Alexander Nellobin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Wife, "Comedy Club", Children, Films 2021



Alexander Nellobin is a Russian humorist, famous as a resident of the Comedy Club show. He is also known as the DJ and Film Actor of Comedy Sitters.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born and grew up in the Sverdlovsk region, in the city of Polevsky. In childhood, Nezlobin studied in a regular school, where the enhanced attention was paid to the study of English, which was subsequently pleasant for the humor of life. In high school class, the schoolboy became interested in music and even worked as a DJ.

After receiving secondary education, having consisted with the parents, went to Ekaterinburg to enter the Ural State Economic University. In this university, Nellobin became a banking specialist.

But what is much more important today - at the university, the young man met the "club of merry and resourceful". Alexander entered the staff of the KVN student team, and then he was invited to the national team of Sverdlovsk. After graduating from the higher educational institution, Nellobin got a job at the Bank's Office. But he was enough for several weeks to understand how much this profession is far from his desires.

Peeling, the young man joined the Caterinburg branch of Comedy Club. At the beginning of the creative biography, Nellobin wrote texts for other performers, and also served as a sound engineer, but later began to perform himself in the genre of Standap. In addition, Alexander tried himself as a DJ in musical clubs under the name DJ Nezlob.

The humorist created a personal concert "Let's talk the truth", in which there were both prepared monologues and the complete improvisation based on communicating with people from the auditorium. The premiere followed the invitation to Moscow.

Humor and creativity

In the humorous project, Comedy Club, Alexander began together with Igor Meerson on nicknamed Elvis, with whom he created the duet of "Butterfly". The guys introduced a new author's heading "Good evening, Mars" to the program.

Subsequently, Alexander began going on stage as a solo artist of the genre of Stand-Up. Its monologues most often devoted to the relationship between opposite sex and were, as a rule, throwing, spectacular and extravagant. The main focus of the resident "Comedy Club" did on stereotypes and behavior patterns. Loving themes for the speeches of the humorist were miniatures about women, alcohol and stupid questions. Also, the humorist reasoned from the stage about the Russian mentality, about school years and even sang "Armenia Moya". One room of the Standaper dedicated the work of the popular BLACK STAR MAFIA label, and in the miniature "in Russia, the opposite" argued about domestic cars and gay parades.

The popularity conquered by the viewers led to the general fame of the non-malubina in the country. The humorist even entered the list of the 50 best public people according to the International Research Group TNS Gallup Media.

One of the last speeches of the stand in the program "Comedy Club" was the "rocking chair" program, where the artist told about the visitors of the gyms, which do not think about fitness, but about their appearance. At the end of May 2018, the participants in the humorous show prepared a farewell release of transmission with Alexander.

In July 2018, Nellobin and Sergey Svetlakov left TV channel TNT and switched to CTC. In an interview, Alexander explained that he was hard to say goodbye to the previous job, as colleagues from the TNT channel became for him. It turned out to be easy to do this step in the way to do this step, but in terms of prospects - it is necessary.

At STS, artists became producers of the new project "Standap underground" and restarting the show "Thank God, you came!"

Alexander conquers not only Russian-speaking spectators, but also connoisseurs of jokes abroad. The following America calls his hobby. In 2019, the comedian went to the next touring tour of the United States. Video speeches is laid out on its Youtyub-Channel. Materials collected during the trip became the basis for the SASHA FROM RUSSIA documentary tape.

In 2020, the comedian was pleased with the fans of his creativity by Standap-concert Riga - Moscow.


At the end of 2013, the Standaper debuted as an actor, and in his own author's project. The humorist created the television series "Nozlob", in which he told in comedy form about the backstage life. And played, of course, himself. Interestingly, his real relatives and friends participated in Sitkom.

At the same time, the comedian joined the acting of a light comedy "Studio 17", followed by the films of the "Friendship of Peoples" with Teymraz Tania and Catherine Bulkina in high roles.

In 2014, the Standaper worked on the creation of a scenario to the comedy "graduation", where Christina Isaikina and Victor Goravyev were performed by the main characters. At the rights of the author of the plot, Alexander prescribed a role for himself. The humorist appeared in Kameo. According to the script, it is invited to participate in the show program to school graduation, but then the artist becomes the object of persecution by one parent.

Popular Sitter "Deffchonki" replenished the filmography of the actor in 2015. Together with Alexander, Galina Bob and Polina Maksimov also played in the project. And in the series about the uncomfortable "literary negro" "poor people" with Olga Buzova in the role of the main customer, the artist again appeared as of himself.

In 2016, Nellobin acted as a director and a screenwriter. According to his own story, he removed the next Foundation "Bridegroom", in which a friend and colleague Svetlakov invited a major role.

Personal life

With the future wife, the artist met in 2007 in one of the nightclubs of St. Petersburg. The girl is called Alina, and she brought up in a wealthy family, received education at the University of Culture and Arts. 2 days after the acquaintance, Alina visited Alexander's concert, and when Nezlobin left the city, the days of waiting for a new meeting began. For about 3 years, young people lived in two cities, then a short time spent in civil marriage and in 2012 we looked at the relationship.

The young wedding played secret to avoid resonance in the media. Only parents of the bride and Mom Alexander arrived at the celebration. Humorist's father missed the event due to illness. Wedding journey of a young couple passed in Paris.

It should be noted that the change in the family status in the personal life of the Standaper hid as much as he could. According to the humorist, his monologues would no longer look like natural, if the audience knew that they were not a provincial playboy, talking from the scene about his mistresses, and an excellent family man.

Pregnancy spouse Artist was no longer able to hide. Yes, and the joy from the appearance of the Linda daughter, who was born in Miami, he also was not able to keep in the secret. For family, Alexander acquired a well-maintained apartment in Moscow, the interior design took over Alina. The apartment has a place for spacious kitchen, children's rooms, sleeping and living room.

The wife of Nellobin has mastered the profession of the hairdresser and is now the owner of the network of salons.

In early 2018, Alexander visited the Gorno-Altai Center for the starvation "Uluta", where he lost 6.7 kg in a week. This artist reported to "Instagram" from his page, presenting a photo for persuasiveness. The man, in addition to a special diet, visited visceral massage sessions and pantopycht baths. Before contacting the clinic, the benader periodically lost, then the extra kilograms took. With the growth of 180 cm its weight sometimes exceeded the mark of 90 kg. But after the course of losing weight, the humorist revised personal taste addiction and promised to hold the result achieved.

Alexander Nellobin now

Now, the non-malubin is not included in the rating of the most popular humorists, but still in demand - he is invited to speak at concerts and corporate countries.

In 2021, the list of his directories replenished the 2nd part of the Kinineomedy "Bridegroom", which was called "on Berlin!". The film is talking about the journey of the Russian friends of Helmut to the capital of Germany. In addition to the famous acting staff, the star of Hollywood Dolph Lundgren appeared in the comedy.

The producer company Sverdlovsk, created by Svetlakov and kindly, released the autobiographical comedy series "I am not joking", based on the history of the winner of the "open microphone" Elena Novikova. Alexander, who became the producer of the project, told in an interview that scenes with speeches they took live in the hall with present spectators to give the viewer atmosphere Stand-up.


  • 2013 - "Studio 17"
  • 2013 - "Nozlob"
  • 2014 - "Friendship of Peoples"
  • 2014 - "graduation"
  • 2015 - "Deffchonki"
  • 2016 - "Poor People"
  • 2016 - "Bridegroom"
  • 2020 - "Troy"
  • 2021 - "Groom 2: on Berlin!"

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