Hayden Pantiery - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Little, fragile, with big eyes, Heiden Panotieri stands out among his colleagues-actors. Hyden Pantiery - Hollywood actress, gained popularity after the role of Claire Bennet in the TV series "Heroes." Heiden is also familiar to the viewers and on the role of the singer Juliet Barnes in the television series "Nashville".

She was born on August 21, 1989 in the American city of Palisade. Apparently, the acting genes were transferred to the girl from the mother, who was a famous actress by the birth of his daughter. Hyden's father worked as a fireman, had an indirect attitude to art.

As soon as the mother saw the chain of talent from Heiden, decided to develop them. She initiated several commercial projects on the radio station and began to periodically invite daughter to ether. Overalling before the microphone, the girl began to appear on television. Its first experience was the advertisement of the PlaySkool Railway. And soon the directors of advertising began to invite Heiden Panotieri to other projects. It was invaluable experience for preschool.


In the cinema, Panettei first starred in four years. Other roles were followed by the debut, truth, episodic. Hayden during this period was filmed in the projects "Unfortunate together", "the touch of angel", "object of my attention", "Message in the bottle" and others.

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She received the first big role in the film "Remembering Titans" in 2000. The work liked the audience and critics, and the producers began to invite Hayden to the main roles. She played them in the films "Cool Joe", "History with weapons", "Normal". In 2004, the actress played the main roles in the drams "Tigrin flight" and "Factory of Dust", and at the beginning of next year - in the drama "Mad Jumps".

Hyden Pantiery felt popularity in 2006, when the premiere of the comedy "Dove Success 3: All or Nothing" was successfully held. In this film, she played a beauty schoolgirl, heading the team of fans. In the same year, the actress performed a similar role in the series "Heroes". True, her heroine had supernatural abilities and was immortal. The series was popular with the audience.

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Then there were roles in the projects "Mr. Gibb" and "Shanghai Kiss". The director and colleagues on the set celebrated the amazing ability of Pantipers to reincarnations - it easily entered all images.

In winter, 2011, the actress tried herself in the new role - she played Amanda in the criminal drama "The History of Amanda Nox". The main difficulty was that the film was based on real events, and Hyden had to pass the character of a promising student who accidentally discovered a man with a converged throat.

In 2012, the actress had another central role - in the drama "Carmel".

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Then another bright project appeared in the life of the actress - the series "Nashville", in which Hyden was involved in all seasons and continues to be filmed today. In this music-dramatic television series Pantiery received the major role of Juliet Barnes.

This role brought actress even more popularity, as well as nominations for prestigious filmmakers. Hyden Pantiery was nominated for the Golden Globe award for the best female role of the second plan in the mini-series, television series or television film, "satellite" for the best female role in the television series in the drama genre and Teen Choice Award for the best female role in the dramatic series. But, unfortunately, the Actress's Awards themselves never received.

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But, according to the site "Filmish", the actress receives $ 75 thousand for each episode of the series.

Partner actresses on the set spoke to Connie Britton, which played the role of Raire James, the famous singer in the country style, whose glory passes inexorably, so it is forced to cooperate with a young artist, only gaining popularity, heroines Hyden.

Even before the premiere of the first season, the series received a number of positive feedback, as well as the "Choice of Television Critic" award in the "most exciting and expected television series" category. It is not surprising that soon after the premiere of the series was extended to the second season. Nevertheless, "Nashville" showed low ratings, the third season received an exit after long negotiations, and after the fourth ABC TV channel and closed the show at all.

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But for "Nashvil", the closure was not final finals. June 10, 2016 The fifth season officially ordered CMT cable network and Hulu web service. And in 2017 there was information that the final, the sixth, the season, which contains the logical storyline of the show, the premiere of which is scheduled for 2018.


Hayden is not only an actress, and also singer. She recorded several singles and soundtracks. Panettury performs the composition "Go to Girl", "Home" and others.

In December 2012, she released her first album called "The Music of Nashville: Season 1 Volume 1". The second album came out with the same name, but with the amendment "Volume 2". His presentation took place on May 7, 2013.

Personal life

Heiden loves to dance, engaged in gymnastics, riding horses.

The actress almost does not speak of his personal life. In 2006, she had a short relationship with Raper Ne-yo. Then journalists wrote about the novel actress with Milo Ventimia - a partner in the film "Heroes". The actress has denied these rumors.

Ne-yo and heyden panettury

And then the miniature and fragile (growth of the actress 153 cm) the girl found himself a big defender. For the first time in the company of Ukrainian boxer Vladimir Klitschko, she was seen in 2009. Already next year, the wedding ring was noticed on the head of Heiden, though, soon the couple broke up - for some time the actress met with the McNighti football player.

In 2013, it was about the fact that Klitschko and Panotii came up and going to get married. The wedding was planned to play in December 2013, but because of the tragic events in Ukraine, the celebration was postponed. And after a year, Boxer and actresses were born daughter Kaya Evdokia. The press wrote that Hyden had to recover long since postpartum depression, even to be treated in the clinic. About this Hyden Same told fans in Twitter.

For help, the actress turned voluntarily and independently. In an interview with Pantiery, he said why he did not hide this fact. According to the actress, postpartum depression is an extensive problem with which many women face.

But due to the fact that the society does not understand this problem and condemns such young mothers (they are often called inackers or bad mothers who are unloved by their own children), women do not seek timely help. Therefore, Hayden is sure that you need to talk as much as possible about this phenomenon.

Hyden Pantiery with her husband and daughter

In 2014, the actress became another victim of the Attack of Hackers. Unknowns were stolen from the actress's personal photo from the account, where that nude poses on the deck of the yacht and in the bathroom.

Hayden Pantiery now

In 2016, after the news about the transition of the TV series "Nashville" to cable television, the actress continued to be filmed in the picture in the lead role. In 2017 and 2018, this project also made the main work of the actress.

In parallel, Hyden Panotieri agrees to other projects. In 2016, the actress appeared in the Drama "Sheek", which tells about the struggle in the courtroom around the guardianship.

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In addition to the creative biography of the actresses, the attention of fans and the press attracts the personal life of Heyden. Family couple of Pantitieri and Klitschko are called super-closed, information about the family life of celebrities not to get, and the spouses themselves are not in a hurry to share details. Hayden does not even lead an account in "Instagram" and is not active in social networks, and with fans communicates mainly in Twitter.

Such closeness led to the fact that at the end of 2017 there were rumors about the parting of the pair. But in the winter of 2018, Paparazzi managed to capture Klitschko with his wife and a daughter peacefully resting on the beach on Barbados.


  • 1996-2000 - "Guide Light"
  • 1999 - "If you believe"
  • 1999 - "Message in the bottle"
  • 2000 - "Remembering Titans"
  • 2002 - "Ellie McBIL"
  • 2003 - "Normal"
  • 2005 - "Mad Jumps"
  • 2005 - "False of my mother"
  • 2006-2010 - "Heroes"
  • 2007 - "Shanghai Kiss"
  • 2008 - "Scooby-Doo and King Goblins"
  • 2011 - Creek 4
  • 2011 - "History of Amanda Knox"
  • 2012 - "Carmel"
  • 2012-2018 - "Nashville"

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