Verizorro program - Photo, "Friday", Nastasya Samburskaya, Lena Bat 2021



"Audiviorro" is the Russian realistic show of the social destination, created to identify the true quality of services provided in the hotel and restaurant business in the Russian Federation. New project of the TV channel "Friday!" He became the main assistant for Russians when choosing a hotel, restaurant, cafe or other public institution, since thanks to the transfer, the viewers visited the huge number of enterprises "behind the scenes" and found out all the subtleties of the inner "kitchen" of each institution.

The Verizorro program, which is analogous to the Ukrainian Auditor project with TV presenter Olga Freimuth, is based on the idea of ​​objective assessment of the quality of services provided in catering establishments, hotel complexes, tourist business and local health resorts. In 2013, TV channel "Friday!" I bought a popular format and started working on my own show.

Verizorro program - Photo,

The main idea of ​​the program was an increase in the quality of service in the Russian hotel and restaurant business by identifying "weak points" in a particular institution.

Of course, revizorro revisions are becoming the foundations of conflicts with owners of institutions that consider the activities of TV presenters of transmission illegal and biased. But the authors of the show, and TV presenters are confident that they work for the sake of fellow citizens, which in each issue of Audio-Rooms teaches to defend their own rights and competently respond to the low quality of services provided in a particular institution.

Verizorro program - Photo,

Thus, the Verizorro program has a huge resonance in society and high ratings on Russian television, because it raises close to each topic: the quality of services available to many viewers, assessing establishments where you can go on weekends.

The first TV presenter Show Elena Banyuly once stated that he feels pleasure from identifying shortcomings in the hotel and restaurant business of the Russian Federation, since herself is a potential consumer of the services provided and does not want to pay money for the rudeness of the service personnel or poor-quality food in restaurants.

The transfer is constantly trying to be closer to its own audience. For example, at the dawn of the popularity of the show TV channel "Friday!", Where this TV show comes out, together with the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" held a competition called "Become People's Auditorro". Participants of the competition were asked to check the selected institution and write a detailed review. Four winners received prizes.

At the same time, the very idea of ​​sudden checks, which went on the basis of the show, is controversial both from an ethical point of view and with legal. This was stated by representatives of the Russian state bodies, so, for example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation called the actions of the Castling Group "Audioral" with illegal. But, despite such a statement of government representatives, no criminal proceedings were established for any member of the film crew. More than once the owners of the checked institutions caused the police, but the police only checked the documents of journalists and were limited to short-term detention.

Verizorro program - Photo,

The largest legal confrontation was one case when the owner of a catering establishment, verified "Auditorro," achieved from the show of refutation and compensation for the damage caused by the business reputation.

Essence of the program

Rules of "Audioral" are simple: TV presenters check cafes, restaurants and hotels, and do not agree in advance with the owners of verification. During the unexpected visit of the auditor at the enterprise, a total testing of the quality of services provided, ranging from cleanliness in kitchens, halls, and even in toilets, ending with pricing policies in the institution. Typical violations detectable in enterprises become part of visitors, poor quality products and spoiled dishes. Also, a disturbed sanitary condition is often detected, which proves the identified mice and cockroaches, as well as the rudeness of the personnel.

With the help of modern tests and white gloves, the inspector "Avortarro" displays unscrupulous managers and staff of the institution, which gives the viewers to make sure that the quality and security of the services provided. Thanks to the "Verizorro" Russians and guests of the country can protect themselves from a sense of disappointment when visiting popular service sector. After all, after the "Gorky Truth" declassifier about hotels, restaurants, nightclubs and cafes during the Vizitorro visit, an objective assessment of the quality of services provided is made, which gives people a chance to not get to come.

In the event of a high estimate of the level of services in a particular institution "Auditorro" awards this place to the same name with a sign of a sign that fly places at the entrance. Halad owners of enterprises providing poor-quality services to people, an inspector gives relevant recommendations for improving the quality of the service provided.

The project "Audio" originates from the end of 2013, then filming the first release of the reality show in Kislovodsk. The main challenger for the role of the Russian inspector on the quality of services provided in the Russian hotel and restaurant business was the Ukrainian TV presenter Olga Freimut, which led a similar transmission in Ukraine.

