Julia Alekseenko - biography, acting, work on television, personal life, photos, rumors and last news 2021



Bright, sexy blonde - her appearance immediately rushes into the eyes and remembered. Yulia Alekseenko Spectators call one of the sexiest TV presenters.

She was born on September 21, 1989 in Omsk. Since childhood, Julia possessed acting talent, he was pleased to participate in amateur theatrical productions. With the choice of the future profession, the girl decided on school - she wanted to become a professional actress.

TV presenter Julia Alekseenko

After graduating from school, Julia Alekseenko went to enter the Higher Theater School. Shchepkin. He arrived from the first time to D. G. Koznov and in 2009 received a diploma.

Julia then worked in the Russian Realistic Studio Theater. It was remembered by the roles of Zoe Denisovna Peltz in the formulation of Zoykin Apartment, Nina Melskaya in "Talents and Fans", Lisa Khokhlova in the "Karamazov brothers". Her game was always bright and new, each image of the actress thought out in detail, therefore, probably, and was remembered by the audience.

Julia Alekseenko

But one theatrical education of Alekseenko was not enough. She entered the faculty of MSU journalism, which ended with a red diploma. The girl chose the television and broadcasting department, because he dreamed of working on television. Helped her knowledge of three foreign languages ​​- English, Spanish and French.


In October 2010, Julia Alekseenko began working on TV channel "Russia 2". She led the heading in the news and was engaged in parallel with the program "All Inclusive".

Two years later, Julia began to keep the program "Hockey 24" on the channel "Russia 24". Sport is a close topic for it. She was engaged in skating sports and swimming. By swimming passed the standard of candidate in the master of sports.

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Then Alekseenko led the "Great Sport" and "Vesti-Sport" programs on the television channel "Russia-2". Since 2015, it appears in the morning air of the Vesti-Moscow program.

Personal life

Julia is not married, no personal life applies. Now the presenter is fully focused on the career.

Julia Alekseenko on TV channel

In his free time, she gladly engages in sports, dancing, participates in fashion shows and photo sessions, plays the piano and improves fencing skills.

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