018 Gold Medal at the Ivan Yarygin tournament
  • 2016 - Gold Medal at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro

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