However, the role of the first TV presenter "Audioralo" was approved by Elena Bat, which could easily copy the image and the style of the already popular Freumut. Thanks to the professionalism of the valet in the series "Auditorro", which are often filled with conflict situations, the girl did not lose their self-control and with dignity completed an objective assessment.

Verizorro program - Photo,

On the TV channel "Friday!" The Verizorro program gained popularity and rating. For the first six months of the existence of the program, during which the Verizorro program has rapidly won the love of viewers, the film crew visited three dozen cities of the Russian Federation. Subsequently, the inspectors of the show checked hundreds of institutions, opening people the truth about their "stuffing".

The ratings allowed the show to receive a continuation, and in 2015 the third season "Audioralo" started. Then the fourth, fifth and sixth seasons came to the screens, and the show does not plan to end.


From the very beginning of the project and until the spring of 2016, Elena Banya, who became the "thunderstorm" for Russian hotel complexes and catering enterprises was performed from the very beginning of the project. Before participating in this program, the flying worked in the TV journalist, but only the "audioral" brought Elena fame, popularity and audience sympathy.

Verizorro program - Photo,

In January 2016, the journalist even opened his own "Elena Vieta's workshop" at the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino". In parallel with the shooting in the audio-terraro show, Elena began to receive invitations to participate in other programs. So, in February of the same year, the flying became the TV presenter of the audio-show, after another two months began to maintain the program "Construction" on the channel "Friday!". Also the TV presenter led a range of television programs for children.

In the spring of the same year, Elena, Bat, left the transfer of "Audio", replaced by Olga Romanovskaya, but worked only for several months. Nevertheless, even during the lack of in this project, Elena managed to receive a prestigious Thafi Prize for him in the "Journalistic Investigation" nomination on June 28, 2016. Another award Elena Breushet brought an adjacent project "Audio-show", this time in another nomination - "Evening talk show".

Verizorro program - Photo,

In the fall of the same year, Elena Volata returned, starting to conduct the show "Audio. Moscow, "True, in order to leave the show soon. And, by rumors, do it with a scandal. TV presenter stated that the new team of the project "merges" information to Moscow restaurants to prepare and look at the shooting better than it really is. However, there is another version of the TV presenter's resignation: it was then that Elena Bata began to experience health problems, which could also cause care.

Thus, on October 31, Elena Batuly finally left the project and moved to the new TV show "Flying Drug". This transmission was a kind of copy of the Audioro format. The author's program is also devoted to checks, but already social institutions and focused the attention of the audience in schools and hospitals. In January 2018, the shooting of this show was suspended.

Elena Bat with Thafi Prize

Elena Bataly soon commented on this situation, told fans that the problem lies in her own health. Unstable angina does not give a woman to fly from the city to the city for two or three times a week, and the format of the show demanded from the film crew in a couple of weeks to visit Moscow, then Ekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Magnitogorsk, Sochi or Volgograd and many other cities. The producers of the show promised to come up with a new format for Elena, but the shooting did not continue.

Subsequently, the TV presenter continued to check the quality of goods and services, but at the official level. The journalist entered the Supervisory Board of Roskatkogo from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Verizorro program - Photo,

Meanwhile, the place of Elena in the project "Revizorro" occupied the scandalous actress Nastasya Samburskaya. The new TV presenter received a sharp criticism from Elena volatile. Ex-presenter stated that Nastasya Sambursk and Olga Romanovskaya killed the project. The journalist noted that such an assessment gives not from jealousy, but on the basis of the objective level of the quality of the new season of the show.

According to Elena, Nastasya - by nature Actress, which would be excellent quality in another show, but there is no place in the "audioral" of the situations, but only the truth is needed to the viewers. In addition, Elena accused the shooting group that they continue to work in collusion with restaurants and give a biased assessment of institutions.

Ida Galich

A battle statement is not left unnoticed. Nastasya Samburskaya in a tough form spoke on Elena and the true reason for her project's care.

In the 7th season of the co-host Nastasya, Ida Galich became. In February 2019, both girls left the project.

Best issues

Almost all the issues of "audioral" are accompanied by conflict situations, since the owners of the institutions are reluctant to allow persistent inspectors in the "subsoil" of their possessions. At the same time, such issues are becoming the most rating and memorable, because they have their own highlights and attract attention genuine emotions and even a real danger.

Among all seasons, the reality show is allocated top scandals with Audivorro, which have become the screaming and bright projects in the entire history of the project.

  • 1st place - "Audioralo" in Anapa

Then Lena, the bat and film crew literally beaten in the cafe "Irina", in which the informed manager Yuri Syluev tried to "protect" the institution from checking the inspector with the help of kitchen knives. The "audioralo" scandal in Anapa was over the emergency hospitalization of one of the operator of the film crew, which employees of the cafe "Irina" beat their feet. The channel "Friday" appealed to the Anapian court for punishment of the Souloyev brawl instant. According to the preliminary assessment of experts, the damage to the Audiviorro team amounted to about 500 thousand rubles.

  • 2nd place - "Audioral" in Yaroslavl

The second place in the top of the Verizorro scandals can be given a revision in Yaroslavl, in which Lena of a bat, which is a native native of this city, beaten when attempting to go into one of the expensive restaurants "Vanilla Sky". Then, according to the lead, her and the film crew actually saved the protection of the TV project, since the employees of the restaurant tried to strangle them in place.

  • 3rd place - "Audiory" in Stavropol

The resonant scandal "Verizorro" occurred in Stavropol and became the third largest loud scandal of the TV project. In the restaurant "New Rome", the owner and employees of the institution turned out to be outraged by the behavior and perseverance of Lena volatile, which, despite the protest, intended to get into the "Lock" restaurant. They caused police outfit, as a result of which the next five hours the main restaurant inspector spent at the police station. Then the main requirement for the "audioral" was the destruction of the video with revisions in the "New Rome", which is leading and made, deftly replacing the flash drive with a record for a clean medium of information. This allowed the viewers to see the scandalous release of "Audioralo" in Stavropol.

Along with the scandalous behavior and inadequate actions of owners and staff, the initiator of the casual moments of "Auditorro" has repeatedly performed the TV presenters. The most bright resonant plots can be called a public arson of a broken bed in one of the hostels in Krasnodar and the audit of the cafe in Vladivostok, when a persistent fly tried to break into the kitchen through a bar counter.

The project's creators believe that the main idea of ​​a realistic show is fully achieved, since the audience, and even the staff of Rospotrebnadzor follow the project and, according to the results of the revisions of the People's Inspector, are making appropriate measures to unfair owners in accordance with applicable law.

According to Elena Breaking, employees of restaurants, cafes and hotels adequately react to a sudden visit and, according to the results of the inspection, thanks for certain violations that they themselves did not pay attention.

Thanks to the audioralo and professionalism of TV presenters, the Russians know the true truth about popular establishments, which helps the audience not to become a "victim" of deception or marketing.

New directions

The success of the show gave rise to a number of subsidiaries that repeat the Audioro format, but operate in other directions. Now TV channel "Friday!" I am pleased with the audience checks not only restaurants and hotels, hospitals, schools, parks and other places and institutions fall under the closer look.

In 2017, the audio-show show, in addition to the audio-show talk show, where already proven institutions were discussed, another parallel-developing project was obtained - "Auditorro. Children".

The new subsidiary drew attention to the amusement parks and entertainment centers, playgrounds. Also under the sight of water parks, pools, zoos and other places intended for joint pastime with children. Also, no matter how surprisingly, even ordinary apartments became the object of checking a new show. The TV host of this project was Irina Wow.

Also, in the fall of 2017, another subproject appeared, this time telling the viewers about the problems of Russian medicine: the audioralo show: Healthcare shows issuing-checks on the territory of hospitals, both public and private. The TV host of this project was Oksana Shcherbakov, who is also producer of the program "Audio. Children". At the same time, Elena Banya) was produced by the producer of the project "Audioroo: Health".

In this show, the film crew resorts to the help of medical managers and doctors that conduct part of the inspections. This identifies problems in the methods of treatment, and in the legal support of appeal to the hospital. Another innovation was the checks at the request of the viewers. For example, in 2018, this inspection was the issue of hospital in the city of Berezovsky in the Sverdlovsk region. The show wrote a woman who could not achieve the necessary procedure from the hospital.

